Feedback > New Features

My suggestions (wall of text ahoy!)

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I like all of these suggestions, it would be ultimately good if you could set rules on an individual level for each girl, justified by guards making sure brothel customers adhere to the rules.

Don't make the freak set too freaky lol. Has anyone come across girls with the freak trait in the game? I've never held one, but I get customers wanting a freak.

that isn't really fair, incest only increases the chances of defects by like a 3% average.

Right, cause arguing realism in a game with a hyper-cube like dimension in the basement and tentacle monsters as paying customers makes all sorts of sense.


--- Quote from: hewhoispale on October 20, 2009, 08:50:18 AM ---Right, cause arguing realism in a game with a hyper-cube like dimension in the basement and tentacle monsters as paying customers makes all sorts of sense.

--- End quote ---

It's a valid yardstick to use, I think, even if it isn't the only criterion.

There are questions of suspension of disbelief and player expectation to consider. The player only really has the real world to use as a guide for how the game world works. If something works the way the player expects it to work, then he has a better gaming experience.

Conversely, if something happens that is too far at odds with the player's experience, it reminds him that hes playing a game, and you lose the sense of immersion.

maybe if necno clarified what a "freak" is actually going to be, cause if its some deformed horrifying thing I most definitely don't want all my daughters pumping them out constantly


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