Author Topic: General Discussion  (Read 4022151 times)

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Offline Xipomus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1395 on: January 05, 2014, 07:13:21 PM »
NVM read the code.. post obsolete :D.

***********obsolete post************************
Sorry jobs script but part of the customer action.

            # Straight Sex Act
            if self.client.act == 'sex':
                self.txt += random.choice(['He wanted some oldfashioned straight fucking. \n',
                                                          'He was in a mood for some pussy pounding. \n',
                                                          'He asked for some playtime with her vagina.\n'])
                # Virgin trait check:
                if "Virgin" in self.girl.traits:
                    self.txt = "".join([self.txt, "\n{color=[pink]}%s lost her virginity!{/color} \n\n"%self.girl.nickname])

Only this part or does the skill part need to be included too. Else you get get a description of a hot sex with the first and then get the remark she's like a cold turkey or something.

Otherwise it's only a small description of the interaction with the pic.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 07:25:15 PM by Xipomus »

Offline Dekhyper

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1396 on: January 06, 2014, 08:57:31 PM »
Just wandered in and thought I'd barge into the conversation and demand answers to questions you have no interest in answering.

Do you have a world design? So far i've seen a picture of a town and i know that there is an arena and that whoring is at least tolerated but no information about the rest of the world. Is this a lawless land where the strong dominate the weak? Or is it an independent kingdom with an inexplicably high ratio of female citizens whose main export is therefore slavegirls? Perhaps your player has for somehow bribed or blackmailed a local official to look the other way rather than raid his whorehouse? Perhaps you have not given any thought to this at all as you're busy coding? if that last were the case I could do some world design if it would help. If there IS some repository of background information perhaps you could direct me to it.

Also do you have any plans for explorable dungeons? do you have a random dungeon generator yet? there is a set of charts for generating random dungeons in the 1st ed. D&D DM guide that is pretty extensive. It might not be to hard to convert that into code for a dungeon generator.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1397 on: January 07, 2014, 10:59:23 AM »
Just wandered in and thought I'd barge into the conversation and demand answers to questions you have no interest in answering.

Do you have a world design? So far i've seen a picture of a town and i know that there is an arena and that whoring is at least tolerated but no information about the rest of the world. Is this a lawless land where the strong dominate the weak? Or is it an independent kingdom with an inexplicably high ratio of female citizens whose main export is therefore slavegirls? Perhaps your player has for somehow bribed or blackmailed a local official to look the other way rather than raid his whorehouse? Perhaps you have not given any thought to this at all as you're busy coding? if that last were the case I could do some world design if it would help. If there IS some repository of background information perhaps you could direct me to it.

Also do you have any plans for explorable dungeons? do you have a random dungeon generator yet? there is a set of charts for generating random dungeons in the 1st ed. D&D DM guide that is pretty extensive. It might not be to hard to convert that into code for a dungeon generator.

World design is VERY limited. Right now it's limited to slaves not being allowed to train in combat skills or participate in any kind of fights, due to a slave revolt that happened not so long ago (maybe 20 - 30 years before the events of PyTFall).

Whoring is perfectly legal, right now there is no tax payment but it's easy to introduce to the game at a later stage (after we have some form of world economics and balance).

There should be law and order. Definitely not lack of those to a point where strong would always dominate the weak.

I never gave any thoughts to female/male ratios. I actually thought that most slaves would either be born into slavery or "imported" from elsewhere.  Enslaving a citizen should be forbidden under normal circumstances, maybe a debt or crime would make an exception.

We didn't give it much thought honestly, it was limited to a couple of discussions on this forum. As you've guessed, we've been busy coding and creating some elements that would suit almost any WMlike world.

Any help is welcome, you can simply search the forum for any info but if you want to design the world/storyline (there is a repository of code, not information), just keep conditions mentioned above (as they've been coded in already), other than that, we haven't agreed on anything.

We've decided to leave explorable dungeons to a latter stage and release an Alpha without those. A lot of code that would allow explorable dungeons has been written already and even if it's not in the repo, I have it. The trouble is that any decent explorable environment, random or not, requires even more coding and thought that Arena. Otherwise random dungeons are easy to code in, what does require a lot of time is to make enough tiles, monsters, bosses, events, items/gold rewards and balance to make it all work. In fact, a VERY good random dungeon generator with rooms, corridors, smart bosses locations, smart temptation tiles placement is actually only 200 - 300 lines on code (we have 20k+ lines in the game right now). Making dungeons or any other explorable environments interesting would take a could thousands lines of code + text.
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Offline Dekhyper

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1398 on: January 07, 2014, 12:44:38 PM »
pretty much all i do is study and think about world designs. I'd be glad to work on this if you like. First you gotta start with the big things then you work your way towards the small stuff.
For instance the shape of the world and governments. The shape of the world will affect how things are governed. So far I've assumed a standard spheroid world with a standard government. I think there are nobles mentioned as a type of customer and that implies that we are currently working inside some sort of feudalistic monarchy. the shape of the world means that a slave that escapes may very well be able to simply run far enough cross a border and be gone forever in game terms.

But lets say we want something more interesting, like a world shaped like a group of associated spheroids inside a bubble of breathable gasses in a low gravity environment. each spheroid probably has its own government lets say that the one you are on rather than a feudalistic monarchy is an oligarchy nobility therefore is merely a recognition that a person has sufficient wealth to be considered an oligarch and therefore have a vote in the senate. Travel between spheroids is limited to those who can obtain passage on a flying ship. Slaves that are shipped from one spheroid to another therefore have little chance of returning to their homes therefore are always recoverable in game terms. 

And gods, what kind of gods do you want? a deistic style creator would mean that after god created the land he simply lets it run and no longer interferes with what happens. or perhaps you prefer a polytheistic system with different gods claiming different realms of influence. the competition among gods might mean that in some places slavery is illegal and therefore any slave that gets to that place is now free.

any of this looking interesting to you?

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1399 on: January 07, 2014, 01:00:36 PM »
Well, for now Xela is assuming it is the same universe where WM "events" taking place. There is a fairly detailed prehistory of the world. Naturally, there is no information about Pytfall and its environs, so it could be anywhere and have any prehistory if you'd like to write it. Still, you can rely on that prehistory if you want to.

As for the slavegirls source, Xela refused once to substantiate it by standard simple explanation (space distortion, yeah), somehow he prefers to not have an explanations at all  :)

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1400 on: January 07, 2014, 01:12:36 PM »
And gods, what kind of gods do you want? a deistic style creator would mean that after god created the land he simply lets it run and no longer interferes with what happens. or perhaps you prefer a polytheistic system with different gods claiming different realms of influence. the competition among gods might mean that in some places slavery is illegal and therefore any slave that gets to that place is now free.
A god that no longer interferes would be contrary to the possibility of the resurrection of characters in the temple that will be added to the game in the future. Of course, you can change the concept and resurrect with the help of scientific achievements solely, but that would require much more advanced world, with spaceships and stuff.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1401 on: January 07, 2014, 01:37:17 PM »
As for the slavegirls source, Xela refused once to substantiate it by standard simple explanation (space distortion, yeah), somehow he prefers to not have an explanations at all  :)

Well, I didn't want to create to many delimiting factors before the world is created as a concept... I thought I've made that clear. Slaves can be drawn from major military conquests (not related to player, general government sort of thing), during exploration, people without citizenship and so on. There is no point in setting these things straight before conception of the whole world, unless required by code/game design.

pretty much all i do is study and think about world designs. I'd be glad to work on this if you like. First you gotta start with the big things then you work your way towards the small stuff.
For instance the shape of the world and governments. The shape of the world will affect how things are governed. So far I've assumed a standard spheroid world with a standard government. I think there are nobles mentioned as a type of customer and that implies that we are currently working inside some sort of feudalistic monarchy. the shape of the world means that a slave that escapes may very well be able to simply run far enough cross a border and be gone forever in game terms.

- standard spheroid world
- standard government
- feudalistic monarchy

All sound good to me. Maybe a republic along the lines of Roman Empire before Julius? I don't care either way.

But lets say we want something more interesting, like a world shaped like a group of associated spheroids inside a bubble of breathable gasses in a low gravity environment. each spheroid probably has its own government lets say that the one you are on rather than a feudalistic monarchy is an oligarchy nobility therefore is merely a recognition that a person has sufficient wealth to be considered an oligarch and therefore have a vote in the senate. Travel between spheroids is limited to those who can obtain passage on a flying ship. Slaves that are shipped from one spheroid to another therefore have little chance of returning to their homes therefore are always recoverable in game terms. 

Similar to what I've suggested above as a system, however multiple worlds may require to much design and search for related graphics than we have actual time to create.

And gods, what kind of gods do you want? a deistic style creator would mean that after god created the land he simply lets it run and no longer interferes with what happens. or perhaps you prefer a polytheistic system with different gods claiming different realms of influence. the competition among gods might mean that in some places slavery is illegal and therefore any slave that gets to that place is now free.

I like the Oblivion deity design. We could go with something along those lines, only more limited.

any of this looking interesting to you?

It's all interesting, but world concept should be mindful of the fact that this is a game and a sim. Deep design of the world might not really be necessary or may even turn out to be restrictive to game design.

Maybe we should first agree on the format:

1) Long introduction style.

2) Books like in Elder Scroll games.

3) Talking to NPCs and advancing through the game.

Mixture or something different might also work but the main issue is that we need to be mindful of the amount of texts/events/NPC required and time we'll need to make it all work. Since it's a game and not a book, we're limited as far as the depth goes by Graphics, sounds, backgrounds, NPCs that we can find online...
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Offline Dekhyper

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1402 on: January 07, 2014, 02:31:13 PM »
A god that no longer interferes would be contrary to the possibility of the resurrection of characters in the temple that will be added to the game in the future. Of course, you can change the concept and resurrect with the help of scientific achievements solely, but that would require much more advanced world, with spaceships and stuff.
not if you went with a steampunk/frankenstien style resurrection, which consists of strapping a not too rotten or damaged corpse to the slab during a storm and shooting lightning into it. Or a reanimator style resurrection, pump the corpse full of drugs but don't wait too long or it will be evil.

- standard spheroid world
- standard government
- feudalistic monarchy

All sound good to me. Maybe a republic along the lines of Roman Empire before Julius? I don't care either way.
good old Not Earth it is i guess

i dunno much about the old roman way of doing things to be honest, wasnt there a lot of family stuff going on as well as  competition for wealth? maybe your dude it trying to break into the nobility despite not being from a "noble" family?

I like the Oblivion deity design. We could go with something along those lines, only more limited.
wow gonna hafta be WAY more specific on that.
It's all interesting, but world concept should be mindful of the fact that this is a game and a sim. Deep design of the world might not really be necessary or may even turn out to be restrictive to game design.

Maybe we should first agree on the format:

1) Long introduction style.

2) Books like in Elder Scroll games.

3) Talking to NPCs and advancing through the game.

Mixture or something different might also work but the main issue is that we need to be mindful of the amount of texts/events/NPC required and time we'll need to make it all work. Since it's a game and not a book, we're limited as far as the depth goes by Graphics, sounds, backgrounds, NPCs that we can find online...

a good world background allows easy creation of quests and makes coherent npc talk easier, but you are right in as much as the background needs to reflect the mechanics and not restrict them. The elder scrolls game really did do a good job explaining the history of the world in unobtrusive ways, emulating them is not a bad choice.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1403 on: January 07, 2014, 02:52:42 PM »
Well, I didn't want to create to many delimiting factors before the world is created as a concept... I thought I've made that clear.
Nah, you said you don't care about such explanations at all  :)

Basically, in OW, SM and WM anything about girls could be explained by random space distortion. That includes twins, characters from clearly different worlds, dead ones according to the original source, etc. That's a very simple, yet handy concept.

Or a reanimator style resurrection, pump the corpse full of drugs but don't wait too long or it will be evil.
Ouch, now that's a scary story. I watched Reanimator, it does not restore the body, and the revived ones are always evil and kinda immortal, iirc  ???
« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 02:56:03 PM by DarkTl »

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1404 on: January 07, 2014, 02:54:26 PM »
good old Not Earth it is i guess

i dunno much about the old roman way of doing things to be honest, wasnt there a lot of family stuff going on as well as  competition for wealth? maybe your dude it trying to break into the nobility despite not being from a "noble" family?

Old Earth clone might work, but we have magic and some tech to make it more interesting. Family names died off fairly quickly for some reason in RE, also most adapted children did a better job at governing sh!t.

As for trying to buy his way into nobility, if you can make that story work, I don't really mind.

wow gonna hafta be WAY more specific on that.

Oblivion as in Elder Scrolls. Aedra/Daedra/Creation Gods/Local folklore and so on. Basic stuff, couple schools of thought, maybe with specific benefits like increasing specific skills benefits as a rewards for loyalty to a specific school of believe/thought.

a good world background allows easy creation of quests and makes coherent npc talk easier, but you are right in as much as the background needs to reflect the mechanics and not restrict them. The elder scrolls game really did do a good job explaining the history of the world in unobtrusive ways, emulating them is not a bad choice.

It's true, my point was that creating a world background without any NCP's/Texts/Books or any actual content is not a very good idea. I am more concerned in something we can actually put in the game, not just a backstory since there are plenty of those available in books/games/online and in this very forum :)
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1405 on: January 08, 2014, 01:14:28 AM »
On the other hand, we will have cloning technology in the game, so reviving could be somehow based on it as well.

- standard spheroid world
- standard government
- feudalistic monarchy
Well, WM plot is about endless multidimensional catacombs under the city that lead to other worlds. We might as well assume that those catacombs are not just under the city, but "under" the whole world.

Offline Dekhyper

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1406 on: January 08, 2014, 12:14:45 PM »
hrrmm endless transdimensional catacombs huh? one of my favorite explanations for those goes like this, you've got this priest who worships a dead god, one who was defeated and cast out by the other gods, and he wants to preform a resurrection on his god. ordinarily this  would be impossible but this priest has a reliquary that contains a actual physical part of the dead god.  so he does the resurrection and it doesn't work all it does is pull a fragment of the dead gods realm into his own. this so upsets the fabric of space and time that it causes the relevant catacombs, 

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1407 on: January 08, 2014, 05:04:55 PM »
hrrmm endless transdimensional catacombs huh? one of my favorite explanations for those goes like this, you've got this priest who worships a dead god, one who was defeated and cast out by the other gods, and he wants to preform a resurrection on his god. ordinarily this  would be impossible but this priest has a reliquary that contains a actual physical part of the dead god.  so he does the resurrection and it doesn't work all it does is pull a fragment of the dead gods realm into his own. this so upsets the fabric of space and time that it causes the relevant catacombs,

I can't really tell why these explanations are even required. Some stuff is better left to the imagination.

On the other hand, we will have cloning technology in the game, so reviving could be somehow based on it as well.

I thought we wanted to go with magic (religious/spiritual) approach, not tech?

Otherwise I pushed a small bit of code as an update for jobs today. Maybe more tomorrow, I'll try to push more frequently since there "might" be more people working on the code now.
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Offline Dekhyper

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1408 on: January 08, 2014, 06:16:17 PM »
not every explanation needs to be visible to the player but HAVING an explanation, even a vague one, in mind from the beginning makes it easier to craft coherent events relating to the anomaly.

Maybe you dont actually need an explanation but a good idea of the capabilities of the anomaly might work just as well. a comprehensive list of what can and cant happen would obviate the need for an explanation of why or how it happens if you wanted to leave that as a mystery.

(see i can be flexible)

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #1409 on: January 08, 2014, 11:50:38 PM »
I thought we wanted to go with magic (religious/spiritual) approach, not tech?
Doesn't matter. We will have clones one way or another, even if created by magic only. So resurrection could be based on this concept if we won't have an advanced religion with resurrectig spells.

one of my favorite explanations for those goes like this, you've got this priest who worships a dead god, one who was defeated and cast out by the other gods, and he wants to preform a resurrection on his god.
Reminds me of NWN2 MoB   :)
I guess we could try to give an explanation for catacombs existance, maybe even use it as a main plot.