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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2925 on: July 21, 2014, 02:13:05 PM »
I guess we need several different jobs for different occupations. Though it's kinda hard to come up with something for whores other than actual whoring.

Since we consider whores as a prestigious profession with levels and stuff, perhaps they should be less common than other occupations.

Offline MrKlaus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2926 on: July 21, 2014, 03:37:34 PM »
I guess we need several different jobs for different occupations. Though it's kinda hard to come up with something for whores other than actual whoring.

 Whores could be used as:

Escorts – the most exclusive, prestigious type of girls. They would go for a day (maybe more) and earn some good money.

Party girls – unable at day time (sleep off time). Being a nice “decoration/addiction” for every party, are rented by bar owners, event organizer etc.. Generally open minded, fun to be around girls. So shy, meek etc would suck at this job.

Sex pets – rental a girl to a noble as a “personal sex toy”. They would be gone, earning the MC a weekly fee. Of course if the lender is a sadist the girl could turn dead after a while or if he is a pervert he could ask for another one not being fully satisfied with ONLY one. Also something like a report/letter from the girl could be added alerting the MC of a potential death threat.

Whores on the streets – more risk, same pay. She can get rapped, attack or kidnapped by competition. But for this option to have any sense, a brothel should have more rooms for living then working rooms.

Whores in brothel – nothing new.

Dominatrix – something for free girls. She would only go for S&M services not participating in normal whoring. Could be coded like a normal whore but with new text describing the job.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2927 on: July 22, 2014, 09:36:32 AM »
Very good ideas, thanks.
If you have ideas for service girls, strippers and warriors, they are welcomed as well  :)

Offline MrKlaus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2928 on: July 22, 2014, 09:57:52 AM »
Service girls:

Personal maids – work for some nobles. Providing: serving breakfast, wakening them up with a blowjob, making the bed, cleaning room and other maid stuff. But serving only one person not the entire household.

Gardeners – cut the goddamn grass and water the flowers!

Cleaning crew – clean the shit that customers left behind. Could find some left behind items. Maybe trigger a quest finding a left behind map.

Bar stuff – providing drinks, snacks for customers.

Receptionist – let’s say that every reception would enable this job. Max two girls could be assign. Being bad at this job the girl could send the customer to a room that already have a client inside. Something funny could occur from that (three some = extra money, stat boost for the whoring girl) or he would yell at her demanding some discount for the humiliation.


Strippers – nothing more to say.

Sensual dancers – not losing any clothes but people still want to see it. Something like belly dancers.

Event dancers – hired for shrines, parade, religious events.

Cabaret dancers – something like a can-can show. Could be able after buying the large striper stage in the palace. To start earning money at least four girls should be assigned to the job. More girls = more money.


Personal bodyguard/house guard – an NPC that would be assign to the MC. Following him around like a shadow, everywhere when exploring the city streets, shops, areas and protect/help in a fight, when getting jumped by robbers in the city. But would NOT participate in arena team fights, team exploration outside the city. Also could be an employed by royals, merchants in the city that are afraid of their lives, earning some weekly money.

Mercenaries – Assigning a fighting group. Used to escort merchants, gold carts, members of royal families outside the city walls. Also could get the MC an opportunity to rob a gold cart.

Assassins – get a job from a shady NPC that is willing to pay good money for someone’s head. But if the assassinations fails it will be a hell for the MC, authorities hunting him and the family would try to kill the MC in revenge (personal bodyguard comes in use). Also the girl that assassinate could blackmail the MC in revealing the truth to the authorities or the target family members if he isn’t willing to pay her something extra for silence.

Extortions – harass local shop keepers, people in the slums for money, items in exchange for protection. Could trigger to get in a fight with a CrimeLord that will be running his business in the slums vicinity.

Brothel bouncers – already have them.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 11:30:32 AM by MrKlaus »

Offline Draonir

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2929 on: July 22, 2014, 10:59:31 AM »
Hi there i thought about some warrior jobs.

Brothel Guard: I think i don't need to explain this

City Guard: Patrol in the city. This can be expand with promotions to be the Guard Captain (only free girls should be able to get promotions)

Hunter or Treasure Hunter:  The Girl is on the Hunt for getting rare item or more (This can be a group action and you can use strange monsters here)

Gladiator: Because we have an arena already

Thief: Steal money from people that run around

Baywatcher: I don't know why but i like the idea

of course these jobs are for girls that loves fighting

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2930 on: July 22, 2014, 01:23:34 PM »
City Guard is a must!

There is no need to separate jobs by classes, we can simple add another dictionary for when assigning jobs to girls such as:

Warrior: ["City Guard", "Adventurer", "Thief"] as those can overlap.

For now we just need a basic system to simulate the environment, we cannot make it too complicated but we should have one and it should start somewhere.

Tomorrow I'll try to put in 5 - 6 hours into SE module, been slacking off for far too long :)
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2931 on: July 23, 2014, 12:18:54 PM »
Thief is probably a universal job. You don't need to fight or even be agile if you know how to hide and what and where to steal (like in original Thief series).

Ideally, professions should be not completly random and faceless. For example, Baywatchers should have more charisma (it's a very sustainable cliche), Gladiators more fame, City Guards more constitution, etc. Or maybe a list of good traits would be better, just like for items, though it might be an overkill.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2014, 12:21:22 PM by DarkTl »

Offline MrKlaus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2932 on: July 23, 2014, 01:18:42 PM »
 About gladiators.  You guys are thinking something like the Spartacus TV series or something more like a brawl fighting style from Fight Club – people fight but no one’s dies?
Also if a gladiator that the MC own or employ will be in top 10 fighters there should be a possibility that she will say “Got better contract from Mr./Mrs. X. It’s been real…” or something like “I’m tired/Can’t do this anymore” and just drop out on the MC. 
Next about fame from the fights. Would it go on the MC account or the gladiator?
Currently (and I think in the future) the Arena will be used as a tool to get the MC prepared to self-defense situations and incoming fights in the wild lands. If I’m wrong on this please tell.
And for the ending, something from me about Warrior class. In my opinion it should be more like a private sector stuff. I’m saying this because I don’t see a reason why should someone employ themselves in the “MC Empire” while he would be assign as a city guard. Why just don’t skip the middle man?  The same goes for Thieves. Why a FREE girl should split the loot with the MC when she haves the skills to pull the job herself? And slave girls as thieves. Hell of a risk for the MC to send out a slave to steal something. If she gets caught it will pinpoint in the direction of the MC, if she decides to talk or the MC will have to say something “I wasn’t aware of her doing. “ leaving her to the authorities. In my opinion let Warriors be a private army, working for cash. Gladiators okay but maybe do it something more underground, more illegal, like a real dog fights in the slums? Two slaves come in, one comes out (or a tiger with full belly)? 
Adventurer maybe something more like an explorer that comes up to the MC to fund an expedition? Long term investment with high risk but also high profits chance. I’m saying this because it’s hard to imagine a situation like this: MC gives a backpack to a slave girls, some pocket money, map and say to her “Go and explore” ; she would surely return…  NOT.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2933 on: July 23, 2014, 01:49:49 PM »
The jobs are not for the MC girls, they are for free girls that are not in MC's service. Girls will earn money and in the future spend money even when not employed by MC. Their job status will also decide in part if they want to join MC in one of his businesses.

I didn't understand the question about Arena.
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2934 on: July 23, 2014, 01:59:11 PM »
About gladiators.  You guys are thinking something like the Spartacus TV series or something more like a brawl fighting style from Fight Club – people fight but no one’s dies?
We don't want all unique warrior girls to die in first two months before players can even meet them, all those packs will be in waste.
Random unemployed girls can die as much as they want at arena or anywhere else, the game will generate new ones. Though there will be ressurection system as well, so death is probably not too important.

I don’t see a reason why should someone employ themselves in the “MC Empire” while he would be assign as a city guard. Why just don’t skip the middle man?  The same goes for Thieves. Why a FREE girl should split the loot with the MC when she haves the skills to pull the job herself?
Because MC has power, money, allies, real estate, high charisma stat, etc.  :D
Not from the beginning, of course. In the beginning you should be able to hire only warriors that are too weak even for city guards.

Adventurer maybe something more like an explorer that comes up to the MC to fund an expedition? Long term investment with high risk but also high profits chance. I’m saying this because it’s hard to imagine a situation like this: MC gives a backpack to a slave girls, some pocket money, map and say to her “Go and explore” ; she would surely return…  NOT.
Slave girls cannot be warriors.
Basically, you don't need too many guards for brothels. You need them mostly for exploration stuff, and exploration requires  funding. Thus, all those mighty warriors at very least need MC's money to start their expeditions.

Offline MrKlaus

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2935 on: July 24, 2014, 01:05:28 AM »
The jobs are not for the MC girls, they are for free girls that are not in MC's service. Girls will earn money and in the future spend money even when not employed by MC. Their job status will also decide in part if they want to join MC in one of his businesses.

 This explained a lot. I thought that the jobs are only for the girls in the MC's service. Sorry for the commotion.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2936 on: July 24, 2014, 09:20:55 AM »
Items are almost finished. Pushed json with girls jobs. It has both multipliers and main stats for every job. I'm not actually sure what to do with main stat, maybe girls with this job should have a little bonus to it, maybe it should be required for job checks, maybe both.

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2937 on: July 24, 2014, 10:02:55 AM »
Items are almost finished. Pushed json with girls jobs. It has both multipliers and main stats for every job. I'm not actually sure what to do with main stat, maybe girls with this job should have a little bonus to it, maybe it should be required for job checks, maybe both.

Kewl, I did a bit of coding as well but was otherwise occupied trying to make better Anime characters for the AA2.

What do you think base wage (per day) should be?
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2938 on: July 24, 2014, 11:17:35 AM »
I proposed somewhere cost of living, it's 15 gold per day for the cheapest food (decreasing health if not enough gold) and 25 gold/per day for the cheapest home (increasing fatigue if not enough gold).
Thus, we could say that 40 is cost of living per day for unemployed by MC girls, and 15 if they have a room provided by MC.

Let's set it to 50. All existing jobs will provide enough gold. In the future I'll add less well-paid jobs for low lvl girls, but for now in the absence of proper LS system we can't simulate poverty well enough.
Well, unless you are going to write life simulation system in the near future.
I have to say, now you actually have to work in AA2 to achieve something, unless you are cheating with traits or use "main hero" card status.

Offline Draonir

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #2939 on: July 24, 2014, 11:43:48 AM »
After that, we should think about how the city is organized. Do we have a single person in charge (mayor, king), or a group of person that are in charge (aristocracy).