
Author Topic: Writer's Room  (Read 19998 times)

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Offline jonwich

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2015, 04:48:58 PM »
Gotta say man, I really like the ideas here. The only thing I'd say is that these are things that we'd need to discuss with Crazy and Avejoey long-term, because what you're talking about is less a writing thing, and more a re-write the game/mod kinda thing. That's a conversation that we should perhaps have. Crazy and I have been tossing ideas back and forth about new jobs (including some you mention, and more), naming girls, girls having an actual legal status (Free>Slave>Domestic Animal>Object), a better functioning dungeon with more rooms and reasons for them, and all sorts of things we'd like to see if we're going to improve this as a mod. The original game was less than perfect, and definitely could have used some of the features you describe. Those are things I'm totally down with.

The thing is, unless we can get a team going on rewriting the game from the ground up (or at the very least, portions of it), we might need to stick with current frameworks and just add on, or alter. (I could be wrong here, maybe Crazy or Joey will come back and tell me that this isn't so difficult) If we can all get together and decide on a major rewrite or rework of things, I'm down to work with you on the writing.

Barring that, it's important to know what can and can't be done in the current framework, and I'm more than happy to get with you in chat (Maybe tomorrow? I'm off a couple days, but I have to crash soon, got work tonight) and we can hammer out the details with Crazy. Crazy and Joey (and whomever else might be interested in helping) are really the ones that have to deal with the coding, so they have to not only tell us what's possible in how to write a scene, but also sign off on new jobs, new additions, reworks, etc. To that end (just in case you want to start writing on some of the current jobs in the current system) you should know that there is a LOT already available, much of it not in complete use. You can differentiate scenes already by free, slave, job, date, time of year, skill level, trait, items (I know there's a way to do that, not sure what it is), player birthday, girl's birthday, holidays. You can include the names of other girls in other jobs, so the girls can interact, meaning you have the framework (at least for writers) to have multiple girls, and indeed, multiple jobs in one scene. There is some extent of tagging, so if you take a woman and she was married, that is remembered and can probably be used, and since there is a your daughter trait, you can have scenes specific to your daughter. (And if you're a real bastard, perhaps a trait that could be modified there when she's a slave or animal or some such, making scenes specific to daughters you acknowledge and are free, and those that.... aren't.)

Things that currently aren't there that Crazy and I have talked about include (but probably aren't limited to) renaming, tracking siblings for incest scenes/jobs, twins/triplets, the possibility of turning the girl into an "item" in game and giving her to another girl, or a gang, and then having scenes pop up for her specifically in that other girl's/gang's scenes, deciding your daughters fates when they hit of age (including naming, legal status, etc.) These would be great to have from a writing position, naturally, but aren't there yet in the framework.

So if you're wanting to get into writing on the current game, I'd totally get into it that way. In the meantime, we can discuss whether we want to keep adding to the current framework, which is pretty good (and I'm fine with that, Crazy's already on board for a Ponygirl job, with integration with both the farm and arena for pony races and mounted combat and stuff, and we're slowly talking over other jobs like Human Urinal and Furniture Girl, as those aren't exactly his thing), or if it'd be worth it to at least look into what it would take to lay out a proposed system and work on it from the ground up. Either way, it's a lot of writing, and I'm down for it. Hope to see you in chat sometime soon, and we can get into writing together, swap ideas and scenes and the like.

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2015, 06:14:12 PM »
Thanks for the response and the thoughts! Yes, this might be an overly-ambitious suggestion that I'm making. I honestly wouldn't know... I can't even get the source code to compile. And I tried for a full day. I'm that bad at coding. So what seems to me like a simple addition in the game mechanics might actually be mind-breakingly difficult, and I would probably never even know.

Hopefully we can touch base on chat tomorrow to discuss how I can be of help. I have to be away from the computer for a long chunk in the afternoon, but maybe we'll cross paths. For the time-being, I'm working on writing up the job for a cook. This is a relatively simple job, and I'm hoping you all might be able to take a glance and make sure I'm approaching this with the right format. It also gives me a chance to play with some of those mechanics you mentioned (birthdays could be interesting!).

All in all, it sounds like you have a number of conversations already in the works to help improve this great game. If my proposed model is ultimately too complex, no problem; I'm happy to help write jobs in the current framework. The 'Cook' job right now is just for proof of concept and my own education. Anything else to which I should be turning my attention?

Offline Baal

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2015, 07:31:37 PM »
I'm happy for any contributing writers. I'd really like to see a rewrite of the stuff when you get max skill. Some of it is messed up or at least it is for me.

Offline crazy

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2015, 07:34:18 AM »
To that end, I'd like to propose a system for these new jobs, that will incorporate a GOOD/NEUTRAL/EVIL system into player brothels.
People have talked about this before.
I) Each new brothel is unique, by player selection. Rather than having the same options available in each brothel, the player is prompted upon purchase to decide what kind of service the facility will provide (e.g., will it be a restaurant, a club, a brothel, etc). Ultimately, we could use the various buildings to render the Community Center, the Farm, and the Hospital redundant, as those services could be offered at various new facilities.
I wanted to something like this awhile back.  Was looking to add a restaurant that the player would choose the theme for.  Like Big boobs, nice ass, maid...  U get the point and it would change the jobs based on the choice.  Whoever was helping me code at the time PP I think told me to hold off until we got the other building already in game further along and they were right.  But at some point its something I want to look at again.

II) Each building has a moral alignment, which restricts the classes of jobs that can be performed there. After choosing "Restaurant," for example, now the player selects whether the building will be GOOD, NEUTRAL, or EVIL.
No matter your moral alignment, you will have the same set of core management jobs (MATRON, CLEANING, SECURITY, etc.) available.
GOOD jobs improve the player's moral character and reputation. In a Restaurant, for instance, you would have access to the food kitchen options typically offered in the community center, with the reputation benefits included. You can also run a traditional restaurant, with more restrained patrons, meaning that your waitresses in this atmosphere will practically never be sexually harassed.
NEUTRAL jobs are designed to keep you at that middle point in reputation, and focus on more conventional sex acts (e.g., strip, oral, hand, but not BDSM, beast, or group). A neutral restaurant would look like a Hooter's. Your girls will have more chance of being harassed, the profit is higher, but there are no reputation effects.
EVIL jobs will harm your reputation, but also give you access to some of the jobs that I know a bunch of us are wishing could be added. Waitresses, for example, could double as whores, offering their bodies using the whore mechanic whilst simultaneously offering food under the waitress mechanic. Customer service jobs would now be girls providing free oral service to patrons. They would dramatically improve customer satisfaction, but also cut into the number of patrons using the waitresses for sexual services (why pay when it is free?). EVIL alignment would also, with various upgrades (mechanic to be explained), give you access to jobs like Torture Entertainment, Human Toilet, Human Pet, etc.
I dont think the building should have a moral alignment.. Once you select the type of building it would just be set no changing it maybe u meant that anyway.

III) Each building can be upgraded for a price, and each has a limited available number of upgrades. If you're GOOD, for instance, you could upgrade the restaurant to have a community garden (opens some farm jobs where half of the produce goes to charity, improving your reputation) OR a civic hall (expanding the restaurant to be a venue for large civic meetings and events, with potentially high profit and a smaller improvement to reputation). Not both. Each would offer unique jobs, but if you want to get the other upgrade, you'll have to buy another building and do it separately. This incentivizes players to expand, and gives each facility it's own character. If you want to add individual upgrades that provide a single new job, then perhaps each building can support one major upgrade and two or three minor upgrades.
This is something I want.  Ive been wanting to do some kinda building upgrade system that opens up new jobs and various other things for awhile now.  Im sure someone with great C++ skill could come along and say it would be easy to do.  But with my very limited skills Ive not figured out how to do it yet.  But I plan to keep trying this is a big thing on my want in game list.

Thoughts? Good, bad, terrible, dear God no? And, of course, I'd be happy to write a lot of the jobs to make this work.
I never make promises cause I dont know that I can code it all and one of the 1st steps would be getting joey on board for the changes.  But it sure could make playthrus feel different by choosing different building types and upgrades. 

Even with that said I think I could figure this out as it wouldnt need to be a whole new building just a different job set... So I think I have a basic idea of how that would have to be done.  I know joey talked about expanding the town map so that the player could buy extra building of each type and this would kinda need to be done I think for something like this.

The 1st step I would take if I did something like this would be getting the jobs wrote, coded and working in game.  From there adding in the other stuff would be the next step.  But without having the text for the jobs wrote I wouldnt even try the other stuff cause it would be alot of work for nothing if no one wrote the jobs. I would break this down further and talk about some of the job idea and such u posted as I like the upgrades and such u talk about just dont have the time to full go into details.

The 'Cook' job right now is just for proof of concept and my own education. Anything else to which I should be turning my attention?
I added a house cook last update I sent to the SVN.  It might help give a very basic idea of how to start a cook job.  But its super super basic right now.  That all said if you cant figure it out and want to just write text for a cook job send me the text and Ill be glad to add the job.

Things that currently aren't there that Crazy and I have talked about include (but probably aren't limited to) renaming, tracking siblings for incest scenes/jobs, twins/triplets, the possibility of turning the girl into an "item" in game and giving her to another girl, or a gang, and then having scenes pop up for her specifically in that other girl's/gang's scenes, deciding your daughters fates when they hit of age (including naming, legal status, etc.) These would be great to have from a writing position, naturally, but aren't there yet in the framework.
As for this Ive got them on a list and want to get some of this stuff in sooner rather then later but as said before its a matter of me figuring it out.  Im always trying to figure out new things the game can do for new text and such.  Like the other day I sent jonwich a list of a few new things I found could be done like having scenes for a girls birthday.  So the list of thing that can be done Im sure will grow as I figure out how they are done.

Offline jonwich

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2015, 08:28:31 AM »
Very cool stuff, man, glad to hear you're figuring more out as to what you can do. I'm going to get some decent writing in on more pet scenes over the next couple days. I'm hoping I can get enough scenes to have a decent bit of content for when the next release hits. After that, I'll probably just go where my twisted mind takes me. (With copious pony scenes thrown in, since I know you're working on that. Probably start with the pony training scenes, and later move on to pony work scenes and chariot races and pony races scenes.) I'm kinda torn as to exactly where my twisted mind is going to take me, for the moment. I think I might start with accommodation descriptions, because part of me secretly wants to see if we can do sections of a scene based on accommodations. (For example, let's say a girl is a slave at the brothel, and has the lowest level of accommodation and gets locked up in a cage in the cell where she works, it'd be cool to have the customer or someone in some form of admin position put her back until she's used again, with different sets of scenes for each level.) I also desperately want to get some scenes done differently depending on if a girl is a slave or free. Like, if she's a brothel whore, and she's a slave, I can't imagine her being treated the same as a girl that's not a slave. I can imagine slavery overriding dignity in some respects, and refusals. A slave could be punished, or used in any number of ways, whatever her feelings on it, and she would likely be used much like property, less like a person. A free girl that's a brothel whore, on the other hand, I can imagine things going very differently. In addition to nicer quarters, I can't see customers being allowed to tie her up, or slap her around, or what have you. I imagine her feelings being more involved, and her preferences and dignity taken into account. Sure, you might be able to write a scene where someone forces her to do something, or intimidates her, or seduces her into something she wouldn't normally do or be into, but as a free woman, she has a choice. (Of a sort, at least) I'd really like to see that dynamic played out more, because right now, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference, other than one has a brand and probably a collar, and one gets paid. The dynamic between them should feel very different. At least, that's what I'm thinking.

I also want to start some of the jobs that have very little text, like the movie jobs, and farm jobs, center jobs. Most importantly (probably) I want to get going on a lot of the free time scenes too, because those are used by ALL the girls. That's another area where the free/slave aspect can be very different. Maybe a slave might be able to go out, but only with a maxed obedience score and really low rebelliousness? Maybe, based on obedience score, she might range in free time from being confined to quarters, to confined to the building. She might have different options based on her traits, such as a nympho might have some sex scenes, a cum addict might have oral scenes or scenes where she's cleaning the floor with her tongue, a lesbian or bi girl might be enjoying other girls, a masochist might visit the torturer and ask for punishment or humiliation. And then add some of the regular free time ideas, like cooking for herself, or working out, maybe bathing, or sleeping/playing with herself while customers watched.

And then a free girl might have no restrictions, and have all sorts of shit regardless of obedience, like dating, clubbing, shopping, walking, reading, visiting family, swimming, and so on and so forth. This way even before I can get around to doing free and slave specific scenes for all jobs, it will become very obvious even before new job text that the two girls are very, very different. That's where I'm at and what I'm thinking about for when the puppy job is released. (Though I'll still keep writing puppy scenes, as it's a big fetish of mine. Then again, I could probably write for a couple years on any one job, even non-sexy ones and free girl scenes, so it's not like I'm gonna run low on material.) I gotta take some form of nap. I'm exhausted. I'll be active in chat later when I start to get my write-on.

Offline GonDra

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2015, 08:21:31 AM »
I'm happy for any contributing writers. I'd really like to see a rewrite of the stuff when you get max skill. Some of it is messed up or at least it is for me.
I know what you mean, and I tried to get into rewriting/replacing those randomized lines several times now but have not managed to write anything worth implementing.
Probably going to try again today or in the coming week since I really want to get back into writing form, so hopefully I will have something to show soon.

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2015, 02:53:04 PM »
My first effort at writing jobs is attached. This is the Cook position I described in my first post, with some reference to good and evil restaurants, but the majority of the text should be applicable even if we don't go down that road.

Is this the right format for ease of coding? Am I hitting all the main items? If so, I can come back and finish this by adding some special scenes for birthdays, etc., and references to other working jobs. And if I'm completely jacked up, please let me know so I can fix it before turning to more difficult jobs.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 12:52:44 PM by lyje1618 »

Offline Baal

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2015, 03:13:21 PM »
I know what you mean, and I tried to get into rewriting/replacing those randomized lines several times now but have not managed to write anything worth implementing.
Probably going to try again today or in the coming week since I really want to get back into writing form, so hopefully I will have something to show soon.

If it were me, I'd steer away from the sci-fi and fantasy stuff that it mentions. Hopefully it gets worked on eventually. But, if you do write something I'll be interested to see what it is.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2015, 03:44:39 PM by Baal »

Offline jonwich

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2015, 03:34:15 PM »
I know what you mean, and I tried to get into rewriting/replacing those randomized lines several times now but have not managed to write anything worth implementing.
Probably going to try again today or in the coming week since I really want to get back into writing form, so hopefully I will have something to show soon.

The randomized lines are probably something that would really need work, too. I might get better in time, and be able to create randomized lines, but at the moment most of what I write are block text, essentially small stories. I've made them a bit more personalized for the puppygirl scenes, and referred to the player perhaps a bit too much, but that's largely because she's one of his personal pets, so he's a bit more involved in her life. I hope to keep that separate for most other jobs, free time, and most scenes in general.

But back to randomized lines. I'd like to play with that a bit more, because not every scene can be a small, specific story. I'd love to write more randomized lines, or see someone else get into it, really mix it all up for all sorts of different conditions. It'd be great to see what you could come up with, man. I'm thinking of starting a wiki sometime (probably not till after the new year, sadly, we're going into our busiest time at work) where we can compile not only available scenes, but necessary info for writers that want to help, so that we can all work together where possible.

My first effort at writing jobs is attached. This is the Cook position I described in my first post, with some reference to good and evil restaurants, but the majority of the text should be applicable even if we don't go down that road.

Is this the right format for ease of coding? Am I hitting all the main items? If so, I can come back and finish this by adding some special scenes for birthdays, etc., and references to other working jobs. And if I'm completely jacked up, please let me know so I can fix it before turning to more difficult jobs.


I read up, it's pretty good work man! That's actually a good example (I think, I'd have to ask Crazy/Joey to be sure) of good random lines/trait/skill based scenes, ones that can be built specifically instead of my block text stories. I'd love to see more of what you got, and I might use that as an example when I get a chance to try my hands at random lines again. My brother's going to be here shortly, but I'll likely be in chat all night, and doing some writing. I think Crazy wanted to talk to Joey today about a release too.

Offline crazy

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2015, 11:30:08 AM »
My first effort at writing jobs is attached. This is the Cook position I described in my first post, with some reference to good and evil restaurants, but the majority of the text should be applicable even if we don't go down that road.
While I havent read every single line due to lack of time.  What is there is good.  The good/Evil stuff wont be able to go in unless we go that route with the game or I rework it work with the game as it is now.  Most jobs have 5 lines of non trait based text prelvl of performance is what I told the people who wrote them to write if they could.  Then the trait based stuff adds some extra spice to it.  While not required it figured I would say that.

Is this the right format for ease of coding? Am I hitting all the main items? If so, I can come back and finish this by adding some special scenes for birthdays, etc., and references to other working jobs. And if I'm completely jacked up, please let me know so I can fix it before turning to more difficult jobs.
Other then needing it in something besides a worddocx.. As my word has expired and I cant copy from it and having to type the whole thing out would add way to much time to it it looks fine.. So send it to me in either a PM on the site or like a Notepad or Wordpad file plz.

One thing to think on is random events.. Things that don't help but sometimes. I can give example if you dont know what I mean.

Thanks for the writing makes my life easier and helps improve the game.  Been wanting a cook job for awhile just didn't want to add it without some text.

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2015, 11:56:23 AM »
I have a relatively finished waitress job completed for good, neutral, and evil waitresses, attached for review. This was a lot more writing than I had ever anticipated, and it comes to 27 pages, so... whew. Please let me know if I'm on the right path. And, of course, if the coders conclude that the whole good/neutral/evil thing is too ambitious and untenable to code, you are more than welcome to just cut and paste the texts you want and incorporate them into the normal waitress job.

I've tried to incorporate some strategy into your girl selection for waitresses, beyond whether she is good at service or not or has a few bad traits. Patrons from the good restaurant are much more forgiving, but tend to pay less, and this makes the good restaurants a reasonable place to train people in service skills. If you send someone straight to the evil restaurant, though, then you are seriously endangering the girl during her training period. This is a place for sadists to enjoy, and bad service is an excuse to hurt your girls in potentially permanent ways. So unless you are comfortable letting Darwin train your waitstaff, you should set up your own internal training system so that girls are not placed in unnecessary jeopardy.

Also, Jonwich, wow... there is a lot of potential for special scenes with birthdays and events. I tried just a little bit with good restaurant free waitresses who love the player, which was extensive, but I'm concerned by all the other possibilities raised by those variables (e.g., Free v. Slave, Love/Neutral/Hate Player, Fear or Not Fear Player, Libido High v. Libido Low, Dignity High v. Dignity Low). The variants just keep increasing, and I'm worried that if we go down that rabbit hole, we might never climb back out of it. It would make the game so much more rich and interesting, but holy shit there are so many scenes.

Crazy, thanks for the reply and the thoughts, and I'm glad to see that our ambitions for this great game are mostly on the same page. Just tell me if I start wandering into the realm of impossibility, and I'll get back on track.

[size=0px]I dont think the building should have a moral alignment.. Once you select the type of building it would just be set no changing it maybe u meant that anyway.[/size][/color]

Yeah, you're right, I meant the building would be permanently one type and unable to change to the other type. I wrote that in a really confusing way. Just to clarify, I don't think we should make the buildings themselves have a moral alignment (though it would be hilarious if a good building found ways to punish you for evil actions), but rather force the player to make a permanent selection about what the building will be and the kinds of jobs it will sustain.

A couple of other crazy ideas for consideration, while we keep digging down on the new jobs:

1) Could we have the game recognize a new class of profile pictures, determined by whether the girl has the same job on both day and night shift? For example, if a girl has Nurse for day and night shift, could the game display NURSEPROFILE1 instead of PROFILE1? We wouldn't need all jobs; just the ones where uniforms (nurse, maid) or lifestyles (petgirl) are involved. Naturally, if there is no specific profile pic in the girl pack, it will default to Profile1, as it will also do if the girl is working two different jobs.

2) More ambitious, and I know I've seen some folks talking about this in the past: what about a trait for vaginal and anal tightness, that changes with the amount of use? For example, a girl can start as virgin, then tight vagina, experienced vagina, loose vagina, useless vagina. Set each to a value (like virgin = 0, tight vagina = 100). Each incident of vaginal sex adds 1, each group adds 5, each beast adds 10, each baby adds 25. We can correspondingly write scenes for the girls that reflect customer satisfaction. This also adds some more game strategy, as you have to be cognizant of how you train your girls without ruining their value. It can also add some fun new items like Kegel exercise classes.

Thoughts on the ideas and the waitress script? Where should I be focusing my efforts? And Jonwich, I'll try to be on chat this afternoon. I've been bad at that... sorry.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 12:19:54 PM by lyje1618 »

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2015, 12:05:03 PM »
Just saw that Crazy and I were posting at the same time.

I've attached the new Waitress texts I'm proposing in .txt format; will this work for you?

Also, can you give me an example of a random event? I think I did some in the new waitress jobs, but I'm not sure it's the same thing you're talking about.

[size=0px]The good/Evil stuff wont be able to go in unless we go that route with the game or I rework it work with the game as it is now.[/size][/color]
Absolutely understood. I suppose as part of my advocacy that we add this system, I'm just trying to make it as easy as possible on you to do it (at least as far as the writing is concerned). Again, though, I won't cry and take my toys and walk away if you just cut and paste the stuff you want, discard the rest, and tell me the moral system is impossible or just plain dumb.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 12:19:24 PM by lyje1618 »

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2015, 12:37:29 PM »
Can u post the cook job in txt form also plz

Also i like having both a docx and txt..  docx is easy to read and txt for copying and pasting lol
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 12:40:10 PM by crazy »

Offline jonwich

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2015, 12:56:36 PM »
And Jonwich, I'll try to be on chat this afternoon. I've been bad at that... sorry.

No drama pig farmer. We're going into my busiest season, so I'm kinda hard to keep up with anyway, even on my off days. I work nights too, so usually if I work that night, I'll sleep a little in the morning, and then sleep most of the afternoon. On my off days, I have a bit more time, though it still gets interrupted by family, getting called in, making emergency wedding and birthday cakes, etc. Either way, I tend to be logged in the chat most of the time, so you can reach me there even if I'm not there, or by PM.

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2015, 04:48:26 PM »
Keep up the good work!