
Author Topic: Of Love... and Loyalty...  (Read 3050 times)

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Offline Geron

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Of Love... and Loyalty...
« on: August 24, 2010, 12:08:24 AM »
What irks me is that each and every girl ends up in love with 'you', despite never personally interacting with them.  If you treat them well enough and wait a long time anyways.

Love should require effort/interaction on your part.  While you can just rename the majority of the love formula to Loyalty. 
More believable and less stroking of one's ego.

Might be redundant, but, to balance it out.... shifting the starting rebellion average of girls higher, while at the same time make rebellious less of a pain and the refuse working difference much more gradual instead of getting past the abrupt magic zero and being clear to whore it up.

Once you get below zero rebellion, they seem to never refuse to work in the brothel, while they have issues doing other stuff?

Actually, the fight back/submit to torture mechanic seems to work well....