Pink Petal Games

Game Discussion => General Discussion & Download => Topic started by: mcromance on May 31, 2011, 09:41:37 AM

Title: problem with r612
Post by: mcromance on May 31, 2011, 09:41:37 AM
basically when i start a new game and progress there comes a point at around the second to third year of the game, the game freezes and no matter wat i try i cant solve it
Title: Re: problem with r612
Post by: fires_flair on May 31, 2011, 04:51:03 PM
did you start a new save file or use an old save file?  If you used a save from a previous version, that's probably what's causing the issue. other then that no clue. game log would probably help those with the know-how to figure it out.
Title: Re: problem with r612
Post by: mcromance on May 31, 2011, 06:50:30 PM
no i started a new file, basically everytime i start a game (it happens on both old and new file) after 2 or 3 years pass in the game, and when i click NEXT WEEK then i get the error that wm has stopped working. it might be scripting error because i doubt creator has thought that someone would be playing ingame for 2 or 3 years
Title: Re: problem with r612
Post by: crazy on May 31, 2011, 11:53:24 PM
Not a script error I have a save that is around 10 years in so that's not it.. But I have no ideal what your problem is sorry.
Title: Re: problem with r612
Post by: mcromance on June 01, 2011, 09:50:23 AM
could it be that my computer cant take it, but if that were the case than shouldnt my comp start to lag

Title: Re: problem with r612
Post by: Mak on June 01, 2011, 09:22:58 PM
Is it the torturer crash? I played for a long time without having it happen, then one day it just started on me. If unfamiliar with it, when the matron tries to take the torturer off shift to rest it crashes the game. I heal the torturer or take her off myself to solve it. That's the only crash issue I've had (that I didn't cause myself.) If that's not the issue, try taking matrons off duty before hitting next week to see if it's a similar issue.
Title: Re: problem with r612
Post by: mcromance on June 03, 2011, 03:36:17 AM
thanks its was the torturer and matron, you have been a real help :))
Title: Re: problem with r612
Post by: Jaxter on July 11, 2011, 03:09:35 AM
There are also some issues with what seems to be random name generation, and generating a unique girl from the catacombs once that has been emptied.
Usually, going a week with everyone set to "slack" mode seem to avoid that week perpetually crashing.
Title: Re: problem with r612
Post by: Xela on July 11, 2011, 09:51:17 PM
Best way to solve "Next Week" crashing problems is to check game log. Last girl mentioned there should be the problem.