
Author Topic: How to add girls  (Read 176717 times)

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Offline CaptC

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Re: How to add girls
« Reply #60 on: March 10, 2017, 09:11:13 AM »
Yes, girls can get there own meet script. There are no instructions anywhere that I have found... I have followed examples and have made a few scripts.

Rgirls can be picked to only be in certain areas, but it is on a girl by girl basis.

Offline Nighteye

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Re: How to add girls
« Reply #61 on: March 10, 2017, 12:08:45 PM »
On regards to the 2nd half of your answer, what do you by girl-by-girl basis?
And does that mean I can add a Status=Normal/Slave/Catacombs/Arena line in an rgirlsx file to have that specific rgirl to appear in the area I want?

Offline CaptC

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Re: How to add girls
« Reply #62 on: March 10, 2017, 03:41:49 PM »
Am I misremembering? I thought the tool let you specify that.

Offline Nighteye

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Re: How to add girls
« Reply #63 on: March 13, 2017, 11:15:24 AM »
Sorry for not answering sooner, got busy the last couple of days.

Anyway, no, the editor doesn't allow you to pick where they can only appear. There's only a tick box that decides whether or not the rgirl template can appear in the catacombs.

Also is there a way to take a unique girl out of the game? As in, if she leaves your group you never be able to recruit her again. I notice that no matter how many times I fired a girl she can show up again when I walk around town.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2017, 11:30:41 AM by Nighteye »

Offline Dabanisher

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Re: How to add girls
« Reply #64 on: March 14, 2017, 01:50:50 AM »
its right above the traits its a drop down and lists all the places its normal girl by default tho

Offline GigaQuad85

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Re: How to add girls
« Reply #65 on: October 23, 2020, 09:36:07 PM »
If you have a later version of the game It comes with a file that lists many of the traits of each config file (.girlx, .rgirlx, .itemsx) type.  It's in TXT format but gives a blank XML styled setup at the top for you to build on, with instructions for what to put in.  In this file, there is a Catacombs="Yes\No" value, and an Arena="Yes\No" value.  This value is also present in the .rgirlsx version, but the .rgirlsx version has a different style list than the girlsx file.  I wouldn't bet the farm on it, but you could use this as an initial framework, and build your girl's traits that way, by copy paste and find\replace.  I've done this in Notepad++ and it works fine.  I've also used the latest WMEditor to do similar and then make edits in Notepad++.  It's worked well enough.  If you put a girl in the Catacombs, but nowhere else, she probably won't show up anywhere else.  If you want her to show up in Clinic, put in Clinic="Yes", arena, same, etc.
I've also used a txt-file joiner to take an entire list of girls and make one file for editing in WMEditor.  It works fine so long as you use the root shells only once, so you do have to remove the repeated root object calls for <Girls> so there's just one.  But each girl opens with a <Girl> Key, so leave this in place.  Now they all get loaded into WMEdit with one load command.  If you have 82 girls you want to whittle down to just a few, it works well.  If you want those girls to be repetitive in the game, I'm guessing it will allow multiple declarations of a girl in a girl file, provided the names aren't the same.  IF you do this with .girlsx files, you could separate them with a middle initial, and put in as many as you want for a particular girl, even alternate versions of her.  Then you store it all in the same .girlsx file, which needs only one folder of images.  You can then get many girls with only a few image folders.  I'm about to try this, to see how resilient the XML parser in the game really is.  If all the girls get loaded, it's a nice little harem.  I already know this works with items that have multiple versions, but the same name, as several items have varied effects and the same item file and name, but the effect shows up with different values.  Should work with girls too, but we'll see.
As for removing girls... ...This is kind of difficult.  You'd have to rewrite the XML parser to pickup a value for how common the girl is either from the girlsx file or a config file with her girlsx filename as the list item that shows up when you take a walk or use girl-search event.  That's a lot of code to insert, and it would have to be updated every time you start the game to update your Config file with the list of girlsx files and their percentages.  If a set of files is removed, it should be removed from the config file.  Then you have to run the test every time you do a random girl or girl-find event.  If somebody has the code and the experience, by all means, go ahead.  It would be an interesting balancer to the game, but it would require more parsing of the data, and it would require rewriting the WMEditor to match so girls could be updated.
Also, as a side note, I've created many symlinks to the image folders, given them new names, then created copies of the girl files and given them the same name, only to find that this works perfectly to add copies of some girls to the game quickly.  I do this with a symlink shell extention that puts it in the context menu, so I can create several at once.  Though, I don't know if that would work with girlsx files, as the extentions could prove problematic.  I may try it later, but for now, I'll be copy\pasting another girl data set into the same girlsx file and adding a middle initial or middle name adjustment to see if they show up.  If they do, I can multiply girls in multiples.  Create a girl file with many versions of the girl, dupe it with a different file name again and again, then symlink the image folders and voila.  In theory I could get hundreds of girls in one file, multiplied by the number of dupes and symlinks I create, all without taking up much extra space, and without needing randomgirlsx files, though, in theory, I could do the same with those and create versions of each for each event location.

Offline GigaQuad85

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Re: How to add girls
« Reply #66 on: November 16, 2020, 01:57:41 AM »
So here's an update... ...Using Notepad++, and a host of other tools I tried my initial tests with the girlsx files.  I was able to get girls to show up multiple times in the game, hundreds of times... ..even thousands, to the point that it was just ridiculous.  However, after trolling around these forums and some other girl files, I was able to pick up a few more pieces of info.  In the original girlsx files, you need to give the girl the name of the folder of images.  In the other rgirlsx files, the file name is irrelevant, but the name of the girl designed in the file must match that of the original folder of images you will use.  That means that you can streamline the "random" girls so that you have hundreds of variations in a single file, meant to describe a set for a certain location, and name the file accordingly, so you know which sets are which.  This is great because it will allow you to create multiple versions of each girl for all kinds of situations.  You can add traits to the original girls for actual people that match who they are in real life, while the randomized clones of them get a few different traits.  This really allows me to play with the personalities a bit, so your singers and movie stars can perform in porn movies, or recruit for you, while the stars of action films and fights all take on the arena.  Country girls hit the farm, or dance on the bars, singing, the drama girls do the clinic and counseling thing, and the rest just help the porn crews on set or promote... ...and you can really mix it up based on your images.
For the random girls, I keep them in the dungeon until I need them, and put them in brothels doing the menial labor, or doing the clients, whichever I think they'll fit with.

I also found that there is a "status" key in the girlsx files that tells where the girl is found commonly.  You can multiply the chances of getting her in a specific location with: Studio, Clinic, Arena, Catacombs, Slave, or Normal.  I haven't tried the suggested "Crossgate" yet, but I'm pretty sure it goes with Normal instead.  There's a similar aspect in the rgirlsx files, but you can look that one up on your own.  Ultimately, I like creating a slight difference in the properties of the girls for the different locations, so that they take on the flavor of where you find them.  Then I multiply that inside Notepad++ by repeating a copy paste many times, then I do it again and mess with the properties so that she still has the same place, but different job targets for the location.  Ultimately, it's been fun to edit the properties this way, but it takes so long to edit this way that I've taken to using the game editor with a bunch of copies of the one girl in a file, then I play with the traits of each one, export them back to a single file, fix the status property for a few of them, then copypaste with a macro in notepad++ for multiple copies of each girl, all in order, and I then go back into the game item-girl editor to make the changes in the traits.  After that, I just run the macro again in an auto mode to get hundreds of copies of the girl into a single file, which defines her as a set of those, and she will randomly show in the game with different sets of properties that vary her usefulness a bit.  This gives a more populated game, and makes it more intensive on the part of the player to chose the right operations for her to perform in a given location.  It would be great if we could "walk" or "Hunt" several times, using the interaction count perhaps, but without any definitive development of the game at this point in time, that probably won't happen.  So... ...I've taken to using the addrandom in the scripts instead of AddTargetGirl, as it allows you to loop the script back to the beginning for another run through.  Then I put in one last chance at the end of the script to pick up the girl the script is attached to, mainly because this operation can only be done one time in the script, and if you have already done it, the script may malfunction if you try to add any girl or girls.  This has caused crashes, sometimes just a loss of all the girls in the current building, and occasionally, odd behaviors in the script.

I'm also building better scripts that allow you to not only get one girl, but get several randomized girls as you loop around.  Here's a tip:  When using the script editor, you may only use AddTargetGirl one time in the entire script.  When you do a walk action or a hunt for girls etc, the trigger already attaches the normal girl.  However, if you intend to loop around the script until a final action, you can swap the AddTargetGirl for AddRandomGirlToDungeon instead.  This results in random girls instead of the normal ones, but does build up your harem quickly.  If you want to run scripts repeatedly, I suppose you could set the trigger so that there are several runs of every script that rely on a global variable to be set for the trigger to turn off.  That would allow you to repeat through several scripts with the global variable set for the particular script you wish to run through, but I haven't tried that yet.  I have been able to get the standard scripts to tell a few more colorful stories though. 
I have one script I'm building for the farmhouse area, if I can get the button to work, focusing on finding a new dimensional gate out in the woods beyond the farm, where harems of horny, monsterlike women called Celestial Children bang your brains out, usually resulting in a multitude of captures of randomized numbers of girls.  It would be great if there were a way to base a random girl on a real girl very quickly in a script, which would make such a storyline more colorful, branching one way for clones, and another for a random mix, but so far, I'm not even sure this game is still in development, so I don't know if or when it might come to fruition that we get more scripting.   If I can get the storyline built up, I'll test it in another script first.  I haven't been able to get the button into the farm screen yet, but I'm working on it.  I built the button files, I added the pictures, and I even took a look at the xml build of the page; I placed the button where I thought it should go, but it didn't show up.  That may be because the new script hasn't yet been implemented, or it may be because the farm has no trigger programmed yet.  Either way, it's still in testing, but when I get it running I'll let you know.  So far I've got the storylines finished, and they are way similar, but they do hold a few important differences.  It is those differences in the type of characters portrayed that make the actions more colorful, though the sex acts described are similar.
I'll upload a copy somewhere, if anybody would like to read it.