Author Topic: A few suggestions  (Read 6921 times)

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A few suggestions
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:20:52 PM »
I posted a few times as a guest in the old forum, but since you got a new one I thought I'd register and give a few suggestions.

1. Make Custom girls appear before randomized girls in the catacombs

I'm not sure about the rest of you, but I vastly prefer the custom girls over the random girls, if only for the variety they add to the game. As such I find it mindly annoying to get a lot of random generated demons rather than the few custom demon girls I'm looking for.

2. Add a possible "customer's daughter" state to custom girls.

I always thought it was a bit of a pity you only get random-generated girls when you get them from customers or business owners who can't pay up. My suggestion is to add a flag or state that lets the girls be found both by wandering in town and by taking them from customers (not exclusively from customers since I wouldn't want them to be completely unattainable during an "all-good run")

3. Make "Incorporeal" work against death by giving birth to a beast.

I find it a bit strange that girls who are totally impervious to all other harm would die from something like that. I mean, yes, giving birth to a monster is probably rough, but compared to some other things in the game...

4. Give the player a choice of 2 or more objectives when they come up.

When I'm doing an "all-good run" it's kind of annoying to get objectives like "launch a succesful attack" or "kidnap five girls".

5. Either make the catacombs more profitable or less lethal.

As it is now, the catacombs are pretty much only good for the occasional demon girl, and even those aren't all that useful. The other loot is fairly weak, and since even maxed-out gangs can be easily cut in half on a catacombs mission, it's not really worth it.

Those are my suggestion. Any feedback or discussion is welcome. I also wanted to add that I love the game, and that although it's still rather unpolished it's easily the best of its kind. Kudos.
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Offline zodiac44

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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2009, 07:43:02 PM »
I second your suggestions, especially 1, 2, and 4.  As an alternative to suggestion 4, perhaps we could have the option to decline a mission?  I know on several occasions I have had missions come up that I'm just not interested in doing at that time in the game (say, get X girls from the catacombs as the first mission - I usually only go into the catacombs much later in the game, if at all), and having an alternative mission or the option to decline and get a new mission later would be nice.

I think it would also be nice to be able to globally set the house percentage for girls (maybe one for slaves and one for free girls), rather than manually changing the percentage on 100+ girls individually.
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Offline TF

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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2009, 11:59:21 PM »
Hey there... I was around the previous forum as a guest, and suggested being able to add traits to girls using combinations of items and I'd similarly like to reccomend a way to remove traits (with items or through certain actions.)

I know that Iron Will is removed by giving a girl a Broken Will trait, though I'm a bit fuzzy on exactly what I have to do to imbue a girl with a Broken Will trait, though Iron Will doesn't give me near as much trouble as the Fearless trait.

I'd like to see the ability to remove Fearless and possibly replace with Meek, remove Fragile possibly become Tough, Slow Learner --> Quick Learner. I think my ideal method for removing/adding traits like these would be specialized training in the new specialized buildings.

There could be a specialized dungeon in the arena, or special drugs cooked up in the drug lab could be used to make a girl meek. The Skill Center could have a gym to train up a girl to be tough and could attend classes to improve intelligence. Some things could be stat governed, or I suppose just X amount of visits removes/adds traits.

Offline Solo761

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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 04:06:12 AM »
Items can add and remove traits. Use the editor to create item that does what you want.

Offline Alienhand

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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2009, 04:08:38 AM »
I second your suggestions, especially 1, 2, and 4.  As an alternative to suggestion 4, perhaps we could have the option to decline a mission?  I know on several occasions I have had missions come up that I'm just not interested in doing at that time in the game (say, get X girls from the catacombs as the first mission - I usually only go into the catacombs much later in the game, if at all), and having an alternative mission or the option to decline and get a new mission later would be nice.

I think it would also be nice to be able to globally set the house percentage for girls (maybe one for slaves and one for free girls), rather than manually changing the percentage on 100+ girls individually.

I totaly agree with zodiac44. Sometime, especialy if you wanna be "the good guy" you got alot of missions which you would like to decline, 'cause they simply don't fit your image. Maybe you should add a blockade after declining a misson, so you don't get your next one instantly the next day, but maybe a few days later.
Another thing is that since now it doesn't seem really usefull to send your goon exploring the catacombs, 'cause you can run a really profitable business without those monster-girls you may get there. So, yeah, I think you should either make the catacombs more profitable or less hard for your goons.

Offline necno

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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2009, 05:11:23 PM »
There is no penalty for not doing objectives so no loss there. But as for you suggestions i like them all and have placed them in my (slowly getting organized) list of things to do.
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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2009, 03:38:12 AM »

2. Add a possible "customer's daughter" state to custom girls.

I always thought it was a bit of a pity you only get random-generated girls when you get them from customers or business owners who can't pay up. My suggestion is to add a flag or state that lets the girls be found both by wandering in town and by taking them from customers (not exclusively from customers since I wouldn't want them to be completely unattainable during an "all-good run")

as a girl maker, I'd like to be able to set if a girl can be kidnapped, taken from a nonpaying customer, only found in town, or with the upcoming update, come to you or not. and be able to set any combination of these and the already available options on or off. Like I want a girl to be available in catacombs, but also able to come to you, but not be availble anywhere, or only be available for kidnapping, it would allow us to write in more flavor for girls, because right now since you don't know if the players gonna kidnap her or find her, you can't write something like "resents you from ripping her away from her little brother" or " seem satisfied that she came to work for you"

Offline letmein

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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2009, 10:40:30 AM »
I thought you could do things like that with the script editor?  I know that Cammy White has her own special encounter in town...
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Re: A few suggestions
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2009, 01:46:59 PM »
I don't wanna make custom scripts for almost a hundred girls, and I've not even tried to touch the script editor yet I'm so busy trying to make girls.