Author Topic: Gallery of WTF  (Read 44958 times)

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Offline ForgottenReaver7

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Re: Gallery of WTF
« Reply #105 on: November 10, 2010, 11:24:28 AM »
Reading the responses. On the whole, I'm quite glad I decided not to watch the video clip :)
This is something you've got to see.  :D
Somethings cannot be unseen. ???
...That is very true XD
Saddest thing is that it is not the weirdest thing I have seen in my life
??? Okay, either you are a LIAR, or you have been unfortunate enough to have experienced something on the WTF scale that I cannot even fathom.
Please, I am begging you, what could POSSIBLY be weirder than that? If it exists, I want to know about it XD
It's not really that bad...
Really? Honestly, I still haven't fully recovered. Perhaps my mind is just not equipped properly to handle such vigorous mental rape.
Don't get me wrong, it definitely causes the needle on the wtf meter to break through it's protective glass enclosure and  hang, cartoon style, from a "boinging" spring.
Yeah, got that right XD
But there is just so much WTF packed in there that you eventually get numb to it. By the time the Doctor tried to remove a tiny mutant Man-Leach from a pigtailed schoolgirl by attacking it's self esteem, I had long since stopped caring.
Oh, well unfortunately for me, I experienced the pure unbridled insanity without any sort of progressive numbing. Which is a shame, really-- Because it feels like someone unceremoniously skull fucked me with a chainsaw and then came on my face in a vile spewage of gore, leaving me for dead in a pool of viscera. That is honestly the best way I could express it. Funny how the video wasn't violent at all though. Just... FUCKING INSANE.

Though this video does raise some alarming questions. How does something like this even get planed? I'd assume even describing the scenes in this vid to someone would raise a few eyebrows at best. At worst, it would be a conversation that started with "Hey guys! Here is a cool idea for a movie!" and ended with Ambulance sirens, the signing of paperwork and a new rubber padded room for the speaker so he can't be harmful to himself or others.

But this video was obviously made, so that raises another question. Are there more of them? I'd venture a guess that yes there are. Something like tennis racket whacking pissing dick nipple streams doesn't get suggested on the first day. Probably not the first month either.  Least not in a group setting. (A lone artist, sure. All he has to answer to is his PVC models of naked anime girls.) Especially not from Japan where embarrassment is akin to death. So I submit that these started off much tamer and progressively reached "Jerk off tiny mutant Man-Leach till he cums out his name stamp so you know what to call him" at a much later date.

Which of course leads to a startling realization. There are going to be more of these (if they do not exist already) and they are going to be much much worse. This is assuming of course the "progressive insanity" scenario.

Alternately, It could just be from massive amounts of hallucinogens and a cheap video camera lying around. That would definitely explain all the vacant starring in the video.

Yeah, Funky Forest is a rather odd movie. Frankly, I thought some of the other storylines were weirder though. Or at least, the weirdness they had felt less forced.
All I know is that it's from a movie, it's Japanese, it's WTF inducing, and there are manyy other clips on youtube. I did NOT want to watch any of them though... I don't think I could handle it just yet. Maybe later.
I have to say though, I'm having a lot of fun making my friends watch this and taping their reactions. :D
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Offline ForgottenReaver7

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Re: Gallery of WTF
« Reply #106 on: November 10, 2010, 11:48:52 AM »
All right, got another one here... Some of you may have seen it before.,66a5a1ae4c37e68803e9/BME-Pain-Olympics-Final-Round.html
That's right. BME Pain Olympics: Final Round.  8)
It's basically some freakish dudes HORRIBLY mutilating their own genitals in absolutely gruesome ways. It is rumored to be a hoax, but I dunno. Either way, it looks sickeningly real.
So if you do not want to see someone cut their wang off with a meat cleaver, blow it up with a firecracker, and virtually everything else you could think of but would never want to-- then DO NOT watch this. I'm just letting you know it exists. So don't say I didn't warn you. Because I did. Okay? I'm warning you right now. 'Cuz I don't want to get banned or anything >.<
But if you want to witness a whole different kind of WTF, then go ahead.  ;D
It's actually not that bad if you're used to gore. I actually find it amusing-- But most of my friends couldn't watch the whole thing and/or threw up XD
Though it is annoying to watch since it's a sausagefest.
It just boggles my mind though. I mean, how much does your life have to suck for you to even CONSIDER mutilating your genitals and castrating yourself?  ???
Must not have gotten laid much.

EDIT: All right, so I had some pity on you poor souls and replaced the link with one only a minute and a half long. It's still intense though, just easier to handle since it's in a smaller dose... Or something.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 11:52:06 AM by ForgottenReaver7 »

Offline Samu

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Re: Gallery of WTF
« Reply #107 on: November 10, 2010, 11:56:11 AM »
okay, you can count me on those who closed the video halfway... I couldnt endure even 10 secondes watching these fuckers...

Offline DocClox

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Re: Gallery of WTF
« Reply #108 on: November 10, 2010, 12:23:16 PM »
This is something you've got to see.  :D

That's a risk I'm willing to take :)

Because it feels like someone unceremoniously skull fucked me with a chainsaw and then came on my face in a vile spewage of gore, leaving me for dead in a pool of viscera.

That's why I'm willing to take the risk :)

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Re: Gallery of WTF
« Reply #109 on: November 10, 2010, 08:47:30 PM »
Can't really remember the worst thing I have seen as it is blocked of from my memory, what I do remember is wanting to cut out my eyes. Also that first video of your top 3 yes but not the most disturbing thing.
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Offline LordJerle

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Re: Gallery of WTF
« Reply #110 on: November 15, 2010, 03:56:12 AM »
Was perusing my pics on my pc for stuff to stick in the hot babes thread and came across this (Also, Necno, can you possibly increase the max attachment size by like 256k?  I got some good stuff it won't let me upload)

Anyway... MMMM!  BEEF PIE!