Author Topic: Preset Outfit Options  (Read 19817 times)

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Offline Samu

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2010, 06:19:36 PM »
I like the idea of a drag and drop idea, not necesarily with icons though.

Offline fixet

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2010, 06:28:34 PM »
He's saying he wants a drag & drop type item implementation screen and maybe even an equipment manager for each girl, thus giving a screenshot from diablo for support, not suggesting it look exactly like it.  Something tells me you understood what he wrote, but wanted to be an idiot.  Then again, maybe you really didn't understand what he suggested, and for that I recommend a good English and grammar teacher. Love the idea though Graen.
problem, officer?

Offline FurryFanatic

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2010, 06:56:41 PM »
Hands against the wall Fixet.  It's time to see if you're brothel quality, or it's the dungeon for you.  >:(

Offline Alugere

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2010, 07:06:08 PM »
wait, you actually want any game to have diablo's inventory? your actions are convincing me you're a troll
First of all: That was diablo two.
Second: The inventory wasn't that bad.

Offline willaberhaben

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2010, 07:06:42 PM »
I would prefer some semi automatic inventory (at least for clothes and other permanent equipment).
Let say there is new point:
prefered outfit for girls.
press this button and you can equip a dummy with all the clothes, rings, etc you want. Then you set a money limit. Under this limit nothing will be done. However if you have more money than the limit at the end (or start) of a turn every girl will be checked:
does she wear a dress
->yes -> check next girl
->no -> check if prefered item is available
       -> no-> check next girl
       -> yes-> buy item and check for money
                ->still enough money-> next girl
Plz note that: It shouldn't check against a specific dress, just against a dress at all. That way you can still customize your special girls.
Also if there was a simple autocheck on/ off button everybody who prefers to everythink in micromanagement and cares wether the girls get their shoes or their dress first could do this. But those that just want their girls to wear the "brothel uniform" can to this without much effort.

Offline fixet

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2010, 07:20:16 PM »
First of all: That was diablo two.
Second: The inventory wasn't that bad.
diablo as in the series
and it was horrible. games were awesome, though

but to be clear, the dummy system would be good
or at least some sort of indication as to which slot each item occupies
EDIT: also a different box color or bold letters for currently equipped items

but an actual graphical inventory would only make things unnecessarily complicated for both users and devs/modders
not to mention that you would have a certain image for a certain item, say a dress, but never see it on the girl you put it on
better to leave things to the imagination
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 07:37:00 PM by fixet »


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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2010, 09:30:49 PM »
Whore Master allows you to own 6 brothels holding a total of 200 girls.  Also, each brothel can further be expanded to hold more girls, as well.  Then there is the girl editor that comes with the game allowing you to create more unique and random girls for your game.

Just because you play the game your own way doesn't mean that how other people play the game is wrong, especially when the system allows for and encourages their style of play.

If you don't have a problem with the item system and how it works, fine, stay out of the discussions about it, but other people do and they would like to see it improved for everyone's enjoyment.

They way you're being so blatantly stubborn and telling everyone they're wrong is starting to convince me that you're just here to troll the forums. >:(

1. 6 brothels that can be extended to hold 255 girls each, I think, so that's about 1300 girls possible. This also brings up another point I could make about the game. Theres too much freaking room for girls XD. Who the hell is gonna make 1300, let alone manage them. This is likely solved by 1.30, but still.

2. So you're saying my opinion is innately wrong, and I'm not allowed to oppose the ideas to change a system I already like. How novel.

3. The game encourages giving every single girl in the game a full set of items? Thats odd, I thought items were pretty pointless atm, with training and being able to easily max their stats without them, and bonuses not stacking. They're mostly there for roleplay reasons atm.

4. I never said how people play the game is wrong, I merely called them lazy. While I can see how one might possibly see this as implying that their playstyle is wrong, don't try putting words in my mouth I never said, please.

5. I must conclude either A. You are under the wrong impression of what a troll is, or B. You are far to easily incited to emotional turmoil. I have merely opposed your idea in a calm, logical, non-hostile manner. If that constitutes a troll nowadays, then perhaps, good sir, you should consider purchasing a mirror.

6. A graphical drag and drop system would take even longer then the current one to give sets of items to girls, on top of being hugely complicated to code, and completely unnecessary. Isn't the main argument against the current system that it "takes too long to equip girls"? (not that I agree, of course)

7 You want to know what I want? Very well. Do away with the cheap oodles of items system entirely. Make the selection of items much smaller, and rarer, but much more meaningful. The only thing that should be purchasable in a shop, are basic consumables for healing, with most of the items being rare rewards for missions, catacombs, and events.

Get rid of the addiction healing consumables, and instead make a weaning off process for girls, where you take them off work, keep their health high, and eventually break the addiction.

Make equipables rare and unique and INTERESTING. The fact that people look at them right now as... uniforms... is so wrong and horrible I can barely stand it. Girls come with uniforms, you don't buy and equip them with them, you don't put time and effort into utilizing them. maybe, MAYBE have a uniform option in the supplies/upgrades screen where you can pick if your girls have elegant, slutty, sexy, or normal uniforms with various advantages and disadvantages.

Instead of giving girls gifts that appear in their inventory, make a give gifts talk event option, then you can pick to buy a new dress, or sweets etc. and she gets the appropriate amount of love/happiness, nothing appears in her inventory and the gold is deducted from your cash.

With this system, a graphical inventory system is much more viable and friendly and meaningful, at least in the resources department. I could go on with the little details, but this already took like 20 minutes to type out.

Offline Graen

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2010, 11:12:17 PM »
Personal attacks aside... there are parts of your post I do agree with.

Items do feel like little more than fluff to me as they are right now.  The fact that the game can easily support hundreds of girls only serves to exacerbate that problem as well.  Though instead of eliminating curing items, I would make the actual addictions have various levels of severity.  On the same token, there should be some diseases and syndromes that just aren't curable. *cough*AIDS*cough*  Regardless, the quality and effectiveness of items, deserves a topic of its own.

With regards to the current item management system, I disagree when you say "drag and drop" is less effective than the current system of "click on the item, click the send button and then click the equip/use button" to get the girl to use an item.  If "drag and drop" were coded for use with the current GUI, it would almost seem redundant, and its use would be down to personal taste, no doubt.  However if the current GUI was expanded to include item slots and a personal inventory for the girls, that would be a different matter, and it would eliminate a mouse click on the equip/use button.

A single mouse-click, almost doesn't seem worth it does it?  However, multiply that mouse click by each item you give to a girl, and then by all the girls in the brothel, and there is a whole lot of moving the mouse to one little button and clicking it.

There are two very important sides of the  design scale that almost all designers learn about, and they are "Form" and "Function."  They are inseparable, and they both need to be considered seriously.

In the case of the GUI it may almost certainly seems to be weighted towards Form, but Function plays a huge roll, bigger than Form itself.  The easier the interface is to understand and the less time it takes to use it, the less frustration for the user.

One of the better ideas presented here was to create a costume system, where the player could create a predetermined outfit and equipment load-out, and if he had all the necessary items, apply it to his brothel workers until he ran out of all the required items for that particular outfit.

I also like your idea of eliminating the girl's inventory as well, because it stresses the importance of gifts/items and their value.  One problem I see with it though is that with 100's of girls, gifting all of them through dialogue would be even more time consuming.  There are some people who like to have all their girls have everything, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Your very first post in this topic, is exactly why the current item management system needs to be addressed:
Iam getting seriously tired of people complaining about giving girlsoutfits of items. It's your choice if you want 100 girls all with thesame outfits on, so you get to do the 8 minutes of clicking to do it -_-
People aren't happy with the system as it is now.  It's time consuming and repetitive.

Whether it's recoding how the system works for the girl's inventory or removing their inventory completely, there is an obvious desire to see it in better shape than it currently is.

And just because it takes you 20 minutes to write a post, doesn't mean you should stop.  If you've got ideas, and want to get them out there, then please do!  Just don't start to "jump down their throats and scare them into lurking."  That really doesn't help the creative process, nor does it encourage a friendly and productive atmosphere.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 11:15:39 PM by Graen »

Offline FurryFanatic

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2010, 11:42:05 PM »
This is the type of discussion I love to see.  Brainstorming at its finest.  People throwing out ideas and others tossing opinions here and there and look what comes out of all the crap.....pure refined goodness.  I feel new life coming back into this post and I'm loving it.

Offline fires_flair

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2010, 12:44:52 AM »
I really like the out fit idea. that would really help speed up the game. but even just being able to double click to buy/sell/give items would speed it up.
and exodia91, it takes more then 8 munutes to go through the girls I have, and I don't even have a hundred yet. and I don't do it for their regular stats, I do it for their PC stats, I want them to love me and having items equiped makes them do so.
any improvement on this would be vastily welcome.


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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2010, 01:13:06 AM »
In the end though, with managing more then 50 girls, there's only so many ways to cut down on management time without compromising the core game mechanics.

Right now though the game is trying to pander to both small amounts of girls, and large amounts of girls, and it's just not working. People who like a lot of girls want game features tailored to them, and people who want only a couple dozen or so at most want it tailored to them, and trying to compromise isn't working well. I would suggest we decide on a cap for girls, and develop and balance the game mechanics with that cap in mind. It could be 20, it could be 50, it could be 200, but somethings gotta change.

Offline Graen

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2010, 01:19:52 AM »
In the end though, with managing more then 50 girls, there's only so many ways to cut down on management time without compromising the core game mechanics.

Right now though the game is trying to pander to both small amounts of girls, and large amounts of girls, and it's just not working. People who like a lot of girls want game features tailored to them, and people who want only a couple dozen or so at most want it tailored to them, and trying to compromise isn't working well. I would suggest we decide on a cap for girls, and develop and balance the game mechanics with that cap in mind. It could be 20, it could be 50, it could be 200, but somethings gotta change.
There is always the Spore route. ???

Offline Mehzerz

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2010, 01:41:27 AM »
Making healing potions and other consumables automatically used when given to a girl would speed things up. I know equipment is automatically equipped. Would it be much of a problem to make consumables automatically used?

Or am I the only one who gives girls items and uses them right away?
Starter girls image additions progress:
26 girls, 18 to go

Offline fires_flair

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2010, 01:54:24 AM »
nope, you're not. I do to, unless I'm feeling uber lazy.

Offline willaberhaben

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Re: Preset Outfit Options
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2010, 09:15:31 AM »
Making healing potions and other consumables automatically used when given to a girl would speed things up. I know equipment is automatically equipped. Would it be much of a problem to make consumables automatically used?

Or am I the only one who gives girls items and uses them right away?
Aren't the used at the end of the day anyway?
Im pretty sure I bought them, gave em to the girls and they next day there were gone.

In the end though, with managing more then 50 girls, there's only so many ways to cut down on management time without compromising the core game mechanics.

Right now though the game is trying to pander to both small amounts of girls, and large amounts of girls, and it's just not working. People who like a lot of girls want game features tailored to them, and people who want only a couple dozen or so at most want it tailored to them, and trying to compromise isn't working well. I would suggest we decide on a cap for girls, and develop and balance the game mechanics with that cap in mind. It could be 20, it could be 50, it could be 200, but somethings gotta change.
That post I can mostly agree. But I think if we find a good solution we can make the game playable for both types of players.
That was my intent with my dummy system.
You only have a few girls-> no need for the system, just switch it to off
You have lots of girls and need to increase thir love stats, nomal stats because they are new, pretent its the uniform, whatever -> activate it and enjoy
a few 100 to 1000 mouseclicks reduced  to maybe 20.
Of course there are always potential problems when change something or adding new features. (exept that it takes time to programm it, and the possibility of bugs of course)
right now however I can see only three proplems with my proposed system:
->you need some place for this button and some kind of explantion.
   Altough that one shouldn't be a big problem.
-> If the explanation/ interface isn't good enough players could accidently
   waste  money they wanted to use for something else because they set the
   slider to low. But thats only a real problem if it isn't a own submenu.
-> If there are a lot of girls, it could slow down the end / start of a turn.
    But he, if add those items per hand it takes a lot longer. And I proposed an off switch to avoid unnecassary waiting time.
If somebody can think of another reason why this wouldn't be a good idea plz let me know.