
Author Topic: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing  (Read 142240 times)

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Offline DocClox

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #135 on: January 08, 2014, 03:08:52 PM »
Quick update: I'm still working on the game :)

Things slowed down with my getting a job, and I've also let myself get sidetracked a little writing the auction code for Pytherworld. (I needed a break from writing tests).

But I'm not giving up just yet ;)

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #136 on: January 08, 2014, 09:46:09 PM »
More power to you, DocClox!  While your endeavors are far beyond me, I'm cheering for you!  Take my moral support!  Take it, I say, like a gentleman!

Seriously though, I couldn't hold myself to such a large project. Kudos on what you've done so far.
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline DocClox

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #137 on: January 10, 2014, 01:32:02 PM »
Thank you. Kind thoughts and encouragement are always welcome; doubly so after a week like this.

I think I might say "to hell with unit tests" and try and get the simulation linked up with the screens this weekend. If I can do that, we'll be very close to having a game. (I know - I keep saying that :) )

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #138 on: January 10, 2014, 04:06:29 PM »
Huzzah!  Do as you see best, you probably know better then us feeble mortals.

My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline Ctwo

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #139 on: January 13, 2014, 12:22:27 AM »
hi rudi, glad you liked it:)

I left things intentionally a little vague in the into. in the next scene there's going to be some "immigration papers"to fill out that'll give the player a chance to choose some background details. Those would include city of origin (so players don't have to come from Crossgate)  gender and whether they want to be free or a trusted slave. So I've been trying not to say anything that would contradict any of those.

I like the reason why there's  no support from central HQ. I was going to have Crossgate cut off by a unusual dimensional rift activity, but an ambiguous underling seizing control might work better. Of course, the details will depend somewhat on background.

of course, the more options there are the more writing I have to xiii for each scene, so all the above may be subject to change :)

Glad to see you working on a WM project again Doc. If I might make a few suggestions: don't have the protagonist in this game be the same as the protagonist in the WM game. It would probably work better to say your one of his lieutenants and asking for help will put you further into debt with them. If your going to give a variety of background choices one could be that you are the boss which will result in you receiving a starting package of goodies (+cash, +experienced girls, +ruffians) and several problems (formal rivals attempting to ruin you here, mayor already hostile to you because he knows about you controlling crossgate, constant police inspections, and more expensive for you to buy new girls because everybody knows your reputation of being wealthy, assassination attempts).

Offline DocClox

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #140 on: January 14, 2014, 04:50:56 PM »
Huzzah!  Do as you see best, you probably know better then us feeble mortals.

Now don't go swelling my head. I'm bad enough at the best of times ;)

Glad to see you working on a WM project again Doc.

It's good to be back. I should have looked at python years ago.

If I might make a few suggestions: don't have the protagonist in this game be the same as the protagonist in the WM game. It would probably work better to say your one of his lieutenants and asking for help will put you further into debt with them.

I want to leave the identity of the PC a little vague, if I can. I'd like to leave room for the player to play as the WM protagonist if they wish, or decide to be someone else entirely. I'm also thinking of allowing male and female PCs, and maybe allowing the player to play as a trusted slave sent to arrange affairs for her master. Something along the lines of an immigration procedure perhaps to let the player decide.

If your going to give a variety of background choices one could be that you are the boss which will result in you receiving a starting package of goodies (+cash, +experienced girls, +ruffians) and several problems (formal rivals attempting to ruin you here, mayor already hostile to you because he knows about you controlling crossgate, constant police inspections, and more expensive for you to buy new girls because everybody knows your reputation of being wealthy, assassination attempts).

Everyone is going to start off with the basics. I have some ideas about why the PC can't just send back to Crossgate for funds and/or reinforcements, and rudi had a few others I might look at using. I do have some trade-offs in mind, though :)

One thing I do want to do is play down the rivals aspect a little. There will be other gangs, and they'll need to be dealt with, certainly. But I have a different main story arc in mind.  I don't want to talk too much about the details yet, but I expect there'll be plenty of things to occupy a whoremaster's mind in Abby's Crossing :)

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #141 on: January 14, 2014, 05:01:12 PM »
Oh, DocClox, you tease!
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline DocClox

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #142 on: January 16, 2014, 02:20:36 PM »
Oh, DocClox, you tease!


Work's been using up most of my energy this week, so still not a lot to report. I have made some progess with unit tests and so forth, but who wants to look at them? :)

Those tests have got me thinking about the girlsx/rgirlsx format, though. I'd like to make a few tweaks :)

  • Firstly, I'd like to unify the formats so both files work the same way with a random true or false flag to distinguish generics from uniques. Lots of advantages here from making it easier to code and maintain, to representing the same data the same way in all the filesI
  • Secondly, I'd like all the stats to work the same way: ie 0-100 with 0 being worst and 100 being best. Currently happiness breaks the rule going from -100 to 100, as does tiredness where 100 is worst and 0 best.
  • Thirdly, I'd like to move from XML to YAML. YAML is easier to read, easier to write and easier to parse. I'll give you an example. This is XML:
Code: [Select]
                name = "Flossie"
                desc = "Comes from a little town you probably never even heard of"
                looks = "100"
                skill = "20"
                <Trait name = "gorgeous"/>
                <Trait name = "dumb" />
  • Same thing in YAML
Code: [Select]
name : Flossie
desc : Comes from a little town you probably never even heard of
looks: 100
skill: 20
        - gorgeous
        - dumb
  • I'll provice a tool to convert existing xml to yaml, and also to handle converting the stats to the new system.
  • Template files provide some defaults that can be used or overridden. Some fine control of how stats work is going into the templates too. So modders can have a finer level of control, or just use the defaults and not have to worry about it.
I'll talk more about my ideas for the stat system later.

Offline Ctwo

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #143 on: January 16, 2014, 04:02:43 PM »
So the opposite of tiredness would This is a new game based on WM, it certainly doesn't have to work the same. I'd like to suggest that you give bonuses and penalties for happiness and energy to work done. For most tasks give a 5% bonus for having over 90 in either stat. Give a -10% penalty for under 50% in either stat. The penalty rises to -25% as you approach 30 or less in each with a refuse to work at zero.

It might be nice to put in a few special activities in town. Say if you get in good with the government faction you can pay for one of your girls to visit their exclusive club for a day of pampering (big energy bonus, mild happiness bonus, and a slight bump to a random stat like reputation, charisma or beauty). Maybe the scientist have a private amusement park (big happiness bonus, small energy bonus, slight loyalty or love boost). Each factions private play area should be unique. Visits to each would be accessible after you've done work for each faction. Each visit would take a girl off work for an entire day and have a cost so the benefits should be worth it (like the major benefit be a long term boost that wears off after a few days).

Offline DocClox

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #144 on: January 16, 2014, 06:04:23 PM »
So the opposite of tiredness would

I had been thinking "endurance", but "energy" might work better :)

I'd like to suggest that you give bonuses and penalties for happiness and energy to work done. For most tasks give a 5% bonus for having over 90 in either stat. Give a -10% penalty for under 50% in either stat. The penalty rises to -25% as you approach 30 or less in each with a refuse to work at zero.

You're way ahead of me.  The plan is to make customer supply strongly depend on the brothel's reputation, and to make the rep depend on keeping the customers happy. At the lower levels at least, a girl who is pretty, healthy, happy and energetic is going to get very few complaints regardless of her actual skill. So looking after your girls is going to be key to building the reputation you need to get established. On the other hand, a girl who is sick, unhappy and exhausted is going to have a hard time pleasing the marks even if she has decent skills.

So the player will have an incentive to treat his girls well :)

It might be nice to put in a few special activities in town. Say if you get in good with the government faction you can pay for one of your girls to visit their exclusive club for a day of pampering (big energy bonus, mild happiness bonus, and a slight bump to a random stat like reputation, charisma or beauty).

I have some thoughts along those lines. There's a banker who before he'll advance any serious money, he'll want to sample the merchandise first. And if it's not up to standard, you'll need to come back when it is. And there's going to be a few discoverable locations, some with events attached, some just merchants. Then there are going to special commissions - parties that need party girls of various qualities ... or that's the plan, anyway. I have a rough outline of the events system working, so the big problem remaining is tying the triggers in to the timeline. That and writing all the events of course :)

Maybe the scientist have a private amusement park (big happiness bonus, small energy bonus, slight loyalty or love boost). Each factions private play area should be unique. Visits to each would be accessible after you've done work for each faction. Each visit would take a girl off work for an entire day and have a cost so the benefits should be worth it (like the major benefit be a long term boost that wears off after a few days).

There's going to be a lot of scientists. They may have one formal lab, but in practice it's more like a museum than a laboratory. The real action happens in dozens of little labs and artificer shops scattered across the Air Quarter. But there you'll find roboticists, plastic surgeons, resurrectionists, vivisectionists, mind controllers and plain old perverts. All of them with some sort of deal they can make with the player :)

Offline Armegetton

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #145 on: January 29, 2014, 07:50:42 PM »
Good evening, gentlemen.

Sir, might I ask. Whether this project is openly testable by the public? I read through the entire post a saw a couple links to older things (off topic: the UI skin is amazing), but I didn't see any 'current' links.

I double-checked to make sure, but I also didn't see another thread for releases or updates (for WM: Abby's Crossing).

I apologize if I'm in error and this is still in a theory crafting phase.

In other news, it snowed for two days straight in middle georgia!? (this simply doesn't occur)  :o

This could be the end ...

Offline DocClox

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #146 on: January 30, 2014, 09:19:04 AM »
Good evening, gentlemen.

And a good evening to you, sir.

Sir, might I ask. Whether this project is openly testable by the public? I read through the entire post a saw a couple links to older things (off topic: the UI skin is amazing), but I didn't see any 'current' links.

Your enquiry is most welcome. Regrettably, there is as yet no testable demo beyond those older links you have already discovered. Development has slowed somewhat, partly due to my now having a paying job, and partly to being too tired to think straight when I get home in the evening.

However, development is proceding, albeit at a much slower pace. I have been doing some very exciting things regarding unit testng, data models and templating (assuming you are of the sort to get excited about such things, that is) and I'm rather looking forward to demonstrating how it all works. Sadly however nothing recently produced has much in the way of visual appeal. Hence the reason why this thread has been so uncharacteristicly quiet.

I'll also plead guilty to doing a little moonlighting with rudistoned's Pytherworld project. Alas, Pytherworld seems to be floundering a little during rudi's continuing absence, so I really do have no excuses not to do some more work for WMAC.

I apologize if I'm in error and this is still in a theory crafting phase.

No need to apologise; the pace just slowed right down.

Oh, and I'm glad you like the UI. Making the widgets is by far the most enjoyable part of the project :)

Offline DocClox

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #147 on: February 27, 2014, 03:29:48 PM »
Just a quick update - although non-update would probably be closer.

Been busy with work, and playing games rather than trying to make them in the evenings. I'm still not giving up on this, but things have been slow. Still, forcing ,myself to work has always been a path to burnout in the past, while the games that get finished seem to be the ones where their creators can set them aside and return to them.

Besides which, right now I can't even compose a three paragraph post to PPG without having to do it in instalments. In the mean time, no news is good news, right? :)

Offline Goryokaku

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #148 on: May 29, 2014, 04:32:39 PM »
I'm glad your keeping us informed Doc, keeping an eye on this thread, was wondering if you planned to let us roll a character and actually assign ourselves jobs as well.  E.G. Security and such.  Always thought the game missed some aspect of needing to stand in your self to do some work whilst intially opening and setting up a new brothel.
"Murder? He was going to die anyway I just helped him reach it, a few years earlier then expected."

Offline DocClox

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Re: WhoreMaster: Abby's Crossing
« Reply #149 on: November 20, 2014, 05:29:45 PM »
Just checking in. Work wiped me out for a bit there, and it's taken me a while to get back in the mood for some Python

I'm going to see if I can remember what I was up to on this thing. Maybe trim back to my initial goal of re-implementing the initial WM mechanics.