
Author Topic: Trait requests.  (Read 14927 times)

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Trait requests.
« on: June 06, 2010, 08:49:17 PM »
A few major traits I'd like to see in game.

Royal blood: 10% bonus to her income(wouldn't you pay a bit more to fuck a princess?), if she'd make 100 gold from a customer, its boosted to 110. She however requires one level of accomadation higher then a girl of the same level without the trait, and gains 25% less love from gifts (it's only her due after all) Always passes on to children.

Dark Skin: She's either really tan, or has naturally dark skin. Customer Fetish

More if I remember them.

Offline fires_flair

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 09:45:03 PM »
it would be cool if there was a "entertainer" stat, or trait, which would improve effectiveness of some bar and gambling hall jobs.

a "born leader" trait, which raises rebellion but increases effectiveness as a matron, explorer, or security worker

an "animal lover" for girls who can "speak to animal" or have a special connection to them, thus (if possible) decreasing the loss of beasts, or increasing the amount that girl can bring in. at the very least, would use less energy performing this task

maybe an actress trait, or something for videos when they are put back in.

and maybe a "efficient perfectionist" (for lack of a better term), where most jobs not involving whoring are more effective. but decreases the likelihood, or speed that the girl likes to do the jobs. and/or a negative effect on sex jobs. if that's possible.
it would also be cool to have more traits that could be earned. the actress trait, entertainer, efficient perfectionist, or animal lover could work that way.

Offline sgb

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 01:09:59 AM »
A few I'd add to my game if I could:

Elf: +Beauty/Agility, -Constitution, counts as a fetish.
Famous: +Fame/Charisma/Confidence/Spirit, -Obedience, girl gets increased income.
Royalty: As Exodia said, this one should really be in there as Elegent isn't always appropriate for royal characters.  Something like +Fame/Confidence, girl gets increased income.
Pacifist: +Obedience, Combat is fixed at 0.

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 01:18:15 AM »
I would like to see some traits to balance others.  Like we have lolita but nothing for older women.  So something like this.

Vixen- An older women who knows how to work her sex appeal
Annoying- Would be the balance for cool person. Girl would get less customers a day.

There is alot more im sure but that's just the two i could think of right now but i think that everyone should understand what i mean.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 03:45:22 AM »
This thread is why I was proposing user defined traits a few days ago :)

You know - I'm not entirely sure I see the point of traits that carry a stat boost with them. I mean taking as an example sgb's "Elf" trait: why not just adjust the stats when you design the girl and leave the trait as a fetish marker.

The reason we think of these has having stats modifiers (I think) goes back to the days of early Dungeons and Dragons, back when it was as much a set of minatures rules, as anything. Back then, a DM might find himself needing to roll up 100 elven archers, or orcish axmen. In that case, adding +1 to here and -1 there meant that he got elves and orcs that were consistently strong in some areas and weak in others without having to spend too long thinking about it. But it doesn't make much sense for girls that we design outright without even a points limit

Reason I mention it is that now that the basic Lua scripting is working (yay!) user defined traits are very much on the cards, and this seems like a good time to discuss what purpose traits serve in the game.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 05:43:55 AM by DocClox »


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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2010, 02:03:50 PM »
They still need to have stat modifiers to help random girls follow their traits statistically.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2010, 02:55:39 PM »
They still need to have stat modifiers to help random girls follow their traits statistically.

Is that something the game needs, though? I mean you still control the stat range for the random girls, and it's not like we're building two armies of girls and they have to balance statistically.

Offline fires_flair

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 04:46:28 PM »
you make a good point DocClox, with the ability to mod the girls as we wish, we could at least reduce the number of traits that have stat bonuses.
but exodia is right, some times they are needed. like I try to give randoms a chance to have bad traits and good traits. with a basic (I try for) low- medium start for most stats. like you would think it would be quite odd for some one who is dependent   to have a high rebellion stat, or some one who is a nymphomaniac to   have no libido
depending on how customers are attracted to the girls, some of them could easily be changed from stat modifiers to fetishes (with both neg and positive impacts, like some guys might want a one eyed girl while others would go looking for a different girl. and don't forget about word of mouth, things like twisted would draw in customers, while most might choose not to have that girl.)

and some of the traits that aren't already in-game achievable could easily become so, with say the catacomb jobs bodily injury is inevitable. small scars may not be noticed, but large, ugly, or cool scars wouldn't be, neither being deformed (amputations) be ignorable.
just for example- someone with 100% charisma would definitely be charismatic, and some one with that and 100% beauty would be very elegant.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 04:58:26 PM by fires_flair »


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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2010, 06:47:12 PM »
From what I can see, there are two camps of people, although they might not realize it. People who think the girl makes the traits, and the people who think the traits make the girl. The first obviously is in favor of the girl being made, then having traits just be descriptive/flags for which customers wanna do her, while the second think that the traits should be the primary component of the girl and heavily effect her stats etc. Neither of these is inherently wrong or bad, but its bringing up some small conflict I think, and I think we should decide which view the game is going to favor, as right now it seems kinda torn between the two and just making everyone slightly unhappy. Or that's what I would be saying if lua weren't going to possibly render this moot. I think everyone would like to know exactly how the lua traits are gonna work doc, like how much control will we have over effects of traits and such? Will users just be able to make them boost the stats, will we be able to make traits customer fetishes, and etc? Has it still not been decided?

Offline sgb

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2010, 07:04:37 PM »
My thoughts on this have mostly been covered here; stat bonuses help shape random girls.  I generally set my random girls to have pretty variable stats.  While potential ranges differ a bit between random type, it's the traits that really build the character.  Since randoms don't have a 'story' behind them, these traits and stats kind of create a background of sorts for the characters.  You could roll a girl with the Strong trait who still had low overall Combat, implying that maybe she's a clumsy brute or she was a skilled fighter who received a serious physical injury that impares her ability.  Simply setting her Combat stat high instead of having the Strong trait is considerably less interesting.

Also, unique girls pass traits onto their daughters.  Which in the case of stat boosts serves to make the daughter more like the mother instead of just a random slave market girl.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 07:09:30 PM by sgb »

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2010, 12:59:09 AM »
Have to say I fall in line with sgb here on this one, particularly when dealing with the random girls.  Having traits give small bonuses to related areas would help improve the "unique" feel to random girls, rather than just have them as flags for customers.  It adds a bit a character almost.

there is my two bits.

Offline dalmedya

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2010, 02:59:13 AM »
[X] Traits have function
[ ] Traits are window dressing

Yes, unique girls can be stat'd any which way, but randoms as they are now are just plain boring.
If randoms were removed entirely, yes, traits may as well just be fetish markers... but then we'd just be playing SlaveMaker 4.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 03:40:55 AM by dalmedya »

Offline DocClox

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2010, 04:34:29 AM »
OK, almost everyone thinks that stat bonuses for traits are important. Fair enough.

Let me show you all what I have in mind. I'm sure I posted something like this already, but I can't find it, search as I may). Anyway...

Code: [Select]
 <trait name="pretty">
  <handler name="onGain">
        -- lua code that specifies what happens when a girl gains this trait
        -- the girl in question is found under wm.girl
        wm.girl.add_to_stat("beauty", 10)
  <handler name="onLoss">
        -- if she loses the trait, she needs to lose the bonus
        wm.girl.add_to_stat("beauty", -10)

The code inside the "handler" tags is lua. The "onGain" code will get executed when the girl gains the trait, and the "onLoss" one when she loses it. So, just to reassure people, there's no real way to prevent traits from conferring stat bonuses.

The questions I'm mulling over right now are: what other handlers do we need to replicate current trait functionality? And how best to manage the interaction between traits and events

Other handlers: combat ones, certainly. I'm not worried about being able to set combat bonuses (boost the skill for that) but a preCombat handler would allow traits that let a girl avoid a fight entirely -  if she could turn invisible or intangible, say. Or teleport. A postCombat handler would be useful for healing damage - or maybe an onDamage event would be better, so the damage taken could be changed.

We'd need a sex handler of some sort I suspect, although I can't think of anything specific that needs it right now. Unless we decide to track STDs through the customer pool in which case this lets us propagate the things. 

We could also use trait handlers to duplicate some of the functionaliy of events. I mean a "sadistic" trait could come with a low %chance that the girl loses it during sex and badly hurts a patron. What do we do if there's also a girl-specific event that wants to fire? I'd say the girl's events have to take priority, but giving traits their own events would let us propagate a lot of consistent behaviour across a lot of girls.

And if we can't make random girls less boring with that sort of functionality at our disposal, it's probably time to give up :)

Offline dalmedya

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2010, 04:45:28 AM »
Traits with events embedded into them sounds like fun. Though with the combat/sex/misc handlers, you might be looking at a major code rewrite, unless you just combine it all into a unified trait handler.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Trait requests.
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2010, 04:55:07 AM »
We should be able to do it more-or-less surgically, I think.

  • Check for the existence of a hander before combat starts
  • Let the pre-combat handler modify combat parameters.
  • Run combat normally
  • Run any post combat handlers
  • Mark combatants with zero helath as dead
Minimal intervention in existing code. Or that's the plan, anyway :)

There might well be a problem with multiple handler all wanting a say in the proceedings.  If two handlers want to do different things, the order of execution may become important.


I should probably add that the "unified trait hander" is going to be Lua, and the script/event framework that's I'm finalsing right now. Most of the bits we need for this we have already. The bits we're missing are interface methods to let Lua talk to the game engine. There's a bit of work to do, but not that much compared to what's been done already
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 05:00:55 AM by DocClox »