

Are there any unique girls you want to see in this fic?

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Author Topic: CrossGate Story!  (Read 28575 times)

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Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2013, 12:44:41 AM »
A short while later, I arrived at the clinic along with Riga and Franz, kicking myself about not trying to force any answers out of the mugger that Riga had knocked unconscious.  Still, stopping to interrogate the bastard probably wouldn’t have endeared me to Franz, who had begun to bleed heavily from the puncture in his arm.  While we were still half a mile from the nearest clinic, Franz had begun to lean on Riga as he grew steadily weaker – a few blocks later, the barbarian woman was carrying him, with a look of mild amusement on her face.  Northerners!  Anyway, as soon as we had arrived at the clinic, the doctors had taken Franz away, leaving Riga and I to cool our heels in a bar a short distance from the clinic.  After we’d each had a couple drinks, I decided to start working on the problem of finding a cleaner for the brothel, who’d hopefully double as a receptionist.  With a slightly tipsy Riga following, I wandered the surrounding streets, looking at the groups of people clustered on street corners, where out-of-towners searching for jobs often congregated.  Finally, I found a likely target:  A young woman with the last traces of baby-fat clinging to her face, her light brown hair back in a ponytail, wearing a homespun dress that gave her an innocent prettiness.  I pointed her out to Riga who responded with a slight laugh, and questioned my tastes.  “How could you want such a skinny, weak girl?  C’mon, puny city-dweller, tell me how, especially with a real woman standing right beside you!”  She then wrapped me in a hug that, no matter how I struggled, I couldn’t escape.  As I struggled, she laughed deeply before releasing me, and tousling my hair.  “You’re supposed to be my bodyguard, not my big sister, Riga!”  This only made her laugh harder, and I walked off in mock disgust to talk to the potential employee, her chortling still ringing loudly from across the street.
                The young woman I had decided to approach gave me a look of mixed suspicion and hope as I walked across the street in as dignified a manner as I could without getting knocked over by traffic.  As I grew closer, I put on a friendly smile, and tried to look as nonhostile as possible.  This approach seemed to work, as she didn’t flee.  “Hello!  How are you doing this fine day?”  She looked surprised to be greeted in such a jovial manner, and seemed to lose her composure for a moment.  “Er… I’m fine?”  She asked with a questioning tone in her voice.  “Look, I can promise you that I’m not trying to scare you or anything.  In fact, that’s the opposite of what I want – I’m the owner of a new business, and am looking for staff.  Would you be interested in a job?”  I spoke to her with a slow, calm, pleasant voice, using the same voice that calms disturbed horses and children, while maintaining my friendly smile.  She calmed down slightly, and put on a slight, if still off-balanced, smile.  “Well, I’m an out of towner; I just got to the city a few hours ago, and haven’t found a place to stay yet…”  She gulped slightly, and seemed to be quashing her growing anxiety.  “I mean, I’d love a job, but I don’t have anywhere to stay, and, and…”  She lapsed into silence, possibly from lack of words, possibly from nervousness as Riga suddenly loomed up behind me like a blonde iceberg.  “Don’t worry, this is Riga, a friend and employee of mine.  Hey, I didn’t get your name; would you mind telling it to me?”  She tore her eyes away from the thick ropey scar on Riga’s left forearm, and turned back to me, a worried expression on her face.  “M-my name is Kristin.  Kristin Sottasdottir.  I can cook, and clean, and know how to care for animals…”  She lapsed back into a nervous silence, and looked down at her feet.  She flinched back slightly as I held my hand out to her.  “Well, Kristin, my name is Aliusha Vasa.  And, it so happens that I am looking for a maid to clean my building, and someone to greet the customers.  Would you like to go and get a meal –my treat! – and discuss this further?”  Her face fills with relief, and she eagerly nods, before abruptly paling again as Riga claps a hand on her shoulder, her face suddenly harsh.  “Wait.  Before you go anywhere with Aliusha, I’m going to have to check you for weapons.  We’ve already been ambushed once – I am not going to risk a knife to the back again!”  I was impressed by her vehemence, and gave a Kristin a regretful confirmation.  “I am sorry Kristin, but Riga is right; someone tried to kill us only a few hours ago, and injured one of our friends.  Don’t worry: if you agree to a quick weapon-search from Riga, we can be on our way, and you’ll almost certainly have a job by the end of the day.”  Kristin blushed a lovely deep red and bit her lip, before almost spastically nodding her head.  I moved to the side as Riga slowly walked around behind Kristin, utterly dwarfing her.  The contrast was amusing enough that I was hard pressed to keep from laughing. 
                Considering the massive damage that Riga was clearly capable of, the gentle pat-down that ensued was almost touching in the gentleness displayed by the massive warrior.  It was an experience not unlike watching a large dog pick up a kitten in its mouth, carry it across a room, and set it down without a scratch.  All throughout, Kristin seemed about to explode into a plume of fright or embarrassment, her face so red that I could have sworn that she’d ruptured a blood vessel.  After the longest two minutes in Kristin’s life, Riga declared her safe, and we all returned to the pub where Riga and I had been drinking earlier.  Riga had a stupid smile on her face the whole way back, which led me to believe that she’d enjoyed “searching” Kristin far too much, a belief further strengthened when she winked at me. 
                After about an hour of sitting in the pub consuming a mildly edible meal helped down by multiple cheap beers, I finally managed to secure Kristin’s employment as a maid, receptionist, and cook.  Before I let Riga get Kristin any drunker than she already was, I insisted that we all go see if the doctors were done bandaging up Franz yet. 
                When we arrived at the clinic, Franz was sitting on a stool just inside the door, looking as morose as ever, with bandages poking through the new hole in his sleeve.  “Hey Franz, how ya feeling?”  I cheerfully asked the injured Styrene.  He slowly looked up at me, held my gaze for a second, before grunting and looking back down.  “I’ll live.  Got some stitches holding my skin together, and a poultice keeping the filth out.”  “Good, sounds good!  Did the doctors say how much they wanted?”  Franz grunted again.  “They want 30 gold.”  I jokingly shook my head and clicked my tongue.  “Franz, you’re forcing me out of house and home with all of these expenses!”  The sloshed Riga found this amusing, and let out a giggle – an actual giggle from a six and a half foot tall woman is a scary thing! – attracting the ire of Franz, allowing me to slip past him and pay the nurse off.  She was rather attractive, but seemed far too in love with her job for me to actually offer her a job.  So, I smiled as I paid, and made small talk as Franz and Riga squabbled in the background, with Kristin leaning against a wall and looking shocked at the insults the two were exchanging.  Having paid the debt, I returned to my rather childish followers.  “Alright, come on you lot!  We’re heading back to market, and then heading home!”  Still squabbling, the two warriors followed Kristin and I out the door, and back into the street.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 12:52:45 AM by hewhocumsbynight »
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

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Offline GonDra

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2013, 01:41:45 PM »
Heh, I wonder how such a meek person will fare in greeting the horny customers, or what she thinks about the establishment she was hired for.

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2013, 02:08:20 PM »
Yep, poor Kristin is going to have a great deal of problems! I'm sure that Riga would be happy to help, though!  Or, at least, happy to make them much worse!  And by the time she figures out what she's been hired for, it'll be just a wee bit too late!
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline FlamBurger

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2013, 03:26:17 PM »
Once he gets up to the top.... 8) , then  :P , also  :D ;D , then  >:( :(  rivals....keep the ball rolling man! But I do say if you don't play your cards right, it's pretty lonely at the top.
The whole region of Crossgate will be my playground....
Our playground....
The whole freaking world guys....
Crossgate Chronicles?? Yup it's that bad....
I'll still chug on! Plus, The Crazy Team is really doing a good job on this game.!A55jWSpT!P-1Lw1-kNxiBfelAH24Kvg My Packs

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2013, 03:31:04 PM »
R565, I have no idea what the hell you just said, but it sounded absolutely awesome!
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2013, 11:40:07 PM »
                We returned to the slave market without incident, except for some rather stunned looks directed at Riga.  Franz took a dim view to the oglers, and had begun to stroke his dagger while staring at their necks, which led to the rapid exodus of the unfortunates from our area, much to Riga’s amusement and Franz’s disgust. Kristin took to huddling as close to me as possible, as she seemed to have decided that Riga was insane and Franz terrifying.  Despite my little pack of misfit children, I entered the market without incident; almost halfway through, I realized that the slave pens were probably not the best place for the rather delicate Kristin – and at this point, there was no point in traumatizing her.  I turned around to face the rest of my group, and pointed at Kristin and Franz.  “Kristin, take this money and go buy whatever supplies you need for the week, including food for ten people for a week.  Franz, go with her.”  I handed Kristin 100 gold, which she hastily put in a pocket before anyone else saw the money.  I nodded to Franz, and he turned to Kristin, who looked nervous about the attention she was receiving.  “R-right!  Cleaning and cooking supplies, and food for ten for a week!  I’ll do that!”  She turned around, and started walking back the way we’d come, with Franz following her like an especially grim shadow.  I turned back to Riga, and saw her staring at a nude male slave on a crude stage.  I lightly punched her in the bicep.  “Hey, quit gawping, we’ve got work to do!”  Riga gave me a filthy look, but followed me with a reluctant sigh.
                I walked over to one of the larger, if still somewhat rundown, slave pens, where the Consortium has its main supply area.  As I got closer, a plump balding man with two thugs behind him walked towards us.  “You there!  With the barbarian!  Are you here to buy, or just looking?”  I turned to face the man, making a motion to Riga telling her to be ready, just in case. “I’m here to buy, honorable sir.   Who do I have the honor to be addressing?” I respectfully responded, tilting my head in a slight nod towards him.  An unctuous, yet proud, smile spread across his face, like oil across water.  “You have the honor to be addressing Ambrose Ngaiou, Representative of the Consortium.  And I am always happy to see a paying customer!  Come, follow me; what kind of flesh are you looking for, and what’s your budget?”  Somewhat surprised by the pompous fat man’s change in attitude, I followed in his wake, to his side and slightly back, while Riga walked between the two thugs, her hand never leaving the pommel of her sword.  “We have them all! Male and female, human, elfin, monstrous, demonic, and mechanical!  And for a wide variety of completely reasonable prices, fit for any sized wallet!”  The Representative continued his spiel as we walked up to the pens.  Instead of a wide open corral-like structure, like the Legio stockade, the Consortium pens were subdivided into different categories, separated by gender, price, and type, with the particularly rebellious put in a separate pen entirely. 
                “What would you recommend for me?  I have a bit over 2000 gold, and am looking for at least two girls, for use as prostitutes.”  Ambrose gave me a wide smile that didn’t reach his eyes.  “Ah, a newcomer to the field of… facilitation!  How wonderful!  Well, if you would be so kind and follow me…”  He waddled off to a different section of the pen complex, followed by his pet thugs.  Riga and I exchanged looks, before walking after them.  Ambrose pulled a key from his belt, and opened up a gate, and went through, the rest of us accompanying.  “This is where we keep the new girls that’ve just been brought in on the caravans, taken from the jails, or scoured from the streets.  In another words, this is the mixed bag.  I’d recommend you take a look here for your soiled doves.”  Ambrose smirked at me, as he and his thugs walked back out of the outdoor prison, and closed the door behind them.  “Yell when you want out!” 
                I approached the closest of the cells.  Inside the cell, eight women stood or sat, all looking at me and Riga.  I looked at the women, and they stared back at Riga and I.  Most of the slaves were at least slightly attractive, and most were human.  The exceptions were a woman with massive facial scars, and an elf-woman with short cropped blond hair.  All seemed to be fairly physically fit – the sick and crippled had been weeded out by Consortium employees before the lot were put on public display.  Three of the women looked like they’d had some sort of combat experience, including the scarred slave sitting in the corner glaring at me.  The human women seemed to fall between the ages of twenty and forty years old – the elf was impossible to assess the age of, due to her kind’s agelessness.  I looked at the woman seated closest to the bars of the cell.  She looked to be about thirty, with straight black hair pulled back in a ponytail and fairly large breasts, a ragged tan dress barely covering her body, and a slave mark on her left shoulder.  “You, slave, what is your name?”  She pointed at herself.  “Me?  My name is Desiree.” “How old are you, slave?”  “34 years old, sir.”  “What’s your story, and what are your skills?” “I am - I mean, I was a housewife, married to Lacile the Weaver in the Third Ward.  Lacile’s store went under, and he sold me to pay his debts.  I know how to cook a meal, clean a house…” “Slave, if I buy you, I’ll be pimping you out to the general population.  Will you try to resist?” She looked shocked, both by my suddenly harsh tone, and by my plan for her body.  I looked out the corner of my eye, and saw a feral grin on Riga’s face.  I supposed that a life of inflicting misery on the battlefield makes you rather callous, but it was a rather startling contrast when compared with her earlier sympathy towards me.  “I… I don’t want to be a whore!”  The slave-woman stammered out, though whatever backbone she’d found disappeared as Riga stepped forward, and looked down at her. “He wasn’t asking you if you wanted to be whored, slut!  He asked you if you’d resist – please, for my sake, say you will, so that I'll have the fun of breaking you!”  My, Riga is a powerful ally, isn’t she?  Best not show her my back, though – she’d probably turn on me faster than I could think!  The slave woman cowered back against the wall of the pen.  “No, no, I won’t make any trouble!  Not at all!  Please don’t hurt me!”  Riga turned to me, and tilted her head to the side. I smiled at her and nodded my approval, earning a bright smile from my lovely strong-arm. 
                “Very well,” I said, “I’ll take her.  And one other…”  I looked back over the other caged women, before my eyes settled on the elf, who returned my stare briefly before looking down towards the ground.  I evaluated her body:  She had a very exotic and interesting appeal, with her long pointed ears, her canted green eyes, and the bristles of gold that stabbed out from her scalp.  She was slim and tall, with averagely sized breasts that matched her proportions perfectly.  She wore leggings and boots, and a fetching white singlet, a contrast to the rest of the slaves, who wore dun, heavily worn clothing.  “Elf-slave, what’re you called?”  She looks back up, and meets my eyes again.  “I am named Caitriona of the Inue Clan, human.  And, to answer your next three questions, my clan on the Philidelphian Archipelago was devastated by Trolloc raiders, but I escaped to the seas, where a Romansh ship picked me up, and brought me here.  When we docked, the crew turned on me, and handed me over to slavers.  I can fight, I have combat experience from purging Trollocs, and…” Caitriona’s voice turned slightly husky “I know how to please a man.  And, no, I won’t cause trouble for you, so long as you don’t try to hurt me more than what’s necessary.” 
                While I was surprised by her candor, I approved of her frank answer.  “You’ll do, elf, you’ll do.  Riga, take out your sword – if any of these pieces of meat try anything, hurt them badly.”  Riga nodded, and drew her short sword.  I opened the door of the cell, and then stepped back quickly, in case any of the inmates felt feisty.  “Alright, Desiree and Caitriona, come out to me!”  I yelled at the slaves, causing Desiree to cringe back, while Caitriona merely stared at me for a second, before gracefully rising to her feet, tapping Desiree on the shoulder as she passed, encouraging her to stand.  As the two slaves walked out of the cage, one standing tall and proud, the other with lowered head and shoulders, I called out to Ambrose.  “Representative!  I’ve found the slaves I intend to purchase – kindly unlock the gate!” 
                The gate to the slave pen creaked open, and I closed the cell behind my two soon-to-be purchases.  I bade Caitriona and Desiree to go first, with Riga and I following behind, ready to attack at the first sign of resistance.  As we passed through the gate, one of the thugs wolf-whistled at the slaves, and smacked Desiree on the ass, making her jump, shriek slightly, and hunch over even further, taking on the appearance of a recently beaten child. The guards laughed coarsely, and Caitriona’s eyes promised violence, until the tip of Riga’s sword touched the back of her neck.  Caitriona froze, and I took the opportunity to walk over to Ambrose, who had watched the entire incident with every sign of enjoyment, savoring Desiree’s humiliation and Caitriona’s helplessness.  “How much do you want for each slave, Representative?” I asked politely, getting ready to haggle over the price.  “Oh, not much, only 500 gold for the housewife, and 950 gold for the elf.”  Surprisingly, the man hadn’t lied:  For these slaves, that was a very good price, especially for the elf.  I wondered if there was something he wasn’t telling me about them, before dismissing the thought as irrelevant.  “Deal!”  I reached out, and shook Ambrose’s hand.  He retreated to his office, and returned with the slaves’ contracts.  I signed the contracts, and handed over the 1450 gold for the slaves, plus a 50 gold tip for the Representative, which he took with a smile.  It must have pleased him, because he threw in two pair of shackles gratis, which would make it much easier to bring Desiree and Caitriona to their new home. 
                I left the Consortium’s compound followed by my two shackled slaves, with Riga guarding the rear.  Franz and Kristin were waiting for us, each with a large sack hanging from their shoulders.  Franz seemed completely unsurprised to see my two new purchases, while Kristin’s eyes flew open, and she covered her mouth with her hands.  ‘Poor country girl – she’s probably never seen a slave before!’ I thought with amusement.  I patted her on the head, prompting Riga to laugh quietly, before coughing something that sounded suspiciously like “Find a real woman!”  So, now with enough help to begin the long slow climb back up to the heights from which I’d fallen, I led my crew home to my father’s brothel, and finally felt confident about the days to come.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 04:53:01 PM by hewhocumsbynight »
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline FlamBurger

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2013, 02:49:56 PM »
Interesting, he'll be kind when it's needed and be strong when he wants something. Smart, very smart...I can see his father coming out through him. End result: Badass Rank. 8)

But the story thickens now that got a crew going on and two girls for the brothel. I don't see any glaring errors but then again i'm sleepy. Hopefully he'll do the right thing when it comes to business...
The whole region of Crossgate will be my playground....
Our playground....
The whole freaking world guys....
Crossgate Chronicles?? Yup it's that bad....
I'll still chug on! Plus, The Crazy Team is really doing a good job on this game.!A55jWSpT!P-1Lw1-kNxiBfelAH24Kvg My Packs

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2013, 04:56:57 PM »
Indeed.  Hey, would you mind doing a bit of pre-reading, R565?
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline FlamBurger

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2013, 05:32:04 PM »
Oh sure man.
The whole region of Crossgate will be my playground....
Our playground....
The whole freaking world guys....
Crossgate Chronicles?? Yup it's that bad....
I'll still chug on! Plus, The Crazy Team is really doing a good job on this game.!A55jWSpT!P-1Lw1-kNxiBfelAH24Kvg My Packs

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2013, 05:43:15 PM »
Cool.  Expect one within the week.
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2013, 01:02:11 PM »
With incredibly good editing by R565, I give you...


                Roughly an hour and a half later, we finally arrived at the brothel.  I could have sworn that the last turn on the Fifth Ward main route was a left but… I digress.  As I walked towards the door, holding the key, I noticed Franz, Riga, and Caitriona staring at the hastily repaired portions of the brothel’s edifice, while Kristin and Desiree simply looked intimidated by the looming structure with its gaudy and lurid signage. 
                 I opened the door, and walked into the foyer, and sighed as I gazed at its unpainted walls and new boards.  Upon the reconstructed corpse of my father’s enterprise, I renewed my vow that someone would pay, and pay dearly, for this outrage.  I turned back from my ruminations, and addressed my underwhelmed band of followers.  “Alright, if you go up the stairs to your right, you’ll find a hallway lined with doors.  Go ahead and pick a room, and dump your gear.  Franz and Kristin, go through the door behind me and drop off the food first.”  As Franz and Kristin moved off, I unchained Desiree and Caitriona, and dumped the shackles by the door.  As soon as she was unbound, Desiree flinched away from me, and walked towards the stairs as fast as she could.  Caitriona did not move, and rubbed at her wrists as I carried the shackles over to the door, watching me the whole time.  Riga had not gone upstairs; instead, she leaned against the far wall, and stared at Caitriona.  After a few awkward moments had past, Franz emerged, now unburdened, from the door leading to the kitchen.  He hooked his thumb back over his shoulder.  “She’s starting on dinner; it will probably take an hour or so.”  He trudged up the stairs, with a tired and worn look.  Caitriona followed him, after a last searching look.  I took the elf’s departure as an opportunity to close my eyes, and ponder what else had to be done before I could collapse for the day.  When I opened my eyes a minute later, I practically flew backwards with a yelp as Riga appeared before me, her chest filling most of my field of vision.  I looked up, and saw her grinning face; apparently, my attempt to jump through a wall was gut-numbing hilarious, as was my subsequent exasperation.  “Oh, is the poor little Aliusha afraid of the scary woman?”  Franz, having just descended back down the stairs, had an uncharacteristic expression of delight as he watched Riga pat my head, despite my attempts to dodge her heavy-handed mock affection.  Finally freeing myself from Riga’s arms, I stomped up the stairs past Franz, muttering deprecation about uppity freed slaves, and pushy barbarians, which somehow failed to intimidate either warrior.  In fact, Riga looked fit to collapse!
                 I retreated to my sanctum, and collapsed on the bed, and reflected on my day.  Over less than sixteen hours, I had acquired two slaves, a servant, and a pair of warriors, whose loyalty was dependent primarily on their own sense of honor and attachment.  Tonight, I was going to have to put at least one of the slaves to work, out on the streets, to begin recouping my money.  I had to start somewhere, and this seemed about as likely as any other way to begin.  Besides, this would serve the secondary purpose of advertising the rebirth of the Vasa’s family brothel.
                 After an hour of planning my grand return, I wandered back down stairs, and into the dining room, where the rest of the inhabitants of the brothel were already eating, or, in Kristin’s case, serving, a meal of beans and rice.  I collapsed in one of the chairs that surrounded the large wooden table, and the damn chair nearly collapsed itself.  True to form, Franz gave me a dirty look, Caitriona gave me a superior look, Desiree flinched, Kristin coughed and looked away, and Riga near fell out of her chair.  It’s become disturbing, the resemblance my life has to a poorly written comedy has at times.  Kristin hastily brought me a bowl of beans and rice, and I began eating, staring directly at my food to avoid making eye contact with my fellow diners.  After cleaning my plate, I encouraged our server to join us.  “Thank you for preparing dinner, Kristin.  Go ahead, serve yourself!”  Turning to the others, I rapped my knuckles against the wooden surface, attracting their attention away from their food, or, in Riga’s case, prodding a disgruntled Franz with her spoon.  “Alright everybody, over the course of a few days, I have spent about 3500 gold on acquiring your services, providing your gear, and rebuilding this bloody building.  We have had no cash income during that time, and that changes now.”  I paused to briefly check the mood of my audience.  Desiree and Kristin looked nervous, Franz and Caitriona had begun imitating statues, and Riga was uncharacteristically serious and silent.  “Now, you are aware of why I recruited each of you, so what I have to say won’t be a big surprise.  Tonight, Desiree, you will be out on the street, looking for customers; Franz, I want you to be near her, but stay unobtrusive.  If she looks like she’s in danger, or looks ready to run, dissuade her.”  In the thunderous silence that fell afterwards, I tensed – hopefully, nobody would get restive.  Franz nodded his acceptance, as expected, and Caitriona looked both disapproving and relieved, but Desiree looked absolutely crushed.  For a brief moment, as disbelief and horror crossed her face, the silence was maintained, only to shatter as her composure shattered, and she began to weep quietly, cradling her face in her hands.  “Desiree. Desiree!”  She looked up, at me, and for a brief moment a short-lived hope danced through her eyes.  “You have no choice; you are not going to have a better option.  Cry if you must, but know this – if, in an hour, you are not standing in the lobby with your face and hair fixed, wearing what I will provide for you, I will hurt you, badly.  I don’t want to – I spent hundreds of gold to buy you, but if you disobey me, I’ll make you regret it.”  Her eyes began to fill with tears again, and as her eyes filled, my patience waned.  “Get out of my sight – go to your room, and prepare yourself.” With a sob, she left the table, and stumbled her way out.  I turned to Caitriona, who instantly went back to her poker face.  “Caitriona, tomorrow, it’ll be your turn.  But tonight, you have off, as soon as you help Kristin with the clean-up.”  I nodded to the pair, and the country-woman and the elf left the dining room, taking the dishes with them, except for Riga’s bowl, which still held half of her third serving.  Franz stood and stretched.  “I’ll go and make sure that she's not about to hang herself – or run.”  Like a shadow moving under its own power, his black-clad form smoothly slid off his chair, and slowly walked out the same door as the distraught Desiree had. 
                 After the rest of my employees had left, I let out a breath that I’d been holding, and looked over at the barbarian, who was still eating, though at a slower rate than before.  I noticed that she had not looked back down at her food, and was still staring at me.  “Well, that could have gone better, I guess.  Do you have any commentary, Riga?”  Still unsmiling, Riga replied with a somber voice.  “No, no, I can’t say that I do.  Just be careful you know this might break her?”  I nodded.  “I can’t say that I’m all too proud about it, but I know that this is an efficient way to rebuild capital.  And I can say that, in complete honesty, I tried to be as gentle as I could – my father would have slapped her once she started crying, and probably would have beaten her if she had not stopped, before tossing her out onto the streets completely naked.”  Riga’s eyes hardened and I was suddenly reminded about why Northern tribal warriors were still feared in this day and age – the rage howling in her orbs made something deep in my soul want to cower and hide.  Then, like a summer thunderstorm, the rage disappeared, leaving an unsettling humorous cast to her eyes.  “Well, it’s a good idea you did not try that!” She said with a smile.  “Otherwise, I’d hate to have to take my employer down a peg!”  I exchanged a smile, and stood up.  “Well, I’m going to go and get some stuff for Desiree to wear.  Mind tagging along?”  She shrugged, but stood and followed.
                 We left the brothel, and walked down one of the many filthy avenues that had been my childhood playground for a short time, stopping in front of a building that seemed to crouch against the pavement, as if the very bricks and mortar were ashamed to be there.  Riga looked at me, questions dancing across her face.  “It’s a clothing store – no need to give me snide looks.”  “Hey, no need to get all pissy with me; I don’t know shit about this town, recall?  I arrived at the soldier’s slave pen less than a week ago!”  Deciding that I could only force my foot further down my mouth, I abandoned the conversation, and entered the clothier, followed by Riga.  After a short conversation with a shop clerk, I bought an inexpensive pair of panties and matching bra for 75 gold.  I was pretty sure that I’d been overcharged, but the clerk’s smirk could have been directed at a distinctly unimpressed Riga rather than my foolishness in agreeing to such a price. 
                 As I walked back towards my home, Riga excused herself, and disappeared down a nearby alleyway.  While disconcerted at the sudden disappearance of my bodyguard, I resumed traveling, only to stop when a loud, shrill, but nevertheless masculine cry of pain resounded from the side-street Riga had disappeared down.  I quickly drew my dagger and recited a cantrip I’d been taught by a street-mage a couple years back, and rushed down the suddenly ominous alley after my errant bodyguard. I almost ran into Riga:  She stood in the center of the alley, holding her dripping short sword, looming over a crumpled man who seemed to be trying to crawl away from her.  As he crawled, she advanced, and rapidly overtook the bleeding man.  He whimpered out a desperate plea for mercy, and held out a hand, trying to ward away his attacker.  As I watched disbelievingly, Riga laughed, and swatted his hand away, hard enough that I could hear a distinctive pop as his elbow collapsed.  With catlike motion, Riga slowly walked to the man’s side, next to his ruined arm, and squatted down beside his head.  I heard a dull murmur, but no distinct words as I stood silent, my dagger forgotten in my hand.  Riga stopped talking, paused briefly, and laughed harshly.  She stood, and brought her boot down hard on the hand that had presented such a feeble defense, and ground her heel on his fingers.  A new shriek of agony pierced the night, which ended in a pain-filled gurgle as Riga almost casually swung her sword in a low arc, tearing through her victim’s throat.  Her slash was followed by a stab to the chest, presumably to ensure the kill.  She pulled the blade out, and without so much as stopping to check his pockets, walked back towards me, licking her sword with ever sign of enjoyment on her already bloody face.  Without a word, I nodded to her, and walked back with her towards the mouth of the alley, trying desperately to stop my treacherous hands from shaking.  Without any sort of sign or motive, Riga had brutally hacked apart a beggar for her apparent enjoyment, and was licking her sword clean of his life-blood with every sign of enjoyment.  I was well within the reach of her blade – what was to prevent her from deciding that I might be better dead?  I knew I could never hold a candle to her fighting abilities, so I resolved to maintain her loyalty for as long as possible – if that meant turning a blind eye to her brutal murder of hundreds of beggars, that was a far better alternative than dying under her blade. 
                 Without exchanging a word, we returned to the brothel.  By the time we’d returned, Riga had cleaned her sword, hands, and face of all blood, and had her usual grin stretched across her face.  This was even more unnerving than her previous expression of blood-lust and rage, further exacerbated by the lengthening shadows as the sun dipped below the horizon.  I entered the brothel, and walked up the stairs, and knocked on the door that Desiree’s name-tag hung from.  I opened the door enough to pass the bundle of undergarments through, before closing it with a reminder of “Five minutes!”  Returning to the lobby to wait, I made small-talk at Franz, who responded with a variety of monosyllabic words, short sentences, and grunts.  Eventually, Desiree hesitantly descended, hands in front of her breasts and groin, trying to further obscure what the lingerie barely covered.  I knocked her hands away, and examined her with a critical eye:  Her hair flowed down her back, save for a small, central braid that hung down the center of her back; her eyes had a classy touch of mascara, her face as decorated with blush and her  lips looked swollen and tasty, outlined in red lipstick.  The basic bra and panty set was not the sexiest of all possible outfits, but its bluntness would make her intent unmistakable.  I handed her a pair of high-heeled shoes that had not been looted during the ass-backwards attack yesterday afternoon, and gave her a few words of encouragement.  “Look, it might hurt, but it won’t be anything that can't be fixed.  I know you don’t want to do this, and I’m sorry, but it will get better after this.  Trust me or not, it’ll get better.”  With a pat on the back, and a nod to Franz, Desiree headed out into the night:  The once-respectable tradesman’s wife had been converted into a soiled dove, and, though she did not know it yet, she had yet to truly hit rock bottom.
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline FlamBurger

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2013, 02:19:17 PM »
Yes, even though he feel for her, he has to make money somehow. In the land of Crossgate, you have to choose when to be stern and when to be good to others. Especially if you are a brothel owner. Be too much of a jerk and everyone will want to kill you. Be too nice, and people will take advantage of you. There has to be a line for people to cross. For our protagonist though, he already has a deadly target on his head and things will get even tougher from here on out. This story follows a Crossgate that shows how much he will go to avenge his father and to be on top of Crossgate as one of the biggest brothel masters. the Beginning Saga.

(Sounded epic am I right? But you have your own ideas for this story....[size=78%])[/size] :D
The whole region of Crossgate will be my playground....
Our playground....
The whole freaking world guys....
Crossgate Chronicles?? Yup it's that bad....
I'll still chug on! Plus, The Crazy Team is really doing a good job on this game.!A55jWSpT!P-1Lw1-kNxiBfelAH24Kvg My Packs

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2013, 04:30:56 PM »
It sounds epic indeed!  I like your idea, I like it.  I think it's all about survival, and revenge, while trying not to become as evil as his father. 
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&

Offline GonDra

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2013, 09:27:00 PM »
Ok some things that were a bit irritating to me: I would have assumed that he at least knew the way to and from the slave market, since the beginning of the story indicates that he walks there quite often - it wouldn't be good for his standing with his new employees to essentially get lost on his own turf, would it?
Then the thing with Desiree: Yes sexy is good but only underwear in a probably chilly night? A cheap skimpy dress would still make the intent pretty clear and keep everything accessible, also he didn't talk at all with her how much she should take for which type of service - she is completely new to this type of job and has no idea how this is supposed to work.

Also I am not sure if you have got a consistent idea of your characters, the MC keeping completely quiet about that murder seems just odd, I would have expected him to at least tell her to keep it quiet when she has to torture her victims, which seems uncharacteristic for her anyway.

Sorry if this seems ranty - It is not my intention to tell you how your characters act, especially with only the little bit of knowledge the reader has at this stage, but the MC just seems jaded and ruthless enough to not be that shocked about a dead stranger. (or maybe I am picturing him much cooler than he actually is in my sleepdeprived state.)

Offline hewhocumsbynight

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Re: CrossGate Story!
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2013, 11:47:56 PM »
Ok some things that were a bit irritating to me: I would have assumed that he at least knew the way to and from the slave market, since the beginning of the story indicates that he walks there quite often - it wouldn't be good for his standing with his new employees to essentially get lost on his own turf, would it?
Then the thing with Desiree: Yes sexy is good but only underwear in a probably chilly night? A cheap skimpy dress would still make the intent pretty clear and keep everything accessible, also he didn't talk at all with her how much she should take for which type of service - she is completely new to this type of job and has no idea how this is supposed to work.

Also I am not sure if you have got a consistent idea of your characters, the MC keeping completely quiet about that murder seems just odd, I would have expected him to at least tell her to keep it quiet when she has to torture her victims, which seems uncharacteristic for her anyway.

Sorry if this seems ranty - It is not my intention to tell you how your characters act, especially with only the little bit of knowledge the reader has at this stage, but the MC just seems jaded and ruthless enough to not be that shocked about a dead stranger. (or maybe I am picturing him much cooler than he actually is in my sleepdeprived state.)

Not to worry!  I apologize, that was sloppy characterization, but it reflects my own ability to get lost walking in a straight line.  I understand that assigning the character author traits isn't exactly the best of ideas, but I got lazy. 

In regards to the choice of cheap lingerie, I was trying to tie it to the items that occur in game.   As far as I know, the cheapest garment is the cheap lingerie.  I'm trying to tie this story to the game as much as possible, while worldbuilding at the same time. 

I agree that Aliusha is jaded to the point of shrugging off random murder, but I was trying to emphasize how tenuous his grip over his employees is.  In my characterization, Franz is honor bound by his own ethical code, a holdover from his army days; in contrast, Riga is a creature of impulse and emotion.  The fact that Aliusha freed her gives him an emotional tie to her loyalty; however, she's also a barbarian from a region that, even though they still use melee weapons after the widespread use of firearms (Franz mentions firearm proficiency), they're still feared - Our Hero is cuddling a wolf to his busom, and his second greatest concern is Riga slipping her leash.

Also, keep in mind that Aliusha is brand new to this - previously, he'd been one of his father's subordinates, but had never really been involved in the hands-on part of the organization.  His father had planned for him to inherit the whole enterprise, not a shell, and he didn't assume that the figurative CEO would also be required to play the part of low-level manager.  He'll learn, I can promise that.

Thanks for the critique, though; I appreciate it, and will work your points in to the next chapter.
My MEGA folder can be found at:!EYhAgTyI!keiMX47NrnGOEozwNb2Vfg

Torrent link of my version, effective September, 2016:  magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4606F11A1C216337D7F3DFD6716307F48CFB996A&dn=WhoreMaster.06.02.29&