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Author Topic: Sim Red Light Town RT (should be stable build)  (Read 105575 times)

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #135 on: January 22, 2017, 06:30:50 AM »
New build with one new animation (I'm not satisfied from it so might in future change or find someone to change it for me) and support of unique characters, for now we get our first unique girl from start so we could check how she look like and how it's functioning, also added support for starting clothes, each template has own sets of starting clothes for both male and female, and truthfully i would follow this suit and add gender specific traits for templates and personalities.

Current my goal is to modify job related code to have uniform naming of job related modifiers. After that i might start working on actual hiring of new girls. I thought for a while how it's resolve and I would create it and I decided to create employment agency which we pay some amount of gold (5000) and specify our criteria, then we get list of potential candidates from what we can hire single girl. Also i still didn't decide how i would resolve maintenance of characters, there are two choices i thought:
1) The hire is free but all characters get their own cut (20% - 60 % depends on girl level or 40% not dependable on level) from work, but not less than some threshold (e.g.500?) if they earn less we pay from our pockets. It's advantage is that our girls don't loose/gain happiness from slider of characters cut's but disadvantage is that we have less micromanagement.
2) We have a maintenance cost for characters, each character cost money to hire (besides initial gold to find potential employees), characters besides maint. would expect some cut of money and if we don't met them expectation we they would loose happiness. It would introduce more micromanagement since every time the character level up their expected cut will increase so we would either set slider on higher value than current expected value or change slider every time character is level up.

What do you think which road i should take with maintenance of girls? Myself i feel like first one would be easier to play on low levels whilst we get less money on higher levels than if we go with second option.

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #136 on: February 05, 2017, 01:06:47 AM »
So last week i was busy entire time so couldn't find time to work on game but on the weekend i found time to work on it, so what is being worked?

First I introduced new currency Faith which we could spend for gaining new unique girls, it's earned through achievements system (which is moddable like most of features of game), which after some action are repeated enough time we gain achievements(or rather character gains so we can earn the same achievements multiple times from different characters). I have code behind earning completed what is left is to implement it in game and UI.

Second change is modify last introduced animation for Anal sex. I changed how the breast moves to have a better quality of animation.

Third change is introduce of employment agency, for merely 5k it allows you to search characters to employ based on gender and occupation. After that you can hire one of five proposition to gain new hired characters.

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #137 on: February 11, 2017, 01:15:06 PM »
So i wanted to say that currently I'm testing new asset for UI, and by trying it I just slowly trying to change old interface to new ones which supports html like table layout, so i believe i could make somewhat cooler interfaces with it, but truthfully I do not have high expectation that i could replace old code with new one so probably i would try keep layout as it's in current releases and make interface and code for interface from scratch, learning new asset along way, so this weekend and probably few weekends more i wouldn't release how the new interface looks like.

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #138 on: February 21, 2017, 03:41:35 AM »
So what I have done with my game is not as i planned changing UI assets, but decided to remain with old one (with few problems), since it goes open source (although i still use the old version since new ones has bugs which is probably why it goes open.
But the game changed why? Because i used one of gui skin available for unity, so please tell me your thoughts about new gui.

With other changes there is adding small checkbox for allow character to pay pension which boost his/her happiness so allow them work longer, also add notification in a case when one of our character get bad state (Also his name change to shade of red depends on state).

For the end as always i would gladly to accept any help regadless of amount.!ft1klCya!XJoFavNZfwAOzX0VtwESNJEB_ZjESVaOGBWy1NwpD-M

Offline grishnak

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #139 on: February 21, 2017, 11:30:02 AM »
I just tried a basic setup with 2 barmen (shift-rest-shift-rest and rest-shift-rest-shift) and 2 strippers. After 3 days all got depressed. Is this intended?

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #140 on: February 21, 2017, 12:51:43 PM »
I just tried a basic setup with 2 barmen (shift-rest-shift-rest and rest-shift-rest-shift) and 2 strippers. After 3 days all got depressed. Is this intended?

The game is far from completed, so the funny things like getting depressed to early is something that can happen, ideally one character should last on two shift two rest schedule about week, but truthfully since i only implement framework for character traits not traits, so in future the girl with whore job will get additionally two traits which would lessen cost of tiredness and happiness if they work as whore (one trait) and in brothel (second trait) similar traits will get other girl backgrounds (like stripper background for stripper job). As for current build there is a possible to get longer work without getting depressed if we use Pension checkbox, it will pay girl additional money from our pocket, which directly get them rise in happiness (effect at once visible). I would also implement auto use owned potions by character (only if owned by this character or MC, other will be not used), but in here i need to think how i would resolve obvious lack of potion in shop (and implement buying multiple items from shop).

But regarding filling traits for character it's something that i need to do that myself since i couldn't find any help, but when i do it i do not know (since first i need to make revision of surnames and names for characters since i copied from WM and obviously i had too much funny sounding names in game - or maybe any one knows db with common names so that i could get them to use in game?)

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #141 on: February 22, 2017, 02:18:57 PM »
So i decide to slowly fill db with traits for characters, where i created eight new traits, all of them are quite broad traits that influence either all jobs (for six traits) or jobs and buildings related to background/personality (2 traits). I can say that both Background(template) and Personality could provide unique traits to character and even if personality/template has no unique traits it can provide any traits with percent set in json file (Not entire truth since currently i have 5% chance to appear on character for any of traits, but when i write this post i happen to realize that some traits should be unavailable for this (like dick related traits for females)). But returning to subject we can define any trait to appear for template/personality with probability from 0 to 100 percent so if both personality and template provide the same trait with 40% we have two chance to get this trait (or at least we would get two chance as i need to change code which is responsible for this).

And what traits i added to json you may ask?
There is two template/personality related traits:
- Whore which increase income,whore related skills, whore satisfaction level (which basically overlap with skills so the gain is two times bigger than normally would be for checking if customer is satisfied) and decrease lose of happiness, health, duration time, gain of tiredness. Also there is second set of bonuses for any job done in brothel building so if our character do whore in brothel building she\he would gain double amount of bonuses so for example gain of tiredness would be reduced by 30%.
- Nymphomaniac it has bonuses related to sexual jobs (whore and glory hole)

Other six are broad traits that has effect on all jobs:
- strong and weak - increase/decrease strength and health loss
- smart/stupid - increase/decrease int and exp gain
- tough/sickly - increase/decrease constitution and tiredness gain.

I would add to code some safety check to disallow modify values to less than 10% of original value (events can modify it to 0) so that we would never get negative values.
But can I ask what do you think about my current proposition of traits if you feel they are too strong/weak, also mind that with increase of trait list i would most modify to weaken their effects, so overall we could get no overpowered characters.

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #142 on: February 25, 2017, 05:05:44 AM »
So i finished creating a list of character traits that will be added to game and it's a short list of 82 traits (it was made short by from simply looking at list of ~240 positive traits than choosing important ones, creating negative than adding), almost all traits has opposite, some even has two opposites, but what i would like to see is that someone would review list of traits and delete unnecessary ones so anyone is willing?? (What i lie to myself probably no one is interested in my game, but lies can keep me doing (developing) game :P)

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #143 on: February 27, 2017, 12:39:53 PM »
So basically i added character traits to game which we gets together 82 traits for our character, as for physical there is few but more will come in future (describing female/male sexual parts mainly but it  would love to see more). I would love to say that now the game is balanced and we can play at least week without needing to rest with two shifts/two rests but is not true, I would latter investigate reason why for trial game i couldn't last one week without getting bad state, it's probably if i do not make some mistakes in code which does not takes effect of traits to account i would lessen burden of work on character (although not on happiness since it's one that easy to counter if we pay girl every day or might weaken effect somehow). But currently I'm open to suggestion what i need to add to game to balance gameplay to something fun.

Also i found one bug which i left unnoticed that sometimes character can get two the same traits, it just i remove opposite trait but never thought to check if it exists when adding to character.

ONE important thing i kinda changes the pool of names in the game to elvish ones (or generated from elvish ones so if you find any name funny tell me to remove or not) since i never was satisfied for current ones that were used, i though i would either go with japanese names or just use some fantasy name generator. So I need how you feel about current names in game, it is satisfied with them or you prefer real ones over fantasy ones.

Also for the end I want to ask if you know any friendly file hoster which keep the amount of times file being downloaded, since i didn't get any response on threads i decided to try and find any statistic for my files.

and here is the link!KoF22RQR!Q_AZkR7O5XjPdu6EChjlxRYpzj0uwXaFimkK4pUv7x4

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #144 on: March 04, 2017, 11:38:29 AM »
So it's time not for new release, since i only worked on new animations (only worked on animations i still need to configure them and add) and for release i want game to be more playable state (like last time i talk i think about lower tiredness/happiness hit for every work). But what i want to talk game will have two new kind animations for glory hole jobs (no female will not suck dicks through hole, at least not for now), The new animations that are made are tit fuck and oral sex.
For tit fuck i must mention that it has all range of female breasts so even if the female has smallest cup she still try to do that but it looks funny as she trying to do that.
What i do plan to do for animation is to add some boolean value to determine if animation might be played also for character being second actor, currently we have animations being played for character only if there is fitting animations with first actor being the same gender as character. I mean it was created because in the case of waitress job (or any other job) we would want to ensure that the actor do actual work (so he serves dishes not sit idly on the chair), but in the case of sexual jobs i decide to turn off this function since in this case we could have more animations for job and truthfully in the case of sexual job is not really important who is customer who employee but rather who has a dick and who vagina,
Also what information would you like to get colored in logs? I mean my target is to make more colorful descriptions of works (currently only earned gold are shown on red) like employment agency.

Last think is there any interest in my game?? I ask because maybe it's time to resign myself from making game and begin to search some other project when i could join and offer my sprite work and/or programming skills? 

Offline grishnak

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #145 on: March 04, 2017, 11:22:32 PM »
I somehow could not start your latest version. It gave a page default error and froze the engine.
I tried the version from 21.02. and it worked, but this time stopped (next turn button seemed to have no effect after a while). I could still click and manage the rest of the game.

About the interest: The competition is there, but i find it always interesting how different people approach the trainer/management genre.  How customizeable or modable do you design your game (can people add own jobs/characters/items)? Do you have any help (i am sure you can count on some on this forum for playtesting at least)? Will there be a storyline and (intended defined) ending conditions?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 11:42:22 PM by grishnak »

Offline dullman

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #146 on: March 05, 2017, 12:12:08 AM »
I somehow could not start your latest version. It gave a page default error and froze the engine.
I tried the version from 21.02. and it worked, but this time stopped (next turn button seemed to have no effect after a while). I could still click and manage the rest of the game.

About the interest: The competition is there, but i find it always interesting how different people approach the trainer/management genre.  How customizeable or modable do you design your game (can people add own jobs/characters/items)? Do you have any help (i am sure you can count on some on this forum for playtesting at least)? Will there be a storyline and (intended defined) ending conditions?

Hmm I see there is some with run a game, to be truthful I do not know what could cause that since for me it's works fine, but you should some kind of output file so if you can get me these (output_log.txt).

I knew that there is competition but I would be glad if there exists at least some feedback.
As for how moddable and customizable are my game i kinda turn answer into what we can not customize and it's only jobs which are hardcoded (although i do planned to move them to lua but probably not move it).
As for help I do not have any everything from projecting/spriting/programming to playtesting are done by myself so if the problem is not on my comp i can't fix it, so even if you give output file with logs i would be glad.

Offline grishnak

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #147 on: March 05, 2017, 12:32:57 AM »
Sure, i added the file.

About feedback: I think you improved a lot between the last two versions i played (one from 2016 and the last one). Most criticism i have is related to things you'll probably fix anyway (ambience graphics, background, buildings and environment maps maybe, spell checking) due to the work in progress. You seem to have now a good framework to add stuff already.

Offline dullman

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #148 on: March 05, 2017, 01:20:27 AM »
Sure, i added the file.

About feedback: I think you improved a lot between the last two versions i played (one from 2016 and the last one). Most criticism i have is related to things you'll probably fix anyway (ambience graphics, background, buildings and environment maps maybe, spell checking) due to the work in progress. You seem to have now a good framework to add stuff already.

Thanks for logs, but certainly it only give me that either i have a problem with my shader (but since there was only problem on d3d9 so i never get it to fix) or there is problem with your graphic card (like being too weak or you use laptop which use for some reason built-in graphic card not the second one - I read with one version unity this was also the problem), but first try this version since i fixed shader for directx 9 so we can tell if this was the problem or maybe just my game use too much graphic card (and try to set quality to lowest if fix didn't help, also please tell me results)!DpFFSCIT!eNQwVXhX5dbfSLpIKPkKKyWHa26wIpEnOL__dGjOi-w

Offline grishnak

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Re: Sim Red Light Town(current title) Project Begins (Poll Added 2015-11-30)
« Reply #149 on: March 05, 2017, 03:06:25 AM »
It must be something changed from your last to current version. It also seems not systematic, since i could run it at a second time (i can't remember how it went with previous versions, it might be something related to a first run).
The thing i mentioned with the "next" button still seems to be there in current version, it stopped working after one day. Had 3 chars in alternating shifts running.