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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #120 on: August 06, 2010, 10:20:41 PM »
I would love a Suikoden 6. :( 5 was amazing! Really brought back the series, started to do it's own thing on 3 and I don't even know what happened with 4.
I know this is blasphemy in the Suikoden fandom, but three was my favorite. Main reason for that is while I like silent protagonists, I hate the way they're done in Suikoden games(The rest of the games more than makes up for it though). Three gave three main heroes with personality and let you choose one for the main character after getting to know them. That's the main difference I see between three and five anyway.

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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #121 on: August 09, 2010, 12:07:27 AM »
I know this is blasphemy in the Suikoden fandom, but three was my favorite. Main reason for that is while I like silent protagonists, I hate the way they're done in Suikoden games(The rest of the games more than makes up for it though). Three gave three main heroes with personality and let you choose one for the main character after getting to know them. That's the main difference I see between three and five anyway.

No you're completely right. Suikoden handles the silent protagonist rather poorly, and all of them have. (From what I remember 5 probably handled it the best) *4 had a pretty cool choice aspect that widely affected the outcome of your hero* But yeah, in Suikoden 1 (Currently replaying) a lot of the "choices" you make aren't even really options. If you pick one they're like "No, I really think you should reconsider" and will say something like that till you pick the correct choice to progress. This is WHEN your hero speaks which is hardly ever. 

Still one of my favorite series, and 3 is a big favorite for a lot of people. It was just TOO much of a change for me I guess. I didn't like the new war system from what I remember. (at least it's better than 4's) I haven't played it in a while, but now that you mention it. I just might. I did like all the main characters though... and picking who got which rune was very obvious. My game list is building!

Gotta go back to playing some DEMONS SOULS though. (and finishing Suikoden :x)
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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #122 on: August 09, 2010, 10:20:50 PM »
Suikoden III had by far the best character development.  It managed to keep a good 50% or so of the cast interesting.  Even II and V only really managed to build up the main characters.  I didn't even mind the battle system of III that much either, as it added some difficulty to a series known for being piss easy.  The only critical failure was recycling the same 4-5 areas over and over again.  With a half-dozen more unique dungeons, it could have been the best of the series.

I know a lot of people liked V, but I actually though it was the worst (not counting IV as a real game of course).  It had absolutely horrible pacing, and often felt like the game kept going on for no reason.  It was also the easiest game to break, creating chacters capable of one-shotting entire groups of enemies.  And even if they didn't, you had 5 other characters ready to nuke the poor bastards afterwards.

Though one thing I'll give the entire Suikoden series is that is does a great job on the villians.  You genuinely feel kind of bad when you kill most of them, and the crazy ones are usually crazy awesome.  Especially compared to the FF series, which usually has utterly forgettable villians.  Many of them in post-SNES FF games don't even have any sort of build-up, they just kind of show up, you beat them, and the credits roll.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2010, 10:28:29 PM by sgb »

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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #123 on: August 09, 2010, 11:18:42 PM »
Yeah FF is really hit or miss with villains.  It always has been. (Surprising since this series is|was lauded for it's villains) We where lucky enough to get 4 and 6 ported over on the SNES and sorta glossed over the "Gigantic Tree Penis of MU" thing in ff5.

Then we went...

  • A pushover to a Witch to a Witch to (Surprise) the keychain on your sword (8 suffered from Villain Schizophrenia )
  • Ambiguously feminine male to (Surprise again) lengthy callback to FF1 (wtf?)
  • City Stomping uber Godzilla monster who is really the protagonists father to... a Metroid (Seriously SE wtf?)
  • Yuna was fighting depression in X2 until a Casio powered Uber robot popped out of nowhere.(I give up)
12 and 13 seemed to have "tried" to break from this mold. They really don't just spring the last boss on you as an afterthought anymore. But they're still mediocre villains coming out of FF these days. With the Fal'cie in 13 being the biggest disappointment.
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Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #124 on: August 09, 2010, 11:23:17 PM »
I can't argue with you there, 3 definitely fleshed out its characters more than any of the others. While I enjoyed 5, I can't really remember the pacing. Though I think I remember doing a lot of things seemingly for no reason. (Something VERY obvious in Suikoden 4 AND in Star Ocean 3 and 4)
Suikoden II's Luca Blight is easily one of the biggest most memorable villains in I've ever encountered in a video game and he's only half way through the game. It takes an army battle where you destroy his squad, THREE ambushes complete with two flanks of archers and a final duel before he goes down. The man was a beast and had no qualms with slaughtering peasants.
Uhh Final Fantasy I only really liked FF6's Kefka (Who some consider the baddest boss in the FF series) who actually destroys the world. And of course Sephiroth. (Who others consider the baddest boss in the FF series) and.. I don't really know his motivation, FF7s story was never fleshed out completely in my opinion. He didn't even know Cloud and yet acted like he did. NOT to mention Cloud was always fucking with him... that game is so confusing. Cloud doesn't even know what's what.

If any game has forgettable villains though, I'd say it's the Tales of games. I seriously can't think of a single memorable bad guy.
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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #125 on: August 09, 2010, 11:54:05 PM »
Yeah 7 suffers from some horrible translation problems. (Avalranche lulz)

  • Sephiroth wanted to become a god by killing as many people as he possibly could. Sephiroth is embedded in the lifestream and apparently, he can absorb peoples souls when they die and enter into said stream. (ala Jenova's cells) Dropping a meteor on the planet expedites this whole process. Not to mention boosts the lifestreams energy when the planet tries to "heal itself"
  • Two things to remember about Cloud. a.) He was a gigantic pussy that was never a part of Soldier. b.) He has absorbed Zacks memories and pretty much took over as Zack after his death. Though cloud isn't aware of this until Sepehiroth points it out to him.   
There is way more to it. Like the Jenova Cell Reunion and the fact that the Sephiroth you mostly encounter in the game is an Image (ghost, spirit... whatever) and his real form is trapped in that damn crystal. (the one that becomes Bizarro Sephiroth.)

... wait,  this is confusing as all hell. No wonder people went "wtf just happened?" with advent children.

And you are right, the 2 best FF villains are the "delete fucking everything" villains from 6 and 7. Kefka probably the best of the 2 because he is way more relatable. He was given absolute power and abused it the same way someone abuses the Disaster mode in Sim City. Basically Caligula messing with God Mode.
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Offline LordJerle

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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #126 on: August 10, 2010, 12:38:47 PM »
Yeah 7 suffers from some horrible translation problems. (Avalranche lulz)

  • Sephiroth wanted to become a god by killing as many people as he possibly could. Sephiroth is embedded in the lifestream and apparently, he can absorb peoples souls when they die and enter into said stream. (ala Jenova's cells) Dropping a meteor on the planet expedites this whole process. Not to mention boosts the lifestreams energy when the planet tries to "heal itself"
  • Two things to remember about Cloud. a.) He was a gigantic pussy that was never a part of Soldier. b.) He has absorbed Zacks memories and pretty much took over as Zack after his death. Though cloud isn't aware of this until Sepehiroth points it out to him.   
There is way more to it. Like the Jenova Cell Reunion and the fact that the Sephiroth you mostly encounter in the game is an Image (ghost, spirit... whatever) and his real form is trapped in that damn crystal. (the one that becomes Bizarro Sephiroth.)

... wait,  this is confusing as all hell. No wonder people went "wtf just happened?" with advent children.

And you are right, the 2 best FF villains are the "delete fucking everything" villains from 6 and 7. Kefka probably the best of the 2 because he is way more relatable. He was given absolute power and abused it the same way someone abuses the Disaster mode in Sim City. Basically Caligula messing with God Mode.

I loved building a giant city, then unleashing a monster on it and going "OH NO!  IT'S GODZILLA! EVERYBODY RUNNNN!"

Offline Bluebeholder

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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #127 on: August 10, 2010, 01:01:28 PM »
The odd things about Kefka is due to creative translating he's much more popular in the west than in Japan.

Offline Lorde

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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #128 on: August 10, 2010, 01:27:08 PM »
The odd things about Kefka is due to creative translating he's much more popular in the west than in Japan.

Are we referencing "Son of a submariner!" and "Wait he says! Do I look like a waiter?"

Those definitely fall so hard into the "So bad it's good category" that they have become classic. 

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Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #129 on: August 10, 2010, 03:23:03 PM »
Who's popular in Japan? Just Sephiroth? I can't think of any other notable major villians. Japan may like Kuja, it's one of the more popular PSone FF games other than 7, I just remember playing most of the game thinking he was a girl.
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Offline Lorde

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Re: Playstation 3 game suggestions?
« Reply #130 on: August 10, 2010, 03:34:26 PM »
I think Gilgamesh is universally beloved by FF fans. But he was less of a Villain and more of a misunderstood idiot.   
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