So far editor can only load and save config.xml. Nothing more so far, I've only made textboxes for every value in xml file.
I guess game accepts only values like 0.5, and not 0,5? And for those decimal values, will it accept int numbers, without .x? That's what's troubling me the most at the moment, limiting what can be entered. I thought of using masked textboxes, but that would limit it too much (like it accepts only xx.x, or x.x). I guess I'll have to add .0 automatically at save time if it's missing from those textboxes.
I've been studying C++ a little. And from what I can tell there isn't a nice way to design GUI like there is with with C#, if I don't want .net app, I can, of course, use C++ to write .net app, designer works then. With C# I just arrange all the elements (labels, lists, textboxes, dropmenus...) and then just write some code to make everything work (more or less) as I want to.
Now, if I want to make win app I would need to use MFC, and design UI via code. But using MFC wouldn't make porting app to other OS that much easier. So I thought, if I'm going to need to use code for everything why not try some other GUI library, one that has been ported to other OS'. So far I've found that there's GTK for windows (gtkmm). Is there perhaps some other, better library? Or did I missed not only the ball, but the whole playfield?