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A few suggestions

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There is no penalty for not doing objectives so no loss there. But as for you suggestions i like them all and have placed them in my (slowly getting organized) list of things to do.


--- Quote from: Rose on October 14, 2009, 06:20:52 PM ---
2. Add a possible "customer's daughter" state to custom girls.

I always thought it was a bit of a pity you only get random-generated girls when you get them from customers or business owners who can't pay up. My suggestion is to add a flag or state that lets the girls be found both by wandering in town and by taking them from customers (not exclusively from customers since I wouldn't want them to be completely unattainable during an "all-good run")
--- End quote ---

as a girl maker, I'd like to be able to set if a girl can be kidnapped, taken from a nonpaying customer, only found in town, or with the upcoming update, come to you or not. and be able to set any combination of these and the already available options on or off. Like I want a girl to be available in catacombs, but also able to come to you, but not be availble anywhere, or only be available for kidnapping, it would allow us to write in more flavor for girls, because right now since you don't know if the players gonna kidnap her or find her, you can't write something like "resents you from ripping her away from her little brother" or " seem satisfied that she came to work for you"

I thought you could do things like that with the script editor?  I know that Cammy White has her own special encounter in town...

I don't wanna make custom scripts for almost a hundred girls, and I've not even tried to touch the script editor yet I'm so busy trying to make girls.


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