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Offline Graen

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #360 on: April 02, 2010, 07:20:18 PM »
*Gives TF an A+ in story writing.*

What drama!  What suspense!  And a brilliant commentary on the underpinnings of today's society! :D


Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows®98SE/ME/2000/XP
CPU: Pentium®Ⅲ300MHz
Hard Drive Free Space: 600MB (1600MB for a Full Install)
Memory: 64MB
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Video: DirectX®8 Compliant Video Card with 640x480x16bit Video Display

Offline delta224

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #361 on: April 02, 2010, 07:42:58 PM »
You should be able to turn off UAC in windows 7, you can in vista but it will whine every time you log on that the computer is not fully protected. How it is done I forget but there is a way to turn in off.

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #362 on: April 02, 2010, 09:00:04 PM »
I never had any issues with disabling UAC in either Vista or Win7. If it nags after that you can change warning settings in control panel (I think it's called action center).

As for Japanese games, I never like to mess with regional settings and what not of my PC. Too much hassle to return things back to original settings (well, not really, few clicks, but I don't like to reset :P). So I've installed VirtualBox, installed XP in virtual machine and then set it to japanese in every place I could found and it works. For 2D games that's good solution, they work, and if it messes something up it will only mess virtual machine windows installation. Only downside is if you want to play 3D games, that might not work that well (if at all) under virtual machine.

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #363 on: April 02, 2010, 09:50:16 PM »
I didn't have any problem disabling the UAC... or at least turning it down to the lowest setting so that every time I try to do *anything* on *my computer* a chipper little message will ask me if I'm sure like a goddamn fairy who shall remain nameless that hovers about your head shouting "HEY! ... LISTEN!" every time you stray off the mandated storyline quest for 5 mins. No, I took that metaphorical sprite and shoved it in a likewise metaphorical jar filled with big metaphorical rocks and threw it into the sea of other annoyances Microsoft feels should be bundled with their software to ensure that the first week of use is spent figuring out how to turn the majority of their bundled features off.

(Yes, I'm obviously a bit bitter and frustrated... I'm working on it.)

The *problem*, such that it is, is the mundanity of either using right-click -> run as Administrator on things or (if they're actual installed files) choosing that the program always run as Administrator in compatibility mode. It's not a *huge* deal or anything, but I'm the fucking Administrator. I really shouldn't have to tell my OS that I would like to run programs *as me*.

As an aside, I *do* absolutely love the pinnable taskbar.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 09:51:47 PM by TF »

Offline delta224

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #364 on: April 02, 2010, 10:44:23 PM »
In the control panel or what ever it is called in 7 under user accounts you should be able to turn UAC fully off not turning it down to nothing.

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #365 on: April 03, 2010, 02:11:44 AM »
They are for [InterHeart] 続・凌辱荘.

Every time i want to install it, it says "Program too big to fit into memory" and I can't solve this problem with the methods mentioned in the net. Someone has the same problem?

I don't think my upload is the problem unless a zip was damaged... I unzipped the game from my upload, installed it and it runs fine. I did this all in the Japanese regional settings though.
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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #366 on: April 03, 2010, 02:24:40 AM »
Yeah, you shouldn't have to do anything special to run things once UAC has been turned off.  I have Vista, not 7, but I haven't had any annoyances since I turned that garbage off 5 minutes after installing Vista.  Why any human being thought such a level of security for a mainsteam OS would be appreciated by anyone at all is one of the great mysteries of our time.  It simply boggles the mind why the default isn't off, or at least near minimum levels, with a pop-up for new users asking if they want to turn it up.

On a side note, I find it funny that people still vomit at the mention of Vista but sing praises of 7 when they're pretty much the same OS at this point.  Yes, 7 has a few new features over Vista; but for the most part, it's Vista with new paint.


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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #367 on: April 03, 2010, 03:46:42 AM »
That's pretty much the point, there was such huge levels of propaganda against Vista and the hate became so illogical and ingrained, they pretty much had to change the name. And now everyone loves it. I've personally never had that many problems with vista. Aside from it being ridiculously hard to get Freelancer multiplayer working. UAC is annoying, but I've yet to have any reason to dislike it.

Offline Graen

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #368 on: April 03, 2010, 06:52:09 AM »
On a side note, I find it funny that people still vomit at the mention of Vista but sing praises of 7 when they're pretty much the same OS at this point.  Yes, 7 has a few new features over Vista; but for the most part, it's Vista with new paint.

Offline z-master

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #369 on: April 03, 2010, 09:08:58 AM »

I don't think my upload is the problem unless a zip was damaged... I unzipped the game from my upload, installed it and it runs fine. I did this all in the Japanese regional settings though.

I didn't use your upload, but I will give it a try. Maybe the other download was damaged.

Btw: Did someone play Sengoku Rance? It has a bit of management (you have to conquer japan) and some H-Scenes ;)

Offline delta224

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #370 on: April 03, 2010, 10:20:18 AM »
The major issue with vista was a lack of good drivers at release. As for uac, good idea but bad implemetation. 

Offline GmanPrime

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #371 on: April 03, 2010, 10:36:24 AM »
About the Apartment management game by Interheart...
I've played this game for a while, and I found out a few basic things, but it seems some things are just confusing.  From what I have gathered so far...
1.  Cheat programs like CheatEngine and Artmoney work well on this game, much easier to get money this way.
2.  Two out of three tenants I've had were made happy by installing the really expensive T.V. and what I'm guessing is an A.C. unit, you can see it reflected in the six rooms if you bought the right thing.
3.  The H-shop opens around the third or the fourth, so don't expect instant access to it.  Also its open at a certain time at night.
4.  Both shops take around 60 minutes to get to and they are the third option of the three 60 minute options at the bottom of the third tab.
5.  The tabs roughly correspond to: (Waste time/spy on rooms) (Install/Remove stuff) (Visit area) (Relationship/Income) (Calender).
6.  You can't seem to sell or get rid of stuff from the old H-dude, especially cameras, so don't buy a lot of crap, it clutters the screen
7.  When it says a number followed by what looks like a skirt, thats the # of minutes something takes.
Now the confusing stuff...
1.  How the heck do I make the black-haired girl who moves in around the 4th in the beginning happy?  She looks like she is tripping when I see her in her room, and even though I installed everything I can think of, she's still constantly unhappy.
2.  I assume if I buy something that doesn't need installing, that it automatically is used, but I'm not sure.  I'm especially curious about the H stuff you buy from the old guy, as it disappears but its not obvious that you can use it right away.
3.  Is there anyway to initiate H-scenes, or is it basically wait until a random event happens?
Anyways, hope that helps.

Offline Graen

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #372 on: April 03, 2010, 05:07:48 PM »
Now the confusing stuff...
1.  How the heck do I make the black-haired girl who moves in around the 4th in the beginning happy?  She looks like she is tripping when I see her in her room, and even though I installed everything I can think of, she's still constantly unhappy.
2.  I assume if I buy something that doesn't need installing, that it automatically is used, but I'm not sure.  I'm especially curious about the H stuff you buy from the old guy, as it disappears but its not obvious that you can use it right away.
3.  Is there anyway to initiate H-scenes, or is it basically wait until a random event happens?

1. I'm assuming you're playing the second game, 続・凌辱荘.  For the college student (that's what I think she is at least) She was pretty happy just with a heater (I usually try to get the 3rd one installed in every room, they cost 78800 Yen.) and a Crock Pot (5980 Yen) for cooking.  I don't know if the crock pot actually helps her happiness or not.  One thing to note, after her plans fail, she will enter a period of deep depression and just sulk in her room all day.  Don't worry about that.

2. Yes, there are things you only need to buy once and never have to install, oddly you seem to always carry them back to the electronics store with you.   :D

Items you never install include, various vacuum cleaners, a "WEB" camera, (which allows for an internet connection for the tenants) roach traps, an electromagnetic bug repellent device, (LOLZ) an electric massager, as well as hand and power tools (which quicken the time it takes to install and remove other items you purchase) and finally two personal computers for your own use.

3. Most of the H scenes seem to require you to have stalked the girl via cameras, for her happiness level to be high enough, and as always with these games, to have answered confusing and often misleading dialogue choices properly. :D

For stalking the girls, you really only need the first camera you were given, use it to find out when she goes to take a bath, when she urinates, as well as what she does in her room.  It takes a while and it isn't always intuitive, but if you gather enough material from the girl, as well as sell her pictures and panties, there is a good chance that her H scenes will activate.  One final thing, sometimes a girl will have to move out and then move back in before you can take your stalking relationship to the next level with her. ::)

Offline GmanPrime

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #373 on: April 03, 2010, 08:32:18 PM »
1. I'm assuming you're playing the second game, 続・凌辱荘.  For the college student (that's what I think she is at least) She was pretty happy just with a heater (I usually try to get the 3rd one installed in every room, they cost 78800 Yen.) and a Crock Pot (5980 Yen) for cooking.  I don't know if the crock pot actually helps her happiness or not.  One thing to note, after her plans fail, she will enter a period of deep depression and just sulk in her room all day.  Don't worry about that.

2. Yes, there are things you only need to buy once and never have to install, oddly you seem to always carry them back to the electronics store with you.   :D

Items you never install include, various vacuum cleaners, a "WEB" camera, (which allows for an internet connection for the tenants) roach traps, an electromagnetic bug repellent device, (LOLZ) an electric massager, as well as hand and power tools (which quicken the time it takes to install and remove other items you purchase) and finally two personal computers for your own use.

3. Most of the H scenes seem to require you to have stalked the girl via cameras, for her happiness level to be high enough, and as always with these games, to have answered confusing and often misleading dialogue choices properly. :D

For stalking the girls, you really only need the first camera you were given, use it to find out when she goes to take a bath, when she urinates, as well as what she does in her room.  It takes a while and it isn't always intuitive, but if you gather enough material from the girl, as well as sell her pictures and panties, there is a good chance that her H scenes will activate.  One final thing, sometimes a girl will have to move out and then move back in before you can take your stalking relationship to the next level with her. ::)

Actually yeah, I did mean the second one.  Thanks for the tips, I'll give them a try, now I just have to be careful not to zoom past the h-scenes with the control key.   :D

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Re: Other Games Thread
« Reply #374 on: April 05, 2010, 05:32:21 AM »
How do you remove the rats in the attic?