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Traits for accesing jobs

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Count Zero:
Just a little idea i got right now.
There is already planned that girls with the trait assasin will be able go on assasin mission, as far as i know.
Why not make this system, that a trait is needed for a special job, more global?
I mean a trait like whore for the prostitution jobs, a trait like stripper for the jobs in the bar, some combat related traits for the planned fighting jobs, another trait for the gambling hall,...
Example trait: Whore
As it is now the player can send every girl he got directly to the brothel, and the girl decides on a daily basis if she is in the mood to be whoring or not.
With a trait it could be a little different.
If the girl hasn't the trait the player must "persuade" her first, so she gets the trait. He could do it with the help of the dungeon equipment. Or perhaps by giving her first task she is willing to do, like cleaning for example, and when she is aquainted to the house and trusts the player more, he could convince her to do alittle more, for example she gets first the stripper trait and later the whore trait.

That... no. I don't think that's a good idea.
I think any girl should be able to do any job. Assassin or not.... obviously a girl with such a trait would be more suitable for the job. I suppose girls could learn the various traits by other means. Perhaps training grounds or something? With the mod-ability of items though, I guess that would be pointless as you could just mod an item to give a girl a trait.

Your idea seems like it complicates things further which is not something I would like to see. Treat it like a job (similar how the gangs are run) and her stats will determine the chance of success... or however Assassination attempts would work.

If, we could add some type of political rank system into the game. (And I mean add a LOT of ranks) Perhaps assassination could be used for that benefit. As you get bigger a particular official could constantly be checking up on you. (Taking money, girls, whatever) you could send one of your girls after him/her. Obviously as you go up the ladder they'll be harder and harder to kill. As an alternative you can threaten them to leave their position forever. (and possibly take it for yourself, alternate income perhaps?)
But all of this sounds FAR too complicated in its own right.

Despite what I said, I don't think it's a completely BAD idea either. I think having some traits could be beneficial for other jobs isn't a bad idea. For instance a motherly trait for matrons or housewife for cleaning crew. It may even be more beneficial to instead of adding more and more traits to add I dunno "job stats" as well? So... say you put a girl in the matron job if she has a motherly trait she'd start with bonus stats for that job. Say 10%. As she stays in that job, she'd gain a larger percentage over time. (SLOWLY I hope) To eventually 100% effectiveness. Since girls can work days and nights. I suppose she could be a matron in the day, and an explorer in the night. Since she has no trait adventurer trait her percentage would start at 0%.
I don't really know how the new building system is going to work yet, so who knows.

Count Zero:
The assasin trait wasn't my idea, it is already implemented in the game. And when you look in the todo list, there is already mentioned that it is planned that girls with this trait will be able to go on assasination missions.
My idea was more to make this sytem you need a trait for a special job more global. I was mostly looking at the jobs that are planned for the girls and thought oh my god a big list, and every job needs other stats for succeding?, that is getting in the long run quite complex.
And i think my idea wouldn't complicate things, on contrary it would make it easier for the player. With this the player musn't look every time he puts a girl on job, if her stats are good enough. If she has the trait, he knows that she can atleast do alittle in the job, the traits are only accesible if the needed stats are at a special level, and the girls who aren't worth even trying, are not possible to take the job because they don't have the needed trait.
And if you make the traits non stat dependend it gives the possiblity of story elements, in which the player seduces an unwilling girl to finally be his whore, or in which the player helps a girl to lose her fear of beasts to make her a good beast tamer, or a story about a warrior with memory loss who needs to regain her memory before she can be send on missions in the dungeon,...
It is more complex for necno i guess, so i understand if he doesn't want to do it, but in my opinion for the players it would be much easier to decide who should do what.

I would say that, even if some jobs like assassination might make sense for requiring a trait, being a prostitute would. The girls might not be skilled as a prostitute, but they can still do it. It would make next to no sense if you told a slave to work in the brothel as a prostitute and yet have her be unable to do so. She is female and, unless she has been badly injured at some point, she has all the necessary equipment to be physically able to be a female prostitute.

Essentially, the jobs girls can already take (Sex for money, barmaid, porn actor, etc) can be done by anyone. If they suck at it, they just earn less than someone who is extremely good, something that is reflected in the game already.

Yeah, I wouldn't do this either.


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