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Offline aevojoey

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« on: June 06, 2014, 10:08:30 AM »
--- Items ---
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The .itemsx files   (Second post)

I am repurposing this thread for general item explanation - the original text of this thread has been moved down here.

Items are stored in the "./Resources/Items" folder and their file extension is ".itemsx".

The Player's inventory can contain up to 3000 item entries.
Each entry can have up to 999 of that item, if there are 999 and you add another of the same item, it will create a new entry with 1 of that item.

Girls can hold up to 40 items with each entry being only 1 of that item.
If a girl has more of an item category than she can use, the worse items are sold off.
 - (I will eventually make them give them back to the player's inventory instead of selling them)

Some jobs do not allow the girl to carry weapons or wear armor.
If she has weapons or armor equipped when she starts one of those jobs, she will take them off.
She will also put on her equipment when she gets ready for a job that needs them.
If she has a Hat and a Helmet, she will wear the Hat for non combat jobs and the Helmet for combat jobs.
If a girl has both Shoes and Combat Shoes, she will switch between them as the job requires.
There are a few traits that will make the girl not want to remove (or put on) her equipment. (Aggressive, Yandere, Twisted, Retarded)
You can also disable this by setting "AutoCombatEquip" to false in config.xml.

Items are divided into several categories:
Food and Makeup
Food and Makeup are grouped together as "Consumables" in the game's inventory list.
The girl can hold as many as you want to give her (up to the previously mentioned limit).
Unlike all other item types, when Food and Makeup are used, they are removed from inventory.
Many Food and Makeup have temporary effects, this means each turn they lose 30% of their numbers until they get to 0.
If a temporary item gives a Trait, that trait will last a certain number of turns until it wears off.

Miscellaneous items are general items that don't fit in any other category.
They can be furniture, pets, books, or basically anything.
The girl can hold as many Misc items as you want to give her (up to the previously mentioned limit).

Small Weapon
The girl can have up to 2 Small Weapons.
These can be carried at any time.

The girl can have up to 2 Weapons.
If she is working in a job that does not allow weapons, she will most likely take them off.

The girl can only have 1 suit of Armor.
If she is working in a job that does not allow Armor, she will most likely take it off.

The girl can only have 1 Shield.
If she is working in a job that does not allow Armor, she will most likely take it off.

The girl can only have 1 Hat.
She can equip either a Hat or a Helmet but not both.

The girl can only have 1 Helmet.
She can equip either a Hat or a Helmet but not both.
If she is working in a job that does not allow Armor, she will most likely take it off.

The girl can only have 1 pair of Shoes.
She can equip either Shoes or Combat Shoes but not both.

Combat Shoes
The girl can only have 1 pair of Combat Shoes.
She can equip either Shoes or Combat Shoes but not both.
If she is working in a job that does not allow Armor, she will most likely take them off.

The girl can have up to 2 Armbands.

The girl can only have 1 Dress.

The girl can only have 1 pair of Glasses.

The girl can only have 1 Necklace.

The girl can have up to 8 Rings.
(Rings currently includes earrings and piercings but they may get divided into individual piercing locations eventually.)

The girl can only have 1 Swimsuit.

The girl can only have 1 set of Underwear.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 04:24:27 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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Items - The .itemsx files
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2014, 10:08:47 AM »

Required > Required only for certain Items > Important but not required > Optional > New (optional)

<Items>   All .itemsx files must start with this.
<Item    The individual items are divided into their own section.
Name   The Name of the item.
If there are more than one identically named items, when the game loads, existing items will be set as the first item found.
To differentiate items of the same name with different effects, use spaces, commas and periods.
Desc   The Description of the item.
At the end of the description, some items have their effects listed in parenthesis.
This is optional but helps the player choose who to give it to.
Type   What category they item belongs to. (Listed above)
Badness   How bad the item is for the girl.
Special   How the item affects the girl: "None" or "Temporary" (there is also "AffectsAll" but it doesn't work properly.
Cost   How much gold the item costs. Also, if you sell the item, you get half the cost for it.
Rarity   How commonly the item will appear in the shop or will be found in the catacombs.
Infinite   If the item is sold in the shop, will they carry an unlimited supply of them?
GirlBuyChance   Percent chance that a girl will buy it if she goes shopping.
ItemWeight   How much the item weighs (not used yet)

<Effect   Each of the Item's effects gets its own tag.
What   What is affected: "Stat", "Skill", "Trait", "Enjoy" or "GirlStatus"
Name   Then the name of what is affected.
Amount   How much it is affected.
For Traits, if it is to be added Amount="1" and if it is to be removed Amount="0"
Duration   If the item is temporary, how long the effects last.
This is only used for Traits and GirlStatus.

<Craft   Added for .06.01.20
Each method available for the making of the Item gets its own tag.
Where the item can be made by girls in game.
Currently only "Blacksmith" and "Make Items" use this method of item selection.

Each girl gets an amount of Craft Points based on her job performance.
A girl with 100 in all stats and skills plus level 20 with no traits would get 242 Craft Points.
The Craft Points listed in the .itemsx file is how many of those points she needs in order to create the item.
It represents both time and materials as well as any enchantments needed for magical items.
A Shiv, the simplest item to make, costs 5 Craft Points.
A full suit of Plate Armor would cost 200 Craft Points.
While there is no maximum Craft Point cost, depending on traits, a girl could probably only get about 400 Craft Points.

For each item, some skills and stats need to be checked to see if the girl can make the item.
C_Level   All but the simplest items require the girl to have at least some experience to make.
C_Strength   Most items made by Blacksmiths require Strength in order to lift and forge the metal.
C_Intelligence   Any magical and advanced items require Intelligence to know how to make them properly.
C_Crafting   Crafting is the main skill needed to make items.
C_Magic   Magic is obviously needed to create magic items.
C_Service   Service is a catchall skill that is used for making clothes and simple items.
C_Combat   Knowing how to use the weapons and armor you are making helps greatly.
C_Medicine   Medicine is needed to make non-magical drugs and items used on the body.
C_Herbalism   Herbalism is needed to make potions and other plant based items.
C_Cooking   Cooking is needed to make food items.
C_Brewing   Brewing is needed to make drinks and potions.
C_Farming   Farming is used not so much to make items, but rather to grow them.
C_AnimalHandling   Animal Handling likewise does not make items, it is used to capture and tame animals.

</Item>   This marks the end of the individual item.
</Items>   All .itemsx files must end with this.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 10:16:24 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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Jobs that Make Items
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2014, 10:08:57 AM »
Several of the farm jobs and the Blacksmith at the Arena can make items.

Arena Jobs
Blacksmith   Added for .06.01.20
Makes weapons, armor and other items out of metal.
Uses customizable .itemsx files

Farm Jobs
Makes food items
Only some items are hard coded into the game

Beast Capture
Can capture pets and other animals
Only some items are hard coded into the game

Makes drinks
Only some items are hard coded into the game

Makes meat items
Only some items are hard coded into the game

Collects plant items
Only some items are hard coded into the game

Make Item
Makes general items
Uses customizable .itemsx files

Make Potions
Makes potions
Only some items are hard coded into the game

Doesn't add items yet but will produce some milk based on the girl's traits.
Only some items are hard coded into the game

Produces normal cow milk
Only some items are hard coded into the game

Tailor   Added for .06.01.20
Creates clothes.

Cobbler   Added for .06.01.20
Creates shoes and leather items.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 10:11:55 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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Wanted Items
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2014, 10:09:06 AM »
These are Items requested by someone.
If you can make these items, or improve on them, please do so.
Food items that can be farmed

Most herbs will probably not be game items, but rather tracked in the farm stock, but if someone makes an item, it will be used
Need herbs that the girls can use to make potions
Herb name, level of the herb (from 1-9), use, etc.

Small potions that can be produced by the herbalists
There are levels of potions that can be produced using different levels of herbs that are grown/bought
We need anything from lowest +1 temporary stat/skill potions to the highest +100 permanent stat/skill
Basically any potion will be tried
If you can, provide something of how it is made, herb levels needed, potion base (water, milk, beer, blood)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 04:08:03 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline aevojoey

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ITEMS - Help Wanted - Original post
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2014, 10:09:16 AM »
I am repurposing this thread - This was the text of the original thread

With the farm coming out soon we need some items for it.
Some of what we need is listed here -
Wanted Items
Any help is appreciated.

If you are adding an item that is not already in the game or adding an alternate version of an existing item,
 - Attach the ".itemsx" file to your post
 - Note in your post the names of the items in the attached file.
In the .\Resources folder is a file "!0 Itemsx-contents.txt". This should help you understand how the itemsx files should look.

If it is too game breaking it will be either toned down or not included.

In version .05p I created a new section of the game code that allows the girls to get benefits from items each turn.

If you want to help, start writing some texts for items that the girl keeps and can get benefits from.
(This is not for single use items, but if you want to add one, here is the best place to submit it.)
Short, single line texts are best because they are all added into the same daily summary box.

Format your submissions like this:

Item:   (The item name)
Tests:  A - (Any conditions that must take place)
Text:   A - (What the summary message will say)
Effect: A - (What happens) (Usually having something similar to what the item text says or the effects that are gained when giving the item to her.)

Multiple (Tests, Text and Effect) can be added to each item.
Use {girl name} when you want the girls name in the text
Use {#-#} for ranges of numbers.
Use { } for anything that may be a variable.

As examples, here are a few things I have already added:

Item:   Android, Assistance
Text:   "Her Assistance Android swept up and took out the trash for her.\n\n";
Effect: cleans building by 5

Item:   Appreciation Trophy
Tests:  pclove must be higher than pchate-10, only if she is doing a cleaning job
Text:   "While cleaning, {girl name} came across her Appreciation Trophy and smiled."
Effect: pclove+1

Item:   Art Easel
Text:    "{girl name} managed to sell one of her paintings for {1-30} gold"
Effect: {1-30} gold, happiness +(gold/5), fame+1
Tests:  2% chance per day

Item:   Television Set
Tests:  A - not doing a resting job
Text:   A - "At the end of her long day, {girl name} flopped down in front of her Television Set and relaxed.";
Effect: A - tiredness -3
Tests:  B - doing a resting job
Text:   B - "{girl name} spent most of her day lounging in front of her Television Set.";
Effect: B - tiredness -5, 5% chance of intelligence-1

Example tests:
 - working a matron job
 - working a cleaning job
 - working a resting job
 - working a sex job
 - working a combat job (not the combat itself but a job like security, training or city guard)
 - #% chance
 - if she has a skill, stat or trait

You may now post.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 02:19:23 PM by aevojoey »
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Offline a3535196

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2014, 10:34:03 AM »
aevojoey, please provide us with a list of items that you still need suggestions for to avoid redundancy.

Also the question which keeps me up by night (sorta), will the AI understand the items' effects for its own girls and utilize them as well? Ultimately the game is a competition with the AI so we don't want any unfair advantage.

Offline aevojoey

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2014, 11:01:25 AM »
aevojoey, please provide us with a list of items that you still need suggestions for to avoid redundancy.
In this case redundancy is good, Items can have as many options as are submitted.
Currently all items need text.
The 4 extra posts are reserved for the lists of items.

Also the question which keeps me up by night (sorta), will the AI understand the items' effects for its own girls and utilize them as well? Ultimately the game is a competition with the AI so we don't want any unfair advantage.
Not sure exactly what you mean;

If you mean will the game compare the item owner's name to the item name?
If the item "Amy's Hammer" is owned by a girl named "Amy" ...  "Hermione's Wand" ...  "Jessica's Dress"  ...  "Ruby's Socks"
- Make it as a "Test: " for that item and I will try to make it work

If you mean a rival gang's girls?
They currently do not have/use items.
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Offline a3535196

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2014, 11:08:14 AM »
Here are some more for TV & Easel.

Item:   Television Set
Tests:  C - not doing a resting job
Text:   C - "After finishing her too many responsibilities, {girl name} barely had time to enjoy her TV.";
Effect: C - tiredness -2
Tests:  D - doing a resting job
Text:   D - "{girl name} managed to watch her favorite series, which was a great relief";
Effect: D - tiredness -7, 5% chance of intelligence-1
Tests: E - doing a resting job
Text: E - "There's little which can restore a girl's energy more than a funny show";
Effect: E - tiredness -10, happiness +2
Tests: F: working a sex job
Text: F - "What do you think a girl with such a job will watch on TV?";
Effect: F - sex skill +2

Item:   Art Easel
Text:  B  "{girl name} painted a beautiful garden, which distracted her from her miserable condition";
Effect: B happiness +5
Tests: B 20% chance per day

If you mean a rival gang's girls?
They currently do not have/use items.

Yes that's what I mean. I think the game is a bit too easy with all the unfair advantages the human player gets over the stupid AI. You just mentioned items are only utilized by players, and maybe there's even more stuff the AI doesn't understand. Does the AI get a profit percentage boost at least or something to keep the game challenging?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 01:41:53 PM by a3535196 »

Offline torrentsearcher

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2014, 03:19:35 PM »
the tv stuff looks nice, but who says only girls who feel miserable like painting? either add a test if her happiness is low for that text, or maybe change it to "painted a portrait of her customer which he liked, buying it for (gold 1-30)" if she´s doing a sexjob. if not, maybe something a little more like "(girl) spent her free time with pencil and paper, creating some amazing landscapes that u allow her to sell for (money). u keep (%) of  the income"

Here are some more for TV & Easel.

Item:   Television Set
Tests:  C - not doing a resting job
Text:   C - "After finishing her too many responsibilities, {girl name} barely had time to enjoy her TV.";
Effect: C - tiredness -2
Tests:  D - doing a resting job
Text:   D - "{girl name} managed to watch her favorite series, which was a great relief";
Effect: D - tiredness -7, 5% chance of intelligence-1
Tests: E - doing a resting job
Text: E - "There's little which can restore a girl's energy more than a funny show";
Effect: E - tiredness -10, happiness +2
Tests: F: working a sex job
Text: F - "What do you think a girl with such a job will watch on TV?";
Effect: F - sex skill +2

Item:   Art Easel
Text:  B  "{girl name} painted a beautiful garden, which distracted her from her miserable condition";
Effect: B happiness +5
Tests: B 20% chance per day

Yes that's what I mean. I think the game is a bit too easy with all the unfair advantages the human player gets over the stupid AI. You just mentioned items are only utilized by players, and maybe there's even more stuff the AI doesn't understand. Does the AI get a profit percentage boost at least or something to keep the game challenging?

and maybe something like:

First Aid Kit
Test: Doing Matron Job?
Test: Intelligence >70
Test: Girl health <20 after fight
Effect: Girl health +20, girl taken off duty
Text: {matron} finds {girl} all beaten up after a fight she was in. {matron} patches her up to the best of her abilities and sends her to her room to rest and heal up. She probably saved u a girl. Maybe u should invest into better security?
Test: matron intelligence <70 but >40
Effect: girl taken off duty
Text: {matron} finds {girl} hurt badly and manages to bandage the worst bruises. She takes her off duty. She is pretty concerned about how bad u protect her girls.
Test: matron intelligence <40
Effect: girl health -10, matron happiness -50
Text: {matron} discovers {girl} beaten up badly and tries to help her, giving first aid. She´s totally overwhelmed with the situation and fails badly, not even managing to patch the worst bruises on {girl}. She breaks down crying and watches as others take care of {girl}. 

And to add some more use to the things u can buy at the shop or find (and noticing that plenty of girls are nymphmaniacs after a while.. ;) ) :

All Sextoys
Test: trait: nymphomaniac = yes
Test: girl owns dildo, dreidel dildo, double dildo, guard dog.... (basically anything usable for sex! )
Test: doing whore job
if whore job = yes
Effect: none
Text: Happily has customers pound her needy snatch

if whore job = no, but toy = yes
text: uses her {toy} to give her body what it needs so badly. She really wishes she´d get fucked so much more
Effect: happiness unchanged

maybe: if whorejob = no, but toy = guard dog ( for all those security giving girls... )
Effect: happiness unchanged
Text: As no men give her what her body needs, she has her trusted dog fuck her from orgasm to orgasm with his big cock. Both of them are satisfied and will work even better as a team now.

Test: no toy, no whorejob (the matrons? ;) )
Effect: happiness -5 , chance of pregnancy: 5%, chance of insemination 2%
Text: Having nobody and nothing at hand to take care of her, {girl} heads out to town to find someone (or something? ) to give her what u don´t let her have: Cock. When she returns home she´s ashamed of herself, and in a few weeks u will find out what fucking around without your brothels anti-preg potions did to her...
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 03:47:49 PM by torrentsearcher »

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2014, 04:29:46 PM »

This does provide an excellent way of re-working the books/codexes/ manuals in game, that would have the girls read/study them every day (week) and slightly improve in the specified department. Makes more sense than learning a book all at once and is more balanced IMO.
Just an example of what I mean:

Item:   Tome of Titfuck
Tests:  A - While resting
Text:   A - "{girl name} spent plenty of time on the intensive studies of the Tome of Titfuck ."
Effect: A - Titfuck +{2-4}
Tests:  B - While working

Text:   B - "When she found some time after her work, {girl name} studied Tome of Titfuck. "
Effect: B - Titfuck +{1-2}
Tests:  C - When titfuck is over or equal to 80

Text:   C - "{girl name} has no need to read the Tome of Titfuck, because her skill outmatches its contents."
Effect: C - Nothing happens

Will these items get a new category, such as "Active Item", for example? I imagine clusterfucking a single girl with a multitude of those would be problemtic or overpowered.

Also, will these be hardcoded? As in: will they only be add-able by you personally throughout the versions or will we be able to modify the item files to our hearts' contents?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 04:32:34 PM by 0nymous »

Offline aevojoey

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2014, 07:54:36 PM »
This does provide an excellent way of re-working the books/codexes/ manuals in game, that would have the girls read/study them every day (week) and slightly improve in the specified department. Makes more sense than learning a book all at once and is more balanced IMO.
For books, a good test would be if a skill level is less than the level needed for that book
Also books would get their own sub-level in the code.
If she has the Nerd trait she can read 2 books per day or 1 without it.
Mind Fucked and Retarded girls can't read.

Will these items get a new category, such as "Active Item", for example? I imagine clusterfucking a single girl with a multitude of those would be problemtic or overpowered.
No they will not get their own category.
They can only use 1 of an item.
I will add a limit to the number of items they can use each day, randomizing all the usable items she has.

Also, will these be hardcoded? As in: will they only be add-able by you personally throughout the versions or will we be able to modify the item files to our hearts' contents?
For now they will be hard coded.
The main obstacle to making it directly into xml is the tests.
When I get enough items setup, I will have a good basis for converting it to xml and add them directly to the itemsx file.

If you want to help setup a working xml format for the items, please do.

edit:  I am trying to make it xml and need suggestions for what to include,

So far I have:
Code: [Select]
<Item Name="Generic magic book" ... >
   <Effect What="Skill" Name="Magic" Amount="10"    />

   Text="{girl name} spends her free time studying 'Generic magic book'."

   <Check What="Job" Name="Resting" />
   <Check What="Stat" Name="Intelligence" Min="40" Max="100" />
   <Check What="Skill" Name="Magic" Min="0" Max="30" />
   <Check What="Trait" Name="Quick Learner" Percent="15" />
   <Effect What="Skill"  Name="Magic" Amount="1" />


I don't have much of the code started yet.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2014, 10:30:56 AM by aevojoey »
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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2014, 01:16:31 PM »
With the farm coming out soon we need some items for it.
Some of what we need is listed here - Wanted Items
Any help is appreciated.
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Offline Brozita

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2014, 08:50:36 AM »
I would like to suggest an edit of the healing salve..

Since I feel their description currently doesn't make sense. Normally when there is an overflow of a ware, like when there is infinite healing salves on sale, the price would normally drop instead of rising as it does in the game. So I would suggest making infinite healing salves spawn at a 5% rate, while lowering the price with, say 20%?

Offline aevojoey

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2014, 09:45:11 AM »
I would like to suggest an edit of the healing salve..

Since I feel their description currently doesn't make sense. Normally when there is an overflow of a ware, like when there is infinite healing salves on sale, the price would normally drop instead of rising as it does in the game. So I would suggest making infinite healing salves spawn at a 5% rate, while lowering the price with, say 20%?
The intention of having the infinite healing salves at a higher price was not that they were on sale by the same seller,
but rather, a new manufacturer of healing salves passed through town selling his for more.

Healing salves sold as single items would be pointless if you could just wait a little longer and buy hundreds more for less money.
No one would ever buy the single items if they can just wait.
Also, if they are that easy to get there would be little point to track health at all.

I added the infinite slaves because someone asked for more.
I made them more expensive to preserve game balance.

Any way you want it for your own game, you can edit your own itemsx files and set it however you want it.
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Offline Brozita

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Re: ITEMS - Help Wanted - also taking new items
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2014, 02:56:46 PM »
A new manufacturer of healing salves passed through town selling his for more.

A new manufacturer wouldn't realistically be able to find a market if he sells the same items, but more expensive.

Healing salves sold as single items would be pointless if you could just wait a little longer and buy hundreds more for less money.
No one would ever buy the single items if they can just wait.
Also, if they are that easy to get there would be little point to track health at all.

With 5% items not pop'ing up that often and the price difference not being 100% (As it is now) I wouldn't see this as a problem. Personally I just buy them if I really really need to heal a girl right meow, might be different for others.
Also it's not exactly money that I'm usually lacking...

Any way you want it for your own game, you can edit your own itemsx files and set it however you want it.

What I've been doing :s But I tend to forget moving the file out when I patch .-.