

Do you want Player controled combat in WMX?

No, I prefer that the game focus on managment aspects.
19 (33.9%)
Yes, but I want to be able to turn it off when I don't feel like fighting the battles myself.
33 (58.9%)
Yes, player should control all battles.
4 (7.1%)

Total Members Voted: 56

Voting closed: July 16, 2012, 12:16:00 PM

Author Topic: Whore Master Cathexis  (Read 122369 times)

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Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #120 on: July 18, 2012, 05:53:10 AM »
Apologies for the minor off-topic here, but you could always check the scrollbar code for WM itself on SVN.

.... you would think I'd known that with all the time I've spent going over WM code hunting for ideas for Alkion...

Since we are using a pretty decent flamework with a scrollbar coded in I never even though that WM should have a scrollbar as well :)

Thanks for advice, I'll look for it tonight, maybe check out some other graphical/output elements in WM as well.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2012, 05:57:15 AM by Xela »
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Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #121 on: July 24, 2012, 11:27:45 AM »
I just moved and didn't have internet for few days until today. So I was wondering Xela, what exactly did you have in mind for a turn based combat system? I ask that becouse you seamed pretty disapointed with what I have in mind but I can't really figure out how it could be much diferent then what I'm planning to do, so plz enlighten me.

Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #122 on: July 24, 2012, 11:52:34 AM »
I just moved and didn't have internet for few days until today. So I was wondering Xela, what exactly did you have in mind for a turn based combat system? I ask that becouse you seamed pretty disapointed with what I have in mind but I can't really figure out how it could be much diferent then what I'm planning to do, so plz enlighten me.


Not sure I am fit to 'enlighten' anybody. From what I understood you only are planning to allow one on one combat, I was thinking about allowing up to four or maybe even more allies and enemies. I'll throw together a battle on a python b-engine I poster earlier to show you exactly what I mean tonight, I'll be busy for a couple more hours but will have some time afterwards.
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Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #123 on: July 24, 2012, 12:54:25 PM »
Party based combat will be possible but the player will not participate. He will be able to send expeditian parties to the dungean (I think max of 4 girls, maybe 3) and that party will meet a party of enemies and the battle will ensue.

As I before party based combat will be possible.

Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #124 on: July 24, 2012, 02:02:47 PM »
As I before party based combat will be possible.

I misunderstood that post. It's all good then, You also said that you were planning to do use portraits, it will be more fun if full height transparent pngs are used. Rest sounds great.
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Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #125 on: July 24, 2012, 02:07:41 PM »
Your chars will use portrait. The enemy on the other hand might use a png. I'm not sure yet. But if that happens it will be a little harder for package makers

Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #126 on: July 24, 2012, 02:41:23 PM »
Your chars will use portrait. The enemy on the other hand might use a png. I'm not sure yet. But if that happens it will be a little harder for package makers

Your call, I don't think it will matter for modders.
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Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #127 on: July 29, 2012, 02:36:41 AM »
Hey people!

Recently I got a little stuck in WMX development. The reason for that is becouse I did not know what to do next. Its not that I don't know what needs to be done but the fact that there is too much to be done. So I decided it was time to make a plan. Originally I wanted to work on the game until I had a combat demo and then release that for testing and feedback. But now I'm thinking about doind a release before that. the reasons for that will be explaned later in this post but for now I will tell you guy what is done so far:
  • Character Screen - this is the screen that I've posted a few screenshots of. Its the place where you can see all the data related to a particular character. This will also be the place where you equip your char and maybe where you setup the schedule for the work to be done by the character when you pass the turn. Xela had sugested that the equipment screen should be separate but there where gameplay reasons for it to be in the same screen. First there is the convinience factor. Being able to micro-manage a character from a single screen should speed up that task. Then there is the feedback aspect. When you select an equipment I want to be able to display in green all the stats that will go up by using that equipment and in a similar fashion display in red all the stats that will go down. That should allow for the player to quickly decide what is the best equipment for that particular character. But I've to agree that the equipment component is a little misplaced in the char screen. For that reason I've done an update to the char screen by adding a tab component to it. By switching the current tab you get to equipment component but by default its hidden from view. This tabed view might also be used for other purposes. For instace I'm considering adding the Traits to its own tab, but that is yet to be decided. Bellow you can see two screenshots with diferent tabs selected. Of course I will still move things around until I find a good place for them (for instance Obedience, Moral and Spirit) but things are looking more well placed as time goes by and that should be expected.
  • Basic Character File - this is the file where modders will specify the character data. I can already load this file into C++ and later display it on the Character Screen. I can also apply Traits to the char as well. Adicionally there is already code to randomly genererate a char based on whats is defined in its Char File.
  • Basic Trait File - this file is used to define what Trait will be available the the Chars as well a what of them does.
To get to the basic combat demo the are still a few component that need to be in place. Those are:

  • Basic Item File - the file that defines the items available as well as what each item does.
  • Save Game - For the combat demo the save game will be very limited. Save games will be implemented using a database. First when you created a new game all the Items Files and Trait Files will be read and inserted into the database. This is very important as it means that once a game is started changing the Traits or Items file will not have any effect on the game. In order to update the Traits or Items a new game will have to be started. There are a few reasons why this is required. First parsing the content files (Traits, Items, Chars and later Quests, Events and possibily more) will only be done once for each game. That means that loading games should be much faster. Second there needs to be validations. For instance a player might download a Char pack that uses a Trait that he doesn't have in his file. This can occur becouse the package creator might have used a diferent Trait list then the player. To avoid such problem I've decided to include two properties to each content file to help sort out inconsistances. First is author. The author should be the id of the content creator here on the pinkpetal forum. It can be any string really, but the forum id is recomended to make things like feedback and bug reports easy. The second property is version. As the content gets updated that could bring incompatibilities with other content. The version number should be increased with each update. With those 2 properties any incosistense should be easy to correct by the player. So for instance if a girl pack you just intalled required a Trait that is not available, you would get an error message that looks something like: "Character Rachel requires Trait Charismatic version 1.6 from graodeareia." The player could then come to the forum and download version 1.6 of the graoderaia's Trait list, restart the game and things would work just fine. This also means that it would be possible to have diferent Traits with the same name. That could happen if a player downloaded and installed a bunch of Trait lists from diferent authors. In that case the game would still work fine, since the trait references in each girl file would specify what version of the Trait is required for that particular Char. In the future there might be a program that packs content into a single file used by the content creators as well as a program that unpacks the content and installs it on the players side. This program could also have an "inject" feature that would insert the necessary data into the save game database so that content could be added on the fly without having to restart the game. In the combat demo save game will be required to store the characters data (thats generated randomly) so that each time you select a character it will be the same as it was in the last time you selected it instead of geting a diferent version each time (do the the randomness factor). It will also store what equipment is used for each char. That way, when a tester find a bug he could upload the save data so that I can use his data to replicate the bug and fix it as soon as possible. Without the save game data it could be really hard to find certain bugs
  • Combat screen - the screen that combat takes place along with all the code that makes combat work.
  • Functional equipment component - currently the equipment component doesn't really allow the player to select diferent equipment its just a mockup displaying the graphics. So there will need to be real code to make that work so that the player can test diferent equipment in combat.
  • Few user inteface stuff - There will have to be a few interface component/screens to save characters, generate characters, create new games, select characters for combat, start the combat and so on.
So with this plans layed out I know what needs to be done and so I've decided to soon ask for some help with testing. For that I will release a demo what is already don plus Items file, Save game and function Equipment component. With that demo you guys can help me find bugs in the system while I work on the combat demo. You guys can also give me feedback on the graphics and all features available in the demo. I think sorting out that stuff before the combat demo can lead to a greater quality combat demo as well as avoid having to fix too much stuff at once since the combat demo will include all fixes and enhancements made in the previous demo. Since I already released a demo in the past (even if the code was completely rewritten) and that demo was version 01, the next demo will be v02.

Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #128 on: July 29, 2012, 09:27:10 AM »
Interesting choice, developing battlesystem first. Any idea on when to expect the v02? Like week/weeks/month?
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Offline graodeareia

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #129 on: July 29, 2012, 08:33:55 PM »
Any idea on when to expect the v02? Like week/weeks/month?
Its very hard to say. My experience with C++ prior to project is one small project I did back in college (about 10 years ago). But at least I've read a couple books on C++ but unfortunately those books were read at about the same time I did that project. As for Qt and QML my experience is zero before this project. Now regarding database I only have experience with enterprise grade stuff (MS SQL Server and Oracle). For this project I'm gonna use either Firebird or SQLite. Besides that I'm going to use database in an embedded context were before I've only used the server versions. So I'm pretty much sailing uncharted waters for this project. So any estimation I make is just a guess. That being said with 10 years experience programming in varios languages/platforms I would guess between 20 to 40 hours of work. But then comes the other problem, I don't have a fixed work schedule. Sometimes I go 2-3 day without any work. Some times I work 6 hours a day for 3 days in a row. So lets say I work an average of 2 hours a day and assuming the work case scenario (40 hours) that would put the release to about 20 days from now. But as I said that is a very rough estimate.

Interesting choice, developing battlesystem first.
Since I don't really know what I'm doing in term of programming language and technology, I chose a set of features that would use all or most of the technology involved in the project. So I'm going to use C++/Qt on the backend, and QML for content creation (eg the Traits, Items and Char Files) and interface as well as a database for game saves. So after this release I suspect that I will have all the base infrastucture layed out for the rest of the project. So that choice was made with the goal of familiarizing myself with the laguages and tools and setting a  basic arquitecture for the project.

Offline wahn130

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #130 on: August 18, 2012, 02:22:05 AM »
How's it going? Eagerly awaiting another shot at brothel building.

Offline Jasuke

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #131 on: August 31, 2012, 08:42:01 PM »
So i see another fun future release is on the horizon :D
anyways when can I expect to see like a pre-alpha version to try out?

btw I may not be good at programming but have dabbed in it before so if you mention the language ur making this in I could study up and be of help since just mooching off of other peoples work may be fine but I wish to help make more stuff

Offline Xela

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #132 on: September 03, 2012, 06:10:47 AM »
Hopefully graodeareia (Seriously, a shorter nick is needed) is simply having a good time on summer vacation, his last online time was like 4 days ago so I we'll see new stuff when he has some free time I expect.
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Offline Greine

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #133 on: September 08, 2012, 08:20:28 PM »
Hopefully graodeareia (Seriously, a shorter nick is needed) is simply having a good time on summer vacation, his last online time was like 4 days ago so I we'll see new stuff when he has some free time I expect.

For a nickname, I'd suggest something like "vowely". ;)

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Re: Whore Master Cathexis
« Reply #134 on: November 24, 2012, 12:35:56 PM »
so is some one still working on this