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Offline Kenki

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #465 on: January 26, 2012, 11:30:20 PM »
So with all the 'railing' on THE FUTURE, I thought I needed to chime in with my own thoughts.

IIRC, in the beginning, the initial Whore Master EX release was NEVER considered to be a COMPLETED mod. It was only the FIRST phase of the WM EX mod. The posts by THE FUTURE seemed to suggest that the current absence, is because he is working on the next phase of the MOD. IIRC, his intent was to update the MOD in phases (after internal testing). This method was his preference as opposed to the constant, tweaking here and there that most projects follow (and leave many incomplete/un-synergized/unbalanced mechanics). So I expect he will be back, with new features for us to stress test. Items, for example, were never balanced, for WM EX, IIRC.

As for the difficulty of the EX mod, the mod intended to do away with Gangs, using the girls to handle all tasks. All jobs were going to be important, though many would not be demanded until more customers start showing up. And Unique Girls were expected to be used as opposed to relying 100% on random girls (though I suppose its possible, I only use about 10% random girls).

As every job is important, you CANNOT allow Security to drop. If it gets two low (a shallow negative can be corrected, but requires lots of girls on Security), you WILL end up on a downward spiral. Add a girl to security when it gets low to get it back up.

Anyway, the game is not FINISHED. There are some bugs remaining. But they can be addressed when the next phase of the WM EX mod is released. I am curious as to what THE FUTURE has planned. Hopefully he addresses items, they seem fairly bland at the moment.

Honestly, I feel it disingenuous to judge WM EX as if its a Complete MOD. It is only a fraction of the full MOD envisioned. So there will be improvements and re-balancing to the mechanics of the game. We just have to be patient for the next release. None of us saw WM EX coming until he first released it. The MOD was already quite substantial. The next release of the MOD should be similar in scope. Of course, that assumes THE FUTURE is still working on it and the environment on these boards remain non-abrasive.

Peace out.

Offline jozsi1

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #466 on: January 27, 2012, 05:55:45 PM »

Then I just leave it... If noone interested about what players say, it waste of energy to give feedback...


Offline Uriel

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #467 on: January 28, 2012, 04:57:27 PM »
Ok, if you're THAT ignorant:
We're players like you, what do you expect from us? Sympathy?
We have no sources, so we can't fix those issues, even if they really are issues.
Looks like mod author has left the building. He was not around for a couple of months.

Offline Nogood

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #468 on: January 28, 2012, 05:31:17 PM »
for jozsi1
firstly, not that it matters, but seeing as you continously wrote "becouse" in your previous post i thought i'd tell you it's spelled "because"..


Then I just leave it... If noone interested about what players say, it waste of energy to give feedback...


in my opinion feedback is good and i don't care about criticizing what people write....

anyway, on to the more constructive advise.
yes, this game is a bit hard in the beginning and you won't get that much good pictures the first couple of weeks but here's a strategy i used which work fairly well(i'm alive after quite a long time, got all brothels and i earn about 20000 every week):
first things first, be sure to have as many girls as possible available.
then when you start a new game hire 1 gang who you should put at acquiring new territory to give you a small but steadily increase in income.
then, with the money you start with, buy 1 girl that has as much combat/magic stats as possible but at least 40 as total(magic+combat), if no one is available with that much at the moment, save the game and reload and the girls will get randomized again and do so until you have the girl.
when you have her, put her on security and explore dungeon.
now since some girls in this mod is fairly cheap you might(or should) be able to buy 1 more girl, get the one that has the best stats and good talent in being a barmaid and waitress and put her to work as those.

with this and perhaps some selling of items(not the more useful one as they will be auto-equiped on your girls) and random girls captured in the dungeon you should be, slowly but steadily(as you're getting more territory), getting on + income and you should be able to get more gangs/items, girls you should be able to get quite a lot by walking in town.
try to clear the missions as you get money, could be all between around 200 to around 200000.
i don't do it anymore since i earn enough anyway but if you really need money then you should save the week before clearing the mission and if you get low amount of money/1 girl/items you can just reload and do it again until you get a satisfactory amount.

if you continue like this you will make it, takes about 30-40 min or so before you should be able to focus more on the interesting jobs(whore/xxx entertainer/stripper/...)
remember to check the weekly reports about where customers are choosing to go, it will be needed to use girls on boring jobs to get fame up a bit to get more customers and make them wanting girls at the better jobs.

if you're alive when getting to this point you should pretty much have learned how this mod works and shouldn't have any real trouble anymore, might be useful to kill of a few rivals with your gangs, no need to kill the all though since new once will just be appearing so keep one alive but use 1 gang to harass him so he won't be growing in size.

hope this helps and makes you able to enjoy the game even though it's hard in the beginning  :)

Offline jozsi1

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #469 on: January 30, 2012, 04:07:16 PM »
Hi! :)


I do not want anyone's symphaty. I wrote here, because I wanted to give feedback about a good idea what went on wrong way. After I saw, people, who has some effect on developing not interested about feedback, they say, I should say hurrah about this mod. Well, if noone interested about feedback what says not everything is perfect, I will not waste my time, energy. Simply I forget this game, delete from HDD as many other ones. I am not angry to anyone. I am not ignorant, just I dont want waste my time. If I could help, I would.


Thanks to fix me. :) I allways change it somehow, but I will try to write well. :)

Maybe I will try to use your advice, but try and try and try again just for have a chance... It shows the problem better than any other words. By my opinion a game should be playable without retry, reload just for the acceptable chance. Maybe strange, but I dont like cheats, when I use them its just a "test" about something in the game. But on longer term, I never use cheat. (By my opinion cheat is killing the enjoyment of the game. At least for me.)

Sorry for my english, I know it isnt the best. And thanks the advice. :)

Offline fires_flair

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #470 on: January 30, 2012, 11:05:13 PM »
you can change the girl walk chance, in the config file, it's set at like 30% by THE FUTURE. I usually change this to 100, same with a few other statistics, though I don't know if they all still work, I'm pretty sure the customer attacking isn't effected by the rape stat.

Offline EXfun

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #471 on: January 31, 2012, 02:10:30 PM »
About WM EX...
Nice idea, crap execution...

Hi jozsi1,

First of all, my apologies if I missed or misunderstood something.

I've player these whore/slave/brothel sims quite long and actually amused how you've get at least some serious problems or difficulties. I like WM EX very much because it gives at least some challenge while vanilla version not only unfinished but also too easy/boring. "Nice idea, crap execution..." - that is exactly i can tell about vanilla but not WM EX.

Developing your own den of iniquity with blackjack and hookers - it’s much more interesting than just looking on bunch of whores with pic gallery. At least some challenge.

Btw, in WM EX if you want to get some money without managing bars and other mess - please sent your girls on the street. You should get some income instantly. You also will get some side effect of course but it's a concept.

And, yes, it may be hard to force some girls to work. Obedience system in this game is really amazing! But much most of methods is quite easy anyway. If you just want to have obedient girl NOW - just buy it. Or break her will. Or just kill/sell and get another.

As for this "refused to work" issue - oh, yes it’s really disturbing. Player cannot control girls in real-time / in the middle of the week. Well, it may be painful but also bearable. But just some more clever planning and will get success. And - this issue came directly from vanilla.

I say this again:
WM EX is awesome! Glory to THE FUTURE!

Offline EthanEverhart

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #472 on: March 05, 2012, 09:56:08 PM »
Amazing job man, love the girls packs too.
It's been ages since I last downloaded ex so I don't know how up-to-date mine is (It says it's wm_1.30.4_beta_r643 ex).
Anyways, I noticed a little bug.
When you go to the gang managment page, the button that allows you to buy heal potions isn't working.
The nets work, but not the heal potions.
Has anyone brought up this issue and I just have an older version or is this the first your hearing of this?

Offline sgb

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #473 on: March 13, 2012, 08:18:56 PM »
Indeed, raging at what's left of the community here is not going to accomplish anything.  I'll agree I don't care much for EX, as I believe it went in the wrong direction for improving the game:
-Loss of girl customization, and balance dependent on the default item list.  This is a dealbreaker for me personally; the characters no longer feel like the character they are supposed to since their skills and strengths are randomized.  Might as well just be all random girls now.  The entire appeal of WM over other brothel sims is that the game feels like 'your' game, minus the core gameplay you can't change.  The girls are generated by me, the items are generated by me, many internal settings are customized by me for balance/difficulty/flavour, etc.  It's like the RPGmaker of sex games.  EX eliminates this key feature in the name of balance...which it failed to improve.

-Far too dependent on the RNG generating you decent girls to survive early game.  Harder is fine, but fake difficulty is not.  There's a world of difference between random events that can make your life harder (this can be fun, see roguelikes, Dwarf Fortress, and any wargame that uses dice), and the RNG usually screwing you non-stop from the start to make the game seem 'hard' (this is not fun at all).  EX uses the latter approach.  Worse, it doesn't even fix the core difficulty problem standard WM has; once you get over the initial difficulty hump, you win.  There's no way to lose once your income stabilizies, no bigger goals to aim for.  If things go well, or you abuse gangs/cheat, EX still quickly reaches the point where the game becomes a sandbox.  I can edit standard WM to have a more difficult early game, why deal with EX RNG crap?

-Instead of eliminating the gangs, you're more dependent on their income than ever.  This is kind of the opposite of what the mod was supposed to accomplish.  Sure it's not finished, but this is kind of a core change of the mod that isn't actually changed at all.  Why even release it if you haven't gotten that far in development?

It was great when Anon21 was taking requests for fixes in standard WM; a lot of annoying crap we couldn't change finally got fixed, and the standard game got as good as it ever will be.  Alas he didn't have the time and interest to fix the job system, something I had hoped EX would accomplish.  It did, at the cost of breaking too many things that didn't need to be touched.  I realize this all sounds overly harsh, and I don't type this in anger, but I just don't understand the time that was wasted on a full mod when it didn't need to be.  THE FUTURE had some good ideas (new image categories were a great idea) and had he just fixed the jobs and gangs in the standard game without tearing apart everything this would have been a great final patch for WM.  The mod is unfinished, but it's never going to be.  I don't blame him at all; it would take too long to get into a balanced, complete game and THE FUTURE probably knew that.

Basically I'm saying making this a mod instead of an update/patch to the main game was unneccesary and a mistake.  One that will never be fixed, as THE FUTURE obviously lost his interest in the project now.

Offline EthanEverhart

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #474 on: March 14, 2012, 10:43:19 AM »
I was actually looking for this thread earlier to correct my bug error.
The heal button works, I just hadn't realized that I didn't have enough money at the time to buy them. >.<
I've only really noticed three bugs with the game.
Sometimes when you visit a girl, or run across some event that requires a picture of her. Two pictures try to show up.
One flickers onto the screen for a brief second, and then it switches to the second image.
However I believe this was an issue before ex came out.
The other issue I've run into is that sometimes the pictures don't fit on the screen but then in other scenarios they do.
For example, if you just go to the girls management screen the whole picture will fit.
But if the same picture shows up during the week, only half of it fits onto the screen.
Those were just some of the minor issues.
The biggest issue I've run into is when you ask a girl to do something.
From here
Someone got the options for lesbian, threesome, and groupsex to work.
Now, the issue that I've run into is that when you ask a girl to do something the images that show up don't match what you asked her to do.
Threesome, join in group session, and 'to have sex with another girl' result in normal sex pictures
'have sex with a beast' results in lesbian pics
and 'blowjob' (both regular and deepthroat) shows up as a normal profile pictures.
Now, I don't remember if this was an issue before ex came out, if it was an issue when ex came out, or if it was the new script files I downloaded that messed it up, but yeah, that's the main issue.
Aside from all this, I actually like ex though the removal of the beasts has caused some complicaions.

Offline zartog

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #475 on: March 16, 2012, 10:45:07 PM »
Gotta say, I havent been to this site for like a year, but damn the EX version is pretty badass.  Totally reinvigorated my for this game.
Just gotta comment that its awesome.  Nothing else really.. lol

Offline Orden

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #476 on: May 15, 2012, 11:26:31 AM »

For me WM EX is more that a mod, it's the actual finished version of VM.
Is there any source repository of WM EX so we can help in bug fixing ?


Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #477 on: May 15, 2012, 11:58:25 AM »
 Nope, no source, Future took the source with him (where-ever he disappeared to) :)

 It's more polished WM but far from finished... nice mod thou! I hope he comes back to work on it some more.

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Offline some_loli_catgirl

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #478 on: May 16, 2012, 02:10:40 AM »
I just tried this game mode out.
It's absolutely ridiculous.  It seems the only way to make money is to explore catacombs and sell off slave girls.
If you try to staff the brothel with anyone else, you lose a ton of money, and an army of hoodlums wrecks your security rating and attacks all your workers.

Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master EX
« Reply #479 on: May 16, 2012, 02:47:37 AM »
I just tried this game mode out.
It's absolutely ridiculous.  It seems the only way to make money is to explore catacombs and sell off slave girls.
If you try to staff the brothel with anyone else, you lose a ton of money, and an army of hoodlums wrecks your security rating and attacks all your workers.


 You need to slowly build up stats of your girls and your brothel (get some extra customers). No mod is perfect, some will enjoy playing this one, slowly building up economy and expanding, some will like a faster mod where you can dive right in.

 But saying that it's ridiculous is unfair, it is simply meant for people who want to train girls and get access to better jobs and costumers slowly...
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