
Author Topic: Submit text for Whore Master events here!  (Read 6609 times)

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Offline Anon21

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Submit text for Whore Master events here!
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:55:20 PM »
Could a mod sticky this, maybe?

What is this?

Post stuff here and I'll stick it in my (unofficial) update to the latest version of Whore Master.  If lots of people submit stuff everybody benefits!

Stuff like what?

Well, there's event text like this ...

[Name] was defeated then [if %NumMon%>2] gang [endif] raped and abused by [%NumMon%] monsters. [if girl->m_Virgin]
That's a hell of a way to lose your virginity; naturally, she's rather distressed by this fact.[endif]

It gets the message across, but it's not much to write home about. I'd like to replace it something more colorful. Er, I think my writing pretty much sucks though so I hope to get other folks to do that and I'll handle the programming. :-)

E.g. You could replace it with something like the following...

[Name] was ambushed [%NumMon%] [tentacle monsters/demonic beasts/cave wolves] and defeated by them. They viciously [if %NumMon%>2] gang [endif] raped her[if girl->m_Virgin], taking  her virginity,[endif] plowing into every hole she has until they finally lost interest. [if girl->m_Virgin or Best < 10%]She was greatly traumatised by this event[else if Best < 40%]She was rather distressed by this[else if Best<60%]She was left bruised, but unphased.[else if Best>80%]She licks the last of the cum from her lips and walks back to your brothel, tired but satisfied.[/endif]

Eh?  What's all the [endif] [%nummon%] stuff.

That isn't real code, it's just to give an idea of how you can describe several different variants in your text.  You totally don't have to do that if you don't want to.

Anything else I should know?

Multiple submissions for the same event is perfectly fine.

It would be nice if you used SPOILER tags to hide the text.

Massive text submissions won't really fit in the game. Probably best to stick to a handful of paragraphs or so.

Er, I guess that's it.

Offline Claytod

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Re: Submit text for Whore Master events here!
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2011, 08:05:04 PM »
Wait stuff like the humorous werewolves that are wearing 9 rings of the horndog screwing the girl? Or more serious stuff?

Offline Anon21

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Re: Submit text for Whore Master events here!
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2011, 08:19:31 PM »
Wait stuff like the humorous werewolves that are wearing 9 rings of the horndog screwing the girl? Or more serious stuff?

Well, I was thinking less random than those. But whatever there's a market for.

I was thinking of having a bunch of random "Origin" texts for the start because I seriously have no interest in 'avenging my father's death' at this point.

Offline Ctwo

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Re: Submit text for Whore Master events here!
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2011, 08:30:59 AM »
I think you need to be more specific when your asking for assistance. Other than the origin of where the player comes from, I'm not sure what you'd want. Since you did ask for that let me pen down a few alternative starts, submitted for your approval.
btw, just how do you use spoiler tags?
After your long journey, you've finally made it to Crossgate. On your way to the big city you found a journal on the corpse of a man dressed in a well made suit. The journal detailed the location of a strange building that contained a stable portal to a labrynth that lead to other dimensions. The owner of the journal used it to start his own slave ring. After reading the journal you think you figured out where he went wrong. Your determined to see if you can do better than that guy. The life of a criminal lord running a ring of brothels appeals to you. An so you quietly aquire the deed to the building that will become your first brothel and headquarters for your criminal empire...
You've just received word that the rest of your family in the capital were slaughtered by your political rivals. The only reason your alive is because you were taking a holiday in Crossgate, visiting the famous brothels here in town. Gen, an old aquaitence of the family has been your host for the last month. Just as your trying to figure out what to do with your life now that you can't ever return to your family's estate Gen makes you an offer. You can have one of the old buildings in town that use to be a brothel before he purchased it. He is sure that a person with your upbringing and experience could become a successfull brothel owner. But he makes you aware that the other brothels in town won't hesitate to use gangs to shut you down. Determined not to end up assassinated like the rest of your family, you've got a few ideas of your own.
While clearing out the basement you find a strange doorway lined with silver runes. When magic is applied to the frame, the doorway opens into a dimensional pocket. Intrigued you sent a few of the braver (or more foolish) workers into the pocket. The first time they returned with a small treasure trove. The second time one of the workers made it back to the portal telling you about the horrible deamons that ambushed the rest of the workers and tore them appart as he ran. This could prove useful, but only for the prepared.
The life of an apprentice wizard isn't all that it is said to be. Your master was cruel and uncaring. For every lesson learned you bowed and scraped and worked yourself half to death. After watching countless other apprentices graduate and be raised to the staff before you, you snapped. You and your master got into a heated argument. He slapped you across the face for the final time. In one fluid motion you snatched his staff and neatly bashed his skull in with a single blow.
Knowing that the wizard's guild would be after you if they found the body you used your master's notes on interdimensional travel to hide the body where nobody from this world would ever find it. You arranged the tower to where it would look like you and the master went for one of his numerous research trips and fled the city. Making your way to Crossgate you are determined to take up your dream of running your own brothel. With your master's notes on interdimensional travel you've got an idea of how to add a bit of something unusual to your list of girls, if only you can find a way to capture and tame a few demons.

Offline drake

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Re: Submit text for Whore Master events here!
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2011, 11:36:33 AM »
Nice background ideas, they are pretty cool.  8)

Offline eviljanitor

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Re: Submit text for Whore Master events here!
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2011, 08:29:01 PM »
Is event text the only thing you are looking to add at the moment?
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 08:34:09 PM by eviljanitor »

Offline Anon21

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Re: Submit text for Whore Master events here!
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2011, 05:10:05 AM »
Is event text the only thing you are looking to add at the moment?

Not really. If you've got an idea for something to add depth to the game feel free to suggest it.

If its too tricky to implement in code it might take a while to arrive, but other than that I'd welcome pretty much anything.


so I finally decided to write down some (and think of a few more) of the text ideas I've been thinking of. I don't know if they will all be use able (I know some aren't currently), or if you guys would want to use them. but I decided to share them just the same.
I also have a small request, if it won't take too much time/effort, would some one be able to get me the "you could not find any girls" script. I have an idea for it, involving finding a girl.

but anyways, here is the scripts I've thought of so far, see the attainments for a copy of them.

Pregnancy scripts:
(uh-oh) she is pregnant with your child

(uh-oh) she has become pregnant by a customer
since you have told her not to take precautions she has become pregnant/inseminated
since you ran out of anti-preg potions she has become pregnant/inseminated
since you do not have any anti-preg potions she has become pregnant/inseminated
once it works- she has gotten pregnant by (one of) the other participant(s) of the threesome (gangbang)
she has become pregnant, sadly to say she entertained so many men in the session she has no idea who fathered the child.
alternate sex scripts/entertainer
the customer) did not want to have sex, instead they/he had her give them/him a blow-job/tit-job
the customer) did not want to have sex, instead they/he/she had her masturbate in front of then/him/her
the customer) did not want to have sex, instead they/he/her had her perform a striptease and then give them/him/her a lap dance
waitress:she waited on the customers, often getting groped, or pulled onto their laps.
a customer got overly friendly and would not let her move off his/her lap until they were both completely satisfied.
a customer got very rowdy and pulled down her skirt. she shrugged it off and finished her shift naked below the waist.
(today) she did not feel like wearing clothes, she went around the bar naked and got many tips.
she was very horny today and often stopped longer then needed to talk to the customers, allowing them to touch her. she made plenty of tips.
a group of customers got very rowdy and pulled her onto a table. they proceeded to fuck her until they were all satisfied. she finished her shift naked and covered in cum. her customer were completely satisfied and he made plenty in tips
Alt free time:She was very horny and masturbated for most this shift, may  orgasmic cries could be heard coming from her room. She still recovered some health and energy, as is much more relaxed.
She was bored (today) and was found wandering a secret hall watching the other girls ‘perform‘.
She was very bored (today) and spent much of her time flirting with some of your gang members/guards.  Their laughs could be heard some distance away. Every one could tell she was happy and relaxed.
She was bored of staying in the brothel so she went and spent this shift at a part instead, attracting much attention from both sexes. She feels very refreshed and happier

^I'm starting to implement these script ideas from fires_flairNote that many of these require some changes to the game mechanics, so they may not be done any time soon.

Offline Anon21

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Re: Submit text for Whore Master events here!
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2011, 05:13:07 AM »
I think you need to be more specific when your asking for assistance. Other than the origin of where the player comes from, I'm not sure what you'd want. Since you did ask for that let me pen down a few alternative starts, submitted for your approval.
btw, just how do you use spoiler tags?

You can turn text navy which makes it hard to read (unless highlighted).  The post formatting system is a little screwy in places though.  ::)
After your long journey, you've finally made it to Crossgate. On your way to the big city you found a journal on the corpse of a man dressed in a well made suit. The journal detailed the location of a strange building that contained a stable portal to a labyrinth that lead to other dimensions. The owner of the journal used it to start his own slave ring. After reading the journal you think you figured out where he went wrong. Your determined to see if you can do better than that guy. The life of a criminal lord running a ring of brothels appeals to you. An so you quietly acquire the deed to the building that will become your first brothel and headquarters for your criminal empire...
You've just received word that the rest of your family in the capital were slaughtered by your political rivals. The only reason your alive is because you were taking a holiday in Crossgate, visiting the famous brothels here in town. Gen, an old acquaintance of the family has been your host for the last month. Just as your trying to figure out what to do with your life now that you can't ever return to your family's estate Gen makes you an offer. You can have one of the old buildings in town that use to be a brothel before he purchased it. He is sure that a person with your upbringing and experience could become a successful brothel owner. But he makes you aware that the other brothels in town won't hesitate to use gangs to shut you down. Determined not to end up assassinated like the rest of your family, you've got a few ideas of your own.
While clearing out the basement you find a strange doorway lined with silver runes. When magic is applied to the frame, the doorway opens into a dimensional pocket. Intrigued you sent a few of the braver (or more foolish) workers into the pocket. The first time they returned with a small treasure trove. The second time one of the workers made it back to the portal telling you about the horrible deamons that ambushed the rest of the workers and tore them appart as he ran. This could prove useful, but only for the prepared.
The life of an apprentice wizard isn't all that it is said to be. Your master was cruel and uncaring. For every lesson learned you bowed and scraped and worked yourself half to death. After watching countless other apprentices graduate and be raised to the staff before you, you snapped. You and your master got into a heated argument. He slapped you across the face for the final time. In one fluid motion you snatched his staff and neatly bashed his skull in with a single blow.
Knowing that the wizard's guild would be after you if they found the body you used your master's notes on interdimensional travel to hide the body where nobody from this world would ever find it. You arranged the tower to where it would look like you and the master went for one of his numerous research trips and fled the city. Making your way to Crossgate you are determined to take up your dream of running your own brothel. With your master's notes on interdimensional travel you've got an idea of how to add a bit of something unusual to your list of girls, if only you can find a way to capture and tame a few demons.

I like those ideas. I'll see if I can get them in today - along with some alternative text for when you 'win' the game.