Game Editing And Additions > User Mods

Updates and Notes for Crazy's Mod --- Current Version .06.04.01

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--- Quote from: h1262216 on December 01, 2020, 02:23:28 PM ---I don't think there is any more activity using SVN. The "official" code is now on github,
but there hasn't been any activity there for some time.
I've been working on a fork that can be found here, that tries to clean up some of the code and add some new features. In its current state, there are still some things that don't work yet, but on the plus side it supports webm and some lua scripting.

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That would explain things. Thanks. I wish these things were written somewhere more obvious like in the stickied link on the top right.
As for why I need it I basically had the same idea as you did. I want to go into the code and export as much of the conversation texts as I can into external files as opposed to having them hardcoded. I also want to add branching dialogs for slave vs free. As in the same action should give you one string when she is a slave and another when she is free. And potentially add other conditions in there.

Ideally my end goal would be to create a version where:
1. Slave vs free give you different dialog, the former being based on the "very bad man" mod and the later being the nice vanilla text.
2. Slaves should not rise in happiness and love so easily just because you gave them a decent job. Instead they should get to content and stay there unless you actively try. And love should require you to bloody try.
3. Make slaves no longer grow to love being prostitutes to the point of being happy that you forced them into it in the first place.

Not sure if I'd ever publish my code like you did though. Also, can I compile this with a relatively new version of Visual Studio? I tried compiling the "very bad man" source with VS2019 and got a bunch of errors. And I don't feel like hunting down VS2008 if I don't have to. Although I guess I can just use MingW manually.

I found that the game appears to have some image tags that aren't listed in aevojoey's list, so that might need to be updated.


Most seem pretty self-explanatory, though I'm curious where Formal is used that isn't covered by Escort.

It would also be nice to have tags for watching a movie or giving a massage, defaulting to what they use now. I keep seeing nice pictures for those but not having a good way to use them.

I'm coding on linux, so I don't have any experience with VisualStudio. There are CMakeFiles, which I think offer some way of creating VisualStudio project files. I've tried this at one point, but my experience using VS in a virtual machine wasn't great so I settled for building things with cmake and mingw to get the windows exes.

The code from my repo won't work with an old visual studio compiler, I am using C++14 features. Actually, most of my effort has been directed at improving the code base, not at changing the game. So even though I agree with the three endgoals you posted, they are not on my short-term todo list. Another thing I would add to that list is that I think skill progressions should follow more typical RPG style routes, in the sense that getting the skill from 20 to 40 should be faster/easier than 80 to 100.

You are right that there isn't much info about this here on the forums, I've mostly been posting alpha versions on the discord channel.


--- Quote from: h1262216 on December 05, 2020, 01:11:45 PM ---@Purple
I'm coding on linux, so I don't have any experience with VisualStudio. There are CMakeFiles, which I think offer some way of creating VisualStudio project files. I've tried this at one point, but my experience using VS in a virtual machine wasn't great so I settled for building things with cmake and mingw to get the windows exes.

The code from my repo won't work with an old visual studio compiler, I am using C++14 features. Actually, most of my effort has been directed at improving the code base, not at changing the game. So even though I agree with the three endgoals you posted, they are not on my short-term todo list. Another thing I would add to that list is that I think skill progressions should follow more typical RPG style routes, in the sense that getting the skill from 20 to 40 should be faster/easier than 80 to 100.

You are right that there isn't much info about this here on the forums, I've mostly been posting alpha versions on the discord channel.

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What's with everyone switching to discord for all things. It bugs me. Anyway, your goal is noble indeed. Improving the codebase is always a good thing. In which case I must ask if you have contemplated moving all of the job texts into the external files. Looking at the original crazy mod the foundation for this is there, right in the base game, but whilst the game text is nicely external aevojoey seems to have hardcoded a lot of stuff. Like most all of the job result texst for one. And whilst I haven't had the time to do this my self it appears that the process of recompiling that so that they are in external files instead should be quick if boring labor.

This said, if you don't use visual studio what editor do you use? Personally I am a fan of codeblocks and have used it to death with some of my OPENGL related work but I wonder what your preference is.

Yes, moving same game text into external files is part of what I'm trying to do. I think you underestimate the actual effort involved in doing so, though. The resulting text files have to be rich enough in structure so that you can actually do some simple game modding with it (e.g. if you add a trait, you have to be able to add corresponding job text variations), but at the same time simple enough that a non-programmer can easily edit these. You can see my current progress on that here:

I'm using CLion as an IDE.


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