Author Topic: Girl Classes/Races  (Read 34022 times)

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Offline 0nymous

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2015, 04:31:25 AM »

Low fertility rates of elves are usually a result of their longevity. In order to "counter" the fact that they live long, nature doesn't allow them to breed excessively, to avoid overpopulation.
Contrary to humans, who are basically THE race who out-fuck and out-murder everyone and end up as the dominant species.
This could be easily(?) be solved by raising maximum age above 100. But... then we go straight back to the discussion about various elves in various settings, and as to what in-game age average for elves should be. Since classic Tolkien elves, for example, are practically immortal. Maybe instead of numerical numbers, set the age indicators as descriptive indicators, similar to the breast/butt size system? So, Young, Middle-Aged, Mature, Old, Ancient etc.

Speaking about fertility, it's still a hidden value instead of actual stat, right? Why not take this yet another opportunity and implement fertility as an actual stat? The value is there, just need to put it next to the others.

As for the charisma/beauty thing I stand by my opinion.
Here's the Mirriam-Webster charisma definition:
:a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure (as a political leader)
:a special magnetic charm or appeal <the charisma of a popular actor>

Here's a quote of the descriptions of elves from LoTR wiki:
Elves are (generally) unusually beautiful of face and body. There is little physical difference between males and females except that which is required for reproduction.

Forgotten Realms:
Elves, like their cousins the eladrin and drow, are fair and beautiful, handsome, and have pointed ears and no body hair except eyebrows, eyelashes and hair.

The Witcher:
Elves live much longer than humans and are usually very attractive.

Warcraft universe(High elves):
The elves are slim, with sharp symmetrical features, often an exaggeration of perfect beauty.

See where I'm getting at with this? There's plenty of elves who wouldn't be charismatic, since they are, in fact, usually smug assholes with a sense of superiority over the "lesser" races. Their physical beauty, however, is a genetic constant. I just think it's more appropriate to be inheritable in your genes than something more vague and psychological like charisma.

I'd still say though, let's just compromise and make elves have both charisma, beauty and magic bonuses.

Code: [Select]
A magical being that is commonly found places where nature has been left untouched. Resembles a human save for their wings and very small size. Their wings produce an addictive drug if ground into dust.
> Flight
> Delicate
> +5-10 Herbalism
> +0-5 Animal handling
> If one in you possession should die some Fairy dust is added to your inventory
Soooo, I assume fairies wouldn't be able to perform normal/anal sex? I don't want to state clearly what I'm implying.
The concept of "harvesting" them for Fairy Dust though... without necessarily killing them that is.
Is Flight a trait? Because it should increase a girl's escape chances drastically. She can fuckin' fly.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 04:45:29 AM by 0nymous »

Offline MMeer

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2015, 07:31:00 AM »
An Alternate Approach to Class Designation
I've been thinking about the difficulties that we've been running up against trying to properly designate class, and I've come to the conclusion that we're going about it all wrong. Specifically, we're confusing class and profession. In a typical, usually combat-oriented setting the two are pretty much indistinguishable, but I don't think that necessarily holds true for a game like WM. We've been approaching class as if it described what a girl did when we should be focusing on what a girl is.

Basically, instead of getting hung up over the specifics of her specific form of work, we should build a system of classes based on characteristics of the girls in a more general, character-oriented, and gameplay-oriented way. There's no need to make separate classes for Maid, Waitress, Secretary, Cook, Construction Worker, and ect. because at the end of the day, no matter what those jobs may entail, they're all basically service and labor jobs. Therefore, a girl in any of these professions might be classed as a "Working Girl". What job she did specifically can be covered by traits as is the current system. But, for example, whatever bonuses she may receive from labor traits will be greater in a "Working Girl" than for some other class.

On a more fundamental level: The class designation in any game defines how a character behaves within the game. So logically, the classes in this game should define how the girls interact with customers or react to different jobs. In this system, class should ideally be a combination of personality traits and job-related skill sets. Here then, is my (subject to editing) proposed class list.

Code: [Select]
Peasant (Default if no other class is specified)
She used to be on the lowest status class on the social structure. Poor, uneducated and with a lifetime perspective of peddling potatoes.
-Lower base Refinement (--)
-Lower requirement for Accommodation Satisfaction

Her past is shrouded in a veil of mystery. She either doesn't remember it, doesn't want to remember it, or is hiding something.
-+1 bonus random stat or skill every turn (- / +)

Street Urchin
Her past was hopeless. With no real family or friends, she had no stable roof under her head and basically lived on the streets.
-Lower base Confidence (-), Dignity (-) and Refinement (---)
-Lower chances of recapturing her when she escapes

She dedicated her life to being a stay-at-home wife, which granted her some experience in housekeeping and family raising abilities.
-Higher base Cooking and Service
-+20% happiness gain when working in your house
-+10% experience gain when working in your house

A young girl who was not yet out of her education. Having not experienced the harsher side of life, she can be somewhat naive and impressionable.
-5% bonus to experience gains
-Falls in love a little faster

An esteemed learner of some form of arts or sciences.
-Higher base Intelligence (++)
-5% experience bonus

Mother Figure
Whether they are her own children or not, this woman acts as a comforting mother figure and role model for anyone who will accept her.
-All girls in the same building gain a small experience bonus every turn
-Even if she isn't a matron, she can help cheer up sad girls
-Happiness increases at a faster rate when pregnant

She's worked a servant long enough to know how to be quiet and obedient. Not necessarily a slave, though many slaves are.
-Higher base Obedience (++)
-Higher base Service (+++)
-Less likely to try to escape

Working Girl
This girl is a diligent worker, who is familiar with labor and service oriented jobs. She may only be mediocre at what she does, but she'll work hard on it.
-Higher base Service (++)
-Higher base Constitution (+)
-Bonuses received from the Handyman, Maid, Mixologist, Teacher, and Waitress Traits are increased (+)

A professional worker in a high-level field. Skilled at what she does, she is used to a higher paycheck than the average worker.
-Higher base Intelligence (+)
-Higher requirements for Accomodation Satisfaction
-Bonuses received from the Chef, Director, and Doctor Traits are increased (+)

She loves to perform for people. A naturally charismatic individual, but can come off as a bit of a diva.
-Higher base Performance (+++)
-Higher base Charisma (++)
-Bonuses received from the Actor, Porn Star, and Singer Traits are increased (+)
-Higher base Ranking in Singer, Pianist, Entertainer, and any Acting jobs

She used to be juvenile delinquent, petty thief or some other shady character living a lawless lifestyle.
-Lower base Morality (-)
-Has a chance to steal small amounts of money from clients, or maybe even the player

Crime Lord
She used to be the boss of a mafia or some other powerful criminal organization.
-Lower base Morality (--)
-Higher base Spirit, Charisma and Dignity (+)

She was a feared mastermind of evil in her past.
-Lower base Morality (---)
-Higher base Spirit, Confidence, Dignity and Intelligence (++)

Heroine (Would likely replace the existing 'Heroine' trait)
This girl was a vigilante out for justice or revenge.
-Higher base Morality (+++)
-Higher base Charisma and Confidence (+)

She was a salesman of something, maybe a shopkeeper. She has an eye for top-grade merchandise and is not afraid to haggle.
-Higher chance and more often item purchases
-Higher chance of finding rare items in the catacombs
-5% to gold gain

She used to be a member of some higher social class and is used to all the privileges that come with it.
-Higher base Dignity and Refinement (++)
-Happiness will drastically decrease and Rebelliousness will increase every turn on Accommodation level lower than Wonderful while Dignity is over 30

A strong-headed, competitive girl who isn't afraid to fight. She may or may not be a very skilled fighter, but she certainly has the attitude of one.
-More effective in Combat (+)
-Higher base Spirit (+)
-Always prefers combat, security, or catacombs jobs

A trained and disciplined practitioner of the arcane arts.
-Bonuses to spellcasting
-Higher base Mana and Magic (+)
-Cannot have 'Weak Magic' or 'Muggle' traits

Priestess (Would likely replace the existing 'Priestess' trait)
She used to be a humble and modest cleric of a deity of some sorts. Whether that deity was good or evil, she still strives to uphold her chosen code of conduct.
-Higher base Dignity (+)
-Higher base Morality (++)

Slut (Would likely replace the existing 'Slut' trait)
To put it simply, this girl really likes to have sex. It is her primary hobby.
-Higher base Libido (++) and Libido increases faster
-More likely to do perverted 'extra actions' at the Strip Club Waitress, Masseuse, Peep Show, and XXX Entertainer jobs (and any other jobs I missed that have perverted extra actions)
-Lower likelihood of refusing sex

A girl who likes to pick on the weak. Like most bullies, she has a low self-esteem that causes her to lash out at those she perceives as weak.
-Lower base Confidence (-)
-Can occasionally bully the other girls in her building

As you can see, almost none of the existing job traits are on this list. If you want to specify that your girl is a maid for example, you would set her class to either 'Working Girl' or 'Servant', then give her the maid trait. One reason for this is that these jobs aren't mutually exclusive. A girl can work as a waitress and singer in the same bar for example. I also didn't include the royalty traits. For Queens and Princesses, just apply that trait to them while setting their class to 'Noble' - or to 'Magician' (i.e. Princess Zelda), 'Fighter' (i.e. Princess Ymir of Queens Blade), or whatever other class best suits her.

In this way, I believe that a more consolidated class system can be applied that has more relevance to the girls' current profession, rather than to their past.

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2015, 08:30:47 AM »
Why do you insist on taking every single little detail and exception into account? What part of "generalization" don't you understand?
If you actually want me to go through the OP with a fine-tooth comb and drag out everything I think is inconsistent I can.

And again, where are your propositions of new classes/races to account for those things you're pointing out?
For the most part, I'm fine with your proposals; for the ones I'm not fine with, I speak up.

Anything I say you absolutely HAVE to reply to and disagree with.
:rolleyes:  If you don't want me to be able to reply to something, don't post it.

You haven't proposed a single new idea or re-iteration of my ideas even once, all you wrote is "I think this is bad because..." without giving any different suggestions or solutions whatsoever.
Actually, I've suggested changing certain things, and merging (or eliminating) others.  I asked about combining Classes, I did suggest an alternative for Assassins, and later I did have a suggestion for humans (albeit one I didn't think was practical).

Do I really need real-life historical examples to explain something I basically near-made up for a fictional setting? Fine.
No.  You can simply say, "No, random internet person, I don't care about accuracy or whether this makes sense to you, I'm fine with it and I don't need to justify myself to you, so fuck off."
That said, I don't think your first two links (and some of the third) actually agree with what you're saying, but that would be going way off-topic, so unless you want me to go into it I'll hold off.

Yeah I know you're talking about Patchouli,
Alice is one too, and there is an actual species:

... But yeah, unless you wanted to fold them in with characters like the PMMM girls (who strictly speaking would probably go under some form of undead or construct), I'm not really sure how they'd work in a Race system unless you wanted to basically add new races whenever you get something a bit different.  Human Sorceress is probably the best fit.

Oh come on. I know that. You're over-analyzing now. So orcs should get a magic boost too, because what, being a warrior/noble savage/barbarian/whatever the fuck culture "doesn't mean you don't have magic"?
In my experience, orcs have never been believed to be as naturally magical/magically talented as elves are.  Your analogy falls flat.

Well, I do think there is a pretty meaningful distinction between the two. If you disagree, give me a name, description and effects of these two classes merged into one.
"Warrior" (I'd normally use Fighter, but you already have it)
'This person made his living with his weapons, and was paid for his work.
+ Combat
+ Base Obedience
Difficult to Lower Spirit and Dignity
Lower Rebelliousness

Higher Combat and Obedience are obvious - both 'soldiers' and 'mercenaries' are used to taking orders and following them, and since we're dealing with mundane types, increased Combat is the generic stat to increase.  Spirit and Dignity are to represent the difficulty in reducing the character's self-worth, and lower Rebelliousness ties in with increased Obedience, because they're less likely to try and subvert orders or the like.

I also seriously hope you didn't just imply that the majority of humans would prefer other humans instead of elves when it comes to choosing a whore.
Yes, I did - because elves don't look like humans.  "Humans with pointy ears" isn't a correct interpretation of what they look like, because their proportions are different.  Much the same way that I think most humans would prefer a human over a dwarf or an orc, I think most would prefer a human over an elf.  (And that's leaving out societal impulses - if elves and humans hate each other, most people would probably end up harming elven whores, so you'd either get the same effect because you're protecting them, or else you simply increase the elves' rates and accept that they're going to be taking injuries.)

No idea how you'd like "some sort of entity who helps make sure the world continues" classified in the game though. I'd just classify Rachel under the Noble class.
Looking at the wiki ... Sorceress.

No, it's actually very easy. Elves have pointy ears, and are pretty. In 90% of fantasy settings.
You're saying that people should accept your words as true instead of actually going through the majority of fantasy settings to determine whether your claim is actually true.

Offline 0nymous

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2015, 08:39:30 AM »
I really think the class "system" should just be a means to expanding the current job traits we have and separating them from the "main" trait list.
I don't know why we're overthinking this to a level of a whole new system or something.
Honestly, the first case scenario I considered is that classes were just meant ONLY as flavour text descriptions with little to no gameplay effects. This obviously wouldn't work well for girls that were doctors or maids, it's only logical they'd have some sort of at least starting advantage in doctor and maid departments over girls who were, for example, homeless.

Specifically, we're confusing class and profession.

I just assumed these two as synonymous. Just as "what a girl did for a living in her past life" or "what was her formal occupation before you found and employed her". 
We've been approaching class as if it described what a girl did when we should be focusing on what a girl is.

That's missing precisely the entirety of my point.
What the girl is currently, her current class, is what you assign her to be now.  In most cases she'll be a whore. Thanks to Crazy's mod and Aevo's additions she can alternatively be a barmaid, waitress, doctor, nurse, arena gladiator, farmhand, farmer, brewer, alchemist and a ton of other shit. And yes- she can do more than one of these at the same time and change between them freely. Basically, though - her current class/job/profession/employment is covered by her current job assignment. IF you assign her to something she actually had experience with - like a girl with a Doctor's class on Doctor's position, then she would have a natural advantage in a habitat/position she's familiar with.
There's no need to make separate classes for Maid, Waitress, Secretary, Cook, Construction Worker, and ect. because at the end of the day, no matter what those jobs may entail, they're all basically service and labor jobs.

Which doesn't change the fact that they're completely different forms of work that require completely different competencies and grant experience in completely different departments.
"Service and labor" is too much of a wide sector for employment to cover.
On a more fundamental level: The class designation in any game defines how a character behaves within the game.

I disagree. Class or job has near-nothing to do with behavior. Behavior is covered by traits or stats/skills.
So logically, the classes in this game should define how the girls interact with customers or react to different jobs.

Again, customer interaction is already covered by a girl's traits and stats. Classes provide only advantages in similar or identical jobs.

Having not experienced the harsher side of life, she can be somewhat naive and impressionable.-5% bonus to experience gains

So, every schoolgirl by definition is naive and impressionable? And all schoolgirls live in some magical realm where "the harsher side of life" doesn't exist? Forgive me my snarkiness, but the "naive and impressionable" part is covered by a perspective trait already.
She was a schoolgirl, so, I believe, her habitat in her past life would make her a bit more tangible to learning.  As little sense as it may make to some, I think it's still more than assuming every schoolgirl is naive.
Peasant (Default if no other class is specified)

How so? Peasants may often be found in cities, but they're mainly farm laborers or other members of the underclasses typically associated with the countryside. I'd still keep the Homeless class for some girls that you find on the streets and employ for free. Arguably we could just rename Homeless to Beggar to better fit the "employment" theme.
I'd do something like assigning classes to methods of employment. If you use the talent searching in Crossgate, they should have a large chance to be Homeless, Peasant etc. If you employ them in the studio - they'd obviously have a higher chance to be actresses. Hospital - nurses/doctors.
The default-default class IMO should be Enigma.

Mother Figure
Whether they are her own children or not, this woman acts as a comforting mother figure and role model for anyone who will accept her.
-All girls in the same building gain a small experience bonus every turn
-Even if she isn't a matron, she can help cheer up sad girls
-Happiness increases at a faster rate when pregnant
A strong-headed, competitive girl who isn't afraid to fight. She may or may not be a very skilled fighter, but she certainly has the attitude of one.
-More effective in Combat (+)
-Higher base Spirit (+)
-Always prefers combat, security, or catacombs jobs
Slut (Would likely replace the existing 'Slut' trait)To put it simply, this girl really likes to have sex. It is her primary hobby.-Higher base Libido (++) and Libido increases faster-More likely to do perverted 'extra actions' at the Strip Club Waitress, Masseuse, Peep Show, and XXX Entertainer jobs (and any other jobs I missed that have perverted extra actions)-Lower likelihood of refusing sex

A girl who likes to pick on the weak. Like most bullies, she has a low self-esteem that causes her to lash out at those she perceives as weak.
-Lower base Confidence (-)
-Can occasionally bully the other girls in her building

All traits, not classes.
Fighter is arguable, but I think I established with someone else a couple posts back that it fits a trait better.

She's worked a servant long enough to know how to be quiet and obedient. Not necessarily a slave, though many slaves are.
-Higher base Obedience (++)
-Higher base Service (+++)
-Less likely to try to escape
Working Girl
This girl is a diligent worker, who is familiar with labor and service oriented jobs. She may only be mediocre at what she does, but she'll work hard on it.
-Higher base Service (++)
-Higher base Constitution (+)
-Bonuses received from the Handyman, Maid, Mixologist, Teacher, and Waitress Traits are increased (+)
A professional worker in a high-level field. Skilled at what she does, she is used to a higher paycheck than the average worker.
-Higher base Intelligence (+)
-Higher requirements for Accomodation Satisfaction
-Bonuses received from the Chef, Director, and Doctor Traits are increased (+)
She loves to perform for people. A naturally charismatic individual, but can come off as a bit of a diva.
-Higher base Performance (+++)
-Higher base Charisma (++)
-Bonuses received from the Actor, Porn Star, and Singer Traits are increased (+)
-Higher base Ranking in Singer, Pianist, Entertainer, and any Acting jobs

These are way too ambiguous I think. Especially "Servant" and "Working girl". And they seem more of education levels or education specializations, rather than jobs.
By extending this logic we could just do it the Marx way and divide all girls into three social classes, the working class, the middle class and the ruling class.
Except for, perhaps, "Performer", although I think there's enough jobs that fall under this category that my argument would still stand.

As you can see, almost none of the existing job traits are on this list. If you want to specify that your girl is a maid for example, you would set her class to either 'Working Girl' or 'Servant', then give her the maid trait.

Sorry mate, but I absolutely fail to notice any point in this. Why give her a "Servant" class AND a "Maid" trait on top of that, instead of JUST setting her class to "Maid"?

If you're worried about there being too much options for various classes, I'll have to remind you that the default Coretraits.traits file has 200+ traits and it's somehow operable. I'd still axe a lot of traits out of there myself, including the species and job ones, that would have their own categories.

You're saying that people should accept your words as true instead of actually going through the majority of fantasy settings to determine whether your claim is actually true.

Oh fuck off already with your "actually that's just your opinion!" shit. I didn't  invent Warhammer, Lord of the Rings, Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, and a dozen of other fantasy settings where elves are exactly what I say they are. The majority of fantasy consensus is fucking clear and I'm not responsible for it in the slightest:
Tempted to not even bother with the rest of your passive aggressive deconstructions of my posts, you obviously love to argue for the sake of arguing instead of producing results, as proven by your complete lack of solutions or alternative suggestions. At least MMeer here above your post actually took my list and did his own re-iteration of it, as much as I don't agree with it at least he gave us something else to consider.

A "Warrior" class including soldiers and mercenaries? Seriously? Because that can mean ANYTHING that uses a weapon and doesn't even need to apply to soldier or mercenary archetypes at all.
In my experience, orcs have never been believed to be as naturally magical/magically talented as elves are.  Your analogy falls flat.
You're saying that people should accept your words as true instead of actually going through the majority of fantasy settings to determine whether your claim is actually true?
Yes, I did - because elves don't look like humans.  "Humans with pointy ears" isn't a correct interpretation of what they look like, because their proportions are different.
You're saying that people should accept your words as true instead of actually going through the majority of fantasy settings to determine whether your claim is actually true?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 09:18:12 AM by 0nymous »

Offline BlackWolf Inc.

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #34 on: April 27, 2015, 09:48:35 AM »
 ??? Whoa... someone needs an e-huggie over here.
Perhaps solve it by having 3 different elf races like High Elves, Dark Elves and Wood/Wild Elves?
I think that would cover it wouldn't it, the High Elves could be the more charismatic, the Dark Elves the more beautiful perhaps and the wood elves the best fighters.
Just throwing ideas around here, feel free to lock me back up if i get out of hand :D
But seriously, e-huggies  for everyone.
Don't look at me like that! I found 'em that way....

Now no-one else has to die...
unless I think of another reason.

If found, please return to Miss Y. Rhul.

Offline Sorren

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2015, 11:11:04 AM »
??? Whoa... someone needs an e-huggie over here.
Perhaps solve it by having 3 different elf races like High Elves, Dark Elves and Wood/Wild Elves?
I think that would cover it wouldn't it, the High Elves could be the more charismatic, the Dark Elves the more beautiful perhaps and the wood elves the best fighters.
Just throwing ideas around here, feel free to lock me back up if i get out of hand :D
But seriously, e-huggies  for everyone.

It'd mke more sense to stick to generic races and have a new option in the girl files, so for instance.....
Code: [Select]
RaceDesc="High Elf"

That'd pull the traits and etc from the Elf template and show up as High Elf in the description. Also doing something like that helps with traits like Half-Constructs and so on as the item can specify an updated RaceDesc for that conversion (so Deus Ex style Transhuman, Star Trek Borg, etc, etc), it'd also be useful for the human types in Gundam, Elder Scrolls and a whole host of other settings.

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2015, 11:31:38 AM »
So, every schoolgirl by definition is naive and impressionable? And all schoolgirls live in some magical realm where "the harsher side of life" doesn't exist? Forgive me my snarkiness, but the "naive and impressionable" part is covered by a perspective trait already.
Careful there, the OP wants people to be more "general," and he could decide that your bringing up border-cases is being too "specific."

Oh fuck off already with your "actually that's just your opinion!" shit.
Well, alright then, if all you wanted was a sounding board of "Yes-men" you should have said so to begin with.

I didn't  invent Warhammer, Lord of the Rings, Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, and a dozen of other fantasy settings where elves are exactly what I say they are. The majority of fantasy consensus is fucking clear and I'm not responsible for it in the slightest:
Hmm ... except for Harry Potter, Artemis Fowl, The Puppet Masters, Warcraft, Mabinogi, Elder Scrolls, and a dozen other fantasy settings where elves are exactly not what you said they were.

as proven by your complete lack of solutions or alternative suggestions.
You appear to be completely incapable of reading comprehension.  I'd suggest a cure, but you would take it the wrong way.

A "Warrior" class including soldiers and mercenaries? Seriously? Because that can mean ANYTHING that uses a weapon and doesn't even need to apply to soldier or mercenary archetypes at all.
And what other major professions are there that use weapons and don't fall into another primary category.  And remember, you have be general about it, the OP gets tetchy if you get too specific.

You're saying that people should accept your words as true instead of actually going through the majority of fantasy settings to determine whether your claim is actually true?
No, I'm saying that the majority of orc species that I, personally, have encountered fit the broad description of orc that I posited earlier.  I made no claims as to the properties of the vast and varied appearances of orcs throughout fiction, only my own personal experiences with them.  If you have examples of orcs that do not fit that preconception, I would be interested to learn more of them.

Offline BlackWolf Inc.

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2015, 11:32:51 AM »
It'd mke more sense to stick to generic races and have a new option in the girl files, so for instance.....
Code: [Select]
RaceDesc="High Elf"

That'd pull the traits and etc from the Elf template and show up as High Elf in the description. Also doing something like that helps with traits like Half-Constructs and so on as the item can specify an updated RaceDesc for that conversion (so Deus Ex style Transhuman, Star Trek Borg, etc, etc), it'd also be useful for the human types in Gundam, Elder Scrolls and a whole host of other settings.

Hmmm... yeah that seems like it would work, I thinks that's a better way of implementing my idea.
Wonder how plausible it would be?
Don't look at me like that! I found 'em that way....

Now no-one else has to die...
unless I think of another reason.

If found, please return to Miss Y. Rhul.

Offline MMeer

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2015, 05:00:40 PM »

That's missing precisely the entirety of my point.

With all due respect I didn't miss your point. I understood where you were coming from and was specifically offering an approach  that was different on a fundamental level. If this ends up being implemented, hopefully we can pick and choose the best from both approaches.

My approach was intended to be as generalistic as possible, to provide wide umbrella categories so fewer girls would have no nook they could fit into. As for your argument that maid, waitress, secretary, ect. require different skill sets you are absolutely correct, but by grouping of them into generic "Working Girl" was based more on their approach to life and their attitude toward their work, rather than specific skill sets (again, see 'generalistic', above).

As for schoolgirls being "naive" by default, I have to agree with your assessment. I should probably change that. I think they would still be more impressionable though.

I disagree. Class or job has near-nothing to do with behavior. Behavior is covered by traits or stats/skills.

I guess I didn't make myself clear. I didn't mean her in-game behavior as a character, I meant her in-code behavior in interacting with the program itself. Though, now that I think about it isn't really that different.

Furthermore, I didn't really expound in my original proposal how subclasses would interact with my class system. As far as distinguishing between maids, waitresses, ect. perhaps subclasses could be used for that. "Working Girl" still reflects their attitude toward work, while the various subclasses available under that class would dictate specific skillsets for specific jobs. I believe that is supported in standard RPG class systems. For example, if your character is a fighter, you can make them defense-oriented, damage-oriented, or in-between. Something similar could be put into effect so that classes are generic and subclasses are specific.

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #39 on: April 27, 2015, 10:33:56 PM »
Yea.... its going well between OP and dmotrl.  Can't blame OP.

I would like to again say: KISS   Keep it Simple Stupid
Which means that yes, we do make races/classes generic, but open to be different.
Characters can later further be customized, accounting for whoever/whatever traits they actually have.  Its already happening anyways.

Of course, I guess the main problem is agreeing on what is the generic.  Or actually more simple, whoever writes up the code gets the final say.  We are here to discuss opinions/suggestions civilly to influence that final say.

Servant[/color][/size]She's worked a servant long enough to know how to be quiet and obedient. Not necessarily a slave, though many slaves are.[/color][/size]-Higher base Obedience (++)-Higher base Service (+++)-Less likely to try to escapeWorking GirlThis girl is a diligent worker, who is familiar with labor and service oriented jobs. She may only be mediocre at what she does, but she'll work hard on it.-Higher base Service (++)-Higher base Constitution (+)-Bonuses received from the Handyman, Maid, Mixologist, Teacher, and Waitress Traits are increased (+)ProfessionalA professional worker in a high-level field. Skilled at what she does, she is used to a higher paycheck than the average worker.-Higher base Intelligence (+)-Higher requirements for Accomodation Satisfaction-Bonuses received from the Chef, Director, and Doctor Traits are increased (+)

Servant - A girl who has worked in the service industry in one form or another, like a common maid, masseuse or even hair stylist.  (Lets keep the slave thing out of the classes?  Being a slave already has its effects.  We don't need to throw a double whammy on the girls.)
- Service++
- Cooking+

Townie: A common city girl.   (Should be sort that really doesn't have any work experience or education.)
-Service +

Farmer(or Peasant): A run of the mill girl from a rural village or town who has worked in Agriculture.  (Basically it is low skill work that can generally be picked up by anyone, most peasants probably learned at least some very rudimentary cooking skills by helping out.)
-Farming ++
-Animal Husbandry ++
-Cooking +
-Refinement --
-Intelligence -

Working Girl: A girl who has taken a profession in a craft that generally requires apprenticeship to learn.  (It can easily be justified to just split those skills into their own jobs/classes actually...)
-Dignity +

Nurse/Doctor: A girl who has been educated in the practice of medicine.
- Medicine ++
- Accommodation Expectation +
- Intelligence +
- Dignity +

Professional: A girl who has been highly educated.  This education is usually in the form of administrative pursuits, for example: bookkeeping, accounting, logistics and teaching.

- Accommodation Expectation ++
- Intelligence ++
- Dignity ++
- Refinement +
- Service ++

On that note... how available is education in Crossgate?  Do the poor get any?  Is it only available to the well-to-do middle class and up?[/font]

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2015, 03:31:04 AM »
Soooo, I assume fairies wouldn't be able to perform normal/anal sex? I don't want to state clearly what I'm implying.

Not sure how to handle that. Some faeries can make themselves human-sized like in the movies Hook and Legend. I don't think that would constitute a Shapeshifter trait as they only have two shapes, fairy size and human size. From a purely game aspect it would probably be easier to just let it be. Most sex type pictures I can find of faeries are half and half of fairy size and human size. Deoending on what picture is shown  in the game I just figure "guess that customer likes his girls tiny."

The concept of "harvesting" them for Fairy Dust though... without necessarily killing them that is.
"Made from grinding the wings of fairies to dust, this stuff is highly addictive and can be dangerous" is the current description of fairy dust though. If you want to collect fairy dust without mutilation or murder (which i would prefer) it would just be a simple mater of changing the description.

I was going to suggest a random chance of getting fairy dust every turn since adding a job or something to harvest would be a lot of work for a single race. Inless their are other races that produce things and a general "collect this races stuff" (working title) job added that only works if the girl is a race that produces stuff. Like how you cant put a girl on the rehab job in less she actually has issues.

Is Flight a trait? Because it should increase a girl's escape chances drastically. She can fuckin' fly.

It is currently in the game but I have no idea what it actually does. For all I know it could just be flavor.

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #41 on: April 28, 2015, 06:59:11 AM »

I would like to again say: KISS   Keep it Simple Stupid
So that's what it means.
We could argue about the whole concept of "simplicity" if we really wanted to. I think that, ironically enough, more classes = more simplicity, since it makes assigning various girls a more fitting class better, rather than debating whether she'd fit a "Servant" or "Working girl" class more, for example.
Which means that yes, we do make races/classes generic, but open to be different.Characters can later further be customized, accounting for whoever/whatever traits they actually have.  Its already happening anyways.
This. Races are stereotypical, slight genetic advantages/disadvantages. That's it.
Sub-races or other genetic offshoots could just be covered by descriptions.
"Made from grinding the wings of fairies to dust, this stuff is highly addictive and can be dangerous" is the current description of fairy dust though. If you want to collect fairy dust without mutilation or murder (which i would prefer) it would just be a simple mater of changing the description.
I'm sure someone gets off on the idea of cutting the wings of fairies off and grinding them to dust. Ouch.
Don't see what'd stop fairies spraying the stuff all over the place just by fluttering their wings. Like you said, it would be a simple matter of coding too, just make a fairy dust item appear in the girl's inventory every turn or something.

On that note... how available is education in Crossgate?  Do the poor get any?  Is it only available to the well-to-do middle class and up?
I was thinking about the addition of some kind of new School or University building to Crossgate.
You could put girls to work there in pretty standard positions, if they are competent enough even as teachers, but the main function would be training in order to a change a girl's class.
So when you find a homeless or peasant girl, you wouldn't be doomed with that class forever, but after a significant amount of time and gold spent on her education she'd be "re-branded" to, say, a doctor.
This kind of goes against what I've been holding onto with an iron fist the whole thread, that is the fact that classes should be an indicator of their PAST lives rather than their current lives under you, but for the sake of gameplay and flexibility I think the PC should have at least some influence on a girl's class. Plus, consider the fact that once they finish their training/education, they begin something of a "new" life, (un)happily returning back under your wings again. However, that would mean that they would completely lose the benefits of their previous class, wiping all of her experience as that class out of her mind... which doesn't make much sense to be honest. Multiple classes? Aside from just dual-classing. But that'd be overpowered in the long term. Eh, gameplay issues.
This is mainly intended for random girls rather than unique girls honestly, since it would mean unique girls could potentially end up with classes that don't match their appearance/description or character in general.
But hey, if a flat-chested character is able to suddenly get gigantic tits through the usage of traits and items, who really cares (except for me, that is)?

Alternatively, the School/University buildings could also serve the purpose of raising skills/stats at a higher-than-usual-rate but that'd be expensive. And it should naturally lock the girl out of your "normal" usage until you decide she's finished with her education.
That's a discussion for a different topic though, I think.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2015, 07:21:58 AM by 0nymous »

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #42 on: April 28, 2015, 09:00:45 AM »

Perhaps merge these (unless 'Lamia' is supposed to represent serpent-bodied individuals - perhaps change that to 'Naga' instead?) and call it 'Tauric.'
"A Tauric has the upper body of a human over the lower body of a four-legged creature such as a horse, lion, or other animal."
Slight penalties to Normal and Lesbian (if only because I'm thinking there would be mechanical difficulties in actually performing the acts)
Bonus to Beast activities (Sex, Hunting, Caring)
Slight Bonus to Strength and/or Agility (to represent the increased carrying ability of a four-legged animal and the potential speed advantage.

Not sure if Drider-style creatures would fit under there as well; I don't see why they wouldn't, but I'm not sure if they're represented enough to make their own category worthwhile.

"A Naga has the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake.  Many are at home in aquatic surroundings."
Bonus to Beast-related activities.
Agility Bonus?
Perhaps a Combat Bonus to represent the constriction potential?

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2015, 11:48:03 AM »
I specifically left out the monstergirl races aside from just mentioning them, because they would complicate everything incredibly. Even if we assume they have a normal, human vagina somewhere, their footjob skill would be problematic (no feet or legs on lamias, harpies)... or handjob too for that matter (harpies).
That and the fact that in the end, there isn't many actual monstergirl girl files out there if there's any out at all... yet.

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Re: Girl Classes/Races
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2015, 02:17:09 PM »
That and the fact that in the end, there isn't many actual monstergirl girl files out there if there's any out at all... yet.
There are some; Crisis21 made a pack some time ago with a Centaur, Harpy, Lamia ... a few others.  Looks like it's even still up.