Game Editing And Additions > User Mods

Crazy and PP's mod bug thread

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As HuiBui mentions, there are occasions where you get -xx filthiness  I avoid cleaners, as you can get it done free if you get a girl in your office and make them clean the place up. Seeing I don't use cleaners because they get paid regardless of slave/non-slave, I can't comment further on his bug.

BUT, I also get -security every week. Again, I've barely used the whore job, but it the limited play I've had, it doesn't impact on the rate of occurrence, ie the only factor is the config rape rates. I'm fine with -2000+ security, any whores don't get raped any more often then the rape % set in config.

Do security girls prevent rapes? I assume they do, but then, guarding gangs, do they also do the same thing? <-These questions = limited playthrough with whore jobs, I'm just curious.

Unsure if both filthiness & security are just not implemented fully yet, or there actually are bugs.


--- Quote from: trex on December 07, 2012, 04:35:06 AM ---BUT, I also get -security every week.

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Security goes down 30 every week if you don't have a girl working it.

--- Quote from: trex on December 07, 2012, 04:35:06 AM ---Again, I've barely used the whore job, but it the limited play I've had, it doesn't impact on the rate of occurrence, ie the only factor is the config rape rates. I'm fine with -2000+ security, any whores don't get raped any more often then the rape % set in config.

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Security lvl is on my bug list and PP's also.  As it works it goes up and down but it means nothing rape will happen no matter the lvl of it which I hate.

--- Quote from: trex on December 07, 2012, 04:35:06 AM ---Do security girls prevent rapes? I assume they do, but then, guarding gangs, do they also do the same thing? <-These questions = limited playthrough with whore jobs, I'm just curious.

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Girls prevent rape more often the gangs.  Gangs almost never do Girls will atleast try to stop it if there set to security.... Again I find this to be bad as the number of people who are trying to rape a girl is always random so it makes it very unfair for a girl working the job..

--- Quote from: trex on December 07, 2012, 04:35:06 AM ---Unsure if both filthiness & security are just not implemented fully yet, or there actually are bugs.

--- End quote ---
Filth is full implemented if your brothel is dirty u will lose cusmtoers.  Security is full implemented it just doesn't work well I think others might disagree.


Currently almost any job that gets performed increases filthiness by a small amount. Maids will reduce filthiness by a pretty large amount, but that amount depends on their Service skill, but it will be a minimum of 50 points. I don't think the matron reduces filthiness at all.

As Crazy said, you want to keep filthiness down, because it will directly cause you to lose customers.

As far as I can tell, the actual security rating of the Brothel does not mean much. BUT, having girls working security does a lot to prevent rapes. Having a gang on guard not only helps prevent rapes, but also has other small benefits (girls don't refuse jobs as much)

Crazy and I plan to rework security quite a bit at some point.


--- Quote from: crazy on December 06, 2012, 08:41:05 PM ---Should be OralSex instead of just Oral

--- End quote ---

That would explain it, ta!


Got a bug to report.

I played WM just now and found out that my girls in the dungeon cannot die. ??? WTF!!!! Is she an Undead? Ghost? Frankenstein? Immortal? God? LOL :D

I got a few girls taken from family. I leave them for a lot of weeks in the dungeon and then a red script in the summary says she had killed herself. Then when I visit the dungeon, to my surprise she's still alive. Weird!! When someone killed themselves they should be dead, Right!! Her HP 100, Happy 0, got a pessimist trait and not incorporeal.

Well, I guess I'm gonna try this on slave and catacomb girls next and see what happen.


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