PyTFall > PyTFall: General information

=PyTFall= Communication and Repository Information

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pytfall 0.56 ver? i thought the latest one was 0.45.

The current dev version is 0.56. Iirc 0.45 is the released alpha.

It's just a number though, it's not like version changes after every single change in the code, even major one.

im looking into helping with the game, first have to get a good understanding of your coding style and renpy's language

General rule is to keep the code as simple and as readable as possible. There is no coding style or paradigm because that just slows everything down. A bunch of people worked on the game so it's a mixed code base and not all of it is in use.

We're also using an advanced module called SimPy at the moment to simulate jobs which is not very easy to figure out.

the only problem im having currently is im running linux instead of windows. got tired of windows 10 having issues


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