Author Topic: General Discussion  (Read 4022541 times)

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Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3270 on: August 13, 2014, 09:19:25 AM »
Yeah, I ripped lines all the day and added them to girlsmeets, I didn't touch its structure yet.

I mean something like
        if ct("Shy"):
            $rc("Th-thanks...", "You think so? <blush>", "<She quickly looks away, her face red>", "You're ... nice...")
        elif ct("Kuudere"):
           $rc("Heh, good one.", "Of course.")
        elif ct("Well-mannered"):
            $rc("Well, that was certainly witty.")
        elif ct("Energetic"):
            $rc(" praised me♪", "Hm? Oh, thanks.")
   If I understand correctly, with this code we'll never see kuudere, well-mannered or energetic lines if a girl has shy trait. We'll never see well-mannered and energetic lines if she doesn't have shy but have kuudere. And so on.

Surely there is a simpler way to randomise lines a bit without using dice (n) for every single trait check. I hope  ::)

Offline CherryWood

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3271 on: August 13, 2014, 09:24:28 AM »
I mean something like   If I understand correctly, with this code we'll never see kuudere, well-mannered or energetic lines if a girl has shy trait. We'll never see well-mannered and energetic lines if she doesn't have shy but have kuudere. And so on.
I've written it to work exactly like that on purpose.

If you really really hate it, you can copy the code from "about her" that chooses reposes randomly from every trait (or any other condition, it doesn't have to be trait).

I'm sure I've said this exact thing few times already  :)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 09:32:35 AM by CherryWood »

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3272 on: August 13, 2014, 09:32:32 AM »
Nah, I understand why you did it. Some traits are stronger than others.
However, there are some lines that I'd like to use randomly. I wonder if there is a less cumbersome syntax than dice after every trait (we have about 80 btw, should I use dice (1.25) or something?  :) ).
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 09:50:20 AM by DarkTl »

Offline lamoli

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3273 on: August 13, 2014, 09:33:26 AM »
Surely there is a simpler way to randomise lines a bit without using dice (n) for every single trait check. I hope  ::)

with more advanced coding you could first isolate if girls has the traits you need then if she has it x times use a random picking with equal chances to pick 1 of the x and display the text attached to it

but you will need to convince Xela or other coders to do it :p

would just need text for each traits used then 1 line of code to randomly pick 1 of those
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 09:47:05 AM by lamoli »

Offline lamoli

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3274 on: August 13, 2014, 09:43:00 AM »
ill add this tho.. even if more compact and with a good randomness option.. you will lose the ability to ad more arguments on related traits or if its even well coded to do so
it would be more complicated for moders to use it..
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 09:44:43 AM by lamoli »

Offline CherryWood

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3275 on: August 13, 2014, 09:56:05 AM »
Nah, I undersstand why you did it. Some traits are stronger than others.
However, there are some lines that I'd like to use randomly. I wonder if there is a less cumbersome syntax than dice after every trait (we have about 80 btw, should I use dice (1.25) or something?  :) ).
Dunno, the best I was able to come up with (with a help from Xela) is that "about her" option that works by adding all possible responses to a list (after choosing a one text randomly first), and then randomly select one from that list. (some actually have a dice too)

I didn't cared about it much since, I was just adding texts from time to time.


There is something what I would like to ask about.
I have 2 personalities temporally removed because the traits I build them upon first changed, and I'm not sure on what condition I should display them (combination of traits most likely).

former egocentric
Code: [Select]
$rc("Hmph! Who would tell you! ","Listening to you is a waste of my time. ♪ ","I don't have time for pointless chatting.")

$rc("You're a perverted little bitch…  But I don't hate that… ","You want to bury your cock in here? ","I appreciate that you noticed. ","Fufu♪ Did you get horny watching? ")

$rc("God, how pathetic... ","Who cares what you think.","You realize you aren't suitable, right? ","I don't give a shit what you think of me.")

$rc("Well, of course. What else could you have said? ","As I thought. Man, I look good in anything. ","Huhuh, look all you like, Now you know what it feels like to be drowning in lust… ","Of course I am! So look carefully, you won't see a beauty like this every day!","You don't need to state the obvious.","You didn't need to tell me, I already knew.")

$rc("Hmph... Do I hear an underdog barking here? ","How pitiable.","How boring.","Fu~ I was so... pathetic...","I've never met someone who knew so little about how pathetic they are. ","Are you finished? <gives you a dismissive glance>","Oh? Is your mouth all you know how to use? ","Hmph, how boring. ","Hmph, pathetic. ","Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can impress me with silly lines like that.","Is this blabbering all you can do?")

$rc("You want a hug? You're such a child... Come to me.")

$rc("...if you want someone to be nice to you, find someone else. ")

$rc("Hold me properly! ","Why not. ")

$rc("Don't act so familiar with me!","That's silly. ")

$rc("Hmm, don't tell me... you're horny? ","Hn… How is it? Have I got a tasty ass? ","Ahn... It looks like I've found someone with perverted hands. ")

$rc("Touching is forbidden~ That hand, don't blame me if it falls off.","You have some nerve putting your hands on me! ","Could you refrain from touching me with your dirty hands? ","It looks like you are in dire need of punishment... ")

$rc("Uwah, that is a really perverted face, you know? Ahaha, that's so cute~♪ ","Hnnn, I know, aauh, that my breasts are incredible, but... haaa… ","Huhu, I like that perverted side of you ♪ ","Kya~... I - am - being - molested -… Oh come on, at least play along a little bit… ","My tits feel great, don't they? ","Ah... Right there, keep your hands there... ")

$rc("What an idiot. What do you mean by \"Oops\"? ","How dare you?! Know your place your filthy piece of trash!","Piss off you fucktard!","<jumps away> Ha! Like I'll ever let a loser like you touch me.","Huhuhuh… I wonder how warm it would be to bathe in your blood...? ")

$rc("This is how you wanted to seduce me, isn't it? ","Oh...You surprised me a bit with that...")

$rc("*kiss*… I'll leave you with that much. ","Hn, *smoooch*…  ...Uhuh♪ Now you've got a hickey ","*kiss kiss*, Huhuh, it's fine, because you belong to me... ♪ ","*Kiss*… Haha, why's your face getting so red. ♪ ","I, too, can be sweet sometimes… *kiss*, ahm... *smooch*… ","*kiss*, Hmmm, *lick*… Hmpf. No~ I won't let you go that easily. ♪ ")

$g(random.choice(["*giggle* I'll give you a feeling you'll never get from anyone else… ","Oh? You seem quite confident. I'm looking forward to this. ♪ ","You're raring to go, aren't you? Very well, let's see what you've got. ","Now then, show me sex appropriate to someone qualified to be my lover... ","Hhmn... My, my... you love my body so much? Of course you do, it can't be helped. ","Oh, you seem to understand what I want from you,.. Good doggy, good doggy ♪ ","Be sure to make me feel good, got it? ","Then you're bored, too. ","Feel grateful for even having the opportunity to touch my body. ","You won't be able to think about anybody else besides me after I'm done with you. ","Huhuhu, having sex with me… pretty cheeky for a pet dog~ ♪ ","Just shut up and surrender yourself to me. Good boy. ","All right, time for a fuck. Whip out your cock already. ","Hmph, Entertain me the best you can… ","Hmph, I'll prove that I'm the greatest you'll ever have... ","...For now, I'm open to the idea. ","Huhuh, I'll be using you until I'm satisfied... ","Huhu, you can't cum until I give you permission, okay? So, get ready to endure it~ ♪ ","Hmph. You took your sweet time. "]))
$g(random.choice(["What? Dying wish? You want to die? ","The meaning of 'not knowing your place' must be referring to this, eh...? ","I don't know how anyone so despicable as you could exist outside of hell. "]))

$g(random.choice(["Could you try to not talk to me, please?  Also, could you not breathe when near me? You're wasting good oxygen. ","Ahaha ♪ You look entirely unsightly! It fits you well ","That pathetic face of yours isn't fit to show to other people. ","Kukuku… It's unusual running into simpletons like you. ","Hmph! What an ugly sight. ","Hmph, a vulgar person like you doesn't deserve to talk to me! ","Hi monkey! Did someone leave your cage open?"]))
$g(random.choice(["You think it's about time I turned you into my playtoy~? ","Huhu, You seem like you'd be good for some entertainment. ♪ ","Huu…  You certainly like to be with me, don't you… ","Hu Hu~ ♪ Do you want to chat with me that badly? ","Being around me won't do you any good, you know? ","You've missed me, right? I know you did. Good boy ♪","You came to visit me again? I know you couldn't help it, I'm just irresistible  ♪ ","You came just to see me? That's a point for you, but you have to try a lot harder to impress me, fufu ♪","Ok. I have chosen to give you some of my valuable time today. Don't make me regret that. ","Good timing. Come on, entertain me."]))
$g(random.choice(["Yes? If you have no business here, then do please vacate from my sight. ","If you've got something to say, look me in the eyes and say it.","...I don't recall asking to talk to you, so what is it? ","You're in my way. Get lost. ","I don't have any business with you. ","...Spit it out already. "]))

I never get tired of watching you.

I hope you know... the consequences of touching me.

Th-That's right... That's right. So you do understand! With my figure and good looks, there's no outfit out there that doesn't fit me!

What's wrong? Did you fall for me?

"[], I’ll show you how a ‘perfect job’ is done."
And "unsociable"
Code: [Select]
$rc("Conversation... What a pain... ","<She is not listening>","Shut up...","You talk too much.")

$rc("Hmmm…. Interested?","You like my body? ...good.")

$rc("...Pervert. ","Weirdo... ","...annoying.","...Shut up. ","Not for you.")

$rc("I'm not used to compliments… ","Is that so...? ","…ok. " ,"<smiles dreamilly> Mhm...","...I'm happy. ","<gives you a faint smile> Nn...")

$rc("Bigmouth. ","...What'd you want? ","…? ","What a bother... ","...You talk too much. ","Pathetic... ","<She completely ignores you>","...and?" )

$rc("Nn…  hold me… ","Ah… Hold me tighter… ","…come to me…","Hmhmm…  I expected perverted things... Pity… ")

$rc("Hn... Let me go... ","Don't want to. ","I refuse. ","…stay…away. " )

$rc("...Okay. ","<slowly puts her hand into yours>  Nn...")

$rc("No... ","...Stay away. ")

$rc("Ha... That touching... so lewd... ","How lewd... ","Blossoming youth? ","Such a perverted hand...")

$rc("Why are you touching me? So annoying.","No... don't touch my butt... ","Hate it... ","...I'll hit you. ","...Pervert. ")

$rc("Hnn, is my chest... soft...? ","M...more... my body... feels so hot... ","This is good... ","Becoming... more perverted... by the minute... ","Hn… You shouldn't grope people. ","Ah. Feels much better than rubbing myself... ","My nipples are tingling... Feels... Weird... ","Can't control yourself?")

$rc("How filthy. ","How... dare you... ","No, don't touch...","You can't... yet.","...not good.","...not allowed.")

$rc("Hn… A kiss on the cheek...? ","Hn... Cheek... good. ")

$rc("No...Stop it.","Keep your distance.","No good...")

$rc("Hmmm.  ...M-my lips… ","*smooch*…  Done… ","*kiss* ...More... ","*kiss*…  Your lips are dry… ","*kiss*... *smooch*… *huff*... your breath... so hot… ","Do you desire my lips? *kiss*","...My spell…  *kiss*… ","*kiss*...  Hn... you like kissing...? ")

$rc("No.","...don't want to.","...Naive.")

$g(random.choice(["...If you do it, be gentle. ","I will handle... all of your urges... ","Then…  I will do it with you… ","Do... me, I want it... ","...Do it... I want it…  I want to receive your love… ","I'll do a lot…  For you… ","...Fuck me. ","...If you want, do it now. ","...Sex-addicted? ","Hnn, I want it here…  Hurry... hurry. ","...I want to do it, too. ","...How do you want it?  ...Okay, I can do it… ","If I do it well, praise me... ","Now is your chance... ","Hn, come to me…  I want it bad, can't wait… ","This cock now belongs to me. ","My body…  I wish for you... to soil it… ","I'll tell you about something that feels good... ","Understood. I will... service you… "]))
$g(random.choice(["No. ","You... have a shadow of death hanging over you... ","...pathetic.","'re no good."]))

$g(random.choice(["Ugh, stay away~ ","...I resent you. ","...Why... aren't you dead? ","...! "]))
$g(random.choice(["...Talk, I'll listen. ","Ah, it's you... ","Being with you... calms me... ","...I will escort you. ","...[]? …good.","…"]))
$g(random.choice(["...? ","...Want something? ","...Suspicious person. ","Hmm? ","…","...What is it? "]))

Please... stop...
Any ideas?

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3276 on: August 13, 2014, 10:04:03 AM »
Btw, Cherry, in many cases "ct("Optimist") and ct("Lolita")" check is tucked away by # letter aka comments. I wonder why, lines look pretty good to me  :)

        # elif ct("Optimist") and ct("Lolita"):
            # $rc("Huhu ♪ Lookie, these are my awesome boobs ~ ♪ ")
Thanks to AA2 lines we'll have romance talk, reaction to insults, propositions to be friends or lovers and many cool lines for AA2-type dating system.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3277 on: August 13, 2014, 10:09:08 AM »
We have Loner (again), so unsociable goes there. Some of those lines could be used for Dandere too.
As for egocentric, it's either Ill-mannered (more offensive ones) or Tsundere (less offensive ones).

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3278 on: August 13, 2014, 10:12:09 AM »
Ok.. nothing works for me after sync/update.. where is the tagger ?

It's where we test all the unfinished stuff. You should be able to get as far as the mainscreen, it will be there next to the guild and forest walkabout.

What is the syntax for checking several traits at the same time in girlsmeets?
For example, if a girl has either Tomboy or Energetic (or both)?
Is it correct?

That's correct, bits written be my (unless someone deleted them) use:

Code: [Select]
elif ct("Tomboy", "Energetic"):
But it's the same thing.

nm lol it use plain or

if girlfolder.endswith(".json") or girlfolder.endswith(".xml") or girlfolder.startswith("data"):

This one should be:

Code: [Select]
if girlfolder.endswith((".json", ".xml")) or girlfolder.startswith("data"):
but I am not sure what you're checking here. If you want to know if it's a folder or a file, use: if os.path.isdir(girlfolder):l if you want to get the data files, use and instead of or.

    if "Tomboy" in chr.traits: 
        $g(choice(["...","<Is she drooling?...>","<The dead look in her eyes isn't reassuring...>"]))   
    elif ct("Energetic"):
        $rc("", "...later...maybe...")
    elif ct("Tomboy") or ct("Energetic"):                                        not needed as the 2 line above are doing the same unless you want combined response unlike the coder chosed to in this case
        $rc("Uhuhu♪ I won't tell you~ ♪ ","I'm not going to tell you~ ","It's a secret! ")
    elif ct("Tomboy") and ct("Energetic"):                                                                         AND example to check need for both

This one depends on the text. This order obviously doesn't make any sense as the latter two will never be run.

Code: [Select]
if ct("Tomboy") and ct("Energetic"):
elif ct("Tomboy"):
elif ct("Energetic")

if ct("Tomboy", "Energetic") is meaningless in this context since there are checks for both individually.

Looks like there are too many if and elif operators.
For example, if we have shy energetic girl, and shy is always goes first in the girlsmeets rpy, doesn't it mean that we'll never see energetic lines?
Same goes for many other cases. Shouldn't lines be a bit more random? Like, sometimes shy, sometimes energetic?

I proposed writing some generic responses for traits and pick randomly without if/elif operations (like getting an intersection of texts for available and girls traits and pick one at random) but it didn't take. But they'll still see it with different girl that has just on of those traits... For now we should add texts, it's never too late to add advanced conditioning of any sorts.

But even as it is now, it's pretty good. Better might be the enemy of good, advanced conditioning requires advanced code that will not be decipherable to a lot of people. Event if we strip it down to a dict of "traits": "texts" and write any sorts of conditioning, it will no longer be an example of how girlsmeets can be coded for unique girls by modders.

Basically, if after a release when we add a modding guide to the game, there'd be noone who wants to take a stab at it, we can say "fuck it" and do whatever we like with that code. At the moment it may not be perfect but it's very humanly readable and understandable.

I've written it to work exactly like that on purpose.

Yeap, the more you randomize the responses and still willing to do this on purpose, the more complicated the code will get.

Nah, I undersstand why you did it. Some traits are stronger than others.
However, there are some lines that I'd like to use randomly. I wonder if there is a less cumbersome syntax than dice after every trait (we have about 80 btw, should I use dice (1.25) or something?  :) ).

Well... the easiest way would be something like this:

Code: [Select]
options = {
"ct('Shy')" = ["Text 1", "Text 2", "Text 3"],
"(ct('Kuudere') and chr.occupation == 'Warrior') or (chr.status != 'slave' and chr.charisma > 1000000000)" = ["Text 1", "Text 2"]

replies = list()
for i in options:
    if bool(eval(i)):

if replies:
    $ rc(*replies)
    $ rc("Generic reply if all else fails 1", "Generic reply if all else fails 2", "etc...")

This isn't tested but I seen no reason for it not to work.

*You can put any conditions into the evaluation key.
**You do not have to rename options/replies for every label, this process will be too swift to ruin user experience so keep to the same definitions.
***You can do all sorts of if/elif forks before you run the replies/options code. It can also be placed inside of any if/elif if you so please to be run separately for warriors, separately for strippers and etc. Basically, it's the creators whit more than anything else, any kind of code can be written and simplified towards a great deal of convenience in use.

Dunno, the best I was able to come up with (with a help from Xela) is that "about her" option that works by adding all possible responses to a list (after choosing a one text randomly first), and then randomly select one from that list. (some actually have a dice too)

I didn't cared about it much since, I was just adding texts from time to time.

Yeah, without resorting to insanity and over-complicate things, that is prolly the best way. The code above does the same with with potentially more favorable syntax.

There is something what I would like to ask about.
I have 2 personalities temporally removed because the traits I build them upon first changed, and I'm not sure on what condition I should display them (combination of traits most likely).

Any ideas?

Dark's good with traits :)

And so are you by the way! Instead of keeping so many texts out of the damned game, bring the traits back :)

Also, we also have iteractions, look into of they could, at least partly be combined with the girlsmeets? I mean there are bound to be some labels that would be valid even after a girl started working for you...

**Another option is to allow free girls that are working for you to wonder off in the city and block interactions with them. Same for the slaves, use whatever can be used in future st to interact with them. I feel like there should be a better way to handle this than we do atm, but haven't looked at girlsmeets/interactions for too long to know what that might be.
Like what we're doing?

Offline CherryWood

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3279 on: August 13, 2014, 10:18:18 AM »
Btw, Cherry, in many cases "ct("Optimist") and ct("Lolita")" check is tucked away by # letter aka comments. I wonder why, lines look pretty good to me  :)
Thanks to AA2 lines we'll have romance talk, reaction to insults, propositions to be friends or lovers and many cool lines for AA2-type dating system.
I commented out all options that have less than 3 variations, because they would be too repetitive. I left them there to be updated latter. Or simply forget about them  :)

About the romance talk - I need to look what you added there, because those options were added by Xela and I never looked for lines like that. That also mean there could be some in AA1 because even when I added a lot of lines from that game, I think I skipped all of those. Same for other sources, but there wasn't that many suitable texts anyway.

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3280 on: August 13, 2014, 10:29:53 AM »
Nothing too fancy. Talk about love lines from AA2 (iirc AA has them too).

        if ct("Energetic"):
          $rc("I'm gonna be the bestest wife!", "Is this that fate thing they're talking about?")
        elif ct("Dawdler"):
          $rc("There's gotta be someone willing to support me out there somewhere...")
        elif ct("Protective"):
          $rc("You're deciding who will be your partner for life. It would be strange not to be worried about it.")
        elif ct("Dependant"):
          $rc("E-even I want to be a good bride someday, you know...?")
        elif ct ("Shy"):
          $rc("Lovers... Th-they're supposed to...hold hands, after all... Right?", "Wh-what comes after a k-kiss is... It's... Awawa...")
        elif ct("Collected"):
          $rc("Chance encounters only happen with both time and luck...Well, I suppose you could call it fate.")
        elif ct("Pervert"):
          $rc("People are no more than animals, so it's only natural to copulate... right?")
        elif ct("Dandere"):
          $rc("If you like them you like them. If you hate them you hate them. That's all there is to it. Right?")

Offline lamoli

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3281 on: August 13, 2014, 10:46:33 AM »
Xela.. i need your thumb to squash my irrelevant/non realistic idea in the new ST topic

Offline CherryWood

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3282 on: August 13, 2014, 11:23:46 AM »
We have Loner (again), so unsociable goes there. Some of those lines could be used for Dandere too.
As for egocentric, it's either Ill-mannered (more offensive ones) or Tsundere (less offensive ones).
I just don't know. I was imagining "egocetric" to be more like a proud aristocratic-like girl making fun of you, that doesn't really use vulgar language like I would expect from the name of ill-mannered trait.
Loner may be good, but it's kinda unintuitive trait name for a personality.

*sigh* I suppose there is no other way then to divide those into other traits and use the whole only for some unique character or something.

There is also "disciplinary committee" personality using "strict morals" trait to speak now. Not sure about it too. I kidna forced it into the game because it's my total favorite one :) 

I pushed a fg area json. it doesn't seems to cause bugs but it's not really playable (no balance whatsoever)

so far for fg:

- descriptions to locations are not anywhere (but I think I've seen them before, did they dissapear?)
- sort order of new unlocked locations in the menu is really strange
- cash limit doesn't work, or it's totally overwritten by some risk reward calculation

- I added those Hazard, Travel time and max monster per group fields.
No idea about he numbers for hazard. Are those additional looses for each day of exploring? Does girls stats regenerate each day?

I would really like to create a custom item rewards list. Arena_rewards.json looks nice when it comes to actual groups of items, so I think it can be the same for fg, but I think there should be also a chance to find something from each used lists (basic percent chance?), because some locations could be filled with stuff while others almost empty with finding some to be almost a miracle.
It would also make sense to tie some rewards to the mobs you encounter, but that may be too much...


Xela: there is a lot of has_image checks in jobs, shouldn't those be somewhere when the database is created and only use flags then? Because those checks always give the same result, didn't they?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 11:32:17 AM by CherryWood »

Offline Xela

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3283 on: August 13, 2014, 12:14:00 PM »
I pushed a fg area json. it doesn't seems to cause bugs but it's not really playable (no balance whatsoever)

so far for fg:

- descriptions to locations are not anywhere (but I think I've seen them before, did they dissapear?)
- sort order of new unlocked locations in the menu is really strange
- cash limit doesn't work, or it's totally overwritten by some risk reward calculation

- I added those Hazard, Travel time and max monster per group fields.
No idea about he numbers for hazard. Are those additional looses for each day of exploring? Does girls stats regenerate each day?

I would really like to create a custom item rewards list. Arena_rewards.json looks nice when it comes to actual groups of items, so I think it can be the same for fg, but I think there should be also a chance to find something from each used lists (basic percent chance?), because some locations could be filled with stuff while others almost empty with finding some to be almost a miracle.
It would also make sense to tie some rewards to the mobs you encounter, but that may be too much...

- No descriptions displaying yet.
- Right, I'll need to fix this, it's an due to orderless container I think.
- Cash limit = max cash per day limit, not the entire exploration run (obviously). What's wrong with it?

- Ok, I'll code that in as time permits.
- Stats should regenerate a bit, yes but they will also use potions soon (unless they already are).
- Too much for now.

Xela: there is a lot of has_image checks in jobs, shouldn't those be somewhere when the database is created and only use flags then? Because those checks always give the same result, didn't they?

I've started with that many month ago but dropped it since there was plenty of other stuff to worry about and jobs seemed to be working just fine.
Code: [Select]
        def get_availible_pics(self):
            Determines (per category) what pictures are availible for the fixed events (like during the jobs).
            This is ran once during the game startup, should also run in the after_load label...
            Meant to decrease the amount of checks during the Next Day jobs. Should be activated in post Alpha code review.
            PS: It's better to simply add tags to a set instead of booleans as dict values.
            # Lets start with the normal sex category:
            if self.has_image("sex"):
                self.picture_base["sex"] = dict(sex=True)
            else: self.picture_base["sex"] = dict(sex=False) # This is not really required as this should be  taken care of by the show method, maybe for the fututre.
            # Lets check for the more specific tags:
            if self.build_image_base["sex"]["sex"]:
                if self.has_image("sex", "doggy"):
                    self.picture_base["sex"]["doggy"] = True
                    self.picture_base["sex"]["doggy"] = False
                if self.has_image("sex", "missionary"):
                    self.pictute_base["sex"]["missionary"] = True
                    self.pictute_base["sex"]["missionary"] = False

But this was a long time ago and this approach is prolly crap...

Maybe something simpler like:

Code: [Select]
                pics = set()
                if self.has_image("sex", "doggy"):

Better readable... and we can simply create per job/event sets and intersect them which is lighting fast. Then sample one from the pool and pick the event (texts/rewards).
Like what we're doing?

Offline DarkTl

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Re: General Discussion
« Reply #3284 on: August 13, 2014, 12:17:09 PM »
Why would we need insults during girlsmeets or interactions? Like at all?
I understand AA, it's a social simulation where all the characters are equal, so you at least can manipulate AI this way. But in our case why would you want to lower disposition?

I guess the only possible way to use it profitably is during ST to lower character and rise obedience a bit without physical means. But not during girlsmeets.