Author Topic: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced  (Read 6973 times)

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Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« on: June 24, 2017, 04:48:16 PM »

So after stopping working on my game since there were no interest in it, I decided to move to new project (or maybe old one) named currently as title of topic.

So whats the game would be about?
Hmm I decided to drop text and table based game with sexy sprites, to more civilization like looking game where sprites of girls would show on map doing whatever they do in this moment. Also I would abandon turn based gameplay (or pseudo turn based) to real time gameplay. So we basically gets a Hexagonal map of city (and some farms around it), where each hex is different district. Those districts have their own needs which if we expand to them we need to assign girl to district (one per district) and satisfy them. Total sum of needs are 100% which can be described as 100% of girl time is used to satisfy residents of district, so if we have a need that is 50% e.g. titfuck it would mean that roughly 50% of time girl is doing tifuck, the rest of time she spent doing another needs of residents.

There would be different kind of districts in game roughly design has nine different districts (e.g slums, lower class, middle class, adventurers, merchants) but there will be more in future but currently decide to start small then if it catch interest I would begin to make it bigger. Each satisfied need will increase income from district while each time need rise too much the income will decrease. Girls would never rest just they try to satisfy needs of residents, when they done with one need they go to second biggest need that currently is present (or after satisfy need it would be the biggest one now).

Each girl would have their own skills and traits that would help to satisfy certain need so we would need to shuffle girl between district to gain the highest income, since it's planned that a girl would be able to rise income from district without needed traits/skills only to low level, basically she would spend too much time to satisfy residents to be able to take care of all needs without certain traits/skills. Besides stats they would also new magical spells which help with jobs but not only girls would now only limited amount of spells also they would use mana to cast them, which slowly regen but still it would be not allowed to cast non stop them.

Besides the game I do plan to create several tools to mod the game without touching json files (which are standard for me to keep data in them where user can easily modded it). Now I work on map editor to create new city maps or modify existing ones, after that i create some basic tools for creating data (maybe something similar to WM editor, not in unity but in c# based on forms).

In a case of some error with loading data the user will be informed about it, so he can be aware that has problems with game and can send me log to try to see what is the problem.

Also during the gameplay there will be events like from VN where games gets paused and we see a window in form of VN, where we interact with events, after end we return to normal gameplay. Or maybe you think the better would look like events in EU4 style? (As for VN i think that if project would be successful i would add some kind of art to see a high res images of characters, for now I can only provide my custom sprites in 80px size)

The girls. Previous game has a mix of random girls and unique ones, but for this game I would create only unique girls (at least for first release version) since each one of girl would need their own events, and for randoms girl they would be obviously too many copies of events for them, but in future if I ever find any writer that want to help I would be glad to add some random girls to game, for now you need to be satisfied with my bad writing or if you have a problems with it just use one of tools of mine to mods dialogues for your own needs.

So I want some kind of feedback regarding my idea for new game if you would want to try it and give me some feedback or you just ignore it as my previous game? I mean any kind of feedback is precious for any author especially when they do not have patreon to see some monetary benefits which is equal to that people does enjoy playing game enough to pay for it.

Offline doubleDolp

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2017, 01:45:32 AM »
Your sounds like a great. I would love to play a game like this. Will it be real-time during active hours and then once the day is up the game will show a stats screen or will it be active throughout like animal crossing?

Offline dullman

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2017, 03:04:46 AM »
Your sounds like a great. I would love to play a game like this. Will it be real-time during active hours and then once the day is up the game will show a stats screen or will it be active throughout like animal crossing?

It would be real time with possibility of pausing, as for status screen it would be available to check any time you want. But certainly currently I'm not sure if I follow since on one of forums I posted they were a feedback saying that sprite art are not sexy at all, and this game would be also based on sprite art, so currently I'm back to starting point and think if not better would be making a breeding game with static vector art.

Offline doubleDolp

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2017, 12:47:27 AM »
Idk. I guess its up to you. Sprites don't have to be sexy but they can show what the character might look like such as in corruption of champions, though that uses a bunch of text that tells the player what the character looks like. Well you do you man. What theme will the breeding game be?

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2017, 06:15:41 AM »
Idk. I guess its up to you. Sprites don't have to be sexy but they can show what the character might look like such as in corruption of champions, though that uses a bunch of text that tells the player what the character looks like. Well you do you man. What theme will the breeding game be?

Hmm as for me I severly lacks in writing abilities, so the sprites should give you something that would make you feel like they are sexy (myself i consider them sexy, better than static images that are most in games) so I'm pretty depressed that they lack sexiness.
As for breeding game I thought for a while on it but lacks writer for it (even put few rpg maker demos to see how it would looks like) but certainly they would be similar to my hex game, baa even i thing if not goes with rpg maker xp sprites and just add breeding options to this game.
Or maybe just go with one standing image, introduce events like in VN, and the rest pray that in future I find any artist/writer willing to join me. What is my thing that females would have piercings/tattoes depends on their progress with mating with animals (and main focus would be mating with animals to provide new livestock to people, but certainly I would also want to add more humanoids besides humans - so animal - female pairings)

Offline doubleDolp

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2017, 01:33:40 AM »
That sounds like a cool. Just plan out what you want in your game and focus on that. You don't need to have a writer unless your game heavily relies on it. Just keep it plain and simple. For your art, maybe you could look at some tutorials and learn how to make your own art on your free time. You can determine which art style you want your game to follow and work from there.

Offline dullman

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2017, 06:05:16 AM »
That sounds like a cool. Just plan out what you want in your game and focus on that. You don't need to have a writer unless your game heavily relies on it. Just keep it plain and simple. For your art, maybe you could look at some tutorials and learn how to make your own art on your free time. You can determine which art style you want your game to follow and work from there.

Hmm what I want in game?? It's not that easy since I have only finite time to write the game. As for content currently I'm writing some basic classes that are needed in game, so certainly I would love to implement all my ideas, but when I just makes a list of constants to see how much skills i do want in game it shows me near twenty, so it's big, so currently I'm thinking about farther simplify game or just use XP sprites since it has biggest base of ready to use in game. In this case I made several ones for sb2 revival featuring girls from anime so I probably could reuse them in game I would approach dangerous area of copyrights rights.
As for art you say like it's possible to learn it, but for me it's not true, I mean everyone can learn quantum physics but as for art it's needs to has something in you, The best I can is to draw something that is based on some model, even pixel art is not something that I can make everything (for example with hairstyles I have many problems).

Offline doubleDolp

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2017, 10:40:10 AM »

As for art you say like it's possible to learn it, but for me it's not true, I mean everyone can learn quantum physics but as for art it's needs to has something in you, The best I can is to draw something that is based on some model, even pixel art is not something that I can make everything (for example with hairstyles I have many problems).

You could research references on various hairstyles with google but I guess that might not be fun since it can take awhile to practice draw them. Well just focus on your core game. I can't wait to see how it comes out.

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2017, 05:24:11 AM »

You could research references on various hairstyles with google but I guess that might not be fun since it can take awhile to practice draw them. Well just focus on your core game. I can't wait to see how it comes out.

Hmm as for my core gamewhilst i do have great ideas for it but truthfully i wait until I create some basic character template for game, which is not the easiest thing to create, since i have a problems with animations, but basically I either successfully create an isometric female character template or use the old ones sprites for game but they would be scaled size from 48px height vs isometric one around 115-120px, but I wanted to have four frames since they would lessen workload on creating characters but i feel like they would not looks good on only four frames but can't check it now so the last verdict would be when i have a time (and make all four frames of walking for female)

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2017, 03:22:48 PM »
My Attempt on Iso Character (Female).
It's not the last version since I first need to add tits for sprite going upward, second different sizes of breasts, and third make from it a male sprite which would be probably changed body to be more masculine and maybe thicken arms and legs (but need to see how with body changes sprite would look like

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Re: Sim Red Light Town Hex Edition - new project announced
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2017, 07:15:47 AM »
Whilst the game it's not near the release version and currently I need to work on characters sprites, I decide to spend my weekends on programming side of project. So today I basically slightly completed loading and displaying map (with overlay layer for hex that we own, grid lines and borders for owned hexes (although those are something that i think that maybe need to change approach toward it and make them thicker)), so I can say that map side of work is rather completed, what be left in it is to fill all small things that comes with coding character class (mainly with character sprite). So how the map looks like I have few screens (one is in zoomed in, the other is zoomed out) one with characters templates (to see how much of space that would take on map) and second without any character on map.
[/size]ps. Sorry for poor quality but I needed to export to jpg to be under 256kB size