Feedback > New Features

Quick comment on 1.29

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From changelog:

"there is now a cooldown period of 20 weeks before a girl can get preg/inseminated again"

This is a good idea, but perhaps 20 weeks is a little long?  I would think one, maybe two months would be plenty.  Not a big deal.

"increased talk count to 10"

Thank you.

"increased the value of item rewards from catacomb missions (it is now what it was supposed to be in the first place)"

Just a general comment:  this might not work *now*, but eventually I'd kind of like to see gold  income from the catacombs removed entirely, so that all you can get are girls or cool items.  Right now I don't think there are enough items available to make it reasonable, but if the item cost system ever gets balanced and a few people start modding items, it'd be neat.

Looks like a great update - lots of useful fixes, especially considering it was only a weekender.  Can't wait to see what you come up with during the building implementation...  good job, necno!

I also think 20 weeks for pregnancy cooldown are too much time to wait.
It's almost half a gestation time...

It might be a bit long game-mechanics-wise, but it's certainly not too long from a realistic perspective. A nursing mother usually can't get pregnant as long as the child is breastfeeding regularily (often around 20 weeks, but can be over a year) due to the hormonal changes that occur when nursing,

Granted, i was still thinking in days when i chose 20. Going to make it 5

Wow, just five weeks of breast feeding the kids? Those poor babies. They're gonna grow up with issues. :D
I really have no opinion on this topic, I just couldn't resist the attempt at a joke.


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