
Author Topic: Whore Master 7  (Read 136045 times)

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Offline amlumgzk

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #75 on: December 18, 2022, 03:24:54 AM »
Unfortunately, all the game's actual computations have to happen only at the point when you click Next Week, so with lots and lots of characters is is possible to have some delay. A few seconds sounds like entirely too much, though. Maybe part of it is because I've added a bit more logging output, to make it easier to debug any problems.

Context for this message? Did you try to compile the game?

There are two parts of the source: 1) The core game, the c++ files. Here you need a C++ compiler, and cmake to handle the compilation process. Under linux, this is really simple, under windows it's probably easiest to set up something like msys2 (, which gives you a linux-like environment to compile with.
2) The scripts. Since lua scripts are only interpreted when the game is run, so you can just change the files and the new ones will be used by the game.


Offline Zephisto

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #76 on: December 18, 2022, 10:29:56 AM »
Severe errors that no longer allow the game to continue (even after reloading).
ERROR:   [traits]    Could not find trait: ress.xml.performance
ERROR:   Other error (but i can continue):
"_Map_base::at" on a red windows
« Last Edit: December 18, 2022, 10:34:41 AM by Zephisto »

Offline h1262216

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #77 on: December 18, 2022, 06:28:59 PM »
FAILED: G:/crazys-wm-mod-7.2.1-alpha5/crazys-wm-mod-7.2.1-alpha5/src/game/events.h
cmd.exe /C "cd /D G:\123\src\game && Python3::Interpreter G:/crazys-wm-mod-7.2.1-alpha5/crazys-wm-mod-7.2.1-alpha5/src/game/../codegen/ G:/crazys-wm-mod-7.2.1-alpha5/crazys-wm-mod-7.2.1-alpha5/Resources/Scripts G:/crazys-wm-mod-7.2.1-alpha5/crazys-wm-mod-7.2.1-alpha5/src/game/events.h"
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is repair error ?)
I don't have a D drive ((((

Do you have python installed at some place where cmake can find it? I think the `Python3::Interpreter` part should actually refer to the python executable. Python is used to auto-generate some files, though in principle it should be possible to compile without.

Thanks for the report. Do you have anyone in therapy or similar treatments? I recently fixed a problem (this version is not yet uploaded) where nonsense traits would be generated by the game, and "ress.xml.performance" looks pretty much like such an error.

Offline Zephisto

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2022, 07:32:40 AM »
Thanks for the report. Do you have anyone in therapy or similar treatments? I recently fixed a problem (this version is not yet uploaded) where nonsense traits would be generated by the game, and "ress.xml.performance" looks pretty much like such an error.

Yes, girls in the center (not in therapy, all in "free time"), the error occurs when I click on "more details", on the girls in the slave market or in the center or in a brothel

Offline h1262216

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #79 on: December 19, 2022, 07:49:59 PM »
I've updated the code on github so that it should just not regenerate these files if it cannot find a python interpreter. In most cases, this should be fine, please let me know if this fixes the problem.

sounds like the treatment bug, this is already fixed in the code which will be in the next version

Offline amlumgzk

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #80 on: December 21, 2022, 01:58:22 AM »
seems like work
but i not sure....

FAILED: CMakeFiles/install.util
cmd.exe /C "cd /D G:\crazys-wm-mod-master\crazys-wm-mod-master\cmake-build-debug && "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\CLion 2022.2.1\bin\cmake\win\bin\cmake.exe" -P cmake_install.cmake"
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:141 (file):
  file INSTALL cannot find
  File exists.

EXE work

Offline renat

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #81 on: December 31, 2022, 04:35:04 PM »
I've run into the same problem as zephisto.

Also im having a issue where girls that should only be born as my daughter are showing up as randoms in town.

They are self made with the 8.32 editor.

Offline h1262216

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #82 on: January 15, 2023, 05:30:08 PM »
Thanks for the clarification, I think I misunderstood the original problem -- I was looking for cases where a(any!) girl would be born as the player's daughter, and no girl appeared instead.

Offline h1262216

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #83 on: January 17, 2023, 10:37:01 AM »
Hi all,
I've uploaded a new release on github:

The main change is that the mechanics of how traits are gained/lost during jobs have been updated. Instead of being based on how well a girl likes doing that job, they now track their progress individually: Each girl keeps track of the progress she has made towards gaining/losing a trait, and only once this reaches 100% does she get/lose the trait. The progress towards traits can be seen under "More Details" in the girl details screen, below her job preferences. If a trait does not make any progress for 10 consecutive shifts, its progress starts to decay towards zero.
How much progress she makes can depend on her stats, skills, and on how well she is doing that job.
I've prepared a table that shows which trait is gained/lost by which job, and how many shifts (not weeks!) it takes for a trait to change, if the girl had all stats maxed out.

Most regular trait changes are now specified as part of the job xml files, with the exception of those that only happen if a certain event occurs during the job processing. There are still some weird cases possible, for example a girl could make progress both towards gaining Optimist and Pessimist trait at the same time, instead of one being the counter to the other. I'm not sure yet how to address that, but it should be relatively rare that this really makes a difference.

Please let me know what you think, and if you think there are traits that should be added/removed from a job but currently aren't, or the other way around. I'm also not quite sure about how fast these changes should happen---I think it should be quite slow, so it doesn't cheapen too much the traits with which you acquire a girl.

Here are the tables. Not pretty, but they contain the basic information.

Offline renat

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #84 on: January 17, 2023, 05:11:56 PM »
I really like the idea. It'll be more fun and immersive this way. Now you aren't forced to use someone whos not cut out for a job till you find some one better. You can have them grow into there rolls.
Having it show how long they have till they gain the trait will give the game a more RPGesc feel which I dig. :) 

Maybe add the tables to the "Docs&Tools" folder?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 05:49:11 PM by renat »

Offline renat

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #85 on: January 17, 2023, 05:25:27 PM »
Thanks for the clarification, I think I misunderstood the original problem -- I was looking for cases where a(any!) girl would be born as the player's daughter, and no girl appeared instead.

It may be cause of how the girls where created. My girls where made with the drop down "this girl can only be born as your daughter" in the girlmaker, but another user said that your version looks for the "Your Daughter" perk to decide who should be a random and who should be a daughter.

In WM6 the "your Daughter perk is automatically given to any girl born as your daughter, so none of my girls have that perk by default.

Offline h1262216

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #86 on: January 18, 2023, 06:23:33 PM »
I really like the idea. It'll be more fun and immersive this way. Now you aren't forced to use someone whos not cut out for a job till you find some one better. You can have them grow into there rolls.
Having it show how long they have till they gain the trait will give the game a more RPGesc feel which I dig. :) 

Maybe add the tables to the "Docs&Tools" folder?
Thanks for noticing, I just forgot to copy these files into the zip.

Unfortunately, I don't think the your daughter spawn has a quick fix, and my priorities are currently on something else, so that it probably will take a while till I can get to that.
What I'm trying right now is to, finally, finish the long-term project of trying to unify all the job processing code. I've done bits and pieces so far, things that worked well in isolation, like giving all the production/crafting kind of jobs the same basic code, but now I'm trying to do the things that actually interact, and need to be changed together -- which is a lot, since the job code is closely interwove with the building and customer processing, and even the gold tracking. I still found some things that work standalone, e.g. the new trait gain mechanism is actually a consequence of that effort.

I now have a second candidate, which is the job enjoyment code. What I'm planning to do:
* Drastically reduce the number of different "enjoyments" there are -- right now, the game has 36 different activities/actions a girl can enjoy, so far for the new code I've got 12. These are
"fighting", "fucking", "stripping and teasing", "crafting", "working on the farm", "preparing food and drinks", "physical labor", "social interactions", "mental labor", "working in the medical field",            "performing", "providing services". Did I miss anything?
* Instead of the girl (almost) automatically starting to enjoy the job you assign her to after some time, do the following: Get the current enjoyment values of the actions associated with the job, and combine them with the girls happiness to get a starting enjoyment. Add some modifiers (less enjoyment if very tired or really bad at the job, traits, if you let her keep tips, etc. ) and a bit of randomization. Certain events during the shift also could influence the enjoyment. After the shift, compare the enjoyment value of the shift with that originally associated with the actions, and if it was better or worse, there is a chance that she'll start liking that action more/less.
The consequence should be that if you keep a girl working a job while she is unhappy, she'll start to associate the unhappiness with these activities and start enjoying them less. Also, if a job combines two activities, you could user her love for one of them to increase her enjoyment of the other.
* Each job should also have a basic enjoyment value, depending on how enjoyable it is by default, e.g. Free Time would have a very high value here, whereas "Film Public BDSM" should have a negative value. If that works as I hope it will, that would mean that even if a girl generally enjoys fucking, she would enjoy this job much less than an "easier" fucking-type job, so unless she has some corresponding traits her enjoyment of fucking would actually go down if you make her do this many times.

I've partially implemented this. I still have to figure out a good way to integrate the "will she do the job this shift" checks into this, which should in some way combine obedience, fear, love, and her enjoyment of the job.

Any thoughts?

Offline renat

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #87 on: January 18, 2023, 06:51:12 PM »
hmm for my personal use this game is more of a colletathon game for the 1000+ girls I intend to eventfully have, so the more convoluted things get, the more time I have to spend micromanaging. So i like the idea of simplifying the job enjoyments, but also I kind rely on the girls eventfully likening the job they are given. also the more complex you make the job interactions the less clear it becomes how they go about using those mechanics. tool tips may be needed eventually or tutorial popup or a help tab?  there mechanics in wm6 that I have no idea what they are for or how there work( fame/disposition all over the place week to week and what does disposition even effect?)

idk maybe the matron could help keep girls for getting to upset with there jobs?

Offline Zephisto

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #88 on: January 19, 2023, 04:32:58 PM »
With the new release, i have the same error than before :

INFO:    [interface] Push Window 'Girl Details'
ERROR:   [traits]    Could not find trait: Dependant
ERROR:   [interface] An error occurred when trying to initialize 'Girl Details'
ERROR:   [interface] Error when handling MouseClick event at (269, 387): Could not find trait: Dependant
DEBUG:               Loaded XML File .\Resources\Interface\Light-16-9\popup_message.xml

The bug income after sending girls in treatement in the centre

Offline h1262216

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Re: Whore Master 7
« Reply #89 on: January 21, 2023, 02:18:11 PM »
@Zephisto, thanks for reporting, it appears there are some spelling errors in the job xml files. I've fixed them, and also changed the code to validate that traits exists already when the game is loaded, so that there is less chance of such a thing going unnoticed.

@renat For the Advertise job, there is actually already something similar, in that it can generate an event where the girl says that she doesn't like the job and wants to be reassigned. When unifying the code for all jobs, I guess it makes sense to allow this more generally.