Author Topic: Would like to have an addional pic-type "presented"  (Read 4535 times)

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Offline HuiBui

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Would like to have an addional pic-type "presented"
« on: April 12, 2015, 08:05:27 AM »
I'm very sorry to start this topic again, because aevojoey asked earlier if there are wishes about picture types, but..:

If I'm visit the slave market I normally get pictures which seem ..lets say not really realistic. *smile* Thes picture type profile show them often in behavior of a "free" life . dressed, may be laughing, outside on the streets or whereever.
The girls there should be more "presented" because the slaveowner would definitely sell them.

So my suggestion is to have a pic-type which is called "presented" or similar, which is used when looking into the offers of the slave market . If there isn't such a picture in the girlsfolder then should be used the profile pic instead.

These must be hard coded (for visting the slave market) , I know, but from my point of view it would make the game more enhanced.
If you agree please keep in mind to add these Picture type into the scripteditor also. these picture type could be useful for other special moments.

Kind Regards

Offline Lord

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Re: Would like to have an addional pic-type "presented"
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2015, 10:54:55 AM »
I'm very sorry to start this topic again, because aevojoey asked earlier if there are wishes about picture types, but..:

If I'm visit the slave market I normally get pictures which seem ..lets say not really realistic. *smile* Thes picture type profile show them often in behavior of a "free" life . dressed, may be laughing, outside on the streets or whereever.
The girls there should be more "presented" because the slaveowner would definitely sell them.

So my suggestion is to have a pic-type which is called "presented" or similar, which is used when looking into the offers of the slave market . If there isn't such a picture in the girlsfolder then should be used the profile pic instead.

These must be hard coded (for visting the slave market) , I know, but from my point of view it would make the game more enhanced.
If you agree please keep in mind to add these Picture type into the scripteditor also. these picture type could be useful for other special moments.

Kind Regards

Probably wouldn't be a bad idea for using it for girls in your dungeon, since they're not exactly "free" either.
"He urged me to go away, and said that I shouldn't return until I was... "younger and female", were his words, I believe."

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Would like to have an addional pic-type "presented"
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 12:23:35 PM »
I'm very sorry to start this topic again, because aevojoey asked earlier if there are wishes about picture types, but..:

If I'm visit the slave market I normally get pictures which seem ..lets say not really realistic. *smile* Thes picture type profile show them often in behavior of a "free" life . dressed, may be laughing, outside on the streets or whereever.
The girls there should be more "presented" because the slaveowner would definitely sell them.

So my suggestion is to have a pic-type which is called "presented" or similar, which is used when looking into the offers of the slave market . If there isn't such a picture in the girlsfolder then should be used the profile pic instead.

These must be hard coded (for visting the slave market) , I know, but from my point of view it would make the game more enhanced.
If you agree please keep in mind to add these Picture type into the scripteditor also. these picture type could be useful for other special moments.

Kind Regards
They have been added and will be available in .06.01.20.

The script editor was also missing a couple of the other new image types so I added them as well.
As with the other image types you will use "Have Shop", "Have Magic", "Have Sign" or "Have Presented" to use them.

Attached is the updated ScriptCommands.txt so you can replace it and start adding the images now before .20 comes out.
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Offline Jacko

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Re: Would like to have an addional pic-type "presented"
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 07:33:52 PM »
"Presented" would be great. So would "raped", "sad" or "angry" (as an alternate to profile based on the mood of the girl). As for scripts, I'd love to be able to use all the picture types in the "have x" category, have preg, etc., so we could show a pic for a certain script string.  Like op said, it's weird to have a girl pissed off at you smiling in her profile pic.

Also a trait marker for "slave"(girls calling you master, etc.), and a trait differentiating between a "MILF" and a girl who has specifically given birth to your child.

Right now there is no differentiation between an immoral girl, and a sexually immoral girl. A girl can be sexually immoral without being mean, for example. The girl can be nice to puppies and still willing to get gangbanged. "Slut" has a negative connotation in the game, with the -10CHA, which is fine. I've been using "open minded" for this form of sexual immorality. Morality is such a great stat, but atm it's too broad. There seems to be some kind of moral code in Mundiga, because there is a church. Does the church approve of whores? Would being a whore be considered immoral? If so, all the girls who are whores would eventually fall into negative morality, but would that make them go to the hospital and "make fun of the patients"? There should be some kind of stat that draws a line between "immorality" and "sexual immorality". "Decency"? "Lewdness"? These stats should play a part in whether or not a girl is willing to whore herself out. Corrupting the girls should be a part of the game.                                                                                                                                                                                                        If you're willing to figure it out, a "Jealousy" stat that moves like happiness would be awesome. If a girl is in love with you, right now she doesn't care if you bang every girl in Crossgate. Going back to the moral code of Mundiga, is it okay morally if you sleep around? If a girl is jealous, she could refuse orders, run away, and more with scripting. I think it would add another cool human dynamic to the game.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I'd also like to see a "Tight Pussy" trait for use in scripting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          I'd also like to see a new baseline for "Happiness". Girls are way too happy almost all of the time. I think a happiness of ~70 should be baseline for girls who are content. It's amazing that even girls who are slaves and have been forced to become whores are happy with their lot in life. This of course would be based on traits and stats of the girl.  Happiness should also play a part in conjunction with Fear, Love, and Obedience to determine whether or not they comply with your orders. I understand that is a lot of coding. :)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "Looks" should play a much larger role in the game, as should the "fetish" groups. Right now a girl serving in the sleazy bar can make just as much money (sans tips) as a girl who is beautiful (looks >80). I can't remember if the code factors looks into the equation of the degrees of success or failure, but it should be more pronounced. A beautiful girl should be more valuable than an average one. Right now I don't feel there is enough value differentiating a gorgeous whore from a mediocre one.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The game still needs some balancing. Money is way too easy to get. In my current game I'm about three years in, and the challenge has been gone for many many clicks of the end turn button. Rivals are destroyed the moment they appear, and I have more money than I could ever spend. It shouldn't be this easy. Rival gangs attacking your brothel and kidnapping your girls should be an occurrence (especially the good looking ones, if they can), they might just take your favorite. Of course, you should have the opportunity/possibility to get her back (ransom, rescue, etc.), but maybe with a few more scars, psychological or physical (sometimes, not always for a bit of randomness). The early game can be a challenge, but I handicap myself by not even using the whore job, mainly because my girls end up getting gangbanged even though it's forbidden (I can understand girls breaking the rules, but it happens to every girl, regardless of morality, or obedience, so it just seems random instead of something that has a logical reason behind it based on their traits and stats), and there are too many customers who seem to make their choices about which girl to have sex with in random and illogical ways. Also, it makes too much money, making the game even easier. Taking a random girl off the street and turning her into a whore should be a challenge. Right now it's as easy as assigning her to the job. To me, that's actually what the game should be. All the other stuff with gangs and catacombs is ancillary. I really don't even bother with the catacombs in my gameplay. I find that the "Brothel Stripper" job is the best job in the game, because it makes money with stripping (which I want my whores to do), and lets them make a deal on whether or not they want to be a whore too. IRL, the brick and mortar brothels I'm familiar with operate like this. In mexico there is a "strip club" where the girls dance, but you can also take them up stares for a shag if you're willing (I wasn't... blech). There are also plenty of strip clubs in the U.S. that operate like this too. Anyway, something needs to be done about the balance of the amount of money you make to keep the game interesting long term. I can basically "win" the game with 4-5 good whores, which pays for all of my gangs, and the brothel expenses.                                                                                                                                                                                                               There should also be a limit on how many customers you can fit in your brothel. Right now there is no difference between them with regard to customer quantity, or happiness. The fame stat ends up at 100 for all girls after a certain amount of time. There should be a cap on who becomes famous. If all girls have 100 fame, fame is meaningless. I often reset the fame stat for my girls every so often from the editor just to make it more realistic.                                                                                                                                                                                         Overall, the game is very fun, and everyone has done a great job. I love the new catching girls stealing money status. I've had to punish certain girls who have done it, and when I did, they stopped, which is awesome and imo working as intended. Last patch the law was way too crazy, and it's been toned down, but maybe a little too much now. I've been raided only once in my current three year playthrough, despite not bribing anyone. The whole bribing system needs to be balanced a bit more with regard to money.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Overall, I think we've reached a point where there are a lot of different gameplay elements which are not functioning to their full potential. Instead of adding new things, it might be time to tighten up what is already present. There is a lot of untapped potential here. Great work, as always! Thanks for making a great game. 

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Re: Would like to have an addional pic-type "presented"
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2015, 08:09:34 PM »
A quick addendum: I'd also like to get an idea of what the game considers to be "average" stats, and a description of each one and what it does and represents. I've made over 200 girls in the editor, and although I've come to some conclusions about what each do in the game, I'd like to be on the same page as the devs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I'm still don't completely understand Spirit. It seems like it is a measure of will, almost like a horse's spirit, when trying to break it. Girls with high spirit don't cry when you yell at them, while low spirit girls cry at the drop of a hat. Girls with high spirit also don't become obedient when you scold them, they lose spirit, and then make increasing gains with obedience. Which is cool. But I'd still like to know when making girls what the exact levels are between crying and not crying.

Obedience is another one I'd like to know the average on. Right now I set my girls to between 10-20 obedience as an average. It is very unlikely that a girl will blow you, or follow any of your other commands just because you told her to do so, unless she is fearful of the consequences, in love with you, or maybe just horny, or a slut, etc.

Confidence. I know it ties into spirit and obedience somehow (and therefore rebelliousness), but I'm not quite sure of the gameplay effects of the stat alone.

Constitution. I usually use an average of about 30 for constitution. What exactly does it do?

Charisma. I know its a factor in looks, but I'm having a hard time figuring out what the average should be. Right now I use 40, before traits. But eventually many of my girls end up with 100 Charisma, which is pointless. Maybe Charisma should have less of an impact in determining looks. Maybe 33% instead of 50%? If you use the formula, a girl with 100 beauty and 40 charisma will have a "looks" of 70, which I consider a "7" in terms of looks. But "looks" seems to be more of a measure of "attractiveness". A girl who is a "10" in beauty, but also really cool, is bound to be more attractive than a girl who is a "10" in beauty, but also rude, snobby, etc. I just have a hard time figuring out what a good starting point for charisma is before traits. If a girl is "charming" she gets +30 cha, translating into 15 looks, which will make a girl who is a "7", an "8.5" in terms of attractiveness. "Great arse" gives +5 beauty (iirc), translating into 2.5 looks, making a "7" into a "7.25", just on her ass alone (personally, I think a great arse can turn a "7" into an "8", but in the end it doesn't really matter due to the way I create my girl packs.). "Great Figure" gives +20 beauty (iirc), translating into 10 looks, making a "7" into an "8". When making girls (I use real life pictures, pornstars, etc.), I look at a girl to determine beauty (just judging them; this girl is a "6", etc., then get technical and figure out if she is a "6.7" and then translate that into "67" beauty), then add traits like cute, elegant, sexy air, great arse, etc., anything that affects the beauty stat, and subtract them from my initial evaluation to end up at "67" beauty in the game. For example, if I judge a girl to be a "70" beauty, but she is also cute, and has a great arse, I'll put her beauty as "60" in the editor, so in game she will show up with a "70" beauty score -- her beauty score + mods from her traits.

Normal Sex, Oral Sex, etc.: If a girl gains +2 normal sex everytime she has sex, that would make a girl who has had sex 30 times a 60 in normal sex stat. I know lots of girls who have had sex more than 30 times who I would not consider above average in the sex department. So obviously sex skill is not just based on experience. Personally, I consider a "normal" girl, to have a sex skills score somewhere around the 20's or 30's. Girls who I create that I want to "know what they are doing", have the appropriate skill in the ~60 range. This is all initial scores, I want to see them progress through the game, so I leave a bit of room for improvement.

Intelligence. What is the average? I know there are a few pieces of code in the game that rely on it, but I have no idea what average is. [/size][size=78%] [/size]

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Would like to have an addional pic-type "presented"
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2015, 09:18:08 PM »
"Presented" would be great. So would "raped", "sad" or "angry" (as an alternate to profile based on the mood of the girl). As for scripts, I'd love to be able to use all the picture types in the "have x" category, have preg, etc., so we could show a pic for a certain script string.  Like op said, it's weird to have a girl pissed off at you smiling in her profile pic.
All the base image types have "Have x" for the scripts, if a girl is pregnant and has a preg variant of "x" then that will be used instead of the base "x".
I can add any image type that is needed.
The "Raped" image type would be fairly easy to use but the "Sad" and "Angry" would be a little more complicated.

Also a trait marker for "slave"(girls calling you master, etc.), and a trait differentiating between a "MILF" and a girl who has specifically given birth to your child.
"Baby Mamma"?
I'll add script functions to check and set slave status.

Right now there is no differentiation between an immoral girl, and a sexually immoral girl. A girl can be sexually immoral without being mean, for example. The girl can be nice to puppies and still willing to get gangbanged. "Slut" has a negative connotation in the game, with the -10CHA, which is fine. I've been using "open minded" for this form of sexual immorality. Morality is such a great stat, but atm it's too broad. There seems to be some kind of moral code in Mundiga, because there is a church. Does the church approve of whores? Would being a whore be considered immoral? If so, all the girls who are whores would eventually fall into negative morality, but would that make them go to the hospital and "make fun of the patients"? There should be some kind of stat that draws a line between "immorality" and "sexual immorality". "Decency"? "Lewdness"? These stats should play a part in whether or not a girl is willing to whore herself out. Corrupting the girls should be a part of the game.
Morality is quite new and has not really been planned out fully.
It is just a general stat at the moment and does not really do too much.
As more gets added to it, exactly what it is will become more defined.

I consider the "Church" in the game as more of an early Roman Polytheistic Church as opposed to a modern Catholic Church.
With many transplanted peoples from an infinite number of worlds, requiring a single god would cause constant wars between them.
The  Roman Polytheistic style of church only requires that the people accept that there are multiple gods even if they only worship one.

Even if it were a Catholic style church, the issue of prostitution was a fairly accepted occurrence until the modern times.
There are many prostitute archetypes in Catholic dogma; Mary Magdalene, the Sisters of Mercy.
It wasn't until the 16th-17th centuries that prostitution started becoming immoral.

If you're willing to figure it out, a "Jealousy" stat that moves like happiness would be awesome. If a girl is in love with you, right now she doesn't care if you bang every girl in Crossgate. Going back to the moral code of Mundiga, is it okay morally if you sleep around? If a girl is jealous, she could refuse orders, run away, and more with scripting. I think it would add another cool human dynamic to the game.
I think Crazy is working on something like that.
He added NPC_Love and a few boyfriend type traits.

I'd also like to see a "Tight Pussy" trait for use in scripting.
Write up a few variants and I will add them in.

I'd also like to see a new baseline for "Happiness". Girls are way too happy almost all of the time. I think a happiness of ~70 should be baseline for girls who are content. It's amazing that even girls who are slaves and have been forced to become whores are happy with their lot in life. This of course would be based on traits and stats of the girl.  Happiness should also play a part in conjunction with Fear, Love, and Obedience to determine whether or not they comply with your orders. I understand that is a lot of coding.
The baseline for happy is 90, below that she starts losing points in some things.

"Looks" should play a much larger role in the game, as should the "fetish" groups. Right now a girl serving in the sleazy bar can make just as much money (sans tips) as a girl who is beautiful (looks >80). I can't remember if the code factors looks into the equation of the degrees of success or failure, but it should be more pronounced. A beautiful girl should be more valuable than an average one. Right now I don't feel there is enough value differentiating a gorgeous whore from a mediocre one.
This will get fixed as more gets written for the jobs.

The game still needs some balancing. Money is way too easy to get. In my current game I'm about three years in, and the challenge has been gone for many many clicks of the end turn button. Rivals are destroyed the moment they appear, and I have more money than I could ever spend. It shouldn't be this easy. Rival gangs attacking your brothel and kidnapping your girls should be an occurrence (especially the good looking ones, if they can), they might just take your favorite. Of course, you should have the opportunity/possibility to get her back (ransom, rescue, etc.), but maybe with a few more scars, psychological or physical (sometimes, not always for a bit of randomness). The early game can be a challenge, but I handicap myself by not even using the whore job, mainly because my girls end up getting gangbanged even though it's forbidden (I can understand girls breaking the rules, but it happens to every girl, regardless of morality, or obedience, so it just seems random instead of something that has a logical reason behind it based on their traits and stats), and there are too many customers who seem to make their choices about which girl to have sex with in random and illogical ways. Also, it makes too much money, making the game even easier. Taking a random girl off the street and turning her into a whore should be a challenge. Right now it's as easy as assigning her to the job. To me, that's actually what the game should be. All the other stuff with gangs and catacombs is ancillary. I really don't even bother with the catacombs in my gameplay. I find that the "Brothel Stripper" job is the best job in the game, because it makes money with stripping (which I want my whores to do), and lets them make a deal on whether or not they want to be a whore too. IRL, the brick and mortar brothels I'm familiar with operate like this. In mexico there is a "strip club" where the girls dance, but you can also take them up stares for a shag if you're willing (I wasn't... blech). There are also plenty of strip clubs in the U.S. that operate like this too. Anyway, something needs to be done about the balance of the amount of money you make to keep the game interesting long term. I can basically "win" the game with 4-5 good whores, which pays for all of my gangs, and the brothel expenses.
We have been working on game balancing when we can.

There should also be a limit on how many customers you can fit in your brothel. Right now there is no difference between them with regard to customer quantity, or happiness. The fame stat ends up at 100 for all girls after a certain amount of time. There should be a cap on who becomes famous. If all girls have 100 fame, fame is meaningless. I often reset the fame stat for my girls every so often from the editor just to make it more realistic.
I agree Fame really needs to be fixed.
If you can write some text for "Scandal" events, I would like to have a really famous girl get knocked down a few pegs.
If a famous girl catches an STD, becomes addicted to drugs, gets arrested, gets pregnant or whatever else you can think of, her Fame will take a dive.

Overall, the game is very fun, and everyone has done a great job. I love the new catching girls stealing money status. I've had to punish certain girls who have done it, and when I did, they stopped, which is awesome and imo working as intended. Last patch the law was way too crazy, and it's been toned down, but maybe a little too much now. I've been raided only once in my current three year playthrough, despite not bribing anyone. The whole bribing system needs to be balanced a bit more with regard to money.
I don't think I have even looked at the Bribery part so I can't really respond at this time.

Overall, I think we've reached a point where there are a lot of different gameplay elements which are not functioning to their full potential. Instead of adding new things, it might be time to tighten up what is already present. There is a lot of untapped potential here. Great work, as always! Thanks for making a great game.
I don't think there will be any totally new additions any time soon.
I am currently making the Farm work better and Crazy is updating most of the Brothel jobs.

A quick addendum: I'd also like to get an idea of what the game considers to be "average" stats, and a description of each one and what it does and represents. I've made over 200 girls in the editor, and although I've come to some conclusions about what each do in the game, I'd like to be on the same page as the devs.
I have made a Stats and Skills Explained thread like I have for the Jobs, I will try to detail what they all do there.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 12:02:20 AM by aevojoey »
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Re: Would like to have an addional pic-type "presented"
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2015, 11:40:50 PM »
Just as a has been noted that if you allow Strip Sex in the brothel setup, gangbangs will also don't allow those if you want to keep the girls virgin or something.