
Are there any unique girls you want to see in this fic?

Ayanami Rei
15 (33.3%)
12 (26.7%)
Danes C. Asrael
3 (6.7%)
Panty and/or Stocking
13 (28.9%)
A different girl (Put in comments)
2 (4.4%)

Total Members Voted: 30

Author Topic: CrossGate Story!  (Read 28562 times)

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Offline FlamBurger

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2013, 01:32:14 PM »
Wow I guess people want to see the wonder angels in this story. :D

That would be interesting to see.
The whole region of Crossgate will be my playground....
Our playground....
The whole freaking world guys....
Crossgate Chronicles?? Yup it's that bad....
I'll still chug on! Plus, The Crazy Team is really doing a good job on this game.
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Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2013, 12:16:56 AM »
Wow I guess people want to see the wonder angels in this story. :D

That would be interesting to see.

Yep.  Trying to figure out how this whole next chapter is going to work.  I'm having difficulty getting into the voices of uniques.  But it shall be done!
My MEGA folder can be found at:  https://mega.co.nz/#F!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80

Offline Talix

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2013, 03:11:14 AM »

Well i must state, that after reading this story. I'm impressed so far with how it is developing

Best of luck with your work, Looking forward to seeing how Aliusha fairs in rebuilding an empire  ;D

Offline FlamBurger

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2013, 11:13:14 AM »
Speaking of which....HEY! CBH did you get into a slump?
The whole region of Crossgate will be my playground....
Our playground....
The whole freaking world guys....
Crossgate Chronicles?? Yup it's that bad....
I'll still chug on! Plus, The Crazy Team is really doing a good job on this game.
https://mega.nz/#F!A55jWSpT!P-1Lw1-kNxiBfelAH24Kvg My Packs

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2013, 01:36:15 PM »
Sorry, R565, I kind of have.  I've been working on a Fallout:  New Vegas/Highschool of the Dead crossover fic, getting a new job, and volunteering at a local food bank lately, so I have been really busy.  I haven't forgotten this fic, though, and once I head back to school in a few weeks, I'll have more time to write!
My MEGA folder can be found at:  https://mega.co.nz/#F!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80

Offline FlamBurger

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #50 on: July 31, 2013, 01:18:15 PM »
I understand man RL gets in the way. The same happened to me, Trying to get a new job, getting my stuff together, and not to mention getting out of this hump slump.
The whole region of Crossgate will be my playground....
Our playground....
The whole freaking world guys....
Crossgate Chronicles?? Yup it's that bad....
I'll still chug on! Plus, The Crazy Team is really doing a good job on this game.
https://mega.nz/#F!A55jWSpT!P-1Lw1-kNxiBfelAH24Kvg My Packs

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #51 on: October 24, 2013, 09:32:34 PM »
                 I awoke the next morning to Kristin’s knocking.  Sliding out from between my sheets, I stumbled across to floor to my heap of clothing.  Pulling my boots on, I unlocked the door and stumbled out into the hallway.
 I caught up with Kristin as she replaced a broom in a closet.  “Good morning Kristin; have Desiree and Franz returned yet?” 
She turned back to me, closing the closet door.  “Yes, they’re downstairs with Caitriona, eating breakfast.  Riga is still asleep.  I knocked on her door, but she’s still snoring away.”
 I chuckled, amused at the comatose barbarian, before walking downstairs, tailed by Kristin.  I wandered through the lobby, nodding in appreciation to Kristin – she’s already swept the room clean, and polished the hastily repaired counter.  In the kitchen, I found Franz ladling porridge into a bowl, showing no signs of his late night.  At the table in the center of the room, a much disheveled Desiree is sitting rather tenderly, despite looking exhausted enough to drop dead at any moment.  Caitriona sits beside her, and seems to be waving a hand around certain parts of her body – presumably the healing she had promised last night.  Desiree no longer appears to be wearing the cheap lingerie I’d provided her with last night, though it’s difficult to tell underneath the blanket she has wrapped around herself. 
Caitriona looked up as I entered the room, and stopped moving her hand.  “She has minor cuts and bruises all over, and had some vaginal tearing, which I healed.  Sir.”  I frowned at her disrespectful tone and contemptuous way she pronounced the last word.  She met my eyes for a long moment, before eventually blinking.  “Also, she’ll probably need anti-pregnancy potions.”  She paused, and seemed to collect herself.  “As will I; pregnancy on either of our parts will reduce our efficiency.”
I nodded my agreement “I’ll go shopping after breakfast.” 
                As I sat down at the table with my bowl, Franz clapped me on the back.  “I’m clocking out; I need some sleep.  I’ll wake Riga up on my way up, and send her on down for the day.  By your leave, sir.”
“Wake her up, and tell her that she has five minutes for breakfast.” 
Franz left, looking forward to his bed, and Caitriona followed him, supporting Desiree, who limped with every step.  A few minutes later, Caitriona returned, followed by a yawning Riga.
“Well, look who’s finally awake!”  I loudly crowed as the freshly woken blonde glared across the kitchen at me.  I met her hostile sneer with a wide grin, as I took another bite of oatmeal.  Giving the glare up as a bad job, Riga collapsed in the chair across the table from me, prompting loud shrieks from the distressed wooden supports.  Kristin scooted a full bowl in front of the appreciative barbarian, before retreating back to the counter, though not fast enough to dodge Riga’s heavy smack to her backside.  Blushing furiously, Kristin scuttled behind the counter and busied herself with washing out the pot, Riga laughing at her all the while.
Shaking my head at Riga’s foolishness, I turned back to Caitriona, who was leaning against the wall behind the chair vacated by Franz.  “Caitriona, I take it you know how you’ll be spending today?” 
Unenthusiastically, she nodded.  “Out on the streets, nearly naked, rubbing up against greasy bastards for coin, got it.  By the by, the money Desiree got last night is sitting on the table in the foyer.” 
I nodded my thanks to her.  “What are you planning on wearing?  The same lingerie as I gave Desiree last night?”
She snorted.  “Hardly:  She’s going to have to wash those before tonight.  I’m going to leave my leggings and underwear behind; the singlet will cover enough to hint at something interesting, while leaving enough exposed to tantalize.”
I looked askance at her; that was going to be my suggestion.  “Have you been involved in this sector before?”
She rolled her eyes at the apparent stupidity of my question.  “No, you men are just incredibly easy to manipulate.  It’s shameful, really.”
“Fair point.  Anyway, as soon as Riga’s done, the two of you can go.  Take ten gold with you – that’ll buy a dose of potion for today from the apothecary down the street.  While you’re there, tell him that I’ll be coming by later.”  I hesitated for a second.  “Also, thank you for healing Desiree, and for not resisting more.  I’d hate to have to hurt either of you more than necessary.”
She glared at me, and hissed.  “Remember what I said in the cage; I will serve you, but I don’t like it, and I don’t like you.  Touch me without cause or consent, and I’ll tear your fingers off, barbarian bitch or not!”  The pale tint of her skin turned ruddy as she blushed with anger, before stomping off upstairs, presumably to strip down.
I looked over at Riga, who has finished her oatmeal.  “Will you be able to handle her?”
She belched, than sighed with satisfaction.  “Yup, she won’t get away.  Elves are tough, but I’m stronger.”  A lecherous gleam fills her eyes “Hey, can I get a free go or two on her?  Or, is there an employee discount?”
“Eh, so long as you don’t distract her from paying customers for too long, enjoy yourself.”  I said in a disinterested tone, feeling like I’d just set a child loose in a candy shop.
About an hour after Caitriona and Riga had left, the later looming over the former like a bear over a caribou, I gently closed the front door behind me as I stepped out into the street.  Franz was still asleep, so I’d be alone on this trip.  Fortunately, I wasn’t going far.  My father had an alliance with several of the gangs and minor crime families in the area, and I wanted to renew those relationships, starting with a small group of thugs who hung out in a pub a few doors down. 
The pub was small and grimy, with a number of stained wooden tables scattered about the dimly lit room.  The electric lights overhead stuttered, planting the seed of a headache deep in my brain as erratic shadows danced across the floor.  Closing the door behind me, I wandered over to the table furthest from the entrance.  Six men, all around my age, lounged around the door, each with a drink in hand and at least one visible knife in their belt. 
One of the men looked up, as he heard my footsteps.  “Hey, Aliusha, long time no see!  Pull up a chair!” 
I collapsed into the offered seat, leaning over and shaking his hand as I sat.  “Hey Julius, you’re looking good!  Business going well?”
A dangerous smile danced across Julius’s lips.  He and his little gang were muggers and small-time thieves, one of many similar bands who infest Crossgate.  I knew him from past dealings – Julius always knew a man who knew a man who could get you what you needed, for a modest price.  He was a good drinking buddy, too.
“Business is going fine, plenty of country bumpkins wandering around.  Heard about your dad – it’s a pity, the old bastard was a good businessman.”  Julius flicked a finger at the bartender, who brought another round of shots of rotgut to the thugs.  He tossed a pair of small coins at the man, and slammed his drink down. 
“Yeah, but that’s how life goes.  Anyway, I’d like to hire your gang for a while, if you’re interested in making some money.”  I held up a bag, which contained most of the money Desiree had made the night before.  “And it’s good work, too!  You’ll have fun with it, I can guarantee this!”
One of the other gang members spoke up.  “Huh, what do you want, and why should we do it and not just take your money?”  Julius shut him up with a scowl and a fist to the side.  “Ignore him, he’s both new and stupid.” 
“Well, this might become a reoccurring job.  Basically, I’m running a string of girls out of my father’s old brothel.  But, there’s a fair amount of competition in the area.  I want you to take care of that.  Do whatever you need, but I want the only girls working this block to be my whores.  If you can keep all other prostitutes out of the area, you’ll get 40 gold a week.  I’ll give you a bonus of 10 gold for each pimp you kill in the process.  And, if you can convince any shop owners in the area to start paying tribute to me, I’ll give you another 60 gold per week.”  I explained.
“Sounds like a good deal!” Julius smiled.  “First week’s pay in advance?”
“Nope!  But, I will stand you two rounds of drinks.”  I shot back.  “So, will you take it?”
“Yeah, we’ll head out tonight.  By the way, what do your girls look like, and what are your rates?”
I briefly gave a description of Desiree and Caitriona, warned the thugs away from Riga, and gave the bartender a few gold coins on the way out. 
The noonday sun beat down on the cramped street, raising the scent of offal and all other kinds of rot into the sky.  As I walked back to the brothel, I made a short stop at the apothecary and bought several doses of anti-pregnancy potion.
I spent the rest of the day making small repairs throughout the brothel, mostly painting over the newly repaired walls and hauling away leftover junk.  I joined Kristin, Franz, and Desiree for lunch, and sparred with Franz for practice.  Desiree seemed to have returned to full physical health, though the red rims around her eyes indicated a continued dissatisfaction with her lot.  After lunch, Kristin helped me decorate the foyer, artfully hiding new construction behind quick-dry plaster and fresh paint.  She took a short trip out into the city, and returned with a new carpet, a ledger, and a small bag of pens.  Around five in the afternoon, Caitriona and Riga finally returned.
“Welcome home!”
My MEGA folder can be found at:  https://mega.co.nz/#F!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80

Offline Packster

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #52 on: October 31, 2013, 12:39:10 PM »
hooray!!! you updated! Really glad that your still working on this, cant wait for more, heh.

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #53 on: October 31, 2013, 03:16:35 PM »
hooray!!! you updated! Really glad that your still working on this, cant wait for more, heh.

Glad you like it!  I'm considering writing another chapter soon, but I need to find someone willing to beta-read it first.
My MEGA folder can be found at:  https://mega.co.nz/#F!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80