
Author Topic: Slave Training (ST) concept  (Read 102996 times)

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Offline DarkTl

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2014, 12:47:37 PM »
More like Jack-o-nine tails approach. Pressure on the psyche.

Offline Xela

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2014, 12:53:16 PM »
More like Jack-o-nine tails approach. Pressure on the psyche.

Not mutually exclusive...

My girlsmeets don't have the insult option, maybe I need to pull or something. And gifts are broken because I rewrote the inventory class. I'll fix it after you guys are finished with girlsmeets, it's just one or two lines of code.
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Offline lamoli

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2014, 02:10:35 PM »
*On stats:
I can't tell what reasonable other than the things I've pointed out already. It will become more apparent after we have some base.

Ok no point elaborating that now but would need to know your opinion on using refinement as stat that defines.. will she accept sexual/shamefull training..
woulnd be right to use character for anything other than obedience

as for a system that would count her breaking/obedience/jobs related training sessions using flag i dont seem to see a concept on that atm.. thats why i was thinking
on visually seeing the girl stats dropping/increasing showing her curent character that would indicate her base resistance to breaking/obedience training and refinement
for whore/strip training

**On training:
I thought the concept of "appropriate" punishment was crap in Valet Pletej. A girl that defies enslavement will never consider any punishment as being acceptable or appropriate not matter how we swing that mechanic.

There should be a flag set when she's saying no and a reset on punishment, effectiveness of any punishment should be stats/traits related). There is no reason that I see to try and quantify in what way she told you to go fuck yourself but if you want to have one, fine, I see no problem with that.

ok if she fails the obedience+other things check to do the training you can punish her but without severity degree different punishent options are meaningless as we could use 1 kind of punishment and that would be enough.. ( boring )

but if we base punishment on MC stats/traits that could give a new option like.. if MC has xx AGY he could punish with a whip or xx STRorCON he could beat her or xx CHA he could moraly wound her and so on..

would need to think what trait could be useful for that... maybe ex: if xx AGY the could unlock whip punishment trait and ( punishment effect would increase while bad status like scars on slave would be reduced as rank of trait increase ) or use CON/CHA stats number to define effect

of course each punishment would involve different bad status on the slave like whip/beating can damage her health and could kill her also bruises/scars would reduce maked value of slave.. psychologically wounding her making her lose hope to break her could depress her in suicide

I don' think there should be any actions that cost more than 1 AP during ST unless it's something trully unique and time-consuming.

well that was the only way at that moment i could see to make player unable to punish slave and get penalty ( making her gain char and losing obed on that example )
but could limit punishment option on acctual MC stats now that i think of it CON could limit physical punishment to x number ( after all MC could get tired hitting the girl could also be a factor to increase effect and would encourage player to train his CON too do more ) his CHA to limit the use of talk ( moral ) punishment ( higher his con the stronger the effect and number of uses )

- What factors determine when a girl accepts slavery within a specific class (occupation)?
- Is the training progressive or flagsbased or some other option?
- How/When do we handle suicide/runaway options (based on the above)?
- What new stats/flags does the system require that will be relevant to PyTFall outside of ST module?
- What's the base setup of training a slave?

-general acceptance could be when her mental defense are broken 0 character
 then training her obedience to get a job acceptance success bonus
 then job class related:
 whore/strip girl with high refinement would refuse the training but the 2 other previous training would make her accept more easely ( could also get an option to reduce refinment )
 service/guard.. i dont see specific blocking factor other than char/obed
 her trait could give accept/decline aswell ( nympho would agree faster even with lower obed training than others ) protective could train guard job more easily.. and so on
but if you mean girlsmeetintracation.. well thats kind of limited with current system.. if you had blackmail i proposed to force her into it atm i dont see how

-hmm would say stats progressive atm .. dont see a clear picture on how to use flag based unless you give me a example

-from start she would want to run but woulnd have gived up on living just yet..
 would need special slave outfit/gear to prevent her from runing to some extend then rest would be with ST guard and building containing holding cell security option
 could daily trigger a even checking her current obed+obedience related factor and if failed to meet a minimum for the trigger. then start the escape event
 she could have a chance to remove parts of her restraining gear.. then would have to evade/fight ST guards then pass/counter building security
 could use joy to determine her willingness to live since mood isnt an option.. abusive mental action on training would reduce her joy making her more willing to suicide
 would need the praising/rewarding option when she doesnt refist a training giving her some joy.. or general talk encouragement else her joy could drain too fast
 of course could limit encouragement on daily basis or 1 time per day or MC cha stat base limited

-outside of ST.. since obed would be a new stat for ST why not use it in main module aswell .. could gives better chance on willingness to do a job
 slave jobs related traits gained during ST training like "whore for the common ppl" ( if she had that she woulnd check her class rank vs customer rank like free girl does making her
 raise rank without that penaly ) maybe you could add similar trait/feat to free girls when they lvl their rank.. as slave maybe could use things more unique to them like
 upkeep reduction costs trait more energy endurance trait more joy resistance trait ( after all she endure hell with her energy/morale/living condition so could be tougher than free girl because of that )

-base setup.. not sure what you mean.. well to start slave training you would need a dungeon in either special building or MC house.. why dungeon.. for base security reason.. and
 for MC walk laziness unless you want to spend AP moving from a building to another.. woulnd need to have slave movement restraining gear basic cell to lock her up and room with
 minimum training tools and minimum or none ST guards/trainers of course with that setup escape could be easy.. so you would have to upgrade security everywhere.. train ST
 guards to take her from her cell to training room ( you or trainer do that if no ST guards ) improving her cell security training room security and so on.. maybe have some self training
 in ST MC could learn from pytfall general trainers or buying ST books in shops ( could possibly show that MC is able to train slave if he has a starting slave trainer trait learning it from
 trainers or books )
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 02:18:41 PM by lamoli »

Offline Xela

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2014, 03:37:36 PM »
Ok no point elaborating that now but would need to know your opinion on using refinement as stat that defines.. will she accept sexual/shamefull training..
woulnd be right to use character for anything other than obedience

as for a system that would count her breaking/obedience/jobs related training sessions using flag i dont seem to see a concept on that atm.. thats why i was thinking
on visually seeing the girl stats dropping/increasing showing her curent character that would indicate her base resistance to breaking/obedience training and refinement
for whore/strip training

I don't even understand why refinement should have effect on resistance. To me refinement defines her behavior during an act, not the acceptance of it. To me it's a check when selling a girl and something that can be raised during trainings, nothing more.

Well, I see a very good and potentially excellent system but I never concepted or even tried to prototype it. It could simply be flawed. It doesn't mean you need to come up with one that is based on flags if you're writing a concept.

ok if she fails the obedience+other things check to do the training you can punish her but without severity degree different punishent options are meaningless as we could use 1 kind of punishment and that would be enough.. ( boring )

but if we base punishment on MC stats/traits that could give a new option like.. if MC has xx AGY he could punish with a whip or xx STRorCON he could beat her or xx CHA he could moraly wound her and so on..

would need to think what trait could be useful for that... maybe ex: if xx AGY the could unlock whip punishment trait and ( punishment effect would increase while bad status like scars on slave would be reduced as rank of trait increase ) or use CON/CHA stats number to define effect

of course each punishment would involve different bad status on the slave like whip/beating can damage her health and could kill her also bruises/scars would reduce maked value of slave.. psychologically wounding her making her lose hope to break her could depress her in suicide

Use Valet's way if you believe that's boring. I think that the her next response should be considerably influenced by the degree of punishment inflicted which could be tracked by a system of flags and counters along with the usual arguments. Quantifying a "proper" degree of punishment as it should be previewed by a girl who's defiant of being enslaved is in my opinion silly and we can do better.

Shouldn't matter,  MC should be assumed as of being able to use a whip. If she fights back, we can auto-calc/use BE. We could write a function that would determine damage done with the training (seems like an overkill).

well that was the only way at that moment i could see to make player unable to punish slave and get penalty ( making her gain char and losing obed on that example )
but could limit punishment option on acctual MC stats now that i think of it CON could limit physical punishment to x number ( after all MC could get tired hitting the girl could also be a factor to increase effect and would encourage player to train his CON too do more ) his CHA to limit the use of talk ( moral ) punishment ( higher his con the stronger the effect and number of uses )

Ok, as I've said, my opinions are just that, opinions.

-general acceptance could be when her mental defense are broken 0 character
 then training her obedience to get a job acceptance success bonus
 then job class related:
 whore/strip girl with high refinement would refuse the training but the 2 other previous training would make her accept more easely ( could also get an option to reduce refinment )
 service/guard.. i dont see specific blocking factor other than char/obed
 her trait could give accept/decline aswell ( nympho would agree faster even with lower obed training than others ) protective could train guard job more easily.. and so on
but if you mean girlsmeetintracation.. well thats kind of limited with current system.. if you had blackmail i proposed to force her into it atm i dont see how

-hmm would say stats progressive atm .. dont see a clear picture on how to use flag based unless you give me a example

-from start she would want to run but woulnd have gived up on living just yet..
 would need special slave outfit/gear to prevent her from runing to some extend then rest would be with ST guard and building containing holding cell security option
 could daily trigger a even checking her current obed+obedience related factor and if failed to meet a minimum for the trigger. then start the escape event
 she could have a chance to remove parts of her restraining gear.. then would have to evade/fight ST guards then pass/counter building security
 could use joy to determine her willingness to live since mood isnt an option.. abusive mental action on training would reduce her joy making her more willing to suicide
 would need the praising/rewarding option when she doesnt refist a training giving her some joy.. or general talk encouragement else her joy could drain too fast
 of course could limit encouragement on daily basis or 1 time per day or MC cha stat base limited

-outside of ST.. since obed would be a new stat for ST why not use it in main module aswell .. could gives better chance on willingness to do a job
 slave jobs related traits gained during ST training like "whore for the common ppl" ( if she had that she woulnd check her class rank vs customer rank like free girl does making her
 raise rank without that penaly ) maybe you could add similar trait/feat to free girls when they lvl their rank.. as slave maybe could use things more unique to them like
 upkeep reduction costs trait more energy endurance trait more joy resistance trait ( after all she endure hell with her energy/morale/living condition so could be tougher than free girl because of that )

-base setup.. not sure what you mean.. well to start slave training you would need a dungeon in either special building or MC house.. why dungeon.. for base security reason.. and
 for MC walk laziness unless you want to spend AP moving from a building to another.. woulnd need to have slave movement restraining gear basic cell to lock her up and room with
 minimum training tools and minimum or none ST guards/trainers of course with that setup escape could be easy.. so you would have to upgrade security everywhere.. train ST
 guards to take her from her cell to training room ( you or trainer do that if no ST guards ) improving her cell security training room security and so on.. maybe have some self training
 in ST MC could learn from pytfall general trainers or buying ST books in shops ( could possibly show that MC is able to train slave if he has a starting slave trainer trait learning it from
 trainers or books )

**Completely different to how I'd done it.

-hmm would say stats progressive atm .. dont see a clear picture on how to use flag based unless you give me a example

I could write a simple explanation of an "example" tomorrow if you like, buy your way could/did work in other games so you can just go with stats.
*Do note that slaves are not allowed to be trained as Guards as per game's concept.

-from start she would want to run but woulnd have gived up on living just yet..
 would need special slave outfit/gear to prevent her from runing to some extend then rest would be with ST guard and building containing holding cell security option
 could daily trigger a even checking her current obed+obedience related factor and if failed to meet a minimum for the trigger. then start the escape event
 she could have a chance to remove parts of her restraining gear.. then would have to evade/fight ST guards then pass/counter building security
 could use joy to determine her willingness to live since mood isnt an option.. abusive mental action on training would reduce her joy making her more willing to suicide
 would need the praising/rewarding option when she doesnt refist a training giving her some joy.. or general talk encouragement else her joy could drain too fast
 of course could limit encouragement on daily basis or 1 time per day or MC cha stat base limited

Ok, bit more vague than I've asked for but it's more or less clear.

-outside of ST.. since obed would be a new stat for ST why not use it in main module aswell .. could gives better chance on willingness to do a job
 slave jobs related traits gained during ST training like "whore for the common ppl" ( if she had that she woulnd check her class rank vs customer rank like free girl does making her
 raise rank without that penaly ) maybe you could add similar trait/feat to free girls when they lvl their rank.. as slave maybe could use things more unique to them like
 upkeep reduction costs trait more energy endurance trait more joy resistance trait ( after all she endure hell with her energy/morale/living condition so could be tougher than free girl because of that )

Ranks are gone as checks during jobs, slaves no longer can be ranked past level 3. Was a very decent addon to the concept imo. We could go with something like this (I really wanted to avoid this). So it's only obedience then?

-base setup.. not sure what you mean.. well to start slave training you would need a dungeon in either special building or MC house.. why dungeon.. for base security reason.. and
 for MC walk laziness unless you want to spend AP moving from a building to another.. woulnd need to have slave movement restraining gear basic cell to lock her up and room with
 minimum training tools and minimum or none ST guards/trainers of course with that setup escape could be easy.. so you would have to upgrade security everywhere.. train ST
 guards to take her from her cell to training room ( you or trainer do that if no ST guards ) improving her cell security training room security and so on.. maybe have some self training
 in ST MC could learn from pytfall general trainers or buying ST books in shops ( could possibly show that MC is able to train slave if he has a starting slave trainer trait learning it from
 trainers or books )

Ok, clear enough, what about interface?
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Offline lamoli

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2014, 04:33:46 PM »
ok those where basic ideas that crossed my mind.. didnt take time too think on them/elaborate in more depths so could be improved where you think its lacking

to me refinement sounds like morality thats why.. and we do miss at least 1 stat for whore/strip resistance training.. so was asking to use refinment or add a new stat ( that you hate to add ) like pride or ego or self esteem.. character could be used but how to define whore/strip training resistance jobs after char is reduced to minimum with breaking/obed training

well could only use the char/obed value but for whore/strip a girl would refuse it more than service training generally speaking.. thats why i wanted something else than character

and yes i would like to see a example on your flag/counter based concept

obedience only for now until we develop the concept more and finds we need other things

let me think of interface for a bit

Offline lamoli

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2014, 03:16:10 AM »
Ok did not ask before but how far are you willing to go on the ideas...
ex: breaking her leg to reduce her escaping chance..
or is it pushing it too far.. ?

need a limit if any ( my mind burst with ideas but need limiter if there is 1 )

Offline lamoli

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2014, 03:24:17 AM »
Also you said you hated SM/Otherworld.. but do you hate the softer training options ? make her be your slave over time but with nicer options... some ppl would want that in the ST as talks/action choices/rules..

pretty sure CW would like that rather than Old Huntsman way Dark loves so why not have both ?
( it shouldnt complicate the coding.. just add more lines to get more choices )

Offline lamoli

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2014, 04:42:09 AM »
Use Valet's way if you believe that's boring. I think that the her next response should be considerably influenced by the degree of punishment inflicted which could be tracked by a system of flags and counters along with the usual arguments. Quantifying a "proper" degree of punishment as it should be previewed by a girl who's defiant of being enslaved is in my opinion silly and we can do better.

rather unclear on how to do it your way with *spoiling system but ill give it a try:

you ask her to.. ( interaction type )... ( add +1 to that interaction type and block that interaction type if =5) interaction count=1
( checks punishment count and if 1 obed=10,2 obed=20,3 obed +30,4 obed +40,... added to her combined obed factors ) to compare with her combined resistance factors..
she refuse .. ( punishment count failed to pass her resistance so she refuse ) punish count=0 obed bonus=0
you punish her for that ( interaction type ).. ( add +1 to punishment counter of that kind of interaction type and block that interaction type if =5 ) punish count=1

you ask her to.. ( interaction type .. same as previous )... ( add +1 to that interaction type and block that interaction type if =5 ) interaction count=2
( checks punishment count and if 1 obed=10,2 obed=20,3 obed +30,4 obed +40,... added to her combined obed factors ) to compare with her combined resistance factors..
she refuse .. ( punishment count failed to pass her resistance so she refuse ) punish count=1 obed bonus=10
you punish her for that ( interaction type ).. ( add +1 to punishment counter of that kind of interaction type and block that interaction type if =5 ) punish count=2

you ask her to.. ( interaction type .. same as previous )... ( add +1 to that interaction type and block that interaction type if =5 ) interaction count=3
( checks punishment count and if 1 obed=10,2 obed=20,3 obed +30,4 obed +40,... added to her combined obed factors ) to compare with her combined resistance factors..
she accept .. ( punishment count succeeded to pass her resistance so she accept ) punish count=2 obed bonus=20
( maybe should reset interaction count and punishment count if she accepts )

not sure its the way to go..

*to define if she get spoiled ( spoil will affect obedience in a bad way making her less obedient if you where to soft punishing her misdeeds or where too nice on her ( more rewarded than she should ) this could make refuse job training in later stages or training in earlier ones if you didnt manage it well and with reduced obedience factor it would increase her willingness to escape( i find it important to game play.. if you fail to control her she could get wild lol )
someone commented.. that its boring to have a slave trained with obedience then she would always obey you..
also need to find a way on that system to make punishment fail making her gain charisma or lose obedience..

i do agree that slave shoulnd find any degree of punishment acceptable.. but once her will/character is reduced to 0 or near it and learn obedience.. she should start accepting it..
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 05:27:24 AM by lamoli »

Offline Xela

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2014, 06:56:36 PM »
ok those where basic ideas that crossed my mind.. didnt take time too think on them/elaborate in more depths so could be improved where you think its lacking

to me refinement sounds like morality thats why.. and we do miss at least 1 stat for whore/strip resistance training.. so was asking to use refinment or add a new stat ( that you hate to add ) like pride or ego or self esteem.. character could be used but how to define whore/strip training resistance jobs after char is reduced to minimum with breaking/obed training

well could only use the char/obed value but for whore/strip a girl would refuse it more than service training generally speaking.. thats why i wanted something else than character

and yes i would like to see a example on your flag/counter based concept

obedience only for now until we develop the concept more and finds we need other things

let me think of interface for a bit

Yeah, it good that you didn't think about it more depth, it's exactly what I've asked for. The purpose was to get a grasp of how you see the concept.

The trouble with the morality is that we assume what's considered moral in PyTFall. In a city where Prostitutes/Strippers are not looked down upon, masters pay rather large upkeep and real courtesans earn insane amount of cash, girls shouldn't be resistant to sex based on moral high-grounds.

I didn't have time to write out the base concept tonight, I'll try it tomorrow, if not than during the weekend.

Ok did not ask before but how far are you willing to go on the ideas...
ex: breaking her leg to reduce her escaping chance..
or is it pushing it too far.. ?

need a limit if any ( my mind burst with ideas but need limiter if there is 1 )

I always have one answer to this, ideas at the start should be as shallow as possible but code should anticipate any degree of expansion. It's not fruitful to get hang up on some specific in depth events while working on base system. After base is set, sky is the limit.

Also you said you hated SM/Otherworld.. but do you hate the softer training options ? make her be your slave over time but with nicer options... some ppl would want that in the ST as talks/action choices/rules..

pretty sure CW would like that rather than Old Huntsman way Dark loves so why not have both ?
( it shouldnt complicate the coding.. just add more lines to get more choices )

"Hate" is too strong, I live SlaveMaker for the amount of events, depth of exploration of the world and insane amount of possibilities. I dislike it for linear progressive training and too few modules.

Valet has about the same issue, largely compensated by the amount of options during the training.

If I said that I dislike OW, I was other drunk or you've misunderstood. OW is by a large margin my favorite concept out of the three and while still to a degree incomplete, I always believed it to be the most promising one.

It's main problem is that the developer got caught up in a loop of trying to improve the code/interface spending days on recoding stuff making it either slightly better or worse at the cost of what seemed like hundreds hours of dev time instead of adding new modules, events or content.


Possibility... I don't really believe slaves should expect much in terms of rewards, I felt it was another stupid concept from Valet, it may have been suited for child slaves to a degree but not to grown up once.
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Offline lamoli

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2014, 07:00:49 AM »
Ok if not using rewards to keep joy up we need something else.. also need your detailed comment on (need approval) stuff for first and second post of this topic

Offline DarkTl

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2014, 11:29:57 AM »
Well, there should be a "good" approach for training, but it should not be mandatory.
I'd say you generally need to be careful in order to not break them completely and make unsellable/close to useless (though in our game nothing is irreversible, but those items are expensive and rare) and to avoid suicide (however, unlike wm, where only pessimists could do it, in Pytfall it should be more common with joy=0).

Ways to improve joy for slaves... Now that's a tricky question if you train them in a "bad" way. I guess a lack of punishment is a small reward already? I need to think about it.

pretty sure CW would like that rather than Old Huntsman way Dark loves so why not have both ?
There are unique (and cruel as hell) circumstances in Jack-o-nine tails. Pytfall world is much less cruel, yet not as safe and peaceful as that country from SM (where they almost persuade slaves to be good slaves).
ST system should reflect the world, I believe. And it does in both games. In Jack monsters tear girls apart every day, in SM they rape them sometimes, usually gently, and the birth process is 100% safe for everyone  :D

Offline CherryWood

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2014, 02:22:33 PM »
I personally propose to be a little more pragmatic and keep the main actions as those girls commonly have images for. Creating options that need to rely solely on good texts may be kinda hard...

Offline Xela

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2014, 02:26:51 PM »
Ok if not using rewards to keep joy up we need something else..

Joy during training/breaking is another one of those juvenile concepts that came from game devs not knowing how else to handle it. It's a slave training, it is not supposed to be joyful or induce happiness under all normal circumstances (exceptions could be a use of drugs, some unique combo of traits or if we ever start tracking place of origin (previous circumstances), joy could be high if slavery is actually an improvement).

So, especially during the breaking faze, there shouldn't be a reliable way to keep the joy up except for some drugging system (we don't have one yet btw).

also need your detailed comment on (need approval) stuff for first and second post of this topic

It's good and saves me from typing out my concept in detail :)

Traits for MC... Would have to be coded separately I think. Why can't we simply use combination of stats/levels. + In this case we can add training capability stat (will be a lot easier to code). Obviously unless we decide to implement MC traits system like one in Alkion... (another complication).

*Please note, I am not really opposed to having training related stats as long as they're isolated to the system (I call them flags, basically). New stats are expected to rise/fall during events, interactions, job and that's what is making them so difficult to balance out and keep track of. If a stat is limited to a system, it's not a big deal. I guess another thing is OW, Daisy spent a long time implementing per job stat/skill, took a long time and hardly felt like hardly an improvement to the game in the end.


It's good and prolly could turn out interesting. It's basic stuff so I don't really have anything to add/take away until there is more.

**My concept was to handle this bit differently (parts of it can still work with your system*):
- Congregate Breaking/Obedience into one.
- No obedience stat
- No reliable way to significantly lower true character (Unmodded by items)
- Traits/stats are slowly revealed on interaction/forced actions/time
- Purpose Multiplier (Tell a slave who/in what capacity she's being trained for. A girl trained to be a household keeper for wealthy nobleman should have a much lower multiplier than an all purpose slave to some peasant who got hand on some money for a purchase)
- "Breaking point" (Agreement/acceptance of situation) is calculated (based on stats + race + occupation + traits + maybe origin story (but latter is too similar to occupation to bother with in first version)) through one formula for any job and mitigated by pars supplied to that formula such as:

* Stats of MC
* Stats of all trainers and guards present
* Purpose Multiplier
* "Breaking flags" such as:
= Amount of days spent in imprisonment
= Amount of days in solitary
= Amount of days without food/water
= Amount of times beaten to several degrees
= Other
 -(Flag based instead of stat driven)-

Before agreement/acceptance, any task is done either under great duress or refused. Past that, all tasks/training relevant to the purpose are performed without refusal unless she's exhausted/low on health.

Training faze:

- Joy based responses (well managed personalized training = far better results)
- Stats/Traits are reveled fully the moment she agrees to be trained
- Huge penalties if asked to do training not relevant to occupation or told that she's gonna be sold to a completely different buyer (could fall back to breaking stage*)
- Sex with MC based on stats/requirement for sexual training. (unprofessional behavior from MCs part)

Selling faze:

- Unless was required, customer should be put off by the fact that trainer slept with the slave (unrequested familiarity with trainer without good purpose)
- I've already wrote about options of finding clients

Other thoughts:

- Some traits combination should make slave unbreakable (and time on them simply wasted):

My favorite quote from a Russian Adaptation of Greek play where a bitchy, shrewish female character frames MC for crime he didn't commit and he's convicted to be thrown off a cliff. His rich noble friend offers to buy him into slavery promising that it's just a way to circumvent the law (master choose punishment for their slaves so sentence by the court becomes irrelevant) and that he's never have to serve a day of his life to which he replies:

"So, where is the cliff for the free men?"

- There should be a registration for slaves granting them most basic rights and making sure that they understand that taking up arms/being trained in combat even if ordered by their master will result in their death (masters as well if actual order was given).
- No unregistered slave may be sold or be in service.
- Slaves should be a bit interactive:
* Ask for an audience with MC if they had enough of the dungeons
* Ask if they could do extra stuff if training goes well
* Ask to be sold to their master quicker if they like the prospect
* Ask to bed MC/Trainers if they so desire
* Plot/Plan escapes (also flag based)

- At some point I'd like an event where the registration authority would allow extra level of training in which a slave is given some cash and set free in the city for three or so day to see if she's trained well enough to come back, given the trainer an extra certificate. Result should be for a large part chance based, as most slaves harbor some hope of freedom (otherwise there wouldn't be any uprisings).

- Reusing labels (content), same texts/stat rewards/traits checks for sex acts (for example) during slave training, interactions and girlsmeets (main body I mean, setting is different in all cases obviously). Less work and should work fine.

Prolly more, but that's all I can recall atm. If you want to use parts of this, feel free to add it to the concept.
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Offline DarkTl

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2014, 02:48:45 PM »
So, especially during the breaking faze, there shouldn't be a reliable way to keep the joy up except for some drugging system (we don't have one yet btw).
There should be several ways to avoid suicide then when needed. Shackles, guards, drugs.

Traits for MC... Would have to be coded separately I think. Why can't we simply use combination of stats/levels.
Traits are fun. It's fun to choose them in SM when you start a new game, it's fun to get them too.
Though I'm not sure why are we talking about them in context of ST  :D There could be dozens of fun traits for MC, but I think it's another, separate system.

- Traits/stats are slowly revealed on interaction/forced actions/time
I like the idea of hidden traits. Not all, of course, things like Strange Eyes are obvious.
However, it will be a pain to write unique revealing checks for all of them. If there would be a way to reveal them automatically somehow...

Offline Xela

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Re: Slave Training (ST) concept
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2014, 02:56:17 PM »

- Obviously but suicides should be very uncommon.

- I always hated MC buildup process for some reason and always ended up choosing best mathematically sound option based on guides/faqs in most games... personal thing I guess. Also making those things trully relevant is also pretty hard.

- Obvious again. We should reveal those randomly unless enforced by an event, easier that way.
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