Author Topic: Crossgate Gladiatrix League  (Read 39425 times)

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #60 on: November 14, 2010, 05:45:24 AM »
For some reason character creation screens always makes me puzzle over mechanics more than normal. So now I have questions based on mechanics.

Excellent! I was hoping for some discussion along these lines :)

1) Are there any stats that can't be increased during the course of the game? I like the idea of the trainer increasing their stats during the game, but I also think that having their stats set at character creation would make each player more unique, character creation more important, and helps to keep the game focus on the girls themselves.

As it stands. I'm planning to allow all stats to increase with experience. That said, the best way to increase stats is going to be to fight in arena, and I'm expecting that most player characters will ne reluctant to do that, since the consequences can be dire.

I don't think we need to worry about the girls not getting enough attention, though :)

2) Should I assume that your score in a stat affects how well you can train others in it?


3) Flair says it helps to "make a splash at a social gathering". So, I have to wonder what exactly happens when you have a low social skill and high flair. High social skill and low flair?

High flair and low social skill means you're the guy in the loud plaid jacket and wearing too much aftershave who spends the entire party lecturing anyone he can corner on the subject of tropical fish. You can't ignore him, but no one really wants to talk to him...

High social and low flair is the quiet chap sat in the corner who you have a perfectly pleasant conversation, but you'd never have thought to speak to him if you hadn't been introduced.

Strictly speaking, flair is going to be most useful in the arena. A lot of flair means you can put on a show for the audience, which in turn can help if your life ever depends on getting the thumbs up from the crowd. But there are some social situations where a high flair will be helpful.

4) Everything but health(which maxes at 100) and prestige(costs ten per point) has a scaling cost, with gold ramping up the quickest. Limiting starting gold is obvious, but this has made me wonder how much of an effect prestige really has. I had originally assumed it would mainly be for letting you buy better, but more expensive slaves, and also give access to better, and more expensive, items to purchase. Is there more to it, or is the cost based on the fact that, while not immediately game breaking, the time normally required for increasing your prestige is significant enough on it's own to make bypassing it that much of a game changer?

Well, prestige affects how many slaves the arena will let you stable at any given time. Basically divide prestige by three and round up. Prestige 4 means you can keep one slavegirl and one monster, which is about the minimum, as you need to field one one each each turn or suffer penalties. So of you drop below pretige of 4 then you're going to end up entering the arena personally to satisfy your obligations.

On the other hand, if you have prestige of 10, then you can keep two of each, and can rest one slave while the other one fights.

There are other advantages too, but that's the main one.

5) From earlier stats screens, slaves have prestige as well. I think I remember you saying having a slave with high prestige increases yours as well, but are there other benefits to that? Can they get invited to parties as well, ect ect?

Well, slaves can't get invited to parties. You might get an invite that depends on you bringing Flossy-Anne along though ... and further strings may be attached. It's also possible that a party holder migth ask to borrow or rent one of your slaves for the occasion.

6) Health says stamina for other activities. The implication seems to be sexual stamina, but is health required for doing other things, like the way Otherworld uses the health stat?

Basically, it's hit points. The link to sexual performance is that if you've just been cut to ribbons in the arena, you're going to be more worried about not pulling your stitches out than you are about showing your partner a good time.  I hadn't any plans for diseases resulting from low health, but it's a thing to consider, I suppose.

7) You said you wanted monster to cost points because you don't want hordes of tentacle monsters, but did you apply a cost to futa because of the same sort of reason, or is there benefit in being futa? Like being able to both impregnate and get pregnant?

No, it's just to discourage people taking the option. It would be useful for female trainers who have to fight in place of a monster, and end up having to do the rape thing, but I think the arena mages have that eventuality covered in any case.

And that's it for now. I'm curious how exactly the rps is going to work, but I don't think you have that figured out quite yet either.

Not all of it, it's true :) I'm basing most of it on memories of a postal En Garde campaign I played in some ten years ago. But my memories are a biy vague, and it's not helped that I can't find my rulebook. (I have two of the damn things, an original GWD edition, and the pevans/small furries one - can't find either). In any event, it's not a perfect fit, since EG has clubs, regiments and mistresses for the social interaction to hinge on; here we only have city wards and slavegirls (who don't really fit the mistress role very well in any case).

So yeah, I'm going to have to make up a chunk of it as I go along :)

Offline Amoeba

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #61 on: November 14, 2010, 08:45:35 AM »
Well, prestige affects how many slaves the arena will let you stable at any given time. Basically divide prestige by three and round up. Prestige 4 means you can keep one slavegirl and one monster, which is about the minimum, as you need to field one one each each turn or suffer penalties. So of you drop below pretige of 4 then you're going to end up entering the arena personally to satisfy your obligations.

On the other hand, if you have prestige of 10, then you can keep two of each, and can rest one slave while the other one fights.
Wait, divide by three and round up? That sounds like the minimum would be two then, and you'd get two at five, or am I missing something? Also, is it strictly one of each per bit, or at, say twenty(assuming I'm not missing something and that would equal seven of each) could you have two slavegirls and twelve monsters?

And new question, how exactly do you earn money in the arena? Is there a purse you fight for that's preset, plus maybe a tip based on flair/performance? Or is it more adhoc? And to throw out a suggestion for this, I think it'd be good to reward more for close matches. I think it would help make risks more tempting, and would get the people who have been playing for longer to keep a few more poorly trained slaves around to fight new players for more cash.

Crap, there were like five other things I wanted to ask, but I can't remember them. Wait, no. Equipment. Yes, have a couple regarding that. The descriptions for the different fighting stats/styles says light covers unarmed combat. Does this mean heavy requires you to have equipment, or is that just a fluff thing? Also, will equipment just add a plus to your stat, or will it's effects be more like "Bow: Able to attack x amount of times before start of match", "Dagger: X chance to attack twice", "Axe: Do x more damage per attack", "Shield: X chance to not take damage", ect ect...?

Offline DocClox

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #62 on: November 14, 2010, 10:49:47 AM »
Wait, divide by three and round up? That sounds like the minimum would be two then, and you'd get two at five, or am I missing something? Also, is it strictly one of each per bit, or at, say twenty(assuming I'm not missing something and that would equal seven of each) could you have two slavegirls and twelve monsters?

The minimum is zero with zero prestige. 1/3 = 0.333 which rounds up to one. So it works out like this:

<=0    0
1-3     1
4-6     2
7-9     3
10-12 4

and so on.

Also, it's in total, not each. So with prestige 4 you can keep 1 girl and one monster, or two girls and no monsters. Or two monsters and no girls if you like. At prestige 1-3 you get to keep a girl OR a monster, so that when players end up having to fight.

And new question, how exactly do you earn money in the arena? Is there a purse you fight for that's preset, plus maybe a tip based on flair/performance?

More or less. You get a purse, plus a thin slice of the gate. Fighters with high prestige and flair draw bigger crowds, so there is a bonus in that regard

I think it'd be good to reward more for close matches. I think it would help make risks more tempting, and would get the people who have been playing for longer to keep a few more poorly trained slaves around to fight new players for more cash.

It's a good idea. I think serious mismatches can backfire, if the crowd starts to side with the underdog. I need to think a bit more about that..

Equipment. Yes, have a couple regarding that. The descriptions for the different fighting stats/styles says light covers unarmed combat. Does this mean heavy requires you to have equipment, or is that just a fluff thing?

You're assumed to have access to basic equipment. It will be possible to buy better kit.

Also, will equipment just add a plus to your stat, or will it's effects be more like "Bow: Able to attack x amount of times before start of match", "Dagger: X chance to attack twice", "Axe: Do x more damage per attack", "Shield: X chance to not take damage", ect ect...?

To begin with it'll just be an add to the stat. Once that's working, there'll be time to look at spec

Offline Amoeba

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #63 on: November 14, 2010, 12:57:24 PM »
Ah, I see what I misunderstood. Round up for all values, duh. For some reason I was thinking only at .5+*klonk* Oh, and does having the fans on your side help in anyway with the fight? I could see the Sleaze fans taking a few cues from Bloodbowl fans. Or Eagles fans.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #64 on: November 14, 2010, 01:54:40 PM »
Oh, and does having the fans on your side help in anyway with the fight? I could see the Sleaze fans taking a few cues from Bloodbowl fans. Or Eagles fans.

Well, I'm thinking of the classic scene in just about every gladiator film where the fallen fighter's life hangs on wether the crowd gives them a thumbs up or thumbs down. I'm not quite clear yet how that's going to manifest in terms of game mechanics, however.

I have to confess, I'm not sure how Bloodbowl/Eagles fans behave. Are we talking spectator violence and supporter hooliganism? I can imagine sleaze street in particular going for that, but I'm nto sure what effect, if any, it should have on the players.

Offline Amoeba

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #65 on: November 14, 2010, 02:14:12 PM »
You've never played Blood Bowl? Poor guy. If you didn't know, Blood Bowl is basically football set in the Warhammer universe. Fans invading the field and injuring/killing players is a mechanic of the game. And The Eagles' fans have sort of a reputation. They've have been known to throw snowballs filled with things at the opposing teams coach/players and at one point they actually had a courtroom in their stadium.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #66 on: November 14, 2010, 04:36:28 PM »
You've never played Blood Bowl? Poor guy.

Seen it, just never played it. I was a bit pissed off at Games Workshop when it first came out, and it kind of passed me by.

I think we'll stipulate some sort of magical barrier to keep crowd-invading-the-pitch moments from happening. Or at least from happening without one of the players putting some effort into making it happen, anyway :)

Offline Samu

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #67 on: November 14, 2010, 07:23:50 PM »
mmm, I have an idea. Let the players that doesnt participate in the fight become spectators and be able to bet to the figthers. With a bet system that has a bet ratio based on the diference of abilities between the fighters, and have the winner of the fight win a prize money equal to a % of the moey the players who bet on them won with the bet.
I'm not sure if my idea could be expanded to the NPC spectators since they should easily outnumber the number of player spectators.

Offline DocClox

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #68 on: November 16, 2010, 09:57:54 AM »
mmm, I have an idea. Let the players that doesnt participate in the fight become spectators and be able to bet to the figthers.

I was planning to let players watch the fights (and pick up tips for their own training) and place bets. So that's covered.

It's odd - I  misread your post the first time and thought you were suggesting having players in non-arena roles. Which would work quite well for some purposes, since it creates other power structures for the players to make use of, as well as a common goal - to gain (or retain) one of a limited number of "trainer" positions.


Offline Begferdeth

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #69 on: November 16, 2010, 07:21:06 PM »
Letting other players interfere in matches... sounds kind of like WWE wrestling!

"Hes going for the pin! Wait, whos this running down the ramp? OH MY GAWD ITS THE TENTACLE MONSTER"

Offline windsongbard

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #70 on: November 17, 2010, 04:52:28 AM »
Personally if player's can interfere in the match one way to do it, and I am kind of stealing this from Blood Bowl here, would be to have like secret weapons and dirty tricks such as using poison or illegal weapons that can be purchased for the match.  Although if this were added there should be a gold cost as well as at least the potential for a loss of prestige depending on how bad the interference is just to keep it balanced.

The Windsong Bard

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #71 on: November 17, 2010, 04:59:43 AM »
I quite like the idea of some intrigue around the contests, but I think I'll get the basics working first.

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #72 on: November 18, 2010, 04:15:34 AM »
I have tried to create a trainer (files the link on page 3+ the cgl.db file)

- I have not found a button for validation (not implemented ?)
- If during trainer creation you click on "add trainer" again, you get 50 more creation points, (just click on > button on a stat to make them appear)

Offline DocClox

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #73 on: November 18, 2010, 05:39:07 AM »
It still needs a save/submit button adding. Not implemented yet, you're quite right.

The add trainer issue is definitely a bug, however.

Thaks for the report :)

Offline ragefire

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Re: Crossgate Gladiatrix League
« Reply #74 on: December 14, 2010, 10:41:40 PM »
ame show a lot of promise, but I do have some questions you may want to think about.  How is long term game balance being handled?  I can see a scenario where the rich get richer while the poor keep losing.  How will a new player compete against a vet with a year’s worth of experience and leveling?  No one likes constant beat downs.  Also, how big is the rock-paper-scissors affect? Will characters need a big skill advantage to overcome a weakness?  Or is it more like a tiebreaker between opponents of comparable skill?