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fx su[gg]estions
« on: July 07, 2010, 01:51:29 AM »
[Girl Code Column]
It's hard keep in mind 150+ names of girls in 6 brothels, what they do or what they are. Especially when you see just list of names in Transfer Dialog or in the Shop.
Add special columns with only letter tags. it will be usually 3-4 letters.

[Code for Girl] This column help on tabs - Current Brothel, Transfer, Shop
A - Addicted. Will be easier to send this girls on streets for full time.
I - Infected. Will be easier to send this girls on streets for full time.
P - Pregnant or Inseminated
F - Fighter (Combat>80)
M - Mage (Magic >80)
D - Dangerous or Agressive Perks. This girls has F or M potential, but their skills still low.
C - Creature. Non Human girls

[Ocupation Column] This column help on tabs Transfer and Shop.
R - Girl is resting. Matron send her in "Free time" position.
N - Girl doing nothing. When you have 50 girls, and add 2 new girls, sort by this column will be the quickes way to find new girs.
MM - Matron
TT - Torturer
A - Adventurer
F - Free time
P - Practicing
S - Striper
Sc - Security
Ws - Whore on street
Wb, Wc - Whore in Bar, Whore in Casino (suggest to kill this jobs... hooker is everywhere hooker, no matter the place, exept streets...)
W - Whore in brothel

So two columns with tags [AIPD] and [Ws,Ws] means that bitch was born on the streets and will die there... kidding ))
That means she is Dangeruos, but not good fighter, has Addiction, Pregnansy and Infected.
[P,W] Practice at Day, Whore in Night
[F,S] Free time at Day, Stripper at Night

Column with girl exp level [1-20]. When you sort by this, you can send all expiriense girls in brothel with casino, for example. And all low level girls send in 1 brothel or on the streets. Probably better use separate column for this. Very useful for "Transfer Girl" bar.

Additional column with brothel number in "Shoping" dialog.

[Flags] More bold suggestion
Give to player ability to Flag girls in special column.
In girl profile you can click on girl flags (green, red, yellow, blue, as examples) (or triangle, circle, square, star) (or even 1-2-3-4 ))
And this flag will appears in any girl list, in separate column.
Every player could choose for himself what means green flagged girl, and what is red flagged.

[Job Inerface]
Special Jobs - Matron, Street Pimp, Torturer, Beast Cearer, Adventurer
Whore - Street, Brothel, Bar, Casino
Service - Stripper, Masseuse, XXX Entertainer, Security
Rest - Free Time, Practice Skills
This matrix could be done with buttons! Not by list!
The most common actions are "Free Time" and "Whore". Make at least then with buttons!
Special Jobs usually choose once for entire game so it could be left as list.
Whore Jobs... I see only two reasonable jobs - Streets and Whore in Building... Cuz Whore for Bar or for Casino don't have any special characteristic as a whore.
It's just different place and thats it, why use 3 different options for one same thing?
And if you listen first post and add Super-Brothel "Streets", you even can use 1 button "whore" to all 4 places ))

In Dungeon, dialog when you click (Interact With):
(What would you like to do with her?) THIS F*CKING NASTY! Why it should appear EVERY time?
And only after you click to skip it, you get THE SAME question: (Select Choise): Torture, Chat... blah-blah-blah

[Brothel Setup]
Auto Buy for Anti-Preg. Its impossible to uncheck it for one brothel and left for all others. Is it joke? O_O
How I can get 4 brothels with anti-preg and clean girls, and one brothel full of pregnant hookers?
Drugs... It is professional for every hooker.
In brothel setup should be additional bar for Drug Policy Finansing. Yes, player should spend money and resourses to get girls clean.
Add aphrodisiac drugs. It should increase girl libido.
Add drugs that increase endurance, so girls could work for 3-4-6 shifts with no tiredness.
Drug effect should be cumulative. For pros and for cons accordingly.

[Drug Policy]:
1 level - Matron will gave drugs to girls. Acordingly to addiction of every hooker. Player should buy all drugs in shop and give it to matron. With this policy, girl will be taking only drugs she addicted to. Not all of them.
2 level - Neutral. Girls not controlled, Motron don't care about.
3 level - Controllable. Player buy in the shop cures and antidots, and Matron Automatically gave it to girls.
4 level - Forbidden. Player do nothing, Matron sends every addicted girl in dungeon fo further prevention.

This mechanism could be used for curing deseases and for aphrodisiac distribution.
So on level 3, player will buy diseases cures and matron will automatically gave it to infected.

Next to "Use Anti-Preg" check mark in girl profile, add "Use Aphrodisiac" mark and "No Drugs" mark.
In this case, player could exclude some girls from main policy. And half of girls on streets with level 1 drug policy still could be clean, if "no drugs" box is cheked in their profile. And girls with high stable libido wouldn't use aphrodisiacs...

Offline DocClox

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2010, 03:56:01 AM »
Some interesting ideas here.

[Girl Code Column]
[Code for Girl] This column help on tabs - Current Brothel, Transfer, Shop
A - Addicted. Will be easier to send this girls on streets for full time.
I - Infected. Will be easier to send this girls on streets for full time.
P - Pregnant or Inseminated
F - Fighter (Combat>80)
M - Mage (Magic >80)
D - Dangerous or Agressive Perks. This girls has F or M potential, but their skills still low.
C - Creature. Non Human girls
Hmmm.... Nice idea, but proportional fonts are going to mean that the letters don't line up, and that can make it hard to read. I think I'd go for A/I/P in their own column, have another for F/M, one for D and C. Better still would be to use icons, but I'm not sure if the list boxes can handle icon fields yet.

We'd need a key somewhere on screen (either that or get around to a help screen system) so people, newcomers especially, could decode the meaning.

This column help on tabs Transfer and Shop.
R - Girl is resting. Matron send her in "Free time" position.
N - Girl doing nothing. When you have 50 girls, and add 2 new girls, sort by this column will be the quickes way to find new girs.
MM - Matron
TT - Torturer
A - Adventurer
F - Free time
P - Practicing
S - Striper
Sc - Security
Ws - Whore on street
Wb, Wc - Whore in Bar, Whore in Casino (suggest to kill this jobs... hooker is everywhere hooker, no matter the place, exept streets...)
W - Whore in brothel
Less keen on this idea, just because it makes the jobs harder to read, and that's important information. Still, we could condense the job descriptions a bit, certainly

      Column with girl exp level [1-20]. When you sort by this, you can send all expiriense girls in brothel with casino, for example. And all low level girls send in 1 brothel or on the streets. Probably better use separate column for this. Very useful for "Transfer Girl" bar.

Additional column with brothel number in "Shoping" dialog.
Useful suggestions.

        [Flags] More bold suggestion
Give to player ability to Flag girls in special column.
In girl profile you can click on girl flags (green, red, yellow, blue, as examples) (or triangle, circle, square, star) (or even 1-2-3-4 ))
And this flag will appears in any girl list, in separate column.
Every player could choose for himself what means green flagged girl, and what is red flagged.

Yeah. I've often wished we could "star" certain girls. Good suggestion.

          [Job Inerface]
Special Jobs - Matron, Street Pimp, Torturer, Beast Cearer, Adventurer
Whore - Street, Brothel, Bar, Casino
Service - Stripper, Masseuse, XXX Entertainer, Security
Rest - Free Time, Practice Skills
This matrix could be done with buttons! Not by list!
The most common actions are "Free Time" and "Whore". Make at least then with buttons!
Special Jobs usually choose once for entire game so it could be left as list.
Whore Jobs... I see only two reasonable jobs - Streets and Whore in Building... Cuz Whore for Bar or for Casino don't have any special characteristic as a whore.
It's just different place and thats it, why use 3 different options for one same thing?
And if you listen first post and add Super-Brothel "Streets", you even can use 1 button "whore" to all 4 places ))

OK - that's another way to organise the structure. I'm no convinced yet that it's particularly better than organising by location. I might have a play and see what looks best. Rather than buttons, I ws thinking context menus and sub-menus from the girl list. I agree that we want a couple of options at the top level. Free time certainly.

It would be nice to have a "recover" option too where the girl would rest until recovered and then return to her job, like when the matron takes her off duty. And (I suppose) it would be good to have a way to tell that she was really working as a whore and only temporarily off-duty. Food for thought.

In Dungeon, dialog when you click (Interact With):
(What would you like to do with her?) THIS F*CKING NASTY! Why it should appear EVERY time?
And only after you click to skip it, you get THE SAME question: (Select Choise): Torture, Chat... blah-blah-blah
Yes, we could probably stand to lose the message box before the menu. The dungeon gets a bit clicky-clicky anyway, so anything that reduces that is going to help.

              [Brothel Setup]
Auto Buy for Anti-Preg. Its impossible to uncheck it for one brothel and left for all others. Is it joke? O_O
Generally, we prefer the term "bug". Thank you for the report.

                How I can get 4 brothels with anti-preg and clean girls, and one brothel full of pregnant hookers?
Drugs... It is professional for every hooker.
In brothel setup should be additional bar for Drug Policy Finansing. Yes, player should spend money and resourses to get girls clean.

Hang on ...  you WANT one brothel fiull of pregnant addicts? Did I understand you right?

[Drug Policy]:

Useful ideas here but a bit of work involved, at least compared to the purely interface elements. Worth revisiting after I get some of my current todo list cleared though.

Some good ideas there. Can't make any promises as to when, but some of those are definitely going to find their way into the game.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 12:26:23 PM by DocClox »

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2010, 12:20:50 PM »
Speaking of drugs... why even have addictions if they're so easily cured? Sure you can give the girl the drugs to keep her going, but why bother if you can just wait a few weeks for the cure to show up?
Drug addictions as they are now are pretty meh. They're not that bad... (most of them), however without the easily accessible cures though could be potentially the more annoying game play mechanics. So, I don't really know my stance on this... remove them? Make them more of a concern? Potential mini game from it? I don't know... but they're definitely a pretty useless game play mechanic at the moment.
Starter girls image additions progress:
26 girls, 18 to go

Offline DocClox

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2010, 12:30:28 PM »
I think drugs should be some part of the game, whether under the current system or the one proposed here.

One approach might be to drop the red highlight for an addict girl and make it harder to tell if a girl has an addiction. So you'd need to check her personally, maybe talk to her, before you could find out. Add modifiers for a matron or for spying goons, of course.

That way it can still be cured easily enough, but if you're careless drug problems can take over your operation. I could give them some other effects rather than just the plummeting happiness as well. 

Offline killjoy57us

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2010, 03:10:53 PM »
About the drugs;

I think maybe the use should just be more...I dunno...rampant, if you will.

If you take a young girl in, turn her into a prostitute, but she gets a cut of the work (house percentage), I'd say drug use might be a little more prevalent than what we're seeing.

And Doc's idea of making it a lot less obvious seems intuitive; in RL, you almost never know until its too late, right?

I don't want it to get too complicated, but maybe it should be linked to the girl's happiness? A possible example:

She drops below a certain percent happiness
Gets a drug to make her feel better
Happiness spirals out of control
Keeps buying drugs when she has the money
(This has the side effect of preventing her from buying items that would improve her stats, skills or traits.)

I'm going to spend some time screwing with global triggers and girl buy percentages on drugs to see what this might do.

Offline Lorde

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2010, 03:58:52 PM »

I don't want it to get too complicated, but maybe it should be linked to the girl's happiness? A possible example:

Think it already is. When I got raided a girl who was chronically unhappy was busted for drug possession during a raid. She wasn't addicted, yet, but I did treat her to some nice stuff after freeing her from jail. (Think that was the nicest I have ever been in this game.)
Current Girl Work Schedule            
* Revy  (Black Lagoon)
* Stab at The series He is my Master
* Run Elsie Jewelria and Yuuki Rito (To Love Ru)
* Yukari Takeba (Persona 3)
* Work on the Code Geass girls

Offline killjoy57us

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2010, 08:43:55 PM »
Reporting back with some results (and a request for assistance...):

I set the Girl Buy percentages for the drugs (viras blood, fairy dust and shroud mushrooms) to 5%. I did not alter "bad for girl" percentages. At first, I used a matron so I could get through things quickly without killing girls. When things were a little more stable, I ran through with all girls (no matron) hooking for the first shift only, as free girls with a cut of their money. Only a few got addicted like this. Then I ran accomodations for all girls down to very poor. By now levels were coming up too, but only a couple more addicts. So I shipped the non-addict girls off to the dungeon, branded them, tortured them and put them back in service. By Month 8, 1213, 8 girls were addicted and 7 girls were still clean.

Lorde is definitely right about happiness; however, I might say even at 5% its a little slow to be any real problem for the player, but I'll leave that to dev team and the community.

As for the request, I either need to add a trait with a script (I understand that's being worked on?) or script an item to appear in a girl's inventory and force her to equip it (I don't know if that's in the cards.) Basically, I'd like a way to script something that would normally have been in the girlsx files or handled by other game mechanics, so I can write a global trigger around it. I'll repost this in requests at some point, and I'm sure its coming eventually anyway.


Offline fraxtion

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2010, 01:47:30 AM »
Hang on ...  you WANT one brothel fiull of pregnant addicts? Did I understand you right?
Yes. And with low "viral cure" policy from matron. Lets call it - "streets" or "road hookers".

Check real life drug model more carefully:
Type 1 - Few types. Cause strong physical addiction. Uses to control people.
Type 2 - Lots of. Cause very light physical, but strong psychological addiction. Used as doping. 
Type 3 - Majority. Aren't forbidden, and used as overdose of medicine. Used to get some life bonuses.

Lets overlay IRL model on game needs:
Type 1.
Will be used by player on Rebel girls and Free girls to physically control them. Player is Main Lifelong Drug Dialer to them. Should be done couple times in dungeon. It's not brainwashing oil, and thir rebel parameter left same.
They won't escape. Even if they are, they'll come back to Player in 1-2 tirns. Every new time with lover rebel index and higher obedience.
Very high skill and endurance bonuses. Customers very happy. Dangerous life "-". Expensive.
Host life is short.
Drug absence in matrona/girl inventory cause high life/skills damage and death. 
Cure is very expensive and has 50% chance of fail.

Type 2.
High skill and endurance bonuses. No life "-". Expensive. Customers very happy.
Drug absence in matrona/girl inventory cause deep depression. It's not "0" happiness when girl could run away. It's just depression, girl will stay in brothel and customer happiness became low.
Add "Depression" in traits list. (Can't refuse customers, get -50% of payment, don't get tips +50% chanse of beating by customers.)
But it shouldn't be girl trait. It's girl condition, and every her parameter should be changed.

Type 3.
All oils, scrolls, potions that increase some skills temporally should be in this category. 
Absence of this drugs doing nothing.
"Addiction" to this "drugs" will just helps automatically use them to every girl. 

Forget about period of latent (hidden?) usage of drugs. It works only with moms-teenagers. It never works with employer and especially with slaver.
Human trafficing exp shows, that all modern slaves became drug addict by force. From pimps or from trianers.

Offline DocClox

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2010, 04:10:34 AM »
Check real life drug model more carefully:
Type 1 - Few types. Cause strong physical addiction. Uses to control people.
Type 2 - Lots of. Cause very light physical, but strong psychological addiction. Used as doping.
Type 3 - Majority. Aren't forbidden, and used as overdose of medicine. Used to get some life bonuses.

Hmmm, OK. I've occasionally thought it would be nice to use addiction as a means of control. I'd need to think about how best to implement it though. I expect it'll be the cause of some controversy on the forums though.

  Type 2.
High skill and endurance bonuses. No life "-". Expensive. Customers very happy.
Drug absence in matrona/girl inventory cause deep depression. It's not "0" happiness when girl could run away. It's just depression, girl will stay in brothel and customer happiness became low.
Add "Depression" in traits list. (Can't refuse customers, get -50% of payment, don't get tips +50% chanse of beating by customers.)
But it shouldn't be girl trait. It's girl condition, and every her parameter should be changed.
Well, the addiction traits are just flags. The game uses traits to track things like this. I suppose we could hide them in these casesm but then how does the player find out why his girl is depressed, all of a sudden. Of course, if the way to cure a girl is to fund the brothel's drug control policy then maybe it doesn't matter ... but I think I'd like more control than that.

    Forget about period of latent (hidden?) usage of drugs. It works only with moms-teenagers. It never works with employer and especially with slaver.
Human trafficing exp shows, that all modern slaves became drug addict by force. From pimps or from trianers.

I'll take your word for it, concerning modern human trafficing.  Still, this has to be a game first and a sim second. That means that fun is more important than mirroring real life practices.  I'm considering hiding addiction becuase it encourages the player to interact with girls that he might not talk to ordinarily, and gives him something new to do in the conversation trees.

In effect, the player will always know - but only if he's paying attention. If he necglects the girls in one brothel because he's developing another one, then he may be in for a surprise when he looks in on his girls again.

If don't involve the player in the process somehow, then he just sets a slider, and then it becomes little more than another tax

Offline fraxtion

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2010, 06:27:08 PM »
If don't involve the player in the process somehow, then he just sets a slider, and then it becomes little more than another tax
In this case, STRONGLY balance girl quantity. (Like first 5 additional rooms - 5000. Second 5 add rooms - 10000, third 5 adding - 15000) Cuz I usually get 60 girls per brothel ~360 girls summary. And micro-managment became hell in this case. 

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2010, 01:10:26 AM »
Yeah, it's a problem. With any sim you hit the point where the number of assets needing management exceeds the capacity of the management tools. The trick is to proivde good tools.

But there's a pitfall there, too. If the tools are too good then the game can play itself, and the player doesn't feel involved.

I suppose one thing to do would be to unlock in house drug clinics once the player's operation gets to a certain size. That way you have to watch the girls when the empire is small, but when it gets too big, you can start automating things.

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2010, 05:55:39 AM »
that could work you could make it so that you have to have a certain number in that house for it to work
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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2010, 07:58:27 AM »
Personally, I don't like micromanaging. This whole drug and weapon, etc. thing reminds me of the Total War series games. At first you manage every single town, command every battle, pay attention to all warning messages... lots of fun. Then your empire grows up and you start hitting 'auto' hundreds of times...

(That's the point when I thought "Rule the world? What for? Hours of tedious micromanaging is the reward for conquering every single nation? Was that the dream of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, etc? I don't think so.")

Anyway, there's people who love it. A friend of mine is a micromanaging junkie. Civilization, Anno 1602... that sort of thing.

What would I do? Let's think about matron: she's a tool for players who want to leave a brothels girls alone for some weeks. So, maybe micromanager type gamer wouldn't probably use matrons. The problem is not that the tools make the game play itself. Put the tools in, let the player decide. I think matron, street pimp and even drug dealer could be interesting activities (tools) for both micromanager and the 'less caring' type players.

Offline DocClox

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2010, 08:13:05 AM »
Let's think about matron: she's a tool for players who want to leave a brothels girls alone for some weeks. So, maybe micromanager type gamer wouldn't probably use matrons. The problem is not that the tools make the game play itself. Put the tools in, let the player decide. I think matron, street pimp and even drug dealer could be interesting activities (tools) for both micromanager and the 'less caring' type players.

I'm not saying to leave them out. Just that they need to be used with care. The case I always think of here is Master of Orion III, which had a massively complex interface, and excellent AI. So much so that you could let the game run on auto and it would play by itself with no player intervention. I find that demotivating, personally. I want to think that I make a difference.

On the other hand, everyone's micromanagement threshold is different. One man's challenge is another man's tedious slog. I want to cater to both types.

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Re: fx su[gg]estions
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2010, 08:27:38 AM »
my "solution" was to let the game mature as it does (micro to... well little-to-none managing), but give the player something to do in between turns

namely, in the form of scripts
when the .lua thing is done, people will(?) be able to just add their own scripts, right?
so, add scripts with choices and different/random conditions that affect the outcome
also add player-initiated scripts, like gang/player missions that are very risky, but can potentially be very rewarding
with some decent ideas and writing, these could be quite interesting

I was thinking if you could add a screen/panel that would automatically show the scripts in a folder in the installation, so you could just add new scripts
don't know if it can be done, though
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 08:35:12 AM by fixet »