
Author Topic: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate  (Read 24794 times)

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A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« on: November 24, 2012, 03:36:16 PM »
I don't know how much the background for Crossgate and the wider world of Mundiga has been discussed or developed, but I am one of those people who insist on making up stories to explain virtually everything.  As such, while a game primarily concerned with sex and exploitation might not require a detailed background, it's going to get one anyway, despite its protests.

(Note:  I got the basic idea for this from Jim Butcher's excellent Codex Alera series.  I would highly recommend it as reading material.)

Mundiga, as both the central continent and the world itself are called, is the forth planet from its star, a star that is similar to but larger than our own Sol. 

Mundiga has a total of three continents, with the central continent of Mundiga hugging the equatorial regions, with the northern parts of the continent barely reaching the equivalent latitude of the Tropic of Cancer, while the southern coast reaches past the latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn equivilent, tapering down into a long peninsula, not dissimilar to the Horn of South America, culminating in one of the coldest parts of Mundiga, La Tierra De La Fuega, named for the volcanic activity and the magma plumes that periodically blast and scorch the land. 

The second largest continent, Puerto, is located in a position analogous to Greenland, with roughly the same size and iciness as the island itself.  North and easterly to the central continent, the majority of Puerto is entombed under vast glaciers, with only a thin fringe of coast available for habitation.  The inhabitants of Puerto are primarily fishermen, striving to eck out enough food to allow for survival during the winter season, with perhaps enough of a surplus to trade in exchange for steel tools, weapons, and other necessary technology.

The smallest of the three continents is referred to as either Vilnis or as Aenstan.  As the inhabitants of Mundiga, by far the most populous of the continents, call it Vilnis, it shall henceforth in this discussion be called Vilnis.  Southeast of Puerto, and due west of Mundiga, Vilnis is less a continent than a collection of archipelagos, of which there are six, all located in a relatively small portion of the sea.  The six archipelagos circle a shallow inland sea, and are surrounded by deep undersea trenches.  Vilnis is home to a large number of warring tribes of various species, with a few tribes of degenerate elfin-kind warring with a large assortment of humans and humanoids, along with subhuman things, vast sea monsters, and raiding incursions from the land-based nations of Mundiga.  Currently, no one faction controls the Vilnis archipelagos, but the elves have established absolute dominance over one archipelago, with multiple enclaves on two others.  The humans, spread out over three different archipelagos, are currently on the run, but have thus far managed a very successful series of guerrilla actions against both the subhuman beastmen and the elfinkin.  The beastmen are present on all archipelagos except for the archipelago of Utrecht, over which the elves hold sway.  The maraudering sea monsters make travel between the archipelagos a risky business, though they tend to avoid the shallow, intra-archipelago waters.  The nations of Mundiga rely upon Vilnis for a wide assortment of raw materials and some crude products.  To establish control over those resources, and to prevent a neighboring nation from establishing hegemony over those same resources, the governments and mercantile guilds encourage and sponsor the warring tribes, providing weaponry, transport, and information, in exchange for raw material and slaves.

Mundiga was once the domain of three empires, known as Medius, Kam-Chou, and Friedwulfa, which engaged in a series of protracted military actions and outright wars until all three were exhausted to the point of collapse.  Once the three old empires collapsed, a legion of autonomous and semi-autonomous principalities, bishoprics, kingdoms, city-states, republics, tyrannies, petty empires, and other small nations spawned from the rotting carcasses of the old orders.  After a long period of anarchy and inter-state warring, a new series of nations congealed out of the wreckage.  Forming either seventeen or eighteen states, depending on the current political state of the nation of Bituous, which is undergoing a war of succession with the sub-region of High Clystra, the nations encompass all of Central, West, North and North-East Mundiga, while South-East and South Mundiga remain in the grasp of constant war, barbarism, and in the case of the far-southerly Tierra de Fuega, the inhabitence of Grendalkin, an absolutely savage species that desire nothing save destruction and pain. 

The World of Mundiga occupies a perhaps unique place in the wider universe, as well as the Multiverse as a whole.  The planet of Mundiga sits in what the Magi and Wizards have labeled a "Thinny", a place where the fabric of the universe, and all other universes, is thin.  In a thinny, the seals that separate the universes from one another, the different threads of the age-tapestry of the Multiverse, are worn thin, allowing for cracks to form and items, organisms, and lands to pass from one universe to another.  This Thinny characteristic of Mundiga explains the great diversity of its inhabitants, as well as the rather peculiar fossil record.  According to the spells performed by the Magi over fossils recovered in the shales north of the City-State of Crossgate, all sentient life on Crossgate began almost four-thousand years ago, when the first cities were built, but there is no archeological evidence of any species bridge between the unsentient life that existed prior to the establishment of the First City.  As such, it is theorized that the first inhabitants of Mundiga were brought to the land in the same way that so many others sense have, via the dimensional portals that are the result of the Mundiga Thinny.

The very first group of people brought to the World of Mundiga were actually the inhabitants of Puerto, who are characterized by pale skin, thin faces, and either light brown, red, or blonde hair.  While not much is known about the history of the Puertese, it is known that they have descended from a group of servants of some empire who worshipped a "Queen" who was possibly divine or semi-divine in nature, as she was accorded religious and political power.  The Puertese refer to themselves, not as Puertese, but as Territes.  They speak a tongue that shares some words in common with the tongue of Crossgate, indicating a possible common origin. 

The Puertese, as we shall call them, arrived approximatly 4000 years ago on the shores of frozen Puerto from wherever they had once lived, and promptly lost half their number to starvation and the low temperatures of the windswept northern continent.  After much labor, a crude collection of barrack-like structures and storage areas were erected out of quarried stone, as well as a meeting hall that occupied the center of the settlement.  A few hundred years later, after a few more arrivals increased the population and diversified the genetic stock, the Puertese abandoned the First City, presumably in the aftermath of a major outbreak of disease, and scattered into a large number of widely separated settlements, each of which were independent fiefdoms.  They created numerous alliances, based on the practice of trading brides to other settlements to reduce inbreeding, and warred and raided each other.  Eventually, approximently one and a half millenia after their arrival in Mundiga, they were united under Clan Chief Fritzjames the Third of the Four-Mast Settlement, who established the inter-clan High Moot that assembles biannually.  The present structure survived the next two and a half thousand years, and has betrayed no signs of change.

The next group to arrive in Crossgate arrived roughly five centuries after the arrival of the Puertese, and occupied the area around the Incognitimaris, the semi-landlocked sea that borders the Southwestern coast of Mundiga.  On the shore of the Incognitimaris, they established the city called "Crucis Portus", named for the greater than usual Thinny activity in the area, responsible for depositing the city's inhabitants into Mundiga.  We possess a fair amount of information about the builders of Crossgate due to a log kept by the leader of the newly deposited people, who was named Captain Scipius Macer Casca.  Captain Casca's log informs us that his people were once a legion of a mighty empire who, shortly after establishing a camp near the town of "Pompeii", were suddenly transported to Mundiga, along with their camp followers.  They eventually settled, established Crossgate, and began a century-long campaign of exploration and conquest across the Western coast of Mudiga.  Along their way, they fought and exterminated a tribe of blue-skinned humanoid savages known as the "Nahvee", two different groups of elves, whom they played off one another, known as the "Ceelee" and the "Ughnceelee", before finally halting after a long war of attrition with another group of humanoids, known as "The Children of the Sun".  Each time they conquered a tribe, they attempted to make slaves of the captives, with varying success.  The Nahvee slaves, for example, proved near impossible to control, which led to their subsequent extermination, and the extinction of the Nahvee on Mundiga.  The Elvenkin and Children slaves, on the other hand, became quite pliable after suitable training.  This processing of war prizes created the seed from which the slave trade economic empire that Crossgate is the center of would eventually grow. 

A century later, the first Grendalkin war began, when a major incursion of Grendalkin (or, Grendalim as the Central Mundigan Peoples call them) came from the south.  Taken completely unaware, the majority of the South-Southwestern holdings of the "Romansh", as the inhabitants of Crossgate called themselves, were lost.  Eventually, after seven years of heavy contest over the lands to the southeast of Crossgate, the Grendalkin were halted, and turned back to their southern fastness, but the land was left ravaged for years to come.

Roughly fifty years after the first Grendalkin incursion, and two centuries after the Romansh under the self-styled High Consul Scipius Casca arrived on Mundiga, the line of House  Casca was extinguished after a coup led by Commander Pentus Aquilinus, who controlled Legios II and VI, as well as the Crossgate citizens militia and City Guard.  The new High Consul and his line adopted an expansionist policy, similar to the policies of the Cascas during the first century AE (Anno Exsilium).  This renewal of interest in conquest and colonization marks the end of a period of decay that began with the Pyrrhic conquest of the Children of the Sun, and as such, High Consul Aquilinus first turned his attentions to the restoration of hegemony over the western coastal regions of Mundiga, rebuilding the cities and towns that had been abandoned during the Grendalkin incursion.  Upon restoring the Northern Territories (recall, Crucis Portus was built on the Southwestern coast), the Romansh turned their eyes to the East, wishing to strengthen their hold over the Southwestern regions, which, since the incursion now seventy years previous, had been a sea of barbarianism.  Under the eyes of Secondus Aquilinus Supremus, the newly enthroned High Consul, the Legio IV and Legios Servoi V and VIII marched.  There, the professional soldiers of Crucis Portus and the slave soldiers alike distinguished themselves, and won much glory for their city and nation.  Over the next 35 years, each wave of conquest was followed by 2-5 years of construction, as new colonies were erected, and new cities rose in the new lands.

While the Romansh civilization flourished in Southwestern and Western Mundiga, while the Puertites still inhabited First City on the frozen coast, and while the Grendalkin fought pitched intertribal wars in the Tierra De La Fuega, a new group of successful arrivals was deposited in the shallow inner sea of Vilnis.  By linguistic and cultural evidence, as well as a few examples of shared histories imported from their old worlds, the new arrivals may have come from the same world as the Puertese, or at least a very similar one.  However, if this theory is correct, than the possibility exists that either the Puertese or the new arrivals, who dubbed themselves "Eldridgans", after the ship that carried them to their new world, also traveled through time as well as through space.  If so, than the power of the wormholes is much greater than we have hithero believed.  But, I digress.  The Eldrigans, who arrived in Mundiga during the year 237 AE, were the crew of a warship of great technology, with a steel hull and engines that burnt a kind of distilled oil, called "deeceall".  This initial group of settlers was both extraordinarily lucky and unlucky in their  composition and existing structure:  Coming with a strong, mobile fortress and an existent social structure helped the early settlement of the Philidelphian archipelago (the most eastern of the six archipelagos) immensely, as the group managed to avoid the pitfall of anarchy that was the doom of many groups of arrivals.  Unfortunately, the fact that the crew of the warship was entirely male presented a significant problem, as did the lack of stores on board (the ship had only been on a short voyage before its sudden transport, meaning that supplies of food, water, ammunition, medicine, and fuel were low).  The crew settled in a sheltered port, named Port Deliverance by the captain of the ship, and built a collection of wooden barracks surrounded by a palisade, as well as a crude dock for their warship. 

For the next three years, the crew explored the Philidelphian archipelago, and, after discovering that the soil was hardy enough for agriculture, began planting seeds and growing food, while also using some of the native timber to construct coracles, which, along with the life-boats of the Eldridge, allowed them to fish in the shallow enclosed sea to the west.  Along with fertile soil, the Eldridgans discovered two springs on their archipelago, which ensured their survival.  The only real threats that the Eldridgans had at this point was disease, or possible civil unrest, beside the ticking time-bomb of having no females with which to create a viable population. 

Midway through 241 AE, a Romansh fishing boat, blown badly off-course, landed on the eastern-most atoll of the Philidelphian archipelago, where they were discovered by a pair of Philidelphian fishermen.  Fortunately, neither group decided to attack, as the Romansh fishermen were far too weary after battling the sea for a month, and the Philidelphians were far too relieved to discover that they were not alone on the planet.  The Romansh fishermen were brought to Port Deliverance, where they must have been impressed at the gradually decaying but still majestic Eldridge, which by this time was permanently docked.  While the language barrier proved to be a major problem in these initial communications, as well as with those to follow, the Romansh fishermen had no problem understanding the hospitality of their hosts, who fed them, repaired their boat, and gave them provisions for the return trip to Mundiga.  When they left, an Eldrigan accompanied them.  Second Lieutenant Thomas Salterizzo, picked for his officership, his resemblance to the fishermen, and the fact that the few words of Latin he knew were understood by the Romansh, accompanied the fishermen back across the sea, the city of Crucis Portus, where they arrived in the last week of 241. 

After the Southwestern subjugation, Quartus Aquilinus Supremus, great-grandson of Pentus Aquilinus, declared the founding of the empire of Medius, with the capital in Crucis Portus.  This empire, spanning the entirety of Western and Southwestern Mundiga, had temporarily ended its expansionistic policy, turning instead its eyes inward, to matters economic and political.  This flourishing of culture brought forth some of the greatest artists, writers, and philosophers of the Early Period.  The Emperor Quartus was a good administrator, not a conqueror like his grandfather and father, and proved his right to rule by the reformation of the legal code, which led to greater rights to freemen, especially the soldier, artisan, and peasant classes, with only a minor curtailing of the rights of nobles and powerful merchants.  However, to appease these significant power blocs, Quartus instituted the idea of slavery as a criminal punishment, where previously slavery had been the sole province of conquered enemies and their descendents.

During the second year of his reign, Quartus received Lieutenant Salterizzo in Crucis Portus.  Having spent his month and a half in transit learning passable Romansh, Salterizzo managed to impress Quartus.  Of course, the fact that Salterizzo brought significant technological knowledge, which could propel the Romansh economic, civil, and war engine far forward, also helped greatly.  In exchange for this information, Quartus granted the Eldrigans an economic and political alliance, along with several shiploads of female slaves, and a wide selection of seeds for numerous crops, including cotton, maize, and rice.

This new alliance, the Romansh-Eldrigan Pact of 242 AE, proved to be a powerful force, far beyond what Quartus could have ever seen, as the firearms and ammunition technology brought by Salterizzo, along with the recipes for various alloys, the mechanics of crude electrical systems, and the blueprints of major pieces of civic architecture (such as aqueducts, sewers, and mass-produced housing) would prove significant to the Empire for years to come.

About twenty years before the Pact of 242, in the far southern region of Mundiga, on the very border of the Tierra De La Fuega, a new group of arrivals were deposited.  Unlike the Puertese, the Romansh, and the Eldrigans, these new arrivals were not humans of some stripe or another; nor were they were-humans, like the Children of the Sun, nor were they elves, like the Ceelee or the Ughnseelee.  In appearance, they resembled a cross between the tall, elongated, centuries extinct Nahvee, with the noticeable difference of having reptiloid rather than feline analogous features (tails, ears, eyes, noses, etc.); their heavily muscled arms and torsos resembled the Grendalkin, as did their taste for blood and the long, sharp claws that they use to spill the same upon the blasted sod.  These lizard-men, known in their own language as the Sse'ruk (translating directly to "People"), are colloquially and commonly known as the "Sharp-Claws".  The Sharp-Claws arrived on Mundiga in a possibly unique way; instead of being transported via thinny-made portals, the Sharp-Claws are native to our own universe, though not our world.  Descended from the crew of a wayward "starship", which to this day they claim allowed them to travel between the stars, their vessel was attacked by a dreadful creature known only as a "Starfox", who to this day is spoken of only in whispers. 
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 12:14:35 AM by hewhocumsbynight »
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2012, 05:03:08 PM »
 Yeah... what do we gain in creating a complex background for a Hentai game? Unless you're planning to turn WM into jRPG genre this is an overkill and only restricts development by creating a fixed concept of geography (world), demographics (races) and rules (logic).

 Same thing happened to a project Alkion Russian team is working on... What started off as a remake of WM, after decision was made to adapt a complex background story with world/races/magic system/cities/religious orders and so on from a series of fantasy books written by our writer, original concept got 'raped' and the game in the making has strayed of course to the point that original plan got completely abandoned.

 Games like SimBrothel, WM, SlaveMaker and Otherworld can hardly be improved by shrouding those in a complex background story, just figure out what you need to explain the situation player finds himself in and a brief but vague explanation of the world. Adapt the rest to your needs as a developer and not the other way around.

 At least that's my take on this issue...
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2012, 05:22:18 PM »
That is true, and it would be overkill to actually include the above babble.  This whole thread is more geared towards my own enjoyment more than anything else.  As such, I don't intend this to be part of the game at all.

Think of it as WhoreMaster FanFiction!
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2012, 08:31:04 AM »
That is true, and it would be overkill to actually include the above babble.  This whole thread is more geared towards my own enjoyment more than anything else.  As such, I don't intend this to be part of the game at all.

Think of it as WhoreMaster FanFiction!

Well, kind of fun then and a very good writing :)

Did you write all of that yourself or copied from the above mentioned source?
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2012, 08:58:54 AM »
Thanks, and nope!  Entirely my own writing!  I just got the idea of numerous groups falling through portals to populate the world from Codex Alera, which, again, are great books.
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2012, 10:18:01 AM »
Thanks, and nope!  Entirely my own writing!  I just got the idea of numerous groups falling through portals to populate the world from Codex Alera, which, again, are great books.

Cool, you should consider writing texts/events/quests for hentai sims :) Good writers are always in high demand.
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2012, 11:42:40 AM »
I'd love to, but I don't have any points of contact.  Wanna hook me up to anyone who you know is looking for a writer?
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2012, 12:57:14 PM »
I'd love to, but I don't have any points of contact.  Wanna hook me up to anyone who you know is looking for a writer?

 Didn't Crazy ask for new and better texts for meet in town, arena, jobs and events for his Mod? Also scripts could use some improvement. I'll ask him in PM later if he doesn't read this.

 SimBro revival crew and was looking for writers for quests a while back but I have no idea if they found enough people.

 My own game will need texts but I am not far enough in development for that right now.

 Alkion (Russian project) is moving towards a beta version and our own writer is creating a storyline at the moment, after beta is done in a couple of month, I would really appreciate someone to help me with translation (I can make rushed translations and you can improve those) or create unique storylines in English. Game will prolly be a lot of fun and possibilities since it runs on a better (but slower) framework than WM...
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2012, 02:47:03 PM »
Hey, yeah, I'd be willing to do any of those!  Please, tell me what Crazy says, and I'd love to help with Alkion!  I'll go by simbro revival to see what they have to say.

Thanks for the heads-up!
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2012, 11:18:34 PM »
Hey, yeah, I'd be willing to do any of those!  Please, tell me what Crazy says, and I'd love to help with Alkion!  I'll go by simbro revival to see what they have to say.
Thanks for the heads-up!
Yeah I could use some writing I'll get together something to let you know what I need soonish.  In the mean time if you come up with any trait based events for jobs send them to me in a PM I could use more of them.

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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2012, 11:47:38 PM »
By "trait-based" do you mean like something that triggers in response to "yandere" or "lolita", or something else?
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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2012, 12:10:05 AM »
By "trait-based" do you mean like something that triggers in response to "yandere" or "lolita", or something else?
Yup something that happens only if the girl has that trait

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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2012, 12:41:05 AM »
Okay!  I can write stories just fine!  Give me a script to fit them into, and some idea of what you want, and you'll get them!
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2012, 01:03:27 AM »
Okay!  I can write stories just fine!  Give me a script to fit them into, and some idea of what you want, and you'll get them!
The trait based things are for jobs and I have to code them.  So bascily what I'm asking for is you to write some up like I already have were if a girl has a trait something will happen and based on her job skill different things happen.  I have other things I need like better scripts for the arena tryouts and better failures for it.  But the failures are coded so I'll have to add that you can just write it but as I said I'll make a list let you know how of everything I need and get it to you soonish.

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Re: A Brief History of Mundiga, and Background for Crossgate
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2012, 01:37:00 AM »
Cool!  Looking forward to it!
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&