Feedback > New Features

gang relations


I just downloaded the new version and on your to-do list, I saw that you were planning on allowing you to specify targets for missions.

How about adding a gang relations stat to the game?  So if you keep attacking the same rival, your relationship with them would drop quickly and they would be more likely to attack you back.  You can also send your goons on goodwill missions to your rivals and possibly form an alliance with 1 or more of them.

I think forming alliances would detract from the overall goal of the game to crush all rivals. And I doubt gangs are smart enough to want to form alliances, they'd want to be top dog and we can't have that.

Well, I was thinking the alliances could have a time limit of 3 months or so.  And instead of alliance, I guess I meant something more in the lines of a ceasefire since coordinating attacks would probably more trouble to code.

Besides, can't you be evil and backstab your rival later?  :D

rivals are poorly implemented and just run as a basic set of abstract stats and randomness. Their improvement is a major todo but I want to get the other areas of the game done first. So the rivals as they are currently are just place holders for the eventual full implementation. But definitely added having diplomacy options to the todo list. Alliances will be just brief ones to gang up against another rival.


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