
Author Topic: Patch contrib  (Read 39200 times)

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Offline sentza

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2012, 04:43:59 PM »
I'll be curious to see your work once it's out.  I've been piddling some with scripting for the girls, would like to work on setting up an easy to use template so each could have her own unique dialogue when you meet her, interact, etc.

I think that the WM script editor is the best way to make interaction between player and girl. (SetVarRandom, IfGirlStat, IfGirlSkill, IfHasTrait) Making unique dialogue is a very big work... If you want more method for script I can make them. May be add interaction between player and customers or challenges for exemple a customer who want 3 vigins (or others traits) girl for his birthday and add random event (I kill one of them or I fight with them...).

One thing I'm debating working with is changing the way extra brothels work.

My idea is that rather than the additional brothels being new buildings in Crossroad, why not have the option to build new brothels in other fictional cities?  Could group girls by tech/genre to whatever city you build the brothel in.  (i.e. build one in Tokyo, pick up modern girls.  Build one in Konoha, pick up Naruto girls, etc.)

With PoEdit we could changes all the dialogues which are in the game (so changing the backgound). For building new brothel, that is a possibility, but may be hard to manage all the brothel, that need many changes in the interface (switch between map) and in the code (saving/loading data :-[ ).

I like the idea of main developers more particularly the movies studio :P  and the arena.

Offline Popuri

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2012, 05:31:19 PM »
I think that the WM script editor is the best way to make interaction between player and girl. (SetVarRandom, IfGirlStat, IfGirlSkill, IfHasTrait) Making unique dialogue is a very big work... If you want more method for script I can make them. May be add interaction between player and customers or challenges for exemple a customer who want 3 vigins (or others traits) girl for his birthday and add random event (I kill one of them or I fight with them...).

I've done some pretty extensive exploration of the scripting functions.  The original designers were moving towards using lua scripts instead of the program they already have, as it's far less clunky when making the actual script, but the functionality of the existing lua commands in the game are limited.  I'll dig around, but for WM EX I wrote and sent to FUTURE source code files to add...I think it was about 10 commands to the Script Editor, and could probably do more.  Not too complex.

Offline sentza

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2012, 05:54:10 PM »
That's great, could you give more details about your commands.

I already add group, lesb commands. I will add more but if you make them, we can merge it. Have you try to merge  Anon's final bugfixes and tweaks? I will try tomorrow if i have time...

Offline julte

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2012, 08:06:25 PM »
I am looking forward to see your new source code. I really like the clinic and would like to work with a version including it.

I have been trying to create a version with the most up to date source code (I want to edit some things, lets see how much). I was able to compile and play with Popuris changes to scripting, but with Anon's final bugfix the images of the girls are not loaded anymore. This is mentioned in the original thread. Anon fixes it by replacing a == with a proper string comparison, but the fix should already include the change.

Any idea what I could do?

Thank you.

Offline Popuri

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2012, 11:54:15 PM »
This is the source to my original change to the script editor.  The code was written for EX, but I commented out the EX specific parts.  May have to update it to match anon21's latest stuff, and the txt file has a typo.  Line...233 I think, instead of '-1000 1000' should be 'INT -1000 1000'

Offline sentza

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2012, 02:00:04 PM »
Currently, I test my changes about localization. I think that i can upload a new patch Friday night and include a little tutorial for changing or translating the string in the game with poEdit. For sources, i include new lib and dll (I am using gettext if you know), i will put them in another zip.

Offline julte

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2012, 02:22:28 PM »
Great, thank both of you.

@Popuri: I did not have any problems with including your changes to the source for WM EX into the latest SVN revision, but will look at what you uploaded today.

@sentza: Will you also include all source code changes you made? I am trying to put together a version containing all available source code, would love to also include the source from WM EX but the FUTURE is not available. The reason I asked about Anon's code here was that you mentioned you would look at his patch and was wondering whether you found a way to include his patch into your source without the problem I have (pictures of girls do not load) or whether you encountered the same problem.

What I am planning to do (don't know whether I have time, but will soon finish my last c++ project for a while and want to excercise c++ in my free time) is that children/mothers show who is their child/mother, maybe some changes similar to EX, mostly concerning traits, balance and gangs. Maybe some UI changes based on Anon's patch. First of all I would like to merge all available code/Popuris great script update.

EDIT: What i would love to modify and enhance is the weekly message screen.

Offline sentza

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2012, 05:08:25 PM »
: Hi,

I make a (quick) zip with sources files, so you can see changes.

For the clinic, i just extends the class brothel. May be you can improve this (if i have time i will do).
I add gettext, you can download here the libs . (I will upload a bigger zip with it or you or make a svn repository if you couldn't compile...)

I upload a new patch too 0.3, i tested (i will test more tomorow but you can see the modif).

So, if you want to modify the text in the game now you can without any modifications in source code. download poEdit or notepad++ for editing. But you need poEdit for compiling the .mo.

I explain :
1) open poedit
2) in "\Resources\Lang" there is a .pot, it's a dictionary, when you clic open in poEdit select it
3) save a file in the language you want "english.po" (there is thoses i use to create .mo)
4) edit the text by carefull if you use notepad do not modify msgid but only msgstr (if you use poEdit for editing no problem)
5) save your modif (warning : in preference check generate .mo see
6) poEdit generate a .mo, copy it in the good directory (en/LC_MESSAGES if english)

@julte : may be we could make an alternate svn because synchronize with zip is too hard... :'(
@popuri : I download your script i will add them in the next patch.

I update the first post for download.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 05:15:52 PM by sentza »

Offline sentza

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2012, 04:44:04 PM »
EDIT: What i would love to modify and enhance is the weekly message screen.

What do you plan in the summary? If you know a guy (or you) who is good with photoshop or gimp (and little pervert :D it's a whore game), we can do better things in the interface.

If you have pb for generate a .mo, post you .po file and i will make the .mo file, for translating or changing the texts in the game. And if it's good and you are ok, i can include in the next patch.

Offline Fling

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #39 on: January 11, 2012, 06:58:09 PM »

Just been reading through some of the various posts and came across this one [size=78%][/size]
Just wondering what your thoughts on this were and if possible you'd consider throwing the idea into your version of the game?

Not sure why a son is sold but may be he could be trained in one of a few job types and then give a large bonus to that role.

Becomes a solider - security bonus + gang bonus
Becomes an accountant - Bonus to money management / advertising / reduction of prices for various things.
Trained in the dungeons - Learns how to break the spirit of some girls into accepting their role, tortures a rival gang leader to learn about their operations prior to their down fall.
Bar manager - bonuses to operations within the bar (increased customers and bonus to satisfaction)
Gambling hall manager - As above
Brothel Advisor - Keeps an eye on the girls and the operations and makes helpful suggestions (difficult to code I would think)
Politician - Keeps the suspicion levels down, bribes and corrupts people to look the other way
Entertainment manager - Ensures the punters are well looked after - raises brothel ratings.
Adventurer - Specialists in finding monsters and girls to work for you.
Male escort - carters for those punters who prefer a bit of male company (bi or male escort depending on trait if straight or gay)

Offline julte

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #40 on: January 11, 2012, 07:00:50 PM »
@sentza: SVN sounds good, any preference? I do not like googlecode, anything else should be fine. Are you using VS2010?

In the summary I would like some new filters and change some messages. There are too many pointless messages. Gangs do little and have two messages. I would like to look into these things, but I will have to read in that area the code first. I can do some photoshop.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 07:04:33 PM by julte »

Offline Popuri

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2012, 08:44:33 PM »
Something I pitched a while back, and that I'd been working on for my own patch but didn't get far with, was replacing the gangs.  Swapping out gangs for 'henchmen', male employees/slaves with their own set of jobs and such.  Possibly extending the girl class.

Offline sentza

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2012, 12:50:03 PM »
Something I pitched a while back, and that I'd been working on for my own patch but didn't get far with, was replacing the gangs.  Swapping out gangs for 'henchmen', male employees/slaves with their own set of jobs and such.  Possibly extending the girl class.

I think that is very hard because you need to change many lines in the code. If you manage man by man your gang, you must write a male integration (extend girl the girl but rewrite method of loading/saving data and others methods taits, skill...)

After, there is the code in InterfaceProcess, each turn you need to update boys one by one in your gangs...
Moreover you need to re-write fighting, combat, kinap... methods in gang and screen management for gang ,i see in the code that some method of gang are include in the class Brothel (loading/saving gang). So, very hard to make with current code and too many changes.

Maybe try to add free and slave boy in the game first.

@Fling : yes family business is good but we need a male integration with that we can have male slave and free for gang or son...

@julte : may be too early for svn(if you make many changes, we will do that). Post your changes and i will include them in the next patch if you are ok. I use VS2008
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 12:57:50 PM by sentza »

Offline sentza

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #43 on: January 14, 2012, 11:48:04 AM »
I uploaded a new patch 0.4 (see the first post) :

 * bug correction counter (sum job) in the clinic         
 * bug delete the button send to dungeon in the clinic           
 * now the clinic will cost you 5000 gold and need 10 commerce       
 * only 10 rooms in the clinic                       
 * bug delete the button send to dungeon in summary when girls are in the clinic         
 * improve JOB doctor (add girl rest)               
 * add freetime job in the clinic and general job but freetime job is the only one you need               
 * add JOB_GETABORT in the clinic (the girl must keep this job 2 turns) (remove pregnant status)   
 * add JOB_PHYSICALSURGERY in the clinic  (the girl must keep this job 5 turns) (add random trait bigboobs and cute...) (boost beauty and charisma)

Offline sentza

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Re: Patch contrib
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2012, 01:20:37 PM »
For the next patch, I start the movie studio. I already done a studio screen management : assign girl to job. I will add another screen in order to manage the current movie, a list with filmed scenes, button for adding scene to current movie, button for release the current movie, a panel with info on current movie. Maybe i will try to add the male integration to the game because movie scene needs male... If you have any suggestions? 

I will upload a new zip with sources after this patch but currently i broke the brothel class... and i need to clean my code.