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Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« on: May 22, 2014, 04:54:42 AM »
Hello everyone, i didn´t know where to put this, so i decided to start a new thread. i hope i didn´t just oversee one i could have put this in.

For starters: This game is huge fun, i have been playing Crazy´s mod for some time now that it is mostly stable. But after playing for that time, some things came to the front that imho the game might benefit from. i have absolutely no idea how far it is possible to implement something (if anything) from this in the game, it´s just my little bit of thinking about what might be even more fun in it! of course i would be delighted to see some of this in future updates, so if u are one of those guys who know about this programming mumbo-jumbo, go ahead and include it!  :)

1.: The distribution of girls after recruiting them
Most of the time when i recruit a girl i want them to work in a different location than they were found. So it´s recruiting, then transfer girl, find her, do the transfer... or not find her, go to dungeon and so on. something like a "girlpool" or "office" to put ALL newly found girls would make this a little more comfortable. You are running a business there and promise the girls a job, after all, so why not have an office? ;) i would even go a step further and make that a place to stay for those girls that u (for whatever reason) don´t want to get put in the dungeon, where they get tortured. as it is now, all girls there get worked on if u have a torturer selected, spoiling your relation with those that u maybe just want to "store" for a few turns.

2.: Transfer page
This is mostly a matter of design, i guess: So far u have two lists, start and destination of the transfer. Just talking about myself here, but i barely ever transfer girls back and forth in one go, it´s mostly cramming more girls into one place. So would it be possible to change the transferpage to "one-click design"? Almost as it is now, but with only one list in the middle and initiating the transfer by clicking on the desired destination? maybe even symbols on some bigger buttons for start and destination could get used for that to speed things up, like numbers for the brothels u have, a bandaid for the clinic, a camera for the studio, house for the mansion, phone for the (not existent) office and so on. With a little counter on the buttons to show the available rooms near all that transfer management would become more intuitive. maybe even a smaller version of the girl´s info could be put in next to the list of girls, so they are easier to find. sometimes i spend a lot of time only finding the girls i want to transfer...

3.: The clinic / arena
Those two could use a little love! The studio works great, as it is. But clinic and arena are basically only recruitement centres so far, with the advantage that u get a little money from the arena if u have girls fighting there and can grow a nice little pool of security workers to draw from. For the clinic i haven´t found a real use yet, as all actions u can do there can be done faster and easier with items u can buy or find. So here´s my crazy idea: Have like a list of "wounded" girls that get treated there. The matrons could have girls transfered there and brought back once a girl is fully treated, and a stay in the clinic with the care of medical staff would probably speed up the healing process nicely. on the other hand make it so that the healing items do only work on the girls as long as their level of "damage" is lower than the amount the item can heal. so a medium healing potion can not heal a girl with 60 % damage, while a large one could. of course u would need to spend more girls to be doctors and nurses there, not to mention money for the stay and the equipment of the clinic, similar to the gangs weapon levels. better equip = faster healing for the girls. then the clinic might have a laboratory where u could have the more intelligent girls work as scientists who first develop and later produce stuff like the drug cures, perfect philtres of abortion and so on. medical supplies. u want to have a little stock of that, anyway, and u could have a limit set after which the excess gets sold automatically. for a reduced price of course, as if you sold it to the merchant. last but not least: The beauty treatment. This would go into micromanagement a little, but once the clinic has a doctor with enough "doctoring" skill, i would absolutely LOVE to be able to select a few traits the girls get after being under the knife. there´s items like "boobjob" "amazing boobjob" and even one "cosmetic surgery". So basically all stuff u´d do in a clinic, anyway, and with the features mentioned above included into the clinic, you could add or remove more easily, other than having to wait for the merchant to have the items you need to give her that set of minimoon tits!  ;D Of course nothing comes for free, so this would be a nice way to spend some of the money that u earn on.

4.: The studio
Works great, so far, just one little thing: Maybe some girl could work on something like a "customer survey" ( don´t know how to call that, in german it would be (brace yourself) either Marktforschung or Kundenzufriedenheitskontrolle). Basically have her find out what the pervs who watch your videos want to see, and then reward the player for producing movies that the customers ask for. Kinda similar to the "have 57 monster girls in total" but more with "produce a movie with 13 girls with small boobs, a pony, strawberrys, whipped cream and 2 futa-catgirls covered in warm chocolate". Or the like. and then get paid extra if u make that happen.  :)

5.: Male slaves
This one shouldn´t be that hard,and as there is a "futa"trait already, I would vote for having male slaves included. give them traits like the girls already have, just fitting for them. so let it be "horsecock" instead of "abnormally huge boobs", "girlish" instead of "manly" and so on. picturewise that should not be too hard, and while i feel most male slaves could be more usable for combat or security, there´s surely some female customers you could lure into your brothels for some additional money that u get paid for the services of the girlish slave with that huge.... well, you know. Come to think of it, it might even be possible to include those little missions u get at times here, too. Like: "The mayor´s wife feels adventurous. Find her that little futa-horse slave she saw on the market to improve your legal rating" or just for additional money. And if you dot want males, just make the slave market so that u can choose which ones u want to get shown, male, female, all, and just don´t buy them. it´s always easier to not use something that is in the game than to use something that´s not in it, right?

6.: A "Farm"
Now with all above said, here´s the weirdest idea of all: As there´s a pregnancy system in the game already, why not use it for even more of those aforementioned mission? Have a cosy little place out of town, select two slaves, or maybe one and a beast that was bought or captured and have them go at it to produce the results that are desired. This would, of course, mean that male slaves make it into the game somehow, or, at least, the player character gets some traits for the offspring to inherit, too, and which u can maybe select at the start of a game. But I think it might be more fun with male slaves included, so if u aim to get a minotaur guard, have your favorite bovine girl and that manly, security providing hunk spend some time at the farm, then wait for the results. again, and that´s already possible now, undesired offspring could be sold to the slavemarket, once of age, of course.

That´s it, longest post I ever made on here, and again, just MY two cents on this. But I think this game is just too much fun to not grow some more, contentwise. More girls are fun, more missions, more locations and more stuff to do is even more fun. And again, I do not know if it is technically possible to include something of the above. My knowledge of programming is basically: hit keyboard with hammer, make weird stuff appear on screen, get game!  :P

So whoever takes the time to read this and maybe even include this: Thanks for your time and efforts! Have a good one, signing off now.   
« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 05:14:45 AM by torrentsearcher »

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2014, 10:58:09 AM »
A lot to go through. I have answers to all but I type slow so this will take a while and will change over time.
Priority 0-10:
0: Will not do it ever - ie, reduce minimum age below 18
5: Will get to it when I can
8: In planning.
10: currently working on it
Finished 0-5:
F0: Finished. No plans to return to
F3: Finished. Probable expansion in the future.
F5: Finished. Working on expanding

1.: The distribution of girls after recruiting them
At the moment, when you recruit a girl in a nonbrothel building, if her rebel is low and there is room, she will stay in that building.
If you get someone from town or the market and there is room, she goes to the current brothel.

Priority: 4 - I'll see if I can make a "send new girl to..." option, but that may take a while.
Priority: 5 - Add an "Orientation Building" to be a safer version of the dungeon.

2.: Transfer page
Priority: 8 - I have already been thinking about reworking the transfer page.

I like the 2 column way it is now but splitting the column like the items page with building sorting on top:
Building | # Rooms | # Girls | Free space
and girls below:
Girl | Health | Happy | Tired | Rebel

Priority: 6 - Creating an xml for transfer page to allow for user customization.

3.: The clinic / arena
Priority: 4 - Auto transfer to clinic - Lots of programming but I'll see what I can do.
Priority: 5 - Equipment levels for more healing without potions
Priority: 6 - Buy potions to heal girls faster
Priority: 7 - Make healing jobs cost more money based on amount needing healed
Priority: 7 - Pharmacy job - creates potions, cures, etc.
I believe Crazy is working on Clinic jobs.

4.: The studio
When I made the movies store their own run times, I had also intended to work on the actual composition of the movies but I got side tracked on that.
Priority: 10 - Make film scenes track who and what are in them
Priority: 8 - Be able to make movies out some of the scenes and keep unused scenes available for next movie.
Priority: 6 - Sales mod based on weekly "Perv Choice"
Priority: 6 - Girl Job: "Survey Pervs" - less accurate but that girl's movies will increase sales, +fame
Priority: 6 - Gang job: "Survey Pervs" - more accurate

5.: Male slaves

There are already a few male slaves, they are just not called male.
Priority: 2 - Male slaves would require more programming but it could be done. I probably will not get around to it.
Priority: 4 - Quests that require futas

6.: A "Farm"
Priority: 7 - I already intend to add a farm.
Priority: 7 - Moving beast caring jobs there, adding food production, etc.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 01:16:33 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline torrentsearcher

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2014, 08:15:44 PM »
wow, i didn´t even expect u to answer this lengthy.   
i really am happy to see that at least i did not get a "too long, did not read"!
and first, i did by no means mean to urge u to include any of those changes. as i said, it´s just stuff that I would love to see in the game somehow. if i could make it happen myself, i´d happily do it. maybe crazy or someone else gets to read the post, too, who knows?
anyway, i´ll keep playing the game anyway and will happily try to find any bugs in the versions that get released. btw, at least in my version there still is a crash if u try to go to the studio from any other brothel than the first during week review. easy to avoid though, just stay in number one when changing sites.... =)

and as u mentioned changing some existing pages: do u think it might be easier to change the shop´s layout a little? maybe change the sorting options into: drugs and potions, armour and weapons, clothes and shoes, sextoys, food, magic stuff? that way u would get slightly longer lists than with the existing sorting options, at least on the shop´s side. there usually is not that much stuff to choose from, i.e. when u want to buy underwear, a dress and shoes for the girl his selection could usually fit on his side of the trading box without scrolling. would safe a few clicks for the players.

anyway, a HUGE thanks for this game and the work u put into it. if u ever make it to germany i owe u a beer.

have a good one!

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2014, 08:45:01 PM »
First off, to me "TL/DR" is rude. Even if it is stupid, I will read it all, then, if I have anything to say, I'll respond.

Second, I didn't create the game. I started playing it about 2 weeks before my first post on this site.
When I found the source code, I considered it a challenge to see if I could make the game better.
It is a good way to teach myself C++

As for the items list, the items are grouped by how they are "used" by the girls as well as the game:
Food (consumables) are supposed to be used up while most other items should stay on and be removeable.

Priority 10 7 - If I can, I will make the main item group list box a multi-choice box so they show all items from multiple groups.
Update: After looking over the code for this, it looks like I may have to completely rewrite most of the cScreenItemManagement pages to make multi-select work properly. I will keep looking at this but it may take a while before it gets into the game.

btw, at least in my version there still is a crash if u try to go to the studio from any other brothel than the first during week review.
This bug was fixed in version .05j.02
The current version is .05m here
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 12:47:29 AM by aevojoey »
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Offline crazy

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2014, 11:25:01 PM »
For the clinic i haven´t found a real use yet, as all actions u can do there can be done faster and easier with items u can buy or find.
Maybe the problem is the items are just to good and need rebalanced.  With all the surgery jobs I added I want people to have to use them and not just put items on girls to make them the best.
3.: The clinic / arena
Those two could use a little love! The studio works great, as it is. But clinic and arena are basically only recruitement centres so far, with the advantage that u get a little money from the arena if u have girls fighting there and can grow a nice little pool of security workers to draw from.
Arena main use right now should be that its a way to get new unique girls.. but I dont think many of the girl makers make arena girls as the WMedit doesn't have it as an option.  So yeah it needs more and Im trying to figure out what to do with it.
5.: Male slaves
I always wanted to replace gangs with single named people..  Have like Batman or goku been ur guards... Maybe extened the jobs they can do.  That would be as far as I would go with that.
Priority: 5 - Add an "Orientation Building" to be a safer version of the dungeon.
Thought about doing this a few times.  But not sure I got the skill at coding to do it.
Priority: 6 - Girl Job: "Survey Pervs" - less accurate but that girl's movies will increase sales, +fame
Priority: 6 - Gang job: "Survey Pervs" - more accurate
Always thought there needed to be a gang job to work in the movies cause right now it uses the PC for all scences that get filmed.  And that really dont make sense to me.
I believe Crazy is working on Clinic jobs.
Yeah I am.  But work is kicking my ass right now so not much time.  Maybe on the weekend I can do some coding in

Offline torrentsearcher

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2014, 05:56:36 AM »
arena: maybe it´s possible to let some "events" happen there? like those little quest events. have the possibility to bet girls on the fights, maybe? ur fighter wins, u get the loser? or gain fame bonuses for wins? or what about changing the recruit options for the arena? as it is, clinic, arena and studio just spill out an abundance of girls. so why not abandon the opportunity to hire girls there? that would make kidnapping, fighting for pricegirls in the arena and the recruiter job that a girl can do at ur own house much more valuable, while decreasing the amount of "spamgirls" u have to sell or find places for. some way to make it worthwile to sell a girl would be nice, too. maybe have their price raise with their skills, so it can be worth the effort to see a firstclass whore. or have them get married to someone for benefits?

clinic: as mentioned be4, i´d love it if some effects like boobjobs and reductions or so, would be available there for a higher price than from items, but permanently. i would not abandon the healing items, after all there´s magic in the world, so why shouldn´t there be a "have a sip and raise from the almost-dead" potion? but make it more rare. maybe even include a pharmacy at the clinic somehow, to keep the drugcures and some potions in stock? or add a "first-aid"kit to the brothels? for those cases where a secutity girl gets beaten up and a matron needs to patch her up again? she could buy the potions at the clinic, provided u have girls working at the pharmacy to create them? something like that?

changing gangs for single chars: that doesn´t sound too bad, maybe there could be traits from those chars added in that u get in case of a pregnancy from them? don´t know what exactly, but maybe strong for superman, quick learner if it´s batman and abnormally large boobs if u have the minotaur preg some whore? that would make selecting "gangs" far more interesting than it is now. there would need to be more to choose from, though.... =)

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2014, 03:25:02 PM »
Is there any plan on doing anything with .roomsx? In the default Data folder.
I assume it's a leftover file from the legacy version of the game that's been essentially abandoned ever since.
Room customization would be nice, and since work on implementing it already began, maybe there's some code for it already written as well?

What would be even better is more expanded brothel customization options. Something that one of the versions of Sim Brothel had (I forgot which one). I'm basically talking about more options than just "buy more rooms".
Adding  individual rooms would cost money, and then upgrading rooms already bought would cost money as well. This is where the .roomsx comes in action.
The status of the rooms could directly affect the multiplier of how much the girl's happiness, tiredness and health are influenced. Aside from obvious things like customer satisfaction, of course.
Maybe it could even decrease the odds of an unfortunate random event affecting her.

Certain areas and places should also be unlockable for every individual brothel - like the Bar, Strip Club, Beast Pens and so forth, so that you need to buy them in order to unlock new features and work opportunities available for your girls.

I'm essentially talking about progress/career "start with a rickety whorehouse and end with a pussy palace" kind of scenario.

Offline aevojoey

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2014, 04:50:03 PM »
First, the beast pens will eventually be moved and expanded when The Farm gets made.

Doing anything with the .roomsx is currently low priority at the moment as it would require extensive work.
What is there has little notes on how they intended it to work.
Making the other parts of buildings unlockable would be easily done at the same time.

I agree, the more customization the better, but lets get what is here already working properly first.
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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2014, 06:49:49 PM »
I always wanted to replace gangs with single named people..  Have like Batman or goku been ur guards... Maybe extened the jobs they can do.  That would be as far as I would go with that.

Why not extend it as being able to assign Gang Leaders for additional bonuses?

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2014, 11:15:28 AM »
Maybe the problem is the items are just to good and need rebalanced.  With all the surgery jobs I added I want people to have to use them and not just put items on girls to make them the best.

The problem are also many of the unique girls.
They just start with a ton of good traits and perfect looks (very good constitution and combat stats as well).

A good idea for players to make their game more challenging would be to open each girl file you use
and delete 1-2 traits you think aren't really fitting to that character (or add a bad trait/addiction)
and maybe tone down her stats a bit as well.
That would also increase the use of the clinic, (+ drug councelor) and arena training job,
because more girls would need some "love" in game to make them perfect.

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2014, 11:58:39 AM »
We could also add more ways to lose, gain and tweak traits via normal job events.

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2014, 12:20:26 PM »
Modifying girl files is something anyone can do until the programmers find the time to change the main game
but yes loosing good traits through torture/dungeon is a good idea,
Maybe a new job for the clinic, magical support for the doctor, to decrease time by 1-2 weeks depending on the magical skills
and make standard surgery times a bit longer, changing a scarred, malformed old hag into a sexy, young and beautiful Miss Crossroads takes some time
even with all the fantasyworld support you can get.

There could also be a rare chances for events like some "Curse of the evil demon king" which takes a lot of good traits/stats from one of your girls
because you made him angry somehow
or a fire which destroys some of your items or give some of your girls some bad burns which you have to heal in the clinic.

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2014, 10:34:39 AM »
This sounds a little ambitious in my head, but is it possible to have scripts that only trigger above/below a certain disposition, because it sometimes features in one or two of my scripts
Don't look at me like that! I found 'em that way....

Now no-one else has to die...
unless I think of another reason.

If found, please return to Miss Y. Rhul.

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2014, 06:17:00 PM »
So I just got (what I would say is) a really good idea! I can't remember exactly where I read about if, but somewhere around there is a suggestion about making a less harsh dungeon, which is a good idea, but I'm thinking why make a new? Why not just improve the old?

So here comes my idea.

Make "jobs" in the dungeon. Just like we have them in any other location. There could be a seperate tab for the imprisoned girls and those who work with these girls. In the imprisonment tab, you could have stuff like torture and different degrees of it, this would also allow girls to be in the dungeon without getting tortured, and maybe some training? And with the girls working with them we could have medical personal who keeps the girls from dying and torture personal that well tortures..

The idea probably needs some work, but I personally think that this could be a great way to improve the dungeon. But yeh suggestions and comments are very welcome!

Offline torrentsearcher

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Re: Possible Add-Ons to the Game?
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2014, 05:46:47 PM »
i like the idea of a "multi-level"dungeon. not that i would understand a lot of it, but it´s probably just another brothel with jobs like "get broken" "get tortured" "just stay inside"... :) and u could get more girls to work, too. one torturer for a dungeon filled with 30+ girls must have a very busy day.
and after starting a new game again, i´d say that the game could do with a little less speed. once u got a certain number of girls it gets a little boring. personally i think the starting phase of a game is the most fun, so far. so my stupid idea: remove arena recruitment and walk in e.r.. replace walk in town with "hang out in bar" or "clubbing" or basically some "look for girls" option. castings are ok, i think. or keep the existing option, but limit the amount u can do in one day. a walk and a casting, ok. but checking out 4 places in one day? little too much. and to help players look for certain attributes and skills in girls: maybe add in a bar ( u might even be able to gamble there, or rent out a girl to strip or dance? ) where u can find girls with good service skills, the farm or maybe woods for girls who "like" animals and so on. maybe even make the clinic a building to recruit girls with high intelligence, or some college or so. add a doctor´s office where u can have ur girls do the beauty operations, instead of a public hospital. a pharmacy, where smart girls can discover and produce potions. would be a nice way to get rid of some money, too, after all u need to equip the laboratory first, and then buy the stuff u need to brew things.

probably a lot for those guys who actually know how to program. if u ever intend to include something of the above: i don´t know how to implement things into the game, but if u need something written for the menu boxes or so, just send me a message. i will at least try. ;)