Author Topic: Whoremaster: Very Bad Man Version 1.01a Updated 02/16/2016, now with girlpacks  (Read 72876 times)

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Offline jonwich

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Story time kids! ...hey, get back here! Hey! HEY! Goddamnit, don't you walk away from me! Listen, or I fucking promise, I'll make this shit even more wordy. You know I'll do it too. I've a Very Bad Man.

So since I started writing things for this project, I began to realize something I didn't know. It was actually pretty damn obvious, I'm just dense. One night there were 4 of us in chat, just chatting away about things we were working on. I can't quite remember what brought it up, likely the balance between free girls and slave girls, but I pretty quickly realized that each of us had very different playstyles. Since I found this game years back, I've always played a Very Bad Man. My disposition is constantly somewhere between evil piece of shit, and Satan's homie. I enslave every girl I come across unless I need her for a non slave position (and even then, she'll eventually be replaced by some of my more talented free daughters, unless they piss me off and make me a real bastard), put her in what is often the shittiest jobs, and when she doesn't perform to my liking or gets uppity, I slap the shit out of her. I constantly have them in poorer accoms, give them items that make them retch, personally torture or rape them, and I don't even let them keep tips, despite the fact that was pointed out to me in chat that then I could let them decide what bits to add to their outfits. It was official. Of our little foursome (no homo, dudes, it wasn't Thursday), I was the Very Bad Man.

I really like that this game offers a diverse range of playstyles, to be honest. I'd really like to expand on that, and in the future perhaps find ways to give different playstyles different incentives, keeping them all competitive, but different, and adding more content across the board so that most things have some decent outcomes on almost all sides.

So in the past month, I've been busy as fuck. It'll only get worse (a LOT worse) as we go through Thanksgiving and Christmas, but it usually drops off right after New Years. In the meantime, I've had a side project, that is kind of a writing exercise for me. I've been poking my head through the game code, seeing how I could change little things like traits and skills firing scenes, and the scenes themselves, words on different screens, etc. More importantly, at least for this topic, I've been doing a lot of free-writing in the game code, replacing lines, trying to get into some of the more random line aspects, which is one area where I'm lacking. I'm used to telling specific stories, and I like them to be longer, and with a feeling of being somewhat unique to the characters, and special. To that end, I want to get much, much better at writing random lines that can build random stories based off of traits and skills and stats. There are so many areas I want to hit. The game actually just scratches the surface, which is a little scary when you actually peek under the hood and see all that text.

One of the things that I really want to do, long term, is add more dividers between slave and free content. Sure, we have jobs that can't be done by slaves, and we now have one job (puppygirl) with a few more coming that are slave based, but really, the vast majority of the game, the girls feel the same in all the roles. I mean, the only difference shouldn't be income. Granted, you pay free girls, and pay room and board, but in the scenes, you really can't tell the difference. I'd like to change that. I'd like to get to a point where if a girl is a slave, one content, free, another. And I don't necessarily mean restricting jobs, I mean checks in dialogue and the like denoting a girl as a slave, and then dialogue/scenes built differently around that fact. Perhaps both a free girl and a slave girl can be whores, but I want their experiences to be very different.

With that in mind, I've been doing these writing exercises in my spare time, slowly replacing all sorts of text, adding little systems in the scenes for certain jobs, and building a little bit of a vision. It's in a pretty constant state of flux, to be honest. I only do about 5-10 lines a day, and some days I just go back and change what I already changed, because I didn't like how it worked or felt through consistent play and tests. The changes I'm making are entirely slave-based content, almost exclusively for evil disposition at the moment. (Because I can tweak, but coding two separate disposition things is waaay beyond me)

What I'm getting at is, I'm going to release it as a fun side project, just so you guys can have something different to play with or so you can see what kind of lines I might be writing, and make suggestions in the future.

Now, what this is: Really just a writing project. It's up to date, but the lines I've changed are sporadic and spread through a lot of jobs, some more complete than others. There are also no real changes, just dialogue/scene changes, a few image type changes. All of it is slave content, and it's totally meant to be played with the player as a Very Bad Man. Being sweet really, really won't make sense playing this. I also might enable a job or two that isn't complete yet, strictly because I want to stress test them and start writing scenes.

What this isn't: Complete. It's so totally not complete. I'll have a quick list of changes before the downloads, but I just wanted to stress, this isn't complete. I'm going through daily and deciding what jobs/text to change on whim alone, and while some have had most of their text changed, some have a LOT of unchanged text. Most of it doesn't bother me, but that might be because I don't see it too much as someone who plays a Very Bad Man. It's also definitely not planned on being a replacement for Crazy's Mod. Like I said, I like there being a lot of different playstyles. At some point, a lot of the content I write and test in this mod will probably make it into the main mod. So if you like this content, but want to have the option of playing a Nice Guy, don't worry. That will be coming too, in time. I'm hoping we can all do a lot of work when things die down for all of us, but in the meantime, this should be fun.

Keep in mind that I'm ~mostly~ replacing just text in certain areas, so most of the changes are just new, evil text, or mild stat changes.

Current Change Log version 1.01a
Updated to main game version .06.02.27
Added 3 new items: An outfit for girls milking/farming, a collar for free girls in management positions, and a collar for daughters you'd like to keep free.
Added a few lines of text, nothing major.
(This update was mostly to make sure you guys had an updated, easy to download/use, playable version. I'm working on some other scenes now, and will update to .28 when I've got a few more ready, possibly .29 if Joey beats me to it. Going to look at writing up some image types in his format for him too.)

Previous Changelog
Version 1.01
Updated text in parts of the Whoring jobs.
Updated some text in strip club Stripper job.
Updated text in Matron job.
Updated some text in Peep Show job.
Updated some text in Cleaning job in brothel.
Updated some text in Strip Club Waitress.
Updated some text in Torturer and actual Torture text
~Note: Due to this being two separate areas of code, some of it may not exactly line up. I'm going to work on this when I get a chance.
Updated text in gang kidnappings.
~Note: Again, there are areas here where you might technically get conflicting messages because this info appears in two areas, in the dungeon info of the turn summary, and the gang info in the turn summary. Because of that, it's currently possible that you're both kidnapping a girl walking near her school and a girl in her home, and it being the same girl. That was mostly a test, so I'll work on that to see if I can make it match up, or make at least both scenes somehow appealing. Maybe the Gang will show how a girl was captured, and the girl will be more about her experiences after capture and more mindfucking feeling stuff.
Updated a variety of small changes that you'll probably notice occasionally, but not substantial things. Things like in some smaller statuses or places, a girl might be referred to as a cunt or a bitch. Cause this is about being a Very Bad Man.
Updated a variety of text having to do with a girl being sent to the dungeon, and branding scenes. Will probably update them more. (Sorry guys, Slave Market scenes didn't make the cut yet. There are a lot of them believe it or not, done by disposition.
Replaced all text in Customer Service job in brothel and turned it into a Human Urinal job. (I know, it still says customer service. I will find out what all I need to change to allow a namechange on the job eventually, but for now, customer service kinda works.) It also had the stats it runs off of updated in order to account for the changes. This one is kinda dark, not for everyone.
Updated text in Farm Manager job.
Updated text in Milker job. Gonna look into making them collect breast milk and perhaps other items, so I can create, say, Ice Cream, Yogurt, and Butter from them. It'd be nice to have your own evil brand.
Updated text in Get Milked job. The girls are now represented as cows.
Updated text in Head Girl job.
Updated text in Bed Warmer job. Mostly the intro, a little flavor text. I haven't edited the actual events or sex acts yet, just the bits that are based off of how much she loves you. So heads up, you might consider bumping up her housing over time for different scenes over time.
Updated text in House Cleaning job.

Updated the Puppygirl job so that all the scenes will actually work. That job is still under a lot of bug testing and work though, and updating it took away some using the actual name of other girls involved in the scene. Crazy has an idea to fix it, when we've confirmed it works, I'll update this version too. I'll also eventually update this version to be more... evil.
Updated text in the Fluffer job.
Updated text in the Oral job in the studio.
Updated text in the Lesbian job in the studio.
Updated text in the BDSM job in the studio.
Updated text in the Free Time section. (Another section that is largely ongoing, just from sheer volume. Seriously, there is a LOT of text and outcomes. Haven't yet fixed my known issue where the text repeats twice there, either, but the extra Free Time text will always be in the second set of text, and unfortunately the game still will consider every girl a slave for the purposes of this mod. Sometime I'll figure out how to deal with that, possibly when the main mod does.
Added 4 new traits specific to this mod: Registered Pet, Registered Livestock, Registered Slave, and Permanent Urinal. (The job considers them all permanent for now, so it really goes with the item) None of them actually change anything in game other than flavor text and the ability for the player to track their "status" as it were. The first three are inherited at 100% too, so if a girl has the pet, livestock, or slave trait, she will give birth to girls with that trait, as is reflected by the text, because it's a legal status.
Added multiple new items, including collars that add the traits above. The items mostly add a lot of hatred and traits like the girl's status, piercings, flavor text, though the Cow Collar is considered enchanted and adds a couple things increasing lactation, but not breast size. I may still tweak any of these. The Bitch Bites are a restorative, the Cunt Candy is mostly a test item I'm including. The Urinal Conversion adds many of the bad traits and removes most of the good ones in the game. (You'll see!) None of the exact changes are listed in the item description, instead it's just flavor text except where it describes a change. This is intentional, the game is meant to be played with these items.

So that's the current state of this mod. It's recommended that you play with the items provided, as some things won't make as much sense without them, and that will possibly increase over time.

As of right now, current plans include:
Continued work on previous changes, many are not done, some are going to take a LONG time.
Some form of public restroom job.
Prototype Crazy's ponygirl training job.
Updates to all the Center jobs so that they are evil, and decrease disposition instead of increase it.
Updates to the clinic jobs. After all, if you're going to need to keep checking on a girl's status while her tits are getting enlarged to make her a better cow, it'd be nice to hear about the evil or sexy antics going down over there.
Updates to the rest of the Actress jobs and hopefully the studio jobs eventually.
Work out certain issues where the same action is shown in multiple locations and therefore disjoint events.
Update gang text to be more comprehensive and interesting.
Possible personal urinal job at the House, using the Cook template. (We'll see, I may do it and then decide to scrap it if I can't find a way to change the job name. That one doesn't work as well as "Customer Service" or "Community Service".
Probably other things, but this is more than enough for me to fuck with for now. Also expect most of the shit I've already touched to get refined over time, just because I will see it often during play or testing, and decide that it may or may not work as well as I thought.

New Install instructions: Download, unzip, set your config however you want, play. Simple.!9BUClJ7S!IX8khtQU1cApxYG1tSlaOQ

Now with girl packs(Specialized content, highly incomplete, recommended use with Default Images enabled):

Katie Thornton-!VNdgnYyQ!2UTqTFxB8PtH2E_bOIxi3_vj_Uq9YI8otfF7jJU682s


And last of all, happy hunting! Give me feedback. I can't promise I'll do things exactly how you'd like, but I'd love ideas, and someone's likes or dislikes might push something to the top.

(This really shouldn't have to be said, but this mod really is a lot darker and more evil than the original. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing. And if it is your thing, good on ya. Keep it in the fantasy genre though, eh?)

Quick update, because so many have asked and because the source files for Crazy's Mod don't currently run (they need work after Crazy pushed Bsin's changes), here are the source files for the Bad Man version of the mod. It's currently based on version 06.02.27 of Crazy's Mod.!lI8kWLYJ!33ETOYN2UCXjErDLA_0yHlDluGL4NTEX4ZpQ5-PFdJA
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 04:03:28 AM by jonwich »

Offline jonwich

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2015, 03:44:16 PM »
Fixed! Luckily I stayed up to make some buttermilk fried chicken, and we all won.

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2015, 04:14:44 PM »
One of the things that I really want to do, long term, is add more dividers between slave and free content. Sure, we have jobs that can't be done by slaves, and we now have one job (puppygirl) with a few more coming that are slave based, but really, the vast majority of the game, the girls feel the same in all the roles. I mean, the only difference shouldn't be income. Granted, you pay free girls, and pay room and board, but in the scenes, you really can't tell the difference. I'd like to change that. I'd like to get to a point where if a girl is a slave, one content, free, another. And I don't necessarily mean restricting jobs, I mean checks in dialogue and the like denoting a girl as a slave, and then dialogue/scenes built differently around that fact. Perhaps both a free girl and a slave girl can be whores, but I want their experiences to be very different.
Just a thought on this paragraph, not a commentary on the whole thing (I'll probably download it at some point, but I'm not always a meanie to my girls).  There are degrees of slavery.  I'm not sure whether this can be really implemented in the game, or how difficult it would be, but a 'slave' can be anywhere from chattel to someone who is technically owned by someone else, but effectively a free person.  It's possible for a Slave to actually have more rank/authority than a Free person (something that always confused me was how Matrons and Torturers had to be Free ...), and it might be worse to abuse some slaves than it would a freeman - someone who assaults a peasant of similar rank might get a minor fine or a slap on the wrist, but attacking a slave who also happens to be a noble (and is serving another noble) could end up enslaved himself, or worse, and not simply for the economic value of the harmed slave.

So, bringing this around to your little project - maybe use the Accommodation level in conjunction with a Slave/Free check?  Someone who has worse accommodations is someone who's likely to be treated more roughly than someone in better ones, and a Slave who's in the highest-grade rooms is someone who's probably one of the owner's Favorites.  (Which is something I tend to do in my internal dialogues regarding the girls and their interactions with each other - I tend to have some favorites, others are 'meh,' and some I don't really care about.)  It seems like it'd be simpler than trying to shoehorn in another stat for players to manage and developers to try and keep unbugged.

But I agree with the sentiment - I think the only place where the job description actually *changes* from Slave to Free is the Community Center, where people are a little unhappy if you use slaves.

Offline jonwich

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2015, 04:23:21 PM »
That's a good point, and I'd thought about using accoms for that myself when we get into writing descriptions of them. I also considered doing it solely off of disposition. Both are beyond me to really add, right now I'm mostly just tweaking the text in scenes themselves and sometimes image types. I'll definitely look into it and talk about it with Crazy, we've been talking about altering how Accoms work anyway, both with free and slave girls, and giving them actual descriptions. At one point Crazy was talking about having to spend actual money to upgrade a girl's accom with the idea being that you had to renovate or buy things for the room, which would be great for the descriptions. We also want them to be possible scene triggers.

 It's weird, because given the choice between an extremely mean, violent scene and a less violent but more matter-of-fact-I-own-you scene with things like more emotional and mind-fucked things, even with affection, I'd usually choose the latter. For this project though, I'm writing mostly the former. Probably because it's outside my comfort zone. Even with BDSM art/pictures/videos, I've always preferred it much lighter, tinged with humiliation and things that screw with the girl's mind. I'm not usually into the whole violent thing.

Offline jonwich

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2015, 04:59:46 PM »
Oh hell, before I forget since I gotta crash for a couple hours and then get ready for work, I changed the Cust. Service job into a Human Urinal position.

Offline skurr00

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2015, 12:29:21 AM »
just want to say thank you and lend encouragement and moral support.

i do like the thought of at least having the option to play the game more like a proper evil crimelord. i know it's not for everyone... but not all of us want to be nice to our virtual slaves, right?  ;D

Offline jonwich

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2015, 08:55:24 AM »
Sometimes it feels so good to be bad. >=D

Offline Dragonflight

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2015, 07:25:20 PM »
I've noticed that the image gallery crashes the game, though you might want to know.
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Offline jonwich

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2015, 07:46:56 PM »
Haven't had that issue, except once when I chose a girl that apparently had an image that was kinda weird format-wise. There was a problem with a weird image thing in the galleries that Crazy fixed before we released the latest version, and this is just the latest version without text. Perhaps this is a bug we'd not encountered. Is it every time you try to access, or just a specific girl? Got any details here mate? Is it just this version, or the latest release version too?

Offline Baal

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2015, 07:51:51 PM »
Totally awesome to see more text being worked on. One thing on the puppy training, before the download linked above. When a virgin girl is sent to "warm up" new girls with a gang member she stays a virgin. You may get the reference I didn't want to spoil too much.

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2015, 07:56:32 PM »
When a virgin girl is sent to "warm up" new girls with a gang member she stays a virgin. You may get the reference I didn't want to spoil too much.
probably more bugs like that in the job.  I was really focused on getting the saving/loading working in the end and Im sure I missed more stuff like that. 

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2015, 08:12:55 PM »
This hasn't been with only one girl, so far its been any time i went to access the images, i haven't updated recently, so maybe thats the issue.
Seeing as i'm new here, what do you mean "without text"?
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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2015, 08:27:41 PM »
This hasn't been with only one girl, so far its been any time i went to access the images, i haven't updated recently, so maybe thats the issue.
Seeing as i'm new here, what do you mean "without text"?
Oh a few updates back the gallery screen was done to be XML.  So I bet u need to put the XML in the interface folder.  I think its called gallery_screen.xml

Offline Dragonflight

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2015, 09:02:52 PM »
Just checked, i am a version out of date, i doubt that its going to fix the problem but i searched my computer and didn't find the gallery xml.
Hey, its really me. -Dragonflight

Offline crazy

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Re: Whoremaster: Wherein Jonwich is a Very Bad Man
« Reply #14 on: November 18, 2015, 09:07:41 PM »
Just checked, i am a version out of date, i doubt that its going to fix the problem but i searched my computer and didn't find the gallery xml.!oVYFnTbY!XU2M3kLWboNc6ggXPNiPQO3FiBCK3tBNZQ6WQ2aOWWY
newest version is right here it will have everything u need to make this patch work.  it will have the interface files u need just drop them into ur interface folder and try again.  Without the XML it cant load the screen as it don't know how to build it and will always cause a crash.