Author Topic: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now  (Read 1245771 times)

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Offline HuiBui

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1650 on: March 31, 2017, 01:59:18 AM »
A short question about the latest commands like...

-  - AdjustTargetGirlSkillR (*skill*) (*min*) (*max*) (*temp*)

Using it with the script editor , the last part of the command is given by the choice true or false.
Does true mean the skill would be only temp?

Offline Sharkster

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1651 on: June 04, 2017, 02:03:17 PM »
would like to know if it is possible to increase the size of the texts in the game. I play it on PC, Laptop and TV and on my TV its really difficult to read because of the distance. On Laptop it is ok but could be a little bit bigger.
Is increasing the size a big problem/effort?

Offline Anonemuss

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1652 on: June 20, 2017, 07:57:45 AM »
A short question about the latest commands like...

-  - AdjustTargetGirlSkillR (*skill*) (*min*) (*max*) (*temp*)

Using it with the script editor , the last part of the command is given by the choice true or false.
Does true mean the skill would be only temp?
If I recall, certain items give temporary skill boosts, so I'd assume "(*temp*)" is for that kind of mechanic. I'm almost certain "temp" should stand for "temporary", so yes, I think setting "temp" to true would make the scripted adjustment to a girl's skill temporary.

Offline zer0sh0t

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1653 on: August 20, 2017, 01:48:27 AM »
"Mind Fucked," at least, can be gotten with sufficient Torture - normally it's only a Temporary version, but if you adjust one of the settings in the Configuration it's supposed to make Traits received from Torture permanent.

Does anyone know how this is done? I would like "Mind Fucked" as well as "Broken Will" to be permanent from torture and not temporary.

Offline HuiBui

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1654 on: August 20, 2017, 02:33:19 AM »

Does anyone know how this is done? I would like "Mind Fucked" as well as "Broken Will" to be permanent from torture and not temporary.

Just open the WM Editor. Open the Tab "Game settings" on the left side you will find Torture Mod.

Set the value to -1

Save these gamesettings and use these config.

Offline Sharkster

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1655 on: September 05, 2017, 08:12:06 AM »
Hello to everyone,

after playing whoremaster for a long time and getting into little modifications for myself i wanted to ask if there is a way to revive a girl and if there is a trait like "undead" or something similar.
Would be great if someone can answer this and even better if this exists^^

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1656 on: September 05, 2017, 10:12:27 AM »
after playing whoremaster for a long time and getting into little modifications for myself i wanted to ask if there is a way to revive a girl and if there is a trait like "undead" or something similar.
Yes to both.  The 'Better Zed Than Dead' item, IIRC, and I think one of the reset items will revive a recently-dead girl.

Offline Sharkster

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1657 on: September 08, 2017, 06:43:25 AM »
Thx for the help dmotrl, i will look in them this weekend

Offline DarkArk

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1658 on: September 13, 2017, 03:03:26 PM »
Aevo seems busy. That's fine, his life. But I was wondering if anyone knows how to add images, I had put a list out in one of the threads. Or does anyone know how to point me in the direction of doing it myself? I've been working on a group of packs for like 5 years now, and I'd like to actually finish them.

Offline Anonemuss

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1659 on: November 16, 2017, 08:30:47 PM »
There's something I was wondering; Is it possible to implement something like a "set bonus" trait?

Let me explain:
I love trying to "collect" all the girls from a series. It makes things feel more together in the game, like there's some kind of continuity. However, aside from the portraits and sometimes a comment or two in the girls' descriptions, there's nothing to make you feel like you "caught 'em all".

I can't think of anything that would be easy to implement, and this is really just me musing about it, but I figured I might as well throw the idea out there in case someone gets inspired by it...

Offline aevojoey

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« Reply #1660 on: November 27, 2017, 12:14:36 AM »
The Main thread is here -

You must start a new game when moving to .06
* If you find a bug, please report it on the bug thread - Crazy and PP's mod bug thread
* For discussion of the game, use Crazy's original thread - Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod
* For Items discussion or to submit your own Items - ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
* For Suggestions or Requests for new content (Not Girls) - Possible Add-Ons to the Game?

* Warnings For Version .06.03.00

Version: .06.03.00 -!hVwRjLAB!-9X8t4IZIj_6kxDNYh0LpQXWIjNyi3v98maKJwcdYKU
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.03.00 -
Fixed a few typeos
Updated SO and FOE
- Added adjustments for banned sex types
Fixed the main menu
- If there were no save games and the load button was turned off, you could still get to the load screen by pressing L.
- Fixed it so autosave.gam by itself does not activate the load game button.
Added g_BoysNameList to allow for male naming in the future
Fixed a bug where the game would try running the job for runaways
Removers a few "\t"s that render as squares in a few places

Added new commands to scripts:
- "Script_EndIfNew",        added to fix a problem in the old script editor not shifting lines to the right for the newer If statements
- "Script_IfGirlStatus",
- "Script_SetGirlStatus",
- "Script_EndPregnancy",
- "Script_CreatePregnancy"

Started remaking the loading screen.

Version: .06.03.01 -!5EhQgBRT!-MLftKbaGKuPLxAdXEBFiPlvZAmGLCwWc3bj8_dIrFk
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.03.01 -
Updated J_1024x768 interface
- Found and fixed a couple of bugs
Added m_interest_rate (not used yet)
Added several image types for DarkArk
Started rewriting Objectives (not active yet)

Version: .06.03.02 -!YIgXSKZQ!EAEa_iArauhUJ8ngbHr8pQmvJW7zQcFK1c21HJL3cAU
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.03.02 -
Updated settings.xml in J_1024x768 interface
Updated loading screen more
- Fixed a bug in new game if starting a new game after quitting out of old game. (loading not setting to true on new game)
- changed the load list from if statements to a switch set
- split the loading info files into traits, items and names
Removed legacy file types: .traits, .items
Removed legacy interface files: GetString.txt, InterfaceColors.txt, LoadMenu.txt and ScreenMode.txt
Changes by grishnak:
- changed girl in dungeon image from profile to jail
- Changed torturer in dungeon image from profile to dom
- IMGTYPE_ESCORT,      // clothed with a client, should replace formal in escort job, because i used formal as clothed single profile
- IMGTYPE_SPORT,      // for the free time job, doing sports
- IMGTYPE_STUDY,      // reading a book or looking clever
- IMGTYPE_TEACHER,      // dressed or acting as a teacher
- Added in 2 new traits: Clipped Tendons and No Tongue

Started updating transfer screen
- moved the transfer screen to its own file
- (It took a while to work out all the bugs so I didn't update anything yet, just transfered it. Updates will have to wait for the next version.)

Version: .06.03.03 -!hRo3jI4b!nZcXzALRmlarv2Sb6UwxIj-FsE3pxIt8iZq0QR_jvpU
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.03.03 -
Fixed a couple of bugs in gallery
Found and fixed a bug in the studio if the interface does not have day job column
Cleaned and updated the transfer code a bit
- When you go to the transfer screen, it now starts the left column where you came from.
- number keys 1-7 switch between the brothels (have not gotten the other buildings yet, not sure if I will/can)

Version: .06.03.04 -!UUQ31I6D!18N7zD_xWcOvRuS-bzYrLM-v6tcurrpoYurn-pPby8U
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.03.04 -
Cleaned and updated the transfer code a bit more
- Added columns to transfer screen
- When you go to the transfer screen, it now starts the selected girl in the left list who you came from.
- Added keepjob to addgirl() so transferring to the same building will keep their job
- Fixed transfer screen in J_1920x1080 interface
Added in some more updates by grishnak
- check items equipped and adjust profile pictures
- changed image type used in some jobs
Fixed a couple of typeos
Corrected the GetString.xml and getInput.xml in J_1024x768 to make the text above the box so length of the text will not matter.
Fixed a bug in scripts and added some missing lookup/names

Version: .06.03.05 -!JRQC1BxJ!9dgVWQLkjyqcUspPqwW9Zjs42JOcycl78gfPKVWq7lc
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.03.05 -
Changed all c*Screen.cpp/h files to cScreen*.cpp/h to put the in line with the other cScreen*.cpp/h files

Updated all 3 interface that come with the game
- rewrote the get_id() function to allow up to 5 choices for interface items to allow for old interfaces
- Checked interface files and tried to make all tags the same across various files.

shortened text output for unused preg types
Updated is_pregnant output for list boxes
Added SexAverage, NonSexAverage and SkillAverage as options for list boxes

Renamed 4 image filetypes for * correction
- "birthmultiplehuman*." to "birthmultiplehuman*."
- "pregbirthmultiplehuman*." to "pregbirthmultiplehuman*."
- "rapebeast*." to "beastrape*."
- "pregrapebeast*." to "pregbeastrape*."
- - beastrape* will be found in beast*, that is more apt than beastrape being found in rape
- - les picks up les69ing and sex picks up sexdoggy which should be fine

Version: .06.03.06 -!JIZh0LLI!SV7AHox0Ew73Uc_JiLsv_AY9MolYF_8_MvCIiewxnCM
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.03.06 -
Updated .scriptx read/write code
Fixed a few typeos
Cleaned some code

Version: .06.03.07 -!wJxCxSCB!RaRelCNt3ODj96OXr6VpaW4UBj398YEsc2ANFxz464E
WME.8.32 included
* Changes made for .06.03.07 -
Fixed a few typeos
Cleaned some code
Added buy more interactions buttons to the house details screen

« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 02:54:34 PM by aevojoey »
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
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Offline Dalock

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1661 on: November 27, 2017, 07:55:52 AM »
Thanks for your hard work :)

Offline harold

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1662 on: December 15, 2017, 03:46:16 AM »
The new transfer fields are great!  Thanks for continuing to work on this game. :)

Offline Atllus

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1663 on: December 18, 2017, 08:03:08 PM »
Recently got into the game and it's great, wish i had played it long ago.

Now some issues i need help. I want to edit the H text describing how your girl acted in the week while no being a whore, such as when a strip club waitress offered her service to casual customers.
Tried looking in the script files and the .mo .po files but could not find  ii. Where is that text to modify? (hope it's not in the .exe)

Another issue is the font size of text. For what i could gather, there was a mod to alter the interface, but the only link i found was dead

And last, this one i feel like can't be made. Is there a way to create a new command to script editor?, like adding "titty maid" category.

Hope don't have to wait a long time for a reply.

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Combining the big mods aka crazy's mod .06 is out now
« Reply #1664 on: December 18, 2017, 09:54:53 PM »
Now some issues i need help. I want to edit the H text describing how your girl acted in the week while no being a whore, such as when a strip club waitress offered her service to casual customers.
Tried looking in the script files and the .mo .po files but could not find  ii. Where is that text to modify? (hope it's not in the .exe)
The text is in the exe.
If you are technically inclined, you can look at the source code in the work*.cpp files and see what the existing text looks like.
If you upload any text, I will do my best to get it into the game.

Another issue is the font size of text. For what i could gather, there was a mod to alter the interface, but the only link i found was dead
To change the font sizes, look in the ./Resources/Interface/J_#x# folder and exit the xml files.
I am currently working on them so if there is anything you want adjusted, let me know.

And last, this one i feel like can't be made. Is there a way to create a new command to script editor?, like adding "titty maid" category.
I'm not sure what exactly you mean, more detail will help.
Fixing the game is a better game than actually playing it.
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