Author Topic: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha  (Read 164762 times)

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Offline Nalkyr Maloth

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #165 on: May 22, 2010, 12:07:28 PM »
Ok, it's probably been reported somewhere before, but there probably is a bug somewhere in the pregnancy code (unless it's meant to be this way). In my latest play with v.385 I had two girls give birth to beasts even if they had the pregnant by player tag.

Also one one my pregnant girls went shopping and got an item that gives sterile. She remained pregnant and gave birth normally. Just thought you might want to consider the correct game reaction in a similar case.


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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #166 on: May 22, 2010, 01:51:26 PM »
Yeah, can you add like an option to the girl stat screen to ban them from buying items? Cause it can be really annoying when your girl who's deeply in love with you and pregnant with your child goes and gets an abortion item.

Offline sgb

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #167 on: May 22, 2010, 02:25:30 PM »
Edit the items file and crank up the 'badness' of undesirable items.  AFAIK there's no actual penalty for giving a girl a 'bad' item beyond what the item does.  I had to go in and make various changes to my items file after the recent patch due to girls buying items again.  Basically anything that has just as many drawbacks as bonuses got tweaked in my game.  While I'm using my own item file and don't care, I know the official item list is Lordshame's list.  Someone may need to make some balance changes to account for girls buying things on their own again, and also for the seemingly harder initial difficulty.

Another measure that would help is preventing girls from auto-using items.  They love buying 'cure for X' items, but will drink them for no reason.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 02:44:11 PM by sgb »

Offline Dagoth

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #168 on: May 22, 2010, 05:31:18 PM »
One thing I'm planning to add is an extra optional value for items to manually indicate the chance of girls buying the item or not (if not specified, they'll just go by item badness with 0% or 100% chance). So, I'd have it override items like "brainwashing oil" or "disguised slave band" to indicate that girls should not buy them.  :P
For that matter, you could have a high badness item which girls do buy for themselves for whatever reason. Maybe have a small chance of them buying a drug when not currently addicted?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 05:33:59 PM by Dagoth »

Offline sgb

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #169 on: May 22, 2010, 08:19:38 PM »
A yes/no buy flag would certainly solve most of the problems.  Stop them from buying healing potions and relaxers, and using them at random at any rate.

Offline Dagoth

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #170 on: May 22, 2010, 08:58:16 PM »
* polished the "new rival" texts a bit

* gang training now works on a curve where they gain less the higher the skill/stat (but more at lower levels); however, they'll tend to focus training in what they're good at as well, so they should hopefully end up being better at certain skills and stats
* gang missions and combat will slightly boost appropriate gang stats/skills (not as much as training, though)
* all 6 important gang stats are now listed on the Gang Management screen; in other words, added Agility, Toughness (Constitution), and Charisma

Offline sgb

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #171 on: May 22, 2010, 09:00:14 PM »
* all 6 important gang stats are now listed on the Gang Management   screen; in other words, added Agility, Toughness (Constitution), and   Charisma

Wait, so was this part of how they worked all along or is this new?

Offline Dagoth

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #172 on: May 22, 2010, 09:23:54 PM »
Also fixed:
* inventory lists had lost their sorting due to the new "un-sort" list functionality; fixed

* all 6 important gang stats are now listed on the Gang Management   screen; in other words, added Agility, Toughness (Constitution), and   Charisma

Wait, so was this part of how they worked all along or is this new?
When I was working on the improved training skill/stat boost I ran through gang activities to make sure the major 3 were all that were used, and found that the above 3 are also used. Agility and Constitution are used in combat, and Charisma is used by the gang to convince girls to work for you instead of having to actually kidnap them.

Offline LordShame

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #173 on: May 22, 2010, 09:32:52 PM »
While I'm using my own item file and don't care, I know the official item list is Lordshame's list.  Someone may need to make some balance changes to account for girls buying things on their own again, and also for the seemingly harder initial difficulty.

Yeah, I'm going to make a big version 4 before long. At first I was going to wait until a relatively feature-complete release, but a lot of things do need at least some rebalancing right away. Plus the new stuff has given me many ideas for new items!

One thing I'm planning to add is an extra optional value for items to manually indicate the chance of girls buying the item or not (if not specified, they'll just go by item badness with 0% or 100% chance). So, I'd have it override items like "brainwashing oil" or "disguised slave band" to indicate that girls should not buy them.  :P
For that matter, you could have a high badness item which girls do buy for themselves for whatever reason. Maybe have a small chance of them buying a drug when not currently addicted?

That'd be awesome! It'd also do away with some of the odder things like girls buying flowers for themselves somehow loving the player more. It'd give me an opportunity to flesh out happiness items like sweets vs romantic items like flowers or rings.

There's a related minor issue with girls buying weapons and armor for themselves, since the heavier ones come with a severe charisma penalty and having your star girl suddenly show up to work decked out in plate mail can cost you a lot of money. I think a good solution would be to let them buy combat gear if they want, but not let them equip it on their own. (Maybe with a happiness check somewhere so they'll still put it on if they're trying to run away or something.) Plus, even if there were no charisma penalty, from an in-universe perspective a brothel is not a place for a working girl to carry weapons around unsupervised, unless it's specifically her job to.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 09:58:08 PM by LordShame »

Offline Dagoth

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #174 on: May 22, 2010, 10:02:04 PM »
Yeah, I'm going to make a big version 4 before long. At first I was going to wait until a relatively feature-complete release, but a lot of things do need at least some rebalancing right away. Plus the new stuff has given me many ideas for new items!

That'd be awesome! It'd also do away with some of the odder things like girls buying flowers for themselves somehow loving the player more. It'd give me an opportunity to flesh out happiness items like sweets vs romantic items like flowers or rings.

Cool. If you wanted to, you could get started by adding this to the appropriate items in Items.itemsx:
Code: [Select]
GirlBuyChance = "0%"That's the name I'll be using for it. You can of course go ahead and use whatever % you think is appropriate. For any items it's not specified on, it will treat them as before where <20 badness gives 100% chance of them buying it and >=20 badness gives 0% chance; so, no need to specify it for every item.

Offline NeliaHawk

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #175 on: May 22, 2010, 10:12:07 PM »
can it be that the bar girl texts are a bit messed up?
i mean, girls that are set to "barmaid+barmaid" somehow do get waitress or stripper messages at the turn summary.
it seem to happen with all jobs (barmaid, waitress, singer atleast) exept the stripper. (not sure about the whore in bar... but she seem to be busy with customers as she should).
i think stripper are the only ones that do what they should do most of the time. atleast i havent seen them getting waitress or barmaid messages.

another thing i noticed a bit is, that when a girl is pregnant (human or beast, i think i have seen it with both) and gets an abortion and gets pregnant again by the player that turn, the pregnancy timer is the same as it was before the abortion.

i think currently pregnancies are 38 weeks? atleast most of the time... i think i saw some shorter/longer ones too somehow as the counter went down slower or faster... (i liked that btw, that it was not always 38 weeks... atleast its a magical fantasy world... demons might breed quicker? or the girl is influenced somehow that it just goes quicker then normal...  maybe even items (but i guess there are none like that atm))

and when you prohibit all sex actions in the brothel screen, you get some weird turn summary messages with the girls when they "would do a customer" when you press "next week".
as they are not allowed to do any "sex actions" but still "would do sex actions somehow for the message"
(also related to that is somehow this suggestion here: ->

Offline Nalkyr Maloth

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #176 on: May 23, 2010, 02:01:48 PM »
Something else popped up. When you have a customer not paying and somebody that dies in the dungeon the game first tells you tha the customer can't pay, then tells you of the death\s and then prompts you for what to do with the customer. This happens at least about 9 times out of 10


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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #177 on: May 23, 2010, 02:45:20 PM »
I've set girls to strip in the bar and they do whore jobs, or at least that's how the text displays.

Offline ShadowMage

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #178 on: May 24, 2010, 12:33:10 PM »
You're correct exodia91, I have seen it as well when setting girls to do the same thing. Not to mention seeing girls do BDSM when you've prohibited it

Offline Dagoth

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Re: Bugs: 1.30 Alpha
« Reply #179 on: May 25, 2010, 11:26:16 PM »
* even if user had config set to 0% chance of any one or more types of pregnancy, virgins would still have 10% chance of getting pregnant; the (somewhat odd) 10% chance boost for virgins is left alone for any chance over 0%, though
* girl details next/prev cycle order was not properly updating IDs when a girl was removed, resulting in a crash on moving on to the last girl
* when a girl becomes pregnant or inseminated, it now makes sure to clear any leftover pregnancy data (from abortions or what-not, pregnancy countdown and unborn child data)

I'll go ahead and make another release very shortly here.