I just wanted to make a quick reply about high lvl/class stuff.. but it turned into a wall of text

When a high class courtesan have to work with low class customer, she cannot be happy. Thus, you could for example buy a new, better brothel or avoid too high rank and refinement until you will have enough money to do so.
High class customers and working definitely need some tuning.
I had a quite long play few days ago, there were 8 class 6 girls, 2 strippers 2 service girls, 2 guards.
Brothel was the best one, all continues advertisements were enabled, brothel fame 1000/1000.
Yet if there were a short absence of one of the services(strip, guard, service) due to auto rest, no customers came that were "good enough" for the girls so they rejected 100% of them, resulting in the brothel reputation basically going down to 0/1000.
After all services were going again, due to low rep, there were no eligible customers.
The only way to have proper customers were to use celeb advertisement, otherwise you would be stuck at 0 reputation and no customers.
The other annoying thing was that stripper XP does not scale like guard XP does, class 6 girls were getting around 12-15k / day, guards were getting 4-6k, strippers and service girls were getting 200-400.
In general i do not really get why you guys went with the class system as it is now, it is really strange to me and very limiting in terms of gameplay freedom.
For example, Free warrior girl with 1000 disposition, she has no problem going to an XXX class and even gains positive disposition, but if you assign her to be a stripper she gets negative disposition.
Basically you are saying she does not mind getting it on with strangers for the sake of "learning", but finds it immoral to get naked on a stage for the same wage...
I could imagine some paring rejections, for example a warrior is too proud to do service work, but if she is "DTF"

because she likes going to XXX courses, let her do a strip job without losing disposition once in a while.
How about sub classes (main class Adult-> Sub classes->stripper,whore,escort...) where an "Adult" can do all sub classes without penalty, and/or can specialize in one subclass
Or multi classing? at every X levels(10-15?), choose one additional "class" if she is okey with that one.