Author Topic: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something  (Read 24397 times)

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Offline Starry

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 03:22:57 PM »
*shrug* it's certainly damaged my ability to actually WANT a real relationship, but the parts of it I read (short attention span, yeah) kind of exemplify why I avoid real porn

Offline Katz

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2010, 05:09:11 PM »
Another 'post hoc ergo proper hoc' informally fallacious dribble. I read halfway, then stopped due to being absolutely disgusted at what some of those 'researchers' do to fit confirmation bias.

Seriously, the scientific method is a lot more violated in that article than any porn actress on the net ever was.

There are a lot more underlying factors that lead to today's mainstream perception of sexual relations, and one that are more firmly based in reality than some confirmation bias rant. Namely, increase in GDP@PPP per capita. That alone is responsible for the fact that the western world's population is a lot less likely to go out and find someone to have meaningful relationships with.

Any mention of that in the article? No, porn is the devil and must be banished.

Also, let's not forget the 'child molesters watch porn herpderp' argument. How very quaint, someone should inform miss Dines that slippery slope arguments are STILL very much informal fallacies, and would be best left out of any scientific research.

Perhaps miss Dinas Should Marry Mr. Thompson. I am fairly certain that I heard THAT before, when video games were turning children into killers. They should get along just fine.


Also, for the geeks out there, here's two blog posts that make reasonably more sense. (Skip the WoW references if you don't understand them.)

Also, a proper article. With proof and all that. And I couldn't detect any fault in it, at least from the form of the discourse. It may still be invalidated, but that is up to everyone to decide.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2010, 05:30:35 PM by Katz »

Offline TF

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2010, 10:50:44 PM »
I was particularly fond of the bit comparing porn to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, as though people view porn the same way they do shows that give news and political commentary.

Also, I can't say I have a whole lot of sympathy for the "they didn't know what they were getting into" argument. Aside from being forced or actively conned into doing something, simply not looking into a job deep enough to know what's going to be demanded of you is your own damn fault.

Offline GmanPrime

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2010, 12:44:43 AM »



I read the article, seems ok though I really hate the "the idiots are ruining everything" viewpoint, because of course we are to assume the author himself is not such a creature and its just the faceless masses that are.  Just strikes me as elitist and overly cynical personally.  As far as the sexism thing goes, the main thing that caught my eye was his comment about despising those who consider women sexual objects and "...that includes those people who dress up like sexual objects in public places...".  Seeing as this would include women as well, I have a question for anyone out there who wants to answer.
Do women who dress in a revealing matter deserve some sexual objectification?  In other words, are women who show a lot of skin basically asking to be looked at for their bodies, rather then who they are?
Here is another quote from a guest commenter:
"...And this is where this feminist takes issue with you. In the right context, choosing to be a sexual object can be a lot of fun-- and there's nothing wrong with that. Being used -as- a sexual object, on the other hand, is not. What I mean by this, is that there is a significant difference between consciously choosing to present in a way that's sexually provocative in your culture, and having women's bodies used as a means to an end by others. It comes down to personal agency."

Perhaps I should define what objectification means and which is right and wrong.  Based on the commenter's quote, it is sexual use, that is to say a man for example who sleeps with a woman simply for her body and afterwards walks away, that is the true evil.  It is ok, as long as the woman initiates it (double standard?), for her to "look" like a sexual object, but not "be" one.  Objectification itself as implied is being treated sexually, whether visually or otherwise, as the most important part of that person.  My definition is similar, but I wish to refine what is right and wrong with my own view, but before I get into that I would like to explain my question a bit.
The reason I ask the question is because I've always been curious if others who hold to equality viewpoints and who would typically be against sexual objectification would oppose or support women who basically objectify, at least visually, themselves.  Of course, the objectifing oneself part is debatable, as in some cases like hot weather men and women both will wear clothing that shows the body for simple heat relief.  I have also been told by one woman that wore a simple tank top that she considered it comfortable, and didn't see in sexual terms. On the other hand, some women clearly wear things that expose a lot of cleavage and other skin in environments where it is not neccessary, such as an air-conditioned office workplace, and it is difficult to argue that such clothing is simply "comfortable".
Personally I have always had a problem with the idea that men should not look at women sexually first even if they themselves are portraying themselves that way.  My view is that women who dress themselves in a provocative way shouldn't be surprised if they are looked at for their bodies rather then their minds, nor should those around them condemn the men who do look in this matter as "shallow", when the women are themselves dressing and portraying themselves as "shallow". 
This is not to say that such women cannot be valued for something other then their bodies, I have met women who dressed in such a manner but I came to like their personality or beliefs in addition to their body.  What I am arguing against is the idea that somehow all sexual objectification is bad.  If a man comes on or comments on (in a reserved way) a woman who dresses provactively, this is not wrong, even if she doesn't neccessarily approve.  He is responding to what is essentially an advertisement.  HOWEVER, if he continues to harrass her after she has made clear that she doesn't desire his attention, then he crosses into sleazebag territory, with his actions essentially criminal in nature.
In the end, as the commenter said, it depends on personal agency.  A woman should be able to freely dress as she likes, without legal or social sanctions, like being called a whore or being stoned to death (*cough* religious law *cough*).  On the other hand, a man should be able to look at and even express his desire, again in a way that tries to avoid being intimidating or callous, without sanction.  The woman in question is free to reject any advances he makes, and cry harrassment if he continues coming on to her or making comments, but he should be able to look as he likes and that should not be considered "rude".

Offline ShiningRadiance

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2010, 02:31:58 AM »
I find it interesting how all you men tend to spend so much time typing up such a long response that'll probably ultimately end up going completely off-topic, given the nature of practically every thread on this site.

Though, that may not be fair. I'm guilty of the same thing. Yet we all, at one point, say "It's the internet. Why are you arguing on the internet?"

On topic:

Yup. I love me some rape. I'm definitely a monster who rapes men and women left and right every day. I'm not some kind of shutaway that masturbates practically every day because I don't want to get a date. Every single person that has sexual urges loves them some rape, too. And since everyone has sexual urges and feels the effects of lust, that means everyone wants to rape. And since there's no difference between wanting to/fantasizing/playing a game that simulates it and actually doing so, that means everyone rapes everyone else. And you know what else? Looking at porn definitely makes you rape people. Always. No matter what-- ignore the fact that the majority of people who masturbate to this stuff are probably virgins who live in their parents' basements who write 2-hour responses to things that don't matter and love fritos, tab, and mountain dew. Ignore reality for a moment. Everyone wants to rape everyone else. We should all sue each other for sexual harassment.

Now if we only had...

Ah. Here he is.

Sexual harassment~ Paaaanda~!
Please treat me well even though I don't deserve it.

Offline fixet

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2010, 05:58:56 AM »
what I find surprising is that you actually stopped and decided this should be given importance, which would be considered the equivalent of the denial you'd expect from a kid who just got caught with his hands in the cookie pot

*search Sonali Kolhatkar
>war on terror, women's rights in afghanistan
well, alrig-

*search Gail Dines
>radical feminist, anal sex, feminist views on pornography, anti-pornography movement, facial (sex act), heterosexism, adventures in pornland, "penn, porn and me"
right, I have a problem with porn

Offline Abtakha

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2010, 12:24:17 PM »
Dunno what its like in the rest of the world, but living in south-central Alaska I have this to say.

The women I see walking around downtown in a miniskirt and tank-top, when there's 3 feet of snow in December... they are asking to be looked at as sexual objects. ::)
There will be exceptions to everything I say, without exception

Offline LordJerle

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2010, 03:52:27 PM »
For the record, I like my boobs as large as possible.  But I make my girls in AG3 clumsy and nearsighted so I can take em from behind when they trip and fall, so I guess that makes me a rapist.  LOL...

« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 07:21:06 PM by LordJerle »

Offline ShiningRadiance

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2010, 07:19:23 PM »
Dunno what its like in the rest of the world, but living in south-central Alaska I have this to say.

The women I see walking around downtown in a miniskirt and tank-top, when there's 3 feet of snow in December... they are asking to be looked at as sexual objects. ::)

Their nipples can cut DIAMONDS.
Please treat me well even though I don't deserve it.

Offline Katz

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2010, 12:15:15 AM »
what I find surprising is that you actually stopped and decided this should be given importance, which would be considered the equivalent of the denial you'd expect from a kid who just got caught with his hands in the cookie pot

*search Sonali Kolhatkar
>war on terror, women's rights in afghanistan
well, alrig-

*search Gail Dines
>radical feminist, anal sex, feminist views on pornography, anti-pornography movement, facial (sex act), heterosexism, adventures in pornland, "penn, porn and me"
right, I have a problem with porn

Sorry, I just can't help it when someone's wrong on the internet.

Seriously now, it's only my opinion. I have one too, but I'm not sanctimonious enough to write a book about it then preach it's the absolute truth.

*shrug. It's a forum, we discuss stuff.

Offline Amoeba

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2010, 12:42:31 AM »

Though, that may not be fair. I'm guilty of the same thing. Yet we all, at one point, say "It's the internet. Why are you arguing on the internet?"

I've always been found of the witticism "Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Nobody needs your god-damned approval to find it rewarding" I for one love to argue.

...Which means this thread really annoys me. By all means, I should be able to put forth some sort of argument with somebody, but GmanPrime pretty much said everything I might want to on the subject.

Well, accept for keeping in mind the idea that someone might dress a certain way without thinking about how it's provocative, which varies from culture to culture, and instead do it because they like the way it looks. This isn't a perfect example, but my step-sister went to an anime convention last year wearing a gothic lolita dress. She was rather shocked and disgusted to find out that a short petite pale blonde girl in that outfit was fetish fuel for some of the guys there. But then, this is a pretty poor example given that she's thirteen and selectively mute. Noone should've been hitting on her in the first place.

Offline fixet

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2010, 06:36:46 AM »
no, I'm all for discussion and arguing on the internet, I just don't see why this particular article is even given a second glance

I mean, it's pretty obvious porn has affected/influenced this gail dines' life far more than anyone's here

Offline Abtakha

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2010, 11:40:27 AM »
Because people like to mock stupid people, hypocrites and politicians. ;)
There will be exceptions to everything I say, without exception

Offline elementalforce

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Re: Apparently we're close to rapists... or something
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2010, 06:35:13 PM »
I find one of the first lines very intereresting. Porn doesn't look the same as it has been 10 years ago. My question would be in what world does he live in. Nothing looks like 10 years ago (Maybe the fashion^^). TV doesn't look the same, games don't look the same even books are different. Why should porn be the acception?