can it be that the bar girl texts are a bit messed up?
i mean, girls that are set to "barmaid+barmaid" somehow do get waitress or stripper messages at the turn summary.
it seem to happen with all jobs (barmaid, waitress, singer atleast) exept the stripper. (not sure about the whore in bar... but she seem to be busy with customers as she should).
i think stripper are the only ones that do what they should do most of the time. atleast i havent seen them getting waitress or barmaid messages.
another thing i noticed a bit is, that when a girl is pregnant (human or beast, i think i have seen it with both) and gets an abortion and gets pregnant again by the player that turn, the pregnancy timer is the same as it was before the abortion.
i think currently pregnancies are 38 weeks? atleast most of the time... i think i saw some shorter/longer ones too somehow as the counter went down slower or faster... (i liked that btw, that it was not always 38 weeks... atleast its a magical fantasy world... demons might breed quicker? or the girl is influenced somehow that it just goes quicker then normal... maybe even items (but i guess there are none like that atm))
and when you prohibit all sex actions in the brothel screen, you get some weird turn summary messages with the girls when they "would do a customer" when you press "next week".
as they are not allowed to do any "sex actions" but still "would do sex actions somehow for the message"
(also related to that is somehow this suggestion here: ->