Author Topic: Dear God Australia is scary  (Read 19411 times)

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Offline fixet

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #30 on: August 23, 2010, 10:20:58 PM »
right, that's why I said "theoretically"

the entire notion is pretty idiotic, though
why would you bother "making an appearance" of killing somebody and serve the sentence, all just so you could kill someone once you get out?
how do you achieve such a thing without disposing of said someone? wouldn't that pull other criminal acts, such as conspiracy, or something?
does that make any sense whatsoever?

Offline Lorde

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2010, 10:38:52 PM »
I Knew there was a crappy movie who's plot centered around this exact misinterpretation.

Never Mind the fact that they screw up Double Jeopardy, A woman spends 6 years in jail for murdering her husband and nobody notices he's still walking around alive. (With their child mind you.)

I like crappy movies, but even I can't stomach something that asinine.
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Offline fixet

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2010, 10:56:38 PM »
there was another one with russians who came to  the us in order to cleverly use double jeopardy to evade serving time for murder, so that they can later write a book, which would then be a bestseller, which would attract hollywood's attention, so that they can eventually sell the rights which would make them millionaires

or something

Offline adrian24

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2010, 03:37:23 AM »
If you were convicted of a murder you didn't commit, released, and then *actually* killed the person you were supposed to have murdered, you could absolutely be put on trial again. The first conviction would be overturned because evidence would clearly show you to be not guilty, but the murder the second case revolves around is a separate crime from the first and thus not covered by double jeopardy. It might not even be the same charge, considering you might have been put away for a lesser degree of murder, or even manslaughter, while the second time would clearly be premeditated and thus first-degree murder. The fact that you were falsely incarcerated the first time might be considered a mitigating circumstance, however, and lead to a reduced or commuted sentence.
Hmmmm... let's say first murder is premeditated and you get 25 years. Please, overturn first conviction get me my 25 years of life back... After served sentence I can hack&slash at my "victim" at will. The best you'll get to pin on me is corpse mutilation and public disturbance...
And if I go down for "manslaughter", when I serve and get out if I see my "victim" I can strangle him/her with bare hands at sight; then sucker D.A. into charging me with manslaughter, then get out...

Offline adrian24

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #34 on: August 24, 2010, 04:02:23 AM »
right, that's why I said "theoretically"

the entire notion is pretty idiotic, though
why would you bother "making an appearance" of killing somebody and serve the sentence, all just so you could kill someone once you get out?
how do you achieve such a thing without disposing of said someone? wouldn't that pull other criminal acts, such as conspiracy, or something?
does that make any sense whatsoever?

There was a movie...  :D  with Al Pacino, where he made digital on-screen actress that everybody believed was real. He decided to get rid of her and threw all tapes in trunk and trunk in the sea. He was arrested under suspicion of murder and he couldn't prove he didn't do it...  :) 
But my idea came from a sci-fi story I read long time ago about "earning" a murder.
Two guys get to work in some mines on alien planet for 12 years. The catch is convicts in these mines have very low survivability rate, so when you serve 12 years and survive you get one free kill: you can kill anyone you want.
The best part is they get TV coverage and radio is always asking - "Who are they going to kill?" - like it's world series or something.
First guy wanted to kill his wife, but when he got out he found out that she died in an accident one month earlier (probably with a smile on her face, because she tricked him into serving sentence or nothing  ;D ).
Second guy had a target in mind - someone who he thought betrayed him. However during the story he started to get calls from a bunch of individuals close to him, confessing how they conned him, etc. asking not to kill them, so he called that guy (his intended target) and said to him that he wanted to kill him for betrayal but now he sees that he was the most honest guy in the bunch.
Anyway, story ends with these ex-convicts sitting in an second floor restaurant and then throwing a couple of grenades randomly out the window killing couple of pedestrians on the street. When police arrives they just introduce themselves and ask the officer: "Where do I need to sign off?"

Offline LordJerle

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #35 on: August 24, 2010, 04:34:49 AM »

There was a movie...  :D  with Al Pacino, where he made digital on-screen actress that everybody believed was real. He decided to get rid of her and threw all tapes in trunk and trunk in the sea. He was arrested under suspicion of murder and he couldn't prove he didn't do it...  :)
That the one you're talking about?

Offline adrian24

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #36 on: August 24, 2010, 09:03:42 AM »
That the one you're talking about?

Yep. Simone. Didn't even click your link.

Offline twichie

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #37 on: July 17, 2012, 06:34:38 AM »
sorry for the necromancy,

but just to point out (as a fellow aussie) around %70 of listed child sex offenders are minors themselves, ...
mostly the advent of smart phones they tend to take a "quick snap" of their fun for face book, so yeh
backward politics, Victorian attitudes towards exposure and not all that long ago we finally got our R18+ rating
so hopefully game industry's wont be trying to adapt for us.

Let the smut fly!

Offline Xela

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Re: Dear God Australia is scary
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2012, 06:55:56 AM »
WM is not made for British/Australians along is it? Figure out what laws apply in your country and act accordingly, but I'll second suggestion for removing loli content from original WM and replacing with better known characters from more high profile Anime/Games (Tifa, Nami, Sakura Haruno, Hinata and so on), there is no point in distributing WM with pics that say 'three year old mother' in vanilla version.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 06:59:49 AM by Xela »
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