"name": "Randalf",
"portrait": "content/npc/arena/km (2).png",
"battle_sprite": "content/npc/arena/km (1).png",
"exp": 10000,
"stats": {"attack": 120, "defence": 80, "magic": 50, "agility": 80, "luck": -10},
"bskills": {"SwordAttack": 1},
"mskills": {"Fire 1": 1, "Fire 2": 2}
"name": "Z",
"portrait": "content/npc/arena/km (4).png",
"battle_sprite": "content/npc/arena/km (3).png",
"exp": 10000,
"stats": {"attack": 110, "defence": 100, "magic": 30, "agility": 60, "luck": 10},
"bskills": {"KnifeAttack": 1},
"mskills": {"Earth 1": 1, "Earth 2": 2, "Earth 3": 1}
Mobs and arena fighters are pretty selfexplanotory but I'll add some notes just in case:
- "battle" picture might be added where it could be found, I'll make sure that the game will display it later.
- "exp" is required to ensure that maximum of a stat is high enough, classes for mobs are similar to those of other characters so there is a level_max cap and a normal max cap.
- Values following skills are their weight, basically how much does a character favors the skill.
- Earth/Fire/Water 3 skills will target the entire player party.
Otherwise, there is a lot of stuff that can be added to this json (nicknames, gold, items drop and so on) but it's prolly to soon for that...