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Offline Rose

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Ending suggestion
« on: November 05, 2009, 09:49:48 PM »
Since I was bored and like writing, I made a few endings:

Good ending (gotten if player has a good disposition when the game ends):

Having finally managed to soundly defeat your final rival, you have cleansed the criminal underbelly of Crossgate. With all other gang-lords killed or exiled, and your gangs constantly keeping watch for new upstarts, you think you can finally make crossgate an honest town. Maybe, in time, Crossgate will set an example of justice and security to all of Mundiga. While you cannot forgive your father's evil ways, you are thankful to him for leaving you with the means to make Crossgate a better place.

Neutral ending (win with neutral disposition):

You watch the gangs of your final rival scatter and disband with a melancholy smile. For so long now your sole purpose has been to drive out those who would oppose your rise to power, and now you have no enemies left. You know you should feel triumphant, but nevertheless a single question occupies your thoughts. What now? You have focused so much on growing ever more powerful that you've never spared a thought for what comes next. You shake your head to clear the question from your mind. You have brothels to run and gangs to lead. Life goes on in the city of Crossgate.

Evil ending (evil disposition):

You watch with a predatory smile as your gangs loot and burn the headquarters of your former rival. With him out of the way, nothing stands between you and complete domination of the city. You have become everything your father was and more, and where he failed, you have succeded. Your power in the city is now absolute and unopposed, and you intend to take ful advantage of it. Crossgate is yours, and you won't let anyone take it from you.

I also though it would be neat with segmented endings, so that after the base ending (above) you get a few different ending texts depending on how you've played the game. A few suggestions:

Mayor ending (have a suspicion level of "town hero" at the end of the game):

Your great reputation among the people of Crossgate saw a sizeable upswing after you "rid Crossgate of the criminal menace". The surge in popularity, along with your significant influence among the ruling body, has led to your appointment to the office of Mayor. Seeing as such a position would indubitably help you achieve your goals, you gladly accepted. The golden chain of office now hangs around your neck, heavy with the promise of power.

Catacomb Crawler ending (send your gangs to the catacombs at least 30 times before you win):

The mysterious catacombs are becoming less and less of a mystery to you. During their many expeditions to the catacombs, you have had your gangs map them out, and the map is now nearing completion. This map, along with your great understanding of the catacombs, makes sending raids for girls or treasure much less of a gamble.

Big Daddy ending (have at least 20 of your children employed in your gangs or your brothels):

Many gang-lords have called their organization a family, but in your case it is justified. Your sons are working as enforcers in your gangs and your daughters work in your brothels. You have found that a child of your own blood is far more loyal than most, and have taken full advantage of that. You can't help but feel a touch of pride as you ponder the nickname most people call you by, "The Father".

Wealthy ending (have a large ammount of money (I suggest 500000 or 1m) at the end of the game (both money on hand and money in bank counts):

Your vast riches are the stuff of legends. Even the highest echelons of the nobility are impressed by your wealth. This kind of wealth opens many doors, and grants you access to privileges most people can only dream of. Seeing a wonderful opportunity, you purchase the title of an Earl who has fallen upon hard economic times, thus granting yourself a high standing in the nobility. Life is good when you're rich.

Ultra-Director ending (Produce at least 30 high quality movies (high quality = at least five girls working on every shift of its production) before winning):

Your movie productions are known far and wide, and fans of adult movie crystals everywhere hold you in high regard. It has gotten to the point where any high-budget movie you produce becomes an instant classic that never truly loses its fan following. You've even gotten nominated for several movie awards, despite the adult nature of your productions.

Shopper ending (buy at least 300 items before winning):

The shopkeepers of Crossgate have seen frequent business from you since you took over your father's brothel. You've spoken to them so often you are on a first name basis with all of them. They consider you one of their best cutsomers, and more often than not they give you a slight discount.

Employer of the Month ending (have an average happiness across all your girls of 90 or more, have all your girls set to "nice" accomodations or better, never let a girl die):

Your kindness to your girls is known far and wide, and the usual social stigma related to prostitution seems not to apply to your establishments. In the past, finding girls who would work for you was a chore, but these days it's never a problem. Sometimes girls will even seek you out, looking for employment.

Bad Boss ending (kill at least 10 girls, have an average playerfear across all your girls of 80+):

Your cruelty to your girls is legendary, and the mere mention of your name strikes fear in the hearts of women everywhere. No girl under your roof dares to oppose you, as they all know it would be the end of them. You rule your brothels with an iron fist, and no-one escapes your grasp.

End-text (always appears after all the other endings you got have shown to give a "contained story" feel to the ending):

The hardest part of your work is over, but you are far from finished. There is still lots to do to make your organization the best it can be. You enjoy the rewards of the past as you look for the opportunities of the future.

Another cool idea is to make the game go on indefinately after winning, and make what endings you got affect the gameplay of the post-ending game. Here are some suggestions for effects of the above endings:

Good ending: Greatly reduces the number of rape attempts on your girls (since you're pressing down hard on criminality in the city).

Neutral ending: Reduces costs for girl accomodations by 25% (since you're focusing on administration).

Evil ending: Doubles the money you gain from businesses you controll from 10 to 20 gold per day and increases the frequency of business owners sending their daughters instead of paying (since your grasp on the city lets you extort people more)

Mayor ending: Suspicion level locked at Town Hero. You get a salary of 1000 gold per turn.

Catacomb Crawler ending: Halves the risks and doubles the rewards of catacomb raids.

Big Daddy ending: Your sons have their loyalty locked at 100%, your daughters have their obedience locked at 100%.

Wealthy ending: Halves your money (cost of buying the title). Unlocks a brothel for purchase that has 100 rooms and has its fame locked at maximum (a palace). Increases overall chance of getting high-status customers (nobles are more likely to visit "establishments" that are run by nobles).

Ultra-Director ending: Small chance of doubling the income from "high quality" (see above) movies. The daily income from a "high quality" movie never goes below 25 gold times the number of days it took to produce (meaning it becomes a permanent source of income).

Shopper ending: You get a 10% discount on all item purchases.

Employer of the Month ending: Always find a girl when walking around the city. Small chance every week that a girl comes and asks you for a job.

Bad Boss ending: All girls without the "fearless" trait have their playerfear and obedience locked at 100%.

These are all just suggestions. Feel free to change anything you want, and use as little or as much of it as you want. If you want me to write some other ending, or rewrite any of the above endings, just ask.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 09:59:08 PM by Rose »
The truth is out there, but it's usually pretty boring, so people make up interesting lies instead.

Offline zodiac44

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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2009, 10:00:11 PM »
That is awesome, man!  I would argue for more stringent requirements to get the conditional endings (1 million in cash is trivial to get for the wealthy ending, spend a few weeks dedicated to the task and you have the catacomb crawler ending), but otherwise I really like the idea.
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Offline letmein

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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2009, 10:02:53 PM »
Nice.  I'll give you the same response I just gave Command, which is that endings are probably not the most important thing to be working on right now.  Nevertheless, excellent work, and good writing.

As for the ending bonuses thing, I'm not a huge fan.  If you're going to create an ending for the game, then end the game.
Still lurking.

Offline Kalebon

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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2009, 10:08:50 PM »
Instead of endings why not call them achievements for the game.

Offline Rose

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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2009, 10:10:29 PM »
Personally I'm a big fan of post-endgame play. I think it's a bit dull to spend a lot of time building up a great team/business/whatever and then just suddenly having the game quit. This way, people can choose to play on if they want.
The truth is out there, but it's usually pretty boring, so people make up interesting lies instead.

Offline zodiac44

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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2009, 10:30:19 PM »
This game is more about managing your brothels than it is about defeating your rivals.  Why should defeating all of your rivals trigger an end to the game play?  It doesn't make any sense, and keeping the game going doesn't prevent those who are satisfied by achieving the stated objectives of the game from quitting.  Maybe run the ending script with the option to quit or continue playing at the end of the dialogue.  Lots of sandbox style games allow you to continue on past the "end" and I don't see any harm in allowing it here.  I doubt it will be code intensive to implement.
Capitalization is the difference between "I had to help my uncle Jack off a horse" and "I had to help my uncle jack off a horse."

Offline letmein

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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2009, 10:37:41 PM »
Well, I'm not really a fan of playing ad infinitum; in any case, adding the postgame benefits just seems like another case of "kinda neat idea, but not really adding much to the game".  I wouldn't want to spend much effort coding that, and *defintely* wouldn't need to see anything of the kind until the very last stages of game creation.

zodiac brings up a good point, though: the current ending doesn't seem to have much to do with the actual game.  Partially, that's because your "rivals" are no more than ignored names on a list.  I still think that there should be a clear end to the game, but perhaps the current standard for the "ending" isn't the correct one...
Still lurking.

Offline Command

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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2009, 11:12:34 AM »
Well since in the beginning of the story the Rivals were the one who killed the main character's father it would make since if what happens to the rivals actually has more meaning with the game since the main character already has history with them and likely hate's them.
Like some depper discussion as to who the rival was and what he or she did to aid if the Dad's death.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2009, 11:17:22 AM »
I don't see any reason why the game can't say "you have won, but you can continue playing if you wish". I can think of a few games that did that. I generally didn't keep playing since there wasn't much point - but it was nice to have the option.


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Re: Ending suggestion
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2009, 05:21:34 PM »
endings are planned to be greatly expanded, at a later date. The current one is really just a placeholder, and the objectives that end the game are likely to change as well.