
Author Topic: Writer's Room  (Read 19999 times)

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Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2015, 03:44:29 PM »
At Crazy's request, I've been plugging away at the Escort job. I have the first level completed for review, attached for anyone with any suggestions or changes before I get too deep in the other 8.

The general concept is this:

1) You can gain access to upper-echelon clients not by random rolls (9 being a King, and 1 being a Commoner), but rather by checking the fame of the escort girl. A girl with 90 fame might be able to pull the King as a client, on the 25% chance that he is available that week. If he is not, she goes down to the 25% chance the Prince is available. This continues for all the specific characters. A bureaucrat is always available. Consequently, a starting girl with no fame can only pull deadbeats, and a very famous girl will probably be hired by someone in the royal family.

2) Each mission involves various skills checks, depending on what that client in particular is looking for. We'll use Deadbeat as an example, since we just wrote it. Each phase of the mission will result in a score, with the score tallying at the end to see if the client hates the girl and refuses to pay, endures the girl and pays but does not ask for more, likes the girl and asks for more, or completely falls for the girl.

3) The Preparation phase checks Service, which dictates whether the girl arrives late and unprepared at one extreme or arrives perfectly on time after doing extensive research into the client's bio and personality on the other extreme.

4) The Meeting phase is her first impression, and goes to Beauty. Any additional traits will also be factored, but not everyone is a breast man, so while most clients will enjoy her huge tits, some may not.

5) The Conversation phase checks different skills for different clients. The deadbeat is not a skilled dude, so he does not care about her intelligence, and only her Charisma will be checked. As this date is at a bar, your girl might ruin everything if she is an alcoholic.

6) The Results phase tallies up her scores on the above checks and determines how much the client pays and whether he wants to keep the evening going. It also checks the girl's morality and libido to see if she wants to keep it going, too.

7) The Sex phase, if your girl reaches it, checks various sexual skills depending on what the two of them end up doing.

Her performance on all of these skills dictates her pay and her change in fame at the end of the mission. A great performance could result in over 10 increased fame, while a terrible performance could decrease it by maybe up to 5. This fame, which becomes her reputation as an escort, potentially opens her to new clients.

I'm contemplating making some of these missions dependent on whether you have gifted the escort girl suitable clothing. While she doesn't need anything special for the deadbeat or the commoner, the bureaucrat may require her to have a bourgeois dress in her inventory, which will automatically equip for the mission. The king may require some pretty expensive stuff. Obviously, though, the payout will be much greater.

I'm also tempted to make it so that the King might choose the girl as one of his mistresses or concubines. If she does truly great on his mission and is free, he will make the offer and she will accept, leaving your services. He will tip you well for your trouble, but you are out your best escort girl. If she is a slave, he will make an offer of purchase that you can't refuse. It'll be hefty, but again, you are out your best escort girl. Should I go with this, or would it cause too much heartache for people? I mean, if you don't want to risk it, you could just make sure she never is given the right clothes, so she can never take his assignment.


Offline crazy

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #31 on: October 21, 2015, 06:04:36 PM »
Impressed u wrote all that in one night.  U pretty much nailed how I wanted the job handled good job cant wait to start coding it up.

Offline GonDra

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #32 on: October 21, 2015, 07:36:59 PM »
I finally took the time to look over my notes and the most recent source-code and ended up adding a few more lines/variations to the whore job.
Changed cGirls.cpp is here:

I also started to work on what I had envisioned as replacement for the randomized lines. More precisely I worked on one for the Anal act, since it didn't have one at all.
Although I wrote something like one and a half pages, it still needs a lot more work so I will not post it for now. I hope that I will have finished a rough version till Saturday.

Offline crazy

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2015, 01:49:34 PM »
I finally took the time to look over my notes and the most recent source-code and ended up adding a few more lines/variations to the whore job.
Changed cGirls.cpp is here:

I also started to work on what I had envisioned as replacement for the randomized lines. More precisely I worked on one for the Anal act, since it didn't have one at all.
Although I wrote something like one and a half pages, it still needs a lot more work so I will not post it for now. I hope that I will have finished a rough version till Saturday.
Got it merged in and will be in my next update to the SVN thanks man.  Cant wait to see more.

Offline dmotrl

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2015, 03:06:50 PM »
1) You can gain access to upper-echelon clients not by random rolls (9 being a King, and 1 being a Commoner), but rather by checking the fame of the escort girl. A girl with 90 fame might be able to pull the King as a client, on the 25% chance that he is available that week.
I'm contemplating making some of these missions dependent on whether you have gifted the escort girl suitable clothing. While she doesn't need anything special for the deadbeat or the commoner, the bureaucrat may require her to have a bourgeois dress in her inventory, which will automatically equip for the mission. The king may require some pretty expensive stuff. Obviously, though, the payout will be much greater.
Gaining the King as a client, I think, ought to be a lot harder than just having high Fame.  A Prince or other family member *might* be able to sneak out and slum it at a bar, but unless the establishment and the Escort are top-notch, someone with that position either wouldn't find it worth the risk or wouldn't be able to make it work.

Item requirements for different jobs is a good idea, though it might be simpler to require the girl having certain *categories* of items, rather than specific items.  A deadbeat might not require any items, for example, but a Bureaucrat might need the girl to have a Dress, Shoes, and at least one piece of Jewelry.  Requiring specific items - except perhaps for Unique customers - seems a little odd when several pieces of Apparel mention their ability to transform or cast illusions to appear as something else.

I'm also tempted to make it so that the King might choose the girl as one of his mistresses or concubines. If she does truly great on his mission and is free, he will make the offer and she will accept, leaving your services. He will tip you well for your trouble, but you are out your best escort girl. If she is a slave, he will make an offer of purchase that you can't refuse. It'll be hefty, but again, you are out your best escort girl. Should I go with this, or would it cause too much heartache for people? I mean, if you don't want to risk it, you could just make sure she never is given the right clothes, so she can never take his assignment.
Depends on the laws of Crossgate :P  Though, I'd think that refusing to sell a slave to the King ought to be doable, provided the player is willing to take a (hefty?) disposition/popularity check - the guy who told the King to go away might not suffer any legal penalties, depending on how well the King takes it, but if word gets out then the City Guard is going to be a little slower than usual coming to his aid, and 'loyal' citizens might target the player's operations almost exclusively.

For the text ...
girlName “ is mute, and while some men enjoy a woman who stays silent, these men are not paying escorts to engage them in conversation. ...
Aren't they?  If they're not paying them to engage in conversation, would it really matter if they're mute?  And the note for 'Deaf' outright states that conversation is critical to an Escort's success.  So shouldn't the 'not' be removed?

Nothing else I noticed, although maybe run a check for 'Social Drinker,' either on its own or to counteract any Alcoholism?  Honestly, there are a lot of traits that could affect the writing ...

Status Traits (Noble, Princess, etc) could serve to impress higher-status characters and/or increase Effective Fame.  Lower-status clients might either be overawed (- Points) or arrogant (+ Points) at having someone of higher status be their Escort.

Dominatrix might give a straight + or - to Points, based on whether the client likes having less control over the flow of discussion.

Job traits might give different lines of dialogue, or awe/excite clients like higher Status traits if the girl's fame is good enough (Porn Star or Actress).

Just a few thoughts.

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2015, 09:54:44 AM »
Great stuff, dmotril; thanks!

Gaining the King as a client, I think, ought to be a lot harder than just having high Fame.  A Prince or other family member *might* be able to sneak out and slum it at a bar, but unless the establishment and the Escort are top-notch, someone with that position either wouldn't find it worth the risk or wouldn't be able to make it work
I think we can place a class restriction as well, requiring the girl to be Noble, Princess, or Queen. Otherwise I suppose he wouldn't be wasting his time, would he?

Item requirements for different jobs is a good idea, though it might be simpler to require the girl having certain *categories* of items, rather than specific items.  A deadbeat might not require any items, for example, but a Bureaucrat might need the girl to have a Dress, Shoes, and at least one piece of Jewelry.  Requiring specific items - except perhaps for Unique customers - seems a little odd when several pieces of Apparel mention their ability to transform or cast illusions to appear as something else.
Good catch. I forgot about those.

Finally, as regards the "deaf" trait: yeah, I worded that ambiguously and will go and fix it. What I was trying to say is that the kind of people who enjoy a girl who is forced to stay silent are not the same kind of people that hire girls for conversations, but it came out... confused. Quick fix, though!

All in all, great ideas, and thanks.

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2015, 01:49:16 PM »
I've attached the Escort: Commoner text in txt and Word formats.

Dmotrl correctly mentioned that I had not been using all the possible traits, such as Social Drinker, with the Deadbeat mission. I am thinking about scaling up the number of traits that become relevant as the missions become more difficult.

For the Commoner mission, where the client is taking her to a restaurant he cannot usually afford, elegance and refinement are a major plus. If she is a Dominatrix and commandeers the conversation, this could be bad (she is not refined enough to steer the conversation towards appropriate topics and ends up embarrassing him) or very good (he is not familiar with upper-middle class entertainment, and her control of the conversation allows them to look like they are both experts to anyone observing). Social drinker here is always a bad thing. Even though the girl can hold her liquor well, he's paying for it, and all the money he spends there is money he does not have to tip her later. A more wealthy patron might be happy to see his escort loosening up with that third bottle of wine, but a commoner on the town definitely will feel the sting.

As for some of these future missions: shit's about to get weird. There are only so many generic dates we can write before it gets super boring. So I think the Regular will want to impress his boss with a dinner date with the boss's wife and the Regular's new "girlfriend." The Mayor will fantasize about seducing a spirited constituent that arrives at the council meetings to protest some new ordinance. The Sheriff will want a hard challenge seducing a girl with high morality, rather than the dregs of society he has to see every day. (No judgment, fellow dregs of society!) That should keep things interesting, plus it will give our people some individual character. And as dmotrl mentioned, we can add some brothel benefits (reduced suspicion, for example) when an Escort does a great job with an elected official.

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2015, 05:22:35 PM »
And here is the Regular mission, attached in both formats. This one uses a bunch of different traits to gauge success, and if you do everything right, there is the possibility for some group action.

Offline xienchaudau

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2015, 02:57:20 PM »
Wait, wait, where's this svn, and how do i compile it?

Offline crazy

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2015, 05:46:31 PM »
Wait, wait, where's this svn, and how do i compile it?

As far as how to compile it search around the net and u might find something that can explain it cause Im not good at that kinda thing.  But most of the stuff that has been posted in here isn't even in the SVN yet it still has to be coded.

Offline jonwich

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2015, 07:05:12 PM »
It can be compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio, 2013. Tried it earlier, but there are a few errors (Probably minor syntax errors) that prevent it. I wasn't able to fix them, but if you can, it's relatively easy to compile.

Offline jonwich

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #41 on: November 05, 2015, 12:31:33 AM »
Still alive here folks. This past month was retardedly busy, and we're going into the busiest season for my profession. (I'm a baker. I make tasty shit.) Still, I'm hoping to get some writing done soon, and I've been monkeying around in the code, trying to figure out better ways to format my content for Crazy, and just generally marveling at how these things work. Between that, and some of the great additions people have been making, I've been looking at changing up my writing style a bit, trying to get some trait and skill based lines going to build scenes that are a bit more unique, and then follow that with the more occasional larger, story-like scenes I'm used to writing. That way it doesn't get completely stale reading them, and they feel special. (Yeah, my scenes have feelings. They're special snowflakes.)

In the meantime, I thought I'd give you guys a quick update. A couple weeks ago, Crazy and I tooled around with some troubleshooting and bugfixing. Crazy walked me through getting the game to build and making some small changes to make that possible. The game and the new scenes are mostly working, apparently as intended. Bsin's changes are pretty masterful, as are lyje's changes, and both are seeming to be working well. The one job that was acting up was the puppygirl job. Go figure. xD Probably because I gave Crazy the idea to do something clever for animal training (Puppy, pony, etc. ) and he devised a system to make it incremental, so it's not a simple new trait or job, or stat, but something that actually takes time and can't so far as we know be cheated. Meaning you will actually take your time breaking the girl, putting her through her paces, and running a fairly full gamut of scenes. Still, that's the current hangup. Crazy's got some other changes he's been working on going, and he's going to try and get the puppygirl crisis sorted out so that we can test and possibly get a release going in the next week or so. (Really the job seems to work quite well, as intended, except the scenes seem to be restricted to like 3-4 scenes out of a possible what, 30?) Perhaps we can think of a way to have a girl already come trained (bought) too. If we do, I might release some real girl puppygirl packs that are specific to the puppygirl job. It would have to be kinda specific anyway, wouldn't it, since it's only scenes as a puppygirl. I've got a decent collection of real girl cowgirl images too, if we get into that. I'll work on ponies eventually.

In the meantime, I'm going to ~try~ to get some writing done. We'll see what happens. I want to get some significant stuff done, but if not, it's because my sorry ass is inside an oven cooking myself out of stress.

Offline lyje1618

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Re: Writer's Room
« Reply #42 on: November 05, 2015, 09:51:50 PM »
(I'm a baker. I make tasty shit.)
And in the same paragraph:
That way it doesn't get completely stale reading them, and they feel special.

I see what you did there!  ;)

Also still alive, also buried in work. Will hopefully be finishing the escort missions soon. Looking forward to seeing how the build comes out, because I don't even know how to compile the damned thing.