Author Topic: Lafate's Wall of Text Suggestions!  (Read 3094 times)

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Lafate's Wall of Text Suggestions!
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:23:26 PM »

If they had the spoiler minimizers on this forum i'd use them

This would be picked at the start of the game like the brothel name. You would be able to pick between 4 each would give you a certain advantage

Cut Throat - Your enimies are less likely to attack you.
Acolyte - The girls that work for you are less likely to be beaten or raped
??? ?? - dunno what the third will be
Slave Master - Girls are easier to brand, Less likely to run away, higher training rate, and are easier to break

Secondary Goals:
Same thing like class but add a secondary goal in the game beside regaining the things that are rightfully yours. You have 4 to choose between.

Wealth: Gain X amount of money
Harem:You want to be surround by gorgeous girls who are completely loyal to you. your house tunrs into a personal harem with a limit of 255 girls. You would have to fill your house with branded girls that are inlove with you, that are fully obedient,at -100 rebel, and have 100 beauty
Hero: Become the town hero witha  good disposition
??? ??: dunno what the forth would be

Now time for the make the game more interactive ideas

This idea would be involving kidnapping, walk around town, and catacombs.

Now I shall go in-depht if you want to read this crazy idea that im sure i'll get alot of reply of why it can't possibly work....

Basically for these 3 event a map will pop up and you move around different areas to find things(when it comes to the catacombs) and more importantly the girls you get from these events. every map would have 3 girls you can take. each dungeon would have 21 areas while you only have 10 moves on each map anytime you do one.The would never be a girl on the first block making it a 50% chance you'd find 1 girl and i think around a 18% chance to find all 3 each time you do it, but for kidnapping and capturing in the catacombs there will be other things effecting you actually getting the girl.

Not only would this make the game more fun In my opinion. Itll make the veriaty of how you get a girl better instead of it just being capture in catacombs, buy in slave market, or kidnap/convince to work for you. (Capture in catacombs, Convinced, Conned, kidnapped, bought, and saved)

When it comes to kidnapping why should it take 15 guys to kidnap 1 girl? I'd say the number should go down for each 5 guys in a gang you can kidnapped 1 girl effectivly allow 1 gang to kidnap all 3 girls on the map if they are trained enough and have enough members. Now just finding a girl on the map would mean you have kidnapped her. Both the gang and the girl have magic and combat percentages this would be the deciding factor on weather the kidnapping attempt was successful. the formula would be MA(Magic ability)+CA(combat ability)*5=rating for the random girl and MA+CA/2*NM(Number of men)=rating for the gang. Each successful capture would reduce that gangs men by 5 for the rest of that map(For the RPers out there they had to take that girl to the dungeon so they couldnt stay with the group). The highest rating wins the "fight" over her freedom. The Girls rating could never be over 1400 ensuring no matter her skills if you manage to find 1 you get atleast 1.

here is an example of this assuming you were lucky enough to come across all 3 girls
Gang has 15 men to start Combat ability of 32% Magic Ability of 60%
Girl 1 has Magic Ability of 11% and Combat Ability of 43%
Girl 2 has Magic Ability of 27% and Combat Ability of 14%
Girl 3 has Magic Ability of 38% and Combat Ability of 34%

now "fight" one would end up with Girl 1 having a rating of 270 while the gang has 690 rating. This would end up in a successful kidnapping

now "fight" two would end up with Girl 2 having a rating of 205 while the gang has 460 rating. This would end up in a successful kidnapping.

now "fight" three would end up with Girl 3 having a rating of 360 while the gang has 230 rating now. This would end up in a failed kidnapping and the 5 members of the gang that were present in the fight would be improsioned..

of course if you don't have a high bribery % your gang may end up being taken to jail for attempted kidnapping anyway ;)

Now that most of my bulk was  explained up with kidnapping  the rest would be formulas and what would do it

Capturing in the Catacombs

This is very simple. A gang would be going after a non human creatures that ideally have super huiman abilities so they would have to be smart to capture one.

Gang: Tough %+Intel %+Agility%/2*NM=rating
Non Human: MA+CA*10=rating

Rating limit for girls is 2200

heres the example assuming you find all 3 girls
Gang has 15 men to start 41% Tough 50% Agility 30% Intel
Girl 1 has a Magic Ability of 22% and Combat of 44%
Girl 2 has a Magic Ability of 51% and Combat of 90%
Girl 3 has a Magic Ability of 0% and Combat of 12%

Now "fight" one would end up with Girl 1 having a rating of 660 while the gang has 907.5 rating. This would end up in a successful capture

Now "fight" two would end up with Girl 2 having a rating of 1410 while the gang has 605 rating. This would end up with the gang being wiped out and the dungeon being ended

The third "fight" would never happen

Conving a Girl

Pretty much if you have 100 Charisma you automatically convince the girl to work for you but you still have find them to even convince them
Player rating = charisma = rating


A gang would have a new job of conning girls into slavery. The map for this would be different from any other "dungeon" of crossroad being it would be 20 shops owned by you. If you choose for the gang to visit the right one you'll see a potential slave. ;) (for RPers the gang would make them "accidently" break something expensive she couldnt pay for). You'll get some girls this way but defenantly not the smarter and quicker ones.

Gang: Agi%+Intel*3=rating
Girl:  Agi+Intel*5 = rating

New gang job:Saved

Now this basically sacrifices your gang for ensures that you get the girl you find... you are guanreenteed to lose 5 guys for 1 girl, but she will already be inlove with you prefectly obedient with -100% rebellion and she submits to being your slave. For the RPers the girl is in trouble weather it be being raped or beaten you and your gang run in to save this girl from her fate.... she is so grateful that she falls for you and gives herself to you.

Now this seems great but heres the catch. You have a 50% chance to lose double the men and a 25% chance to lose triple the men(effectively killing off this gang and making you lose all the training they had). This is cut in a fifth when the gang hits max stats while also adding a 50% chance that you'll end up saving 2 girls.

Well these are all the suggestion I have for the game at the moment.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Thoughts? POST EM HERE!